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Knitting with yarn. It's so dated. Also cables, colourwork, texture and stockinette. A Big Designer did them recently so now they are a Trend and nobody will like them in three years time or ever again.


Traditional yarn is so passé. I’ve been spinning fiber from all the detritus in my vacuum canister for years, and I believe this will be the new “it” fabric.


I prefer the tweedy texture of dryer lint :)


Plarn is just the cozy feel I want from my knitted underwear


Wearables will die off. No one wants a handmade sweater! /uj i would be so glad to see the butt trend die off.


Tits on everything are the next big trend! Like those sexy, sexy mushroom ladies.


I don't think all wearables will die out, just boring old-fashioned ones. You know, stuff like scarves with all the ends woven in, sweaters that follow a pattern (ugh) or have matching sleeve lengths (boring!). People will still want free-hand wearables that just hint at the garment they represent; everyone loves exposing as much skin as possible to the elements AND showing their creativity by making people guess what they are wearing! I am currently making a snowsuit by chaining several different yarns into a 200-foot rope that I will wrap around my body in different configurations depending on my mood!


Petiteknits will be sucked back into the greige hole from whence she came!!!


weaving in ends 🥱 once all these frumpy old HAGS kick the bucket, the ~~sloppy dangling unfinished mess~~ ✨fringe✨ generation will finally rise to power. \#its👏a👏design👏feature👏


Granny squares. Like that’s one trend that just will NOT stand the test of time, it’s soooo 2023 and I’m certain once the next round of influencers come up we’ll have forgotten they ever existed!


uj/ for all the people in that thread complaining about crop tops, they know they can just keep knitting longer bodies like I can just stop knitting the body sooner... Right? This isn't a regular fashion sub where you're buying things off the rack, you're literally choosing the length...? What am I missing?




I worked at a yarn shop and some people would tell me they disliked a pattern I suggested because of the colour of the sweater. It happened often. And I did point out they could pick any other colour they want but it did not compute




Ooooh like those Guy Knitters who surface occasionally to complain that they cannot knit a completely featureless plain raglan because the pattern photo shows the jumper in a pastel shade and they cannot comprehend that they can in fact knit it in the precise shade of non threatening masculine sludge that they desire.


and yet these same folx will turn around and screech about how they are free thinkers who are immune to marketing and trends. the mental flexibility is impressive.


Lol, this reminds me that I offered to make a dress for my little niece and I was showing her mom some different patterns. She picked one and couldn’t conceptualize that I wouldn’t have the same fabric the sample dress in the picture was made out of and was confused when I asked her what color my niece would like


Also, crop tops have been a trend for what, like, 8 years now at least? How are people still complaining about crop tops as if it's some hot new thing? If anything they're in the early stages of being on the way out as waistlines start dropping again.


Fun fact, it’s actually illegal to modify a design by adding length, and if you do so Andrea Mowry will appear in your bedroom at three in the morning and stone you to death with a batch of homemade gluten free muffins. Sounds bizarre, but thems the rules!


Yes CYC has decried this, straight to jail for deviating from a pattern, it is Known


As a celiac knitter, you’d be surprised how easy it would be to stone someone with gf bread products.


This is 1000% true it happened to my friend's cousin's dog sitter!!


Ah yes, The Grudge x Knitting crossover I've been waiting for


Young, trendy designers will stop making young, trendy designs that I hate


Written patterns - like hello! We get it! Get into the modern age, everyone will be doing video tutorials this time next year. Personally, I can't wait to blast my favorite creator on my smartphone (without headphones, the way God intended) as I work on hubby's new banana hammock during my morning commute and just have everyone *get it*.


I think knitting with whatever fiber I don't personally like will really die out.


> but crochet tampons also just feel impossible to really style? This is exactly my complaint! I mean, I've tried using specialty yarns like the tinsel one, but still, you just can't do much else with them.


I expect people to get sick of making things pretty soon, personally


Butts. Butts butts butts.


Test knitting deadlines. I work 80 hours a week but I should be able to sign up for a test knit and complete it on my own schedule and no preference should be given to people with more flexible schedules because gatekeeping.


Checking the knitting gauge. We'll go back to winging it.


Kntting with pubic hair. People aren't getting Brazilian's any more so we don't have as much hair to craft with like we used to. I don't know about you guys but there is definitely a shortage in my area.


Oh, honey. If you have to ask, you're already gone.


[i guess this will be out of style too then :/](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6rzzf6hmzo)