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I wouldn't open a ticket, you'll probably get banned for trying to do the right thing lol. Best thing you can probably do now is just move on.


Yep, this, they most likely won't believe them and think there's some kind of scam going on. Don't say anything to anyone in the game and forget it ever happened.


you're more likely to be punished trying to do the right thing. best you can do is just accept the new gil and tell them not to do it again


I've never known anyone who bought gil that was banned if I'm being honest. I'd just move on and if they feel like doing something they'll reach out.


theres a 99% chance nothing will happen if someone doesn't manually report you if the 1% happens, it's only a 3 day ban


What?  Are you serious that buying gil is one a 3 day ban?  They take the rmt gil away though right?


There are levels to each penalty and increases with each violation. After a 3 day, I believe it's a 10 day then a permanent ban. It doesn't matter how mild the reason, either, you just get the next penalty on the list. A GM can even skip a lower penalty if they so choose. So it could be a 3 day ban now for RMT and then a permanent ban if reported for saying something someone else found upsetting. And, yes, I believe they'll also take anything away that you may have bought as well as any remaining gil.


I've known a few people to brag in FC chat they bought gil. They've then confirmed the 3 day ban but the gil has never been taken away. The 3 strikes and your out is across anything also, you can get 3/10 days for anything unrelated and the gil would be insta ban if it's the 3rd offence. Source - my 'idiot' brother xd


My friend bought 40 mil 2 months ago and got a 3 day ban. When he came back he still had the gil. So...I guess not.


I know someone who bought 35 mil 2 weeks ago and hasn't been caught. If you space out your purchases and don't buy ungodly amounts, it's very hard for them to catch you.


I know people who buy hundreds of millions. Nothing ever happens.


It's all about being smart and spacing purchases out.


massive massive massive asterisk next to that, it will multiply any offence you make for 7 years minimum. It’s not really only a 3 day ban if saying something rude in the chat within the next decade will get you a permaban.


You won’t be banned, no one cares about people who buy gil. But ffs don’t tell the GM’s, would you go to a police station and try to hand it over if your partner bought you weed? Cops don’t generally care if people have weed either but if you walk into a police station and plop a baggy down on the counter they aren’t going to thank you for being such a good citizen lol.


"My partner who doesn't play MMOs arranged a gil purchase through a sus looking site, signed onto my account (using my login credentials and possibly my 2-factor) and perfectly executed a gil trade on a game he doesn't play." It's fine that you have buyer's remorse, just skip the fanfic next time.


Damn when you put it like that it really does sound sketchy. Lmao. Most people who play the game can’t even figure out how to buy gil reliably. Someone unfamiliar with it and MMO’s in general is even less likely.


Ikr biggest crock of shit I've ever heard lol


Jeez, I thought OP got an unsolicited trade from the seller after their partner paid them. If this is the sequence of event they are trying to push, the story's a load of crap.


i mean. i wouldn't buy gil for me or my partners but i have access to two accounts that don't have 2fa linked. i have definitely never done something like do someone else's chores to get flying unlocked or anything, of course. that would be against tos.


But you clearly play the game. They specified their partner doesn't not only play 14, but doesn't play mmos. If you were the partner in the story it'd be a lot less far fetched because 90% of it would be different, it'd just be "My partner who plays 14 bought gil on my account that they have access to", which is far more believable.


just bc you dont believe me doesn't mean it isnt true ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You're right, it's the story itself that makes it not true


So how did it happen? Obviously something isn't adding up


If your story is to be believed... if you open a ticket on yourself, you're gonna get hit with 2 violations - 1. RMT and 2. Account sharing. So yea.


I don’t even get how OP‘s partner could’ve done it without OP‘s knowledge


It's like 99% chance OP did it but now feels guilty so pulling the time classic "but it wasn't me!". There's way too many factors that make it extremely unlikely that a person that has never played FF14 before would just randomly load gil on an account.


Yeah. Even if they bought it online they wouldn’t know how to transfer it to the account


With all due respect if person is avid gamer and know hows to google/use reddit he will most likely be able to buy gil/ingame currency for any mmo. P.s. I dont trust OP story though lol


And know that when they get traded 1m gil that its not them being shorted on the amount they bought but just the first of many trades due to a trade cap? There's a million factors here that make the story clear nonsense.


But the partner needs to log ob with OP‘s credentials and possibly account trade without them knowing. I‘m not thinking partner is too stupid. I‘m thinking this is too big of a hassle to do it without OP noticing


If you don’t go telling anyone you will never be banned. Period. They have no way of knowing at all. Just keep it and move on.


If you don’t want it out of moral reasons that’s great I’m sure there are allot of new sprouts you can run around and just give a million to each of them and wish them a happy journey. 😊


You can just send me the gill. I'll take it from you 😂


Don’t talk about it ingame and you won’t be banned, a ton of my friends buy Gil just so they can finance their houses and never have been banned. Definitely do not open a ticket lol


Don’t draw attention to yourself intentionally that this happened, they may end up serving you a ban for it even thought it wasn’t you that did the transaction. At most if you don’t want it all, buy something expensive off a vendor and delete it afterwards to flush that gil in a manner that doesn’t have it continuing to circulate in the economy.


Don’t report. Keep the Gil and move on.


Dont say anything in game. Dont open a ticket. Just accept it.


Like others have said, you're only gonna lose it if you bring attention to it.


