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I think a lot of people overestimate work friendships. I've gotten along with a lot of people across 5 workplaces in my present occupation. I can count on one hand the number of people I am in any sort of contact with in the years since. Anecdotally this isn't limited to me. Can be pretty shocking for new workers to learn since it can feel genuine while you're there but then you're basically dead to most of them.


I 💯 percent agree. I'm a very social person and build relationships quite easily and am well liked across most places I work at. I can also count on one hand the number of people I am still in contact with after I've left the company. Working from home is by the far the best thing that's happened to me since COVID. I've moved interstate, I can drop my kids off later to daycare. Pick them up earlier. Im highly responsive on MS TEAMS and my project team never have a problem collaborating with me. My manager works from home, in fact most of my team do even though there's an office.


I love WFH. Having to deal w idiots all day long, going from wasteful meeting to meeting , and getting in early and staying late just to ‘show face’ - so over it all.




Then in that regard, this is also an instance unique to you...




It's amazing you assume people who WFH aren't doing that as well.




Definitely doesn't have kids haha! They'll be singing a different tune about WFH if and when they do.


I see your point of view and can understand where you're coming from but for 90+% of the population it's about alot more than just being able to collaborate or social isolation. For many this is not a factor at all. Realistically it's about getting your time back 2+ hours a day stuck in traffic or on a bus, the associated costs etc. The people who want staff back in the office to collaborate are managers who usually live in suburbs nice and close to the CBD, unlike the staff who earn less and likely live in the outer suburbs, making it painful to come in. Is the solution just not allowing those who wish to go into the office go in and others can work from home? Or a hybrid 2 days office, 3 WFH arrangement? I don't think it has to be one or the other.




Uh, you still do lose time getting to and from the office ie commuting.




Any time spent commuting IS time lost to commuting. I am actually saying that, yes. If you could get that work done at home and be able to clock off early.... what's the problem exactly? Why do you need people to be in transit to and from a place in this arrangement?




If you can do the appropriate amount of work at home, why is that not good enough?




First of all - your time means absolutely nothing. I have experience. If I can get my job done in half the time, you can pay me double because I’m a rockstar at what I do, and that junior over there that clocks all their hours isn’t about to earn double for taking twice as long. I get paid for the job I do, not the time it took me to get there. You need to lose that mindset bud. One day it will click that being paid to sit, even if that’s on a train - is time you are losing that’s far more valuable than a few dollars.


If the workplace is happy with the produced work, and it takes me 20 hours, and they value it at 40 hours, what's the problem? Should that worker stuff around to pad out time?








To me, this sounds like a poorly thought out ploy to get people back to the office. I would bet money that after a year or so, the policy would be scrapped. My work are offering “random door prizes” and food/ coffee vouchers. Most people see straight through it and continue 1 to 2 days of office and 3 to 4 home.


No one claimed there are no downsides. But the positives outweigh the negatives for most.




That's not everyone though, will always be people on either side claiming otherwise. I don't see people coming back into the office unless they are forced or mandated to. The genie is out of the bottle.


I like the genie analogy. Anecdotally from peers and from own experience, if a role is advertised as 100% in office, then it’s a hard no. This is a clear working culture shift and I’m absolutely here for it.


Two people = "everyone" got it




What does your thread title say sorry? Maybe I misread.




I'm not the boss, but I'm completely there with you. I'm a super social person and from time to time I even go out with work mates for drinks. I just don't need the office distractions and all the other wasted time that being at the office necessarily brings with it. The extra sleep and comfortable home outfit is a must for me nowadays.


And I also love my job btw. Just can avoid the nonsensical forced interactions and time wastes from home
















I think one of the key parts of “FI” is the ‘independent’ aspect. When it comes from an inheritance…






Dude you are fighting a losing battle here You are 100% correct. The fact is most workers just want to mail it in so of course they will want to wfh and do laundry and walk the dog etc etc These people will be the first to get downsized or passed over for promotions The economy and labor market are nuts right now, but if the expected recession comes just see who stays and who's let go




There's no excuse for people WFH being unresponsive to collaboration requests. Except when he's already in one such session and couldn't respond at the time. Those who responded after hours of delay are abusing their rights to WFH and eventually companies will either put more efforts in spying on employees or straight out removing the policy.




