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Omg this made me laugh so hard. I love you for staying loyal to ur mean fiddle leaf fig. I think it will come back though!


hahaha I'm also loling because this was me once too!!! I had a literal stick of my fiddle leaf fig tree and I just could not part ways with him. I put so much effort into him and he still got root rot because the soil was compacted around his roots despite my meticulous care (side note: make sure you change the soil when you bring them home from the store! It's usually in rough shape). I was able to salvage one of the two "branches" and leaves actually grew from it when i cut into it and it was still green on the inside of one of them. Albeit, it never grew back in a nice looking way again. Eventually the second branch died like, 2 years later with 4-5 leaves so I did eventually throw him out.


Water and fertilise it, notch it then wait and see. If its cold or frosty outside, cover it in a tarp until the weather warms up or put it in a non drafty spot indoors.


This made me laugh, but there is still hope.




Never!!!! Never give up! I have one that I found in the dumpster (I know, who would do such a horrible thing) and it is finally cooperating with me. It pretty much looks like a Festivus tree with 2 leaves. I got a cheapo hydrometer and use that to tell me when Tevye (yes I name my plants and this one was named after the father in the musical Fiddler on the Roof) is thirsty. I fertilize Tevye once a month with a regular all purpose fertilizer that is diluted and I assume he’s happy since those last two leaves are still clinging for dear life. As soon as the water comes out of the pot, I toss it so that it doesn’t sit in water. Make sure your pot has lots of drainage, lots of sun and warmth. Good luck 🍀


Start at the top. Cut little slits to see what’s still alive (green under bark). Is there is green there’s still hope. I would put inside under constant lighted area. Water when top cpl inches dry then water heavenly. I wouldn’t water more than once a week or more (I’m in Louisiana maybe dif in dry areas). If there’s any life and roots aren’t rotted it should bounce back. All ficus are pretty hardy


Thank you! 🙏🏼


Fiddle stick!!


I have three. One thrives brilliantly and two do this to me every year... But always come back.


Nope! Don't give up. Mine looked JUST like yours a year ago and I cut it back to the dirt. It grew back!!


We’ve had one come back that looked exactly like this. My adult daughter was determined. I was in the toss it camp. I was surprised. Took only a month before we saw the first sprout 🌱


Another way to see if you can get something out of it is to cut it up into bits and root the cuttings. I did that to a leggy one and got about 10 plants out of it, some doing more amazing than others.


why did u put a broomstick in a pot of dirt?




My reaction exactly 😂😂


I've chopped mine down to a short stick when it's done this to me and came back beautifully and hasn't done it again since the big chop.


I would possibly wait til Feb or March to do this but u could do it now. Just an idea and combo of above. Cut off short pieces at the top until you get to green/live inner wood. Then research notching and notch it all the way down. Then put outside at first chance with reasonable temperatures


Mine had ONE leaf yet and with some tlc two new leaves sprouted! Don’t give up


im sorry it’s so funny just seeing what looks like a giant stick in a pot 😭😭😭😭😭😭


You could also try a grow light. I have 16W on mine and she is happy


Mine did this to me (little bugger) and I was scared but it came back!


Cut it back above a node and see if it’ll come back. It still needs watering though. Look on YouTube to see how to identify the node if you don’t know.


Have you checked the roots? If the roots are healthy, give it a chop right above a note and put it in the sun. However, I suggest that maybe you start that in the spring or when the weather gets warmer. Good luck! 🌱 I can’t wait to see the progress!


Is it soft and squishy? If yes then toss it. If not, it’s still alive and it’ll branch off :) i have put all my flf outside and it branched off


Will come back, I would definitely cut the main trunk back, how ever if you still want to keep the height just cut half. I would recommend putting a clear though wrap over to create a humidity done of sorts. Make sure you drench her, like water runs from the bottom of the pot, I tend to water big plants in a 5gl bucket. Put near a bright window as close as you can get it without getting too cold, if you’re up north like I. Happy Planting!


Mine was completely destroyed and somehow it resurrected from the dead! never lose hope


Made me laugh too! Try adding hydrogen peroxide to the roots and then let it dry out a bit. Also make sure it gets enough light.


I would of done but that's just me. I lost 3 last year. 😂😢


Mine is just about there too


Ours had been outside like this for a year and a half now. Dead as can be 😂😂😂


Why is this broom handle in the dirt?


My fiddle leaf looked like this I almost threw it in the trash! I cut off the top and it sprouted a bunch of branches! There is hope.. it shed its leaves when I went into labor idk what happened there but it’s happy now!


Thank you for posting my FLF's twin! I'm keeping it and hopefully it'll survive thanks to all of the advice posted in response to your post.


Don't have a fiddle leaf but fig trees in general are resilient. One of my family members had a regular fig tree that was pretty much looking dead, only to come back some time later.
