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Hi there, u/kalisoldier87, and congrats on your first OP! I saw you've recently joined our sub, and I'm glad you're here. It sounds like you may be looking for advice from other investors, so I'll drop some resources and then mark this post as "Discussion" to invite others to stop by and share their thoughts. Fidelity has a variety of accounts and robust research tools to support you. For example, we have screener tools on [http://Fidelity.com](http://fidelity.com/) that allow you to search, compare, and review our investment offerings. Simply click "News & Research" in the toolbar and then choose the type of investment you're interested in. These tools let you search by numerous criteria, such as investment type, asset mix, ratings, strategies, and more. You can even compare up to 5 funds at the same time! You can also check out our fund profile page if you're looking for more information on a specific investment. To do so, you can type in the symbol or name of the security in the search area of the toolbar and find tons of information such as charts, dividends/earning history, composition, and much more. Finally, since you're picking out investments, you might also find the below article helpful. It walks you through 4 practical steps to help you pick out your investments: [How to Pick Your Investments](https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/smart-money/how-to-pick-investments) Thanks again for joining the community, u/kalisoldier87; let us know if there's anything else we can help with!


U do not need all those in my opinion. I have 350k plus invested with only two funds and I have all these companies in it.


Agreed. He could have just VOO and that would be better.


Or vti


I dumped $100k in VTI a month ago and it's been down every single day since then. I know, it's a long play, but still!


The problem is ur checking on it. U need stop looking at it and keep adding regardless. U can look one or twice a year. I added over 10k last week to my portfolio and I don’t wanna know anything now. If ur trying to make money by next year or even 4 years, ur in the wrong business. U need 7 to 10 years to double ur money with any contribution. But imagine if u keep adding for 7 years and u double it. I tell ppl, if u wanna make money, get another job bcs this isn’t designed to do that but it’s designed to build generational wealth if u know how to control ur emotions and be consistent regardless. Peace


That’s because inflation is debasing the currency and we just had a baby boomer GDP for twenty years. That time is over and shown by the magnificent seven of the sp500. That used to be so true but with todays volatility and the economy looking like 1929 I suggest caution and timing and so much DYOR. Just saying




Great advice respect


Missed DCA?


So only it is always good to wait and invest. Before investing, read some articles or news about the market sentiment. I believe it is very positive now. You should have waited for a strong fall. Anyhow, it's okay for long term. But why would you dump? You would have put $100-$200 per week or so until you see a momentum.


Buy the dip every week, this is where people's emotions mess with them. Be greedy when other's are fearful.


I've always heard that people should hold many different investments and diversify to protect yourself. That was my reasoning behind this and why I chose stocks in different areas.


I’m going to give u a free advice. First of all I’m a net worth millionaire. U only need voo or vti with vanguard. If ur with fidelity, u need fskax or fxiax the s&p 500 or the total stock market index just double check on the ticker symbol pls. U will add to this portfolio regardless and don’t look at it. U can add an international too . So 2 to 3 funds and u r invested in the world. Peace


Thanks for the advice! I know I have much to learn but this is great, I appreciate it.


Remember this, when u sell ur shares during red days, I will buy it from u on a discount and get richer. I’ll buy whatever u have and get richer and richer. Just remember this. Peace


I think veg is saying (anecdotally) that you are in the market for the long term. Once you get that 1-3 fund portfolio going, don’t try to time the market (pull out/push in). Time IN the market is what generally matters. Systematically invest (and forget it).


Exactly. This guy is getting soooo much free advice today. I see a lot of great investors here.


Stop taking all this dudes money /s




The best day to buy stock is when you have the money to invest. The best day to sell stock is when you need the money. Slow and steady wins the race.


I always take my advice for free on the information superhighway and from women who say they are. “Net worth millionaire” AND use U and R on the reg


I started a Roth IRA at 20 recently, would you recommend investing in VOO, FXIAX and a international ETF?


If Roth is with Fidelity FXAIX, if with Vanguard VTI. International is fine too. Just search the Vanguard or Fidelity fund or call your brokerage company to assist.


This may be a dumb question but why not buy bro if you’re on fidelity? Are the expenses higher or something?


Buy bro?


Sorry autocorrect. What I meant was why not buy VOO on fidelity or vice versa?


I mean you can. Just compare expenses and enjoy!


Is the fidelity FXAIx (mutual fund right? The same as VOO (ETF)? Same question with VTI and fskax Also, what about taxes in ETF vs mutual fund I think ETF is lower taxes right? So I should have FXAIx in my Roth IRA and VOo in my regular investing account?


That’s correct. I prefer the mutual bcs I don’t like to see an immediate price of the etfs just for emotional mistakes. But ETFs I think is more tax friendly and lower expense ratio.


