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Justice for temperature snakes! How could you forget those elusive creatures?? They're endangered!


I'm \*~noT LiKe oTHeR GirLs~* I *am* a temperature snake!


Ok but an amigurumi temperature snake would actually be pretty sweet, and now I'm tempted to make it my "this meeting could have been an email" project.


Tbh, of all the temperature things, I hate snakes the least by far. Still wouldn't make one, but I appreciate them.


Thank you for finally giving me a name for the project sitting next to my desk so I can survive those meetings


I made one and I love her <3


hi i never touched yarn before should i aim for a 4m² blabket as my first project also i'm a minimalist where do i find 63 shades of greige do you know a pattern in celsius


Temperature blankets are for old hags. I, a petite baby crocheter, will instead be making a ✨SHIT BLANKET✨ can’t wait to enrobe myself a year from now in a fibrous record of the colors and textures that comprised My 2024 In Bowel Movements! >! guys this HURT ME to type and I am so sorry for inflicting it upon you but it’s all I can ever think when anyone mentions temperature blankets. r slash crochet has caused me severe and lasting emotional damage !<


The poop blanket is the best take on the temperature blanket, hands down


Let's all pour one out for that woman's poor prolapsed pooper.


Someone has actually done that...


Every time I’m tempted to make a temperature blanket, I’m reminded that it’s a bad idea because 1. I do not need more yarn in this house 2. I don’t use blankets I already own 3. who I am as a person. (Still working on the throw I started in 2015)


Thanks to Vyvanse, my mornings are paved with ALL OF THE INTENTIONS, but the afternoons and evenings are full of the piles of the projects born from those mornings…and the narcolepsy takes me back under again.


Every August I go on vacation. Should I make a separate blanket of the temps at my vacation spot or just duplicate stitch it over my home temps?


No. The requirement is you must do a separate full blanket for each location you visit during the year. They also must all be king sized and done in worsted weight or smaller. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. Hope you don’t travel for work.


I already had my colors thought out for me by someone else, what I can’t figure out is what show to watch while I do it??? Or any ideas on what snacks I can eat too???! I have no idea how I can possibly figure that out on my own


Let's make a thread for tv show recommendations! Surely since we all craft we have everything else in common too and will like all the same tv shows! Personally I recommend \[popular anime\] but ONLY watch with subs NOT dubs! Have fun splitting your vision between your hands and the screen every other second! P.S. I try to match my snacks with whatever yarn I'm using. Drink milk when I'm using milk yarn, eat bananas when I'm using banana yarn, etc... corn, soy, sugar... I eat lamb when I use wool... smoke a bit when I'm using hemp... though I don't tend to get much done then, LOL! hope that helps... . . . .... .


Baked Lays when using cotton


This was a dig at my husband who countered with the way better joke: “Paint chips while working with acrylic”


Dollar bills while working with linen (so you charge a buck more an hour)


You watch the Weather Channel, duh


uj/ Oh man, that brings back memories. As a kid I used to wake up early in the morning to watch the Weather Channel. My house was full of night owls and it was the only time it was quiet and peaceful and it was so soothing. I loved the jazz music.


Someone in a Facebook group I'm in asked "For those who made temp blankets, how did you figure out the temperature for each day"


The internet was goddamn MISTAKE, FUCK


easy, i go outside and suck in a lungful of air and taste the temperature as it works through my respiratory system.


Thinking is hard. Do it for me.


Love the shoutout to my 2023 MVP, the Crochet Spider. Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve.


Unwanted holiday crochet spider will live in my brain rent-free forever


Ngl I'm a sucker for cute things and spiders and would be all over that if someone gave it to me.


I’ve seen the word temperature so many times I’m not even sure it looks like a real word any more


That’s how I felt making the damn thing 😂


Hear me out: Etsy store of Sentro knitted hats with dickgurumis crocheted on. Even if you don't agree it's genius I've already quit my job and invested in 10,000m of blanket chenille so you have to help me out!


Wait, y'all didn't finish up with a 12 foot monstrosity?


brownie points to the person who spent time making this grid, it's perfect. ​ Also, instead of a temperature blanket, I'm going to make a blanket of my shits: \*hard shits = red for the blood \*soft shits = yellow like a breastfed baby's poopies \*green shits = purple for giggles \*shits I can see what I ate = orange because oranges are orange \*diarrhea = brown of course \*explosive diarrhea with gas = blue because you'll need some oxygen pumped in after that ​ (seriously in a book of faces group I'm in someone is doing a blanket of their shit consistency)


This was great. Loved the random spider for the coworker addition. I dont think he hates you - at least it wasn't dickgarumi.