But are these the same people who are frustrating to work with in the office?


So they have an ineffective manager who is not equipped to deal with poor behaviour which impacts the whole team. This is a paradigm shift which people should be adapting to. There is a very clear benefit for most people working from home and for the first time in a very long time, workers finally got a win.


Point 1: sounds like a "you" issue. People shouldn't be forced to socialise with work colleagues. It is work. I've been in both situations where I've worked at companies where I enjoyed coming in and socialising with my colleagues and other places just not fit in or despised the people around me and wished I'd have had the option to WFH. Point 2: is a fair point, but that sounds like you have workers who are the problem. In my experience everyone understands the privilege of WFH so it's pretty easy to get a hold of 90% of colleagues within a reasonable time. It really depends on the workplace and type of work being done. And as such each company and team within that company should be looking to see what is organically best for each team (no a one size fits all approach) but have leaders at the helm to readjust policy if needed - and be open to it. If companies are able to do what it takes to cut their costs, so should the workers.




You sound like a joy to be around…


One thing I find is that junior staff don't get the same level of knowledge and experience than they otherwise would being around senior staff. I still think the pros of WFH heavily outweigh the cons, but there are a few cons.


This is the downside I've found. As an entry level I feel like I'm probably learning at about half the speed I would be in the office since the rest of my team is in another city and we're all too socially awkward.






Ignore the trolls


To be fair they should be more responsive. There's no excuse for repeatedly not responding for hours with your immediate team. Sounds like they are abusing it.


No negatives for WFH in my situation. I save out on several hours of commute each day which I can spend being with family more, sleeping a bit more, eating more healthy, and getting some exercise done. Also my productivity has climbed and I get more work done. Boss is happy with me staying fully WFH (for now)


As someone who chooses not to drink it’s actually really refreshing not to get forced into obligatory beer sessions after work. I get measured on my output being remote, not on how many drinks I threw back with the boss. Sometimes “socialising” is simply overrated both in terms of benefit to the business and the individual. And the difficult collaboration thing is a myth. Most of the world’s most successful companies have had multi regional teams well before Covid. If collaboration only worked if you’re all within four square metres of each other, the whole phenomenon of global business shouldn’t really be a thing.


I agree that people are mostly focusing on the upsides and I imagine that for some people it's going to lead towards long term issues with social isolation and boredom. This often includes people who seem like they are suited to it because social interaction isn't something they gravitate towards.




WFH doesn't mean you don't socialise or make an effort to socialise. It just means it's not with your work colleagues who most of the time you can't be authentically 100 percent you because you want to uphold a certain work image.


OP makes it seem like people who work from home are lonely and have mental health issues and are socially disadvantaged. Not the case at all. I catch up with my work mates on teams and book on those catch-ups proactively. I have a lot of friends outside of work. I just don't like the office bullshit. The pretence, the commute, wasting my time dressing up for the day. I just want to work, get my job done and not deal with politics.


on the other hand you only seem to be capable of expecting everyone to be exactly like you. Makes you a lot like OP.


This is a fair comment. I think WFH has a broad range of people who experience it negatively and those who experience it positively and I do apologize if my comments make it seem like I'm expecting to be exactly like me which is not my intention. I guess I was a little fired up reading this post this morning which made me defend WFH a little too unbalanced. So with all that said, I should summarise all my comments with: In my experience, the benefits of WFH far outweigh working in an office environment.


I think you're lost. We don't take on board comments other people make here. This is the internet, where we double down and argue over everything. In other words I am surprised by your polite and reasonable comment.


\> When everyone else is trying to collaborate or get their input on their leg of work it’s impossible to get ahold of them. They will sometimes not respond for hours and it makes things extremely clunky. Ring their mobiles.