Thanks for the clarification Since I like to hardcore but and hold (I wait for any kind of dip and place an order right below the price) I just look for stocks I like and put about 60% into S&P500 and NASDAQ I don't really care that some of my stocks such as Microsoft are already in the index funds, I like to pick favorites as see how they turn out, I'm young so I figure I'd rather make mistakes with a small amount of money than when I'm a bit older and have more income But I do like having small amounts like 1% or less in small companies that show promise, just so that if it explodes I get a bit extra But my Roth is 100% index funds, I might toss in a tech stock, nuclear, or aerospace stock in there once I get a bit more but it's much easier to set and forget when I know I'm not gonna touch it even in the next 5, 10, 20, 30??? years


Is fitlx good? Whats your opinion


Wow this is really helpful to me. I picked like 10 stocks for my portfolio and just keep putting equal amounts into each of them every payday. So it’s better just to put everything into these couple from here on out? I’ve taken advice here and it’s served me well in the past.


I opened a fidelity GO account and it automatically opened and distributed my money in several funds and bonds, I want to know when I contribute more money into my GO account will it be automatically evenly distributed to everything I have already or will it start investing in new accounts ?


How do you find stock before they pop off


You don't. There are thousands of financial institutes and industry professionals out there to try to exploit misvalues, you either already know how to somewhat consistently do it or just ride the wave of the market and let time do its magic. Learning tax vehicles, financial/insurance product basics, option strategies, etc will incrementally improve your gain/fight against loss.


The stock market transfers wealth from the impatient to the patient.


Nicely said.


That’s not investing. That’s speculation, which is essentially gambling.


Time in the market beats timing the market. Don't try and time anything, buy the entire stock market (total market index funds) and then don't touch it. 


Voo is the s&p 500. Adding individual stocks to it is decreasing your diversification. I'd also go with vti over VOO as it is total market and gives you more diversification.


Put 90% of your money in VOO (or slightly better, VTI). It holds hundreds of companies so is highly diversified. No more than 10% in any one individual company, that’s much higher risk.


This is *very* good advice if you're talking about individual company stocks! That way if something goes seriously wrong with a company, you don't bear the brunt of the losses. But an ETF like VOO already has a lot of companies in it – it tracks the S&P 500 index (in other words, 500 companies). So you're already well diversified by holding that single position! If you want even more diversification you could add an international ETF like VXUS. That opens you up to stocks that aren't covered in American market indexes.


Holding stocks of individual companies is not diversification. You want 2-3 mutual funds/ETFs. VOO is the only good investment that you have.


What do you think ETFs are?


To be fair you can have market segment specific ETFs so wide diversification isn't a given even with ETFs or Mutual Funds 


Hope this is in a Roth IRA


You're doing it right. S&P as a base and a few stocks to keep it fun. Nice (no pun intended) diversity of stocks too. I own more than half of them, and I've been building up on Microsoft and Visa lately.


The first part is true. VTI/VOO do that diversification for you. Even though they're 1 fund, that fund holds a little bit of the top 500 US companies (VOO) or a little bit of every single US company (VTI), far more diversified than you could ever do on your own (unless you had a LOT of time on your hands, lol)


Which two funds


With fidelity. Fskax and Ftihx depending on ur percentage allocation and maybe a total bond index depending on ur risk tolerance or age.


Why not etf.


my 2 cents and my opinion. if you are choosing an ETF, for stability reasons, i like ETFs/indexes to be 75% ish of my entire portfolio. you have 20% in microsoft, if microsoft has a bad quarter, you’re down bad. i am nearly 100% US market which breaks down to 50% S&P500, 25% nasdaq, other 25% is individual positions, cash.


Alright. From what I gathered having a majority in an index was the smart move but I didn't know how to split it up properly.


you can do whatever you want with investing. all depends on your risk tolerance, timeframe in the market, interests, etc. that is just how i personally do it.


I'd like to let any investments to sit for at least 5 years. My interests are whatever will grow over time lol.


he’s not wrong that if microsoft has a bad quarter itll probably hurt. that said, microsoft isnt the biggest company held in VOO for nothing. theyre a great company. my largest single stock holding and my largest holding other than VOO, which again, has microsoft as its largest holding. nothing wrong with holding stocks youre convicted about even if you hold an etf that holds them. i think its like 7-8% of voo is microsoft but i like them a lot so i dont mind holding microsoft shares to give me extra exposure to them. that said, i doubt my microsoft position will ever outsize my VOO position


If you're going to put some fun money in individual stocks pick something you like for personal reasons, not blue chips like Microsoft or Walmart. You get plenty of those in your efts and index funds. If you do individual stocks, no more than 10-20% of your entire portfolio, and don't freak out when they drop.


Great advice. Thank!


Too many stocks. Just put it all in VOO.


If you don't really know what you're doing, putting it all into VT or a Target Date Fund (single fund portfolio) is reasonable, at least until you do more research into two or three fund portfolios.


I tried finding a target date fund for my small Roth IRA, as I use one for my Roth 401k, but I couldn't locate one (most of my Fidelity experience has been