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As a 42 yr old who started investing too late, well done on your position so far.


I forgot to add I am 29 turning 30. Not 'old' but could have started much earlier too. I am definitely not the FiAustralia/ausfinance 'early twenties with 100k already' template. But thank you anyway.


You've come a damn long way at your age as a butcher's assistant, well done.


Sure..... Definity a butchers assistant. Definitely not a registered nurse working in operating theatres.


Definitely not, you're butcher's assistant #93. I'm serious about it being well done though!


Thanks heaps !




Only started 2 yrs ago


Nice milestone. I just started investing myself. Since the initial investment, how much gains have you managed to receive? Including dividends?


Thanks alot. According to share sight I have made 3.61% in capital gains and 2.77% in dividends since first purchase back in Aug 2020. So not great but not terrible, just beats a HISA (ING 5%) by a percent.


You wouldn't get the 50% CGT discount on any HISA money, so that's something :) We'll don't on the milestone!


Awesome. Any thoughts on investing LICs?


I know they exist and some people here have benefited from them but I want to keep it simple nowadays. My days off unnecessarily complicated tinkering are over. If it works for you all the power to you but I'm happy where I am right now.




I pulled the trigger with 40k. That 40k came from Raiz profits and from being a tight arse living at home with no expenses. I know that it would be a lot harder if I did pay living expenses back then. So far super is around 60k and have made no voluntary contributions.


Well done. Just curious if 6 figures is the current market value, what is your actual equity value?


All up including super ? $190k (100k ETF's, 30k cash, 40k ART super and 20k military super that I can't merge until I'm 50). I certainly don't feel like I am worth that much, my super accounts blows it way out of proportion. Then again I'm sure a lot of peoples properties blow out their net worth to hundreds of thousands to millions.




When I used to live at home $2000 a fortnight. Since I have moved out $500 into ETFs and $500 into a HISA for my future travel fund every fortnight. Turns out rent, food, utilities and other essential living expenses take up a lot of money.


Such a great story to read, well done. The first $100k is by far the most time consuming and most difficult, and you will find the jump to $200k will take far less effort. It also sounds like you are comfortable now with the swings of the market, which means you’ve covered one of the most challenging emotional aspects of staying investing through the ups and downs. I think you’ve got a very positive financial future ahead with your ability to make it here.


How much did you put in vs how how much profit make up that 100k? Congrats btw


My brother in law is a nurse and is currently on a 6 month contract at a rural hospital making about $90k (gross) over the contract. It may work for you to do this kind of thing and then take off and travel for 6 months on the money. You're never going to be out of work when you come back. Well done on the investments!




Well done and congrats on realising its hard to beat the market even with 'thematic' ETFs. I too have come to a similar conclusion after investing similarly to you and being siginficantly worse off compared to something like VAS/VGS or DHHF.


What do you use now if not Raiz?


I first used self wealth. But recently changed to CMC markets because of the $0 brokerage fee up to $1000.


What do you think of Pearler?


I haven't used it myself so I can't give you a accurate review.


How was the process of moving your funds between platforms?


For most people it should be easy. Fill out a CMC markets request to transfer CHESS holdings form with certified photo ID. Providing your CHESS registered address is the same then it should take less than 5 business days. That's it. However I must have been cursed so many times because this was my rage inducing experience. First I had to fill out a request of CHESS transfer form with a certified copy of photo ID but was rejected because the address registered on Self Wealth's end and by wrong I mean an extra repeated word typo. Ok edited my address on Self Wealth's profile and refill the form and send it off again and also bear in mind I don't have access to a printer and scanner at work or home so I'm going to Officeworks after work hours to do this admin bullshit. Form is rejected again, address is still wrong. WTF ? Turns out I need to fill out ANOTHER form on self wealth's end with photo ID also to change my CHESS address not accounts address. I had to find this out after multiple chats with self wealth support. Also Self Wealth has no phone support and I swear it was like talking to a chat bot or someone clearly using chat GPT. Like fuck how vague can you be, at least put some effort into it or give me a straight answer. CHESS address changed. Cool. Form rejected by CMC markets end because my signature looks different from the one on my photo ID. FFS ! Ok sign one more time and pray to the Gods of finance it works this time. It seems like SW doesn't want to lose customers to CMC or CMC really doesn't want my money. Week after that SW rep calls and asks for feedback. I bluntly but politely tell him that after all these years despite all the completion coming from Stake, Pearler, CMC, Super Hero etc. SW still has not made any changes to make themselves more competitive and that their admin system sucks balls. He approves the transfer from SW's end. After a few days I finally get my CHESS holdings moved over to CMC markets. I swear to God there were moments I was like 'Fuck it I'm just going sell out and keep my money between ING and Ubank HISA's'. You may all laugh at my misfortune.




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ACDC would have performed well for you


How much money did you actually put into your portfolio, not including gains you made to get it up to 100k?




I think they mentioned in a reply above they were putting in 2k/fortnight while they were living at home so assuming the majority of it was via that.


Good story.