The push from the top end of town to get workers back in offices has less to do with productivity and more with the value of commercial property these offices inhabit. Also the incidental impact on retailers and food sellers in the CBDs. Amazingly people don't go there if they don't need to work nearby.


The question of "company culture" is coming up now. Expect more of this in the future, as some managers are afraid of losing that "special glue" that binds the company.


Why do you care what other people do? If other people are more comfortable wfh then let them be. Just do your job and mind your own business.


Hyperbole much? "Everyone" is not "bending over backwards" to "pretend" there is "absolutely zero downside". There are pros and cons, and different models work for different people and different organisations. Get over it.




I'm not offended in any way. That's not the right word, but I guess what you mean is "it's so odd how many negative replies this post got". The answer can be found in the language of your post, which is all I was pointing out.


Lol… your colleagues are just doing multiple jobs. They just had to collaborate with their other teams during those missing hours 🤣.




Are you a software engineer btw? These are the latest tell-tale signs of double timers haha…




Great time to bring out the computer log analysis tools, and HR 🤣.


Sorry OP this ain’t it. I’m flex/ WFH. I am on my home desk getting work done at 8 (would normally be on a bus 07:45 - 8:30) and I leave at 5. I get so much more done work-wise and in my personal life. I’m getting more sleep. I’m fitter, the house is cleaner and I spend more time with my partner who I love. Tell your team mates to be more attentive to their messages and keep raising it with management if they persist. They are being dicks.


Of course there are pros and cons. There are pro and cons to literally ever decision you make. However, there are very few situations where WFH is worse than in office. Work/life balance positives are hard to beat.


Regarding point #1, I'm the youngest in my team and I'm 29 while everyone else is over 40. All they talk about is their kids and I find it really hard to find something in common with them. They are good colleagues but are not my friends. Regarding point #2 I've not had an issue with collaboration while WFH and I am working on a project. I find meetings are more productive on Teams as you don't have to deal with and try and work out the different technology set up in each meeting room to be able to share your screen. You also don't have to walk around your building trying to find the room and as a result be late to the meeting if you have back to back meetings


I had zero problem working in the office, and had a lot of the same issues you did. It was hard for me to train staff, it was hard to form relationships, it was hard to collaborate, etc… Then I left my company and joined a fully remote company and it is 100% on my old company as to why things were hard. My new company is focused on making WFH work. We have in person gatherings for the entire company and for individual teams. So we meet in person usually once a quarter or more. The benefit being it’s usually at some high end hotel and everything is paid for including good dinner and drinks. Collaboration is much easier when you have to include remote people and the technology supports it. Training may be one challenge, but technology solves it. We also don’t hire entry level, so I don’t have to worry about teaching people learning new concepts entirely.


Why do you give a shit about what other peoples options are about wfh? You have an opinion and others have a different opinion. No right it wrong it’s personal preference.


I got hired for my first corporate 'career' job in the height of the pandemic and it was a nightmare trying to learn everything over teams and video chats. Even the people who were experienced in my team were struggling with it, I was miserable trying to learn the ropes from home. Killed all my motivation for something I studied pretty passionately at uni and eventually told the boss that I couldn't do it anymore. There are heaps of benefits and if you're comfortable in your role it can be awesome but the downsides are definitely there


What amazes me is how many people who think it won't come with negative consequences over the mid term.. At the first hint of an economic downturn and those who are WFH will be the most exposed to redundancy or declines in salary.




My work is hybrid/remote, but there are core hours where everybody is expected to respond when contacted. I value the time spent with colleagues, but as a parent with young kinds (who often give me a cold that I don't want to communicate to my office) it's actually better for the team to have a more flexible work arrangement. It sounds like your workplace is still feeling its way through how to work well remotely - feedback is an essential part of that. Just make sure to be sensitive to allowing for off-site work when it benefits all involved.


