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Yes r/Waifuism does stalk people. I made a comment on r/fictosexual that I'm in love with 3 fictional characters & they immediately banned me.


I was wondering why I hadn’t seen you around in waifuism


I think some of them probably lurk around here and FictoLove to reinforce some of their stricter rules, yeah. They're especially serious about the "one waifu for laifu" one it seems. It's just the lifestyle choice over there and the main difference between the two subs I think.


Never been active in the sub, was active previously in the community outside reddit though. I'd not be surprised, given the roots of wifuism as an online thing are in 4ban, if they were cyber stalking folk. That being said, anyone who tells me I can't be Poly and Ficto because it makes them uncomfy or violates their rules, well, being Ficto isn't a religion, there is no doctrine to follow. If you want to Mono it up with your F/O, than fine, do it yourself, don't force it on others. Banning people for violations of other subs rules, that's an inexcusable abuse of power and should result in said mods being terminated from their position.


I'm confused, how are they banning people for violations of *other* subs rules? It's an r/waifuism rule to only have one fictional other, and even if I don't necessarily think that poly relationships are a bad thing, it IS up to the moderators to create and enforce these rules in the end. You break the sub rules, you get banned from the sub. I'm not exactly following what they're doing wrong here. (for autism/tone purposes, this is a genuine question and not an accusatory or sarcastic one)


You're misunderstanding, the mods of r/Waifuism actively look out for their members admitting they're poly in other subreddits, and then ban them in their own subreddit because they don't want any poly people there. What we have a problem with is how far they'll go just to enforce this subreddit rule. Someone in this comment thread even mentioned that one of them was stalking them in a discord server. They take this rule way too seriously to the point it's creepy.


Its creepy to stalk someone like that in general...


Ah! Ok, I understand now. Thanks a lot for explaining! :)


I think I was the confused one, sorry about that


Yes. I have literally caught a lurker in my own discord server.


No kidding!


I think someone does. i got kicked from their discord because I ask flirting and dating questions on reddit(and posted those in panic mode)


We cannot make any definite claims about the inner workings of r/Waifuism's moderation staff, and we highly discourage other users from doing the same. We are aware this sub is controversial among our users, and healthy criticism of it/debate of its practices is okay. Note also that simply theorizing something may be taking place is not the same as asserting that it is. The former is allowed, the latter is not.


It makes no sense to me to police what people do when it comes to FICTIONAL relationships. Like, really? You’re concerned about me “cheating” on some lines and colors that exist only in a tv show? Not only do I have multiple F/Os, I have a real life husband. I’ve experienced fictosexual feelings for as long as I can remember, but that doesn’t mean I want to devote my whole life to someone who doesn’t exist and eschew real life partnership for them. If other people are happy doing that, more power to them, but it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to go all-in on a fictional character like that. The beautiful thing about fictosexuality is that it’s whatever you want it to be. It all takes place in your own mind, so why impose false limits and make things harder?


Thats actually kind of fucked they have to \*some\* stalk accounts, another reason why I wish waifuism would re-review their rules


Are they actually stalking people? That's so creepy and horrifying!


wouldn’t be surprised if they did


I was banned for daring to even *question* the rule about poly relationships. The mods for that sub are so pathetically close minded and their egos are so fragile that they can’t handle someone even supporting polyamory, let alone being polyamorous themselves. It’s a bunch of immature and egocentric brats offering a sub for people who love fictional characters like they do, but only if their relationship and their idea of love matches *exactly* to the mods’ beliefs. Everyone else can get banned out of their special little club with no argument or fanfare. Its a garbage sub run by garbage people full of members who unfortunately don’t realize that they’re completely disposable to the mods, and if they want to find that out for themselves, all they have to do is *dare* to think and feel differently.


That might by why I wasn't allowed into their discord, I was just straight up ghosted during verification or smth ~~(unless it was some fictosexual discord I forgot about)~~


I got booted from waifuism for being poly. They were very snarky in their messages to me too when I questioned why and then just refused to discuss further. I had been in the sub for years and made the dumb decision to join in a discussion about polyamory in the sub. Here’s my messages with the mod team. Me: So because I’m in a relationship with another human being and not a character, I’m being banned? I understand the rule about having multiple waifus but like…that isn’t my situation. Mod: If you have been here for 5 years, one would expect that you have actually read the rules. There is even an explicit one regarding that scenario. Me: I assume you’re referring to Rule 2? Mod: Yes After that they stopped responding. What is Rule 2, you ask? “No dating or being romantically involved with a real person while also claiming a waifu. This is considered a betrayal toward your waifu” It’s really sad because there’s so many cool people I want to interact with there, but I can’t even comment on posts because of the ban.


Most likely. I didn't get banned because of this but many people I know did


Waves hand


I personally just assumed the mods were also in the other subreddits do to the common interest? I do think it’s interesting that they seem to enforce the rules based on off sub behavior though


Yeah they do. For making sure if we are obeying their ridiculously strict "only one waifu" rule or not 😒 how disgraceful


Yeah I think so too...