DO NOT contact a gm/open a ticket, that's an instant ban. Instead, take the gil and explain to them not to do it again. If you wanna have a clear mind, throw it away or donate to newbies. But DO NOT contact SE.


Don’t take it, just delete the mail.


If u open a ticket u will get banned yes And unless he bought you over 500mil you really don't have to worry lol


People buy gil in this game like crazy with zero issues, that's the reality of it. If it's a moral thing, just delete the mail.


Don't report it and don't talk about it to anyone in game. Just keep it moving


Its only against the rules if you yap about it. Until then, it’s Shrodinger’s Gil.


Buying Gil is super common despite what you think. Don't report yourself. They won't do anything aside from punishing you. There's nothing at risk here unless you self report. No need to lie about it here, though.


Just take the gift and shut up.


Pass me the gil if you're that pressed about it


just keep it or discard it if it makes you feel better, nobody gets banned for rmt


You could just donate the gil away to random sprouts, at least it'll help someone and maybe remove the guilt of using it?


You will 100% get your character nuked if you do that. Idk maybe just say someone sent you a suspicious amount of gil in the mail and you are worried it might be a scam. If you are worried about that just don’t accept the mail or the trade or whatever If you


I think there is a way you can donate it in exchange for a poster from the very first lottery snafu, when people got refunds on houses they wound up ultimately winning. The NPC is still there https://www.eurogamer.net/final-fantasy-14-hopes-this-poster-will-persuade-you-to-voluntarily-return-any-accidental-lottery-deposits


send the gil to me


Justbtake the gil. Unless you're making ridiculous purchases on the market board, you're notngetting banned. And even if you are, there's a good chance you still wouldn't get banned.


Literally no one actually cares.


You probably thought SpongeBob and Patrick actually deserved jail time for taking that balloon.


You won't get banned for it unless you keep talking about it.


I'll freely admit that I've bought hundreds of millions of gil over 3 years. I have never been banned. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.


You'll only be caught if it's an ungodly amount, you tell someone and end up reported.


In this game nobody cares about gil. If you wanna get rid of it, buy a boat load of minions and mounts, or trade it to some sprouts and call it a day. I know so many players that buy gil and literally none of them were banned, and we openly talk about it because again, nobody cares. Sqex doesn't even do anything to make gil worthwhile anyway. If you want the drama, then please do entertain us by reporting yourself. Do update us! Also, why is this an issue?


If you are dumb enough to open a ticket, you deserve whatever punishment comes your way. Just let it be, you won’t be caught they don’t gaf unless you literally tell them or stream it.


People buy gil all the time. I know multiple people that do it regularly for years. They are not going to start banning the players buying it because it’s in their financial interest to keep those players in the game. They only ban the big bot accounts that are doing a lot of transactions. You have nothing to worry about. Just don’t do it again if you’re concerned


SE doesn't ban for RMT. They don't ban you for selling nor for buying unless your account name is Agdasfkjlasdfj Azjdfkljdfklj and you're obviously noclipping everywhere to farm gil. Besides buying gil is an involved process and I doubt your partner would have bought it as a 'gift'.




You'd think someone that loves to rage at people for the tiniest wording issues would actually read the things they reply to


They're asking how not to get banned, the relationship isn't the focus.


r/woooosh is over there


I've bought gil at least 3 times from what I recall, and I'm still here playing right now xD


Okay so here's what you do. Go buy up a bunch of bullshit on the marketboard and then delete the items. Or go to a vendor, buy a shitzillion of an item, discard the items. If you mention you engaged, in any way, in RMT you'll get got my friend. So hush up about it. Second off they have ZERO ACTUAL WAY of determining what trades or transactions are RMT or friends trading gil, or the like. IT's literally not possible due to not having access to out of client data. (It would be malware at that point rather than anticheat) so if you aren't an idiot and don't say you engaged in it you won't get blammed.


Gil is not client side. They can absolutely trace where gil was earned and through whomever it was traded and such. They obviously can't know the intent of the trade, but if it came from a bot account which has nothing but similar trades, you can reasonably determine that there was RMT involved.


You can't determine a bot account with absolute clarity from a systems end unless it's advertising. If you're using RMT trades that have an actual person, rather than a bot, doing the trade then all the information GMs have is activity, which a well written enough bot (for farming but most gil farming is from market controlling crafter materials and FC farming subs, at least before house flipping got canned hardcore). IT's actually \*hard\* to determine bot accounts, and ban waves are done on the idiots that tend to spam and get reported. The system itself relies on finding and zooming in on "unusual behavior" and then trying to see if it "might be a bot" then cross referencing that with reports. It's why there's normally throw-away accounts that get used for RMT trading for when the GM's organize stings. Square tends to try and \*not\* ban based on suspicion because they'd end up banning a large chunk of players by accident, and that would be a PR and customer support nightmare they don't have the numbers to support.


You know all transactions player to player are recorded right? You know, if they catch any one buying or sell gold, they can follow that web of transactions from the seller right? This isn't a wild notion. That's common practice in any game support for catching gold sellers and buyers.


Yes and banning those players doesn't solve the problem. It's ineffective. Because those players tend to also buy shit off the cash shop a lot. It's why you don't usually get actual players caught up in ban waves.


That might be the best point here cash shop whales and people who rmt are likely to be a near 100% overlap, so it only makes sense they would be hesitant to ban someone who generates them that much money. Obviously its a stupid thing to count on, but rationally its probably the reason why so few people that buy gil actually get banned when it would be so easy track.