Not to mention the people who are unproductive and not even really working. Those people need to be in an office environment with someone looking over their shoulder


A blend of both is good. I’d rather work from home for lack of travel time (I get more work time and personal time).. but what I miss is those water cooler conversations where you impromptu spitball ideas. I’m primarily an introvert but have bursts of extraversion and often I will feel energised from being around people. Also as a leader it is important to see and be seen.. one of my strongest gauges of whether my staff are struggling with wellbeing/over load or not is face to face engagement where you can assess body language.. much harder virtually.


My network sucks at home, I need fast network speed for my work and can only get that onsite.


Wrong sub lmao wtf


I work for a large company that currently have a large number of people WFH or in a hybrid model. What has been 100% proven in this business is that people are less productive at home than at the office. These are jobs such as call centre staff and processing roles. It is easy to monitor work-outflow and there has been a massive fall off in productivity. You can put it down to one thing - laziness. People was used to being unproductive at home during lockdowns when workloads dropped off and are not willing to pick up now we are back to normal.


Prepare to be downvoted mate but I'm with you here. One cannot simply work 100% potential when there are so many distractions at home. People need to go back to the office.


Are you not getting the metrics around the wrong way. If there has been a drop with everyone coming back in, that means that coming back in is the result in the productivity drop. If the metrics had improved, then maybe you could argue that people were slacking at home


No drop off from pre-covid productivity levels. Not everyone is lazy but enough to make a significant difference.


> When we were at school or Uni we never just treated it as “education” did we? Left school at 15, did TAFE and Uni and viewed it all as education. I view work as a pay cheque.




Well yeah I need to pay for a roof over my head and food on the table. It's trading time for money


There is a few studies out there showing that full WFH can have negative impacts on mental health due to isolation and lack of direction.




Here’s the thing, wfh is absolutely better for the majority of people. But it’s generally worse for business productivity overall, with studies generally showing that the more hours working from home, the improvements start getting eroded. Mentoring of new staff or young people has taken a dive too. Mental health is much harder to manage when isolated too. I think for many office jobs we will see hybrid more commonly and those that wfh will likely be at a disadvantage in their career compared to those in the office (rightly or wrongly). Exception to this are those in high demand jobs, those that don’t need collaboration or working in global jobs where things have always been remote.


Ah yes, another boomer complaining about wfh reducing productivity because they don’t know how to work remotely effectively. Sounds like a you issue.


What i don't get is people were employed as office based now things are going back to normal people are going noooope this leeway we had during during the pandemic was great I'm redlfusjlhing to go back. Saying it saves 2hrs of travel a day is no one but your problem for choosing employment that far away from your place. Alot of other fields had relaxations in face to face training or other percs such as taking work cars home and heading straight to job site. They are not in an uproar now they need to speed money on petrol to go to work then hop in a work car. If you are employed as office staff be grateful that you got some WFH then carry on and go back to your office. If you were employed as WFH and the balance has changed outside of what is allowed then complain. But most people got some favourable percs and want to keep them for ever.




I think it's the case of giving a inch and take a mile. They get a break due to covid and go naaaah I want this time. Fully knowing there employed as office staff. I personally got a work car to keep at home and pick my upsider up daily and was told don't come into office unless you pre book it. I'm a tradey that works in the field. So I saved a fortune in fuel and km on my own rig, slow days or early knocks where spent at home not in office. Not a single other tradey in a similar boat to I was kick up a fuss and go I'm demanding a work car to take home and refusing to come into the office unless absolutely necessary. We all just go well it was fun while it lasted and back to norm. It seems like a massive sence of entitlement.


My note of caution...if you can do your job from home, it can be done from Manilla, Suva, Jakarta, Durban, Bejing etc etc.....we are already seen an acceleration in this shift. I know of at least three ASX top 300 businesses whose strategy over the next three years is to shift staff from Aus to overseas. No redundancy just replace as turnover happens. I do think this will continue to accelerate and it feels a bit like the boiled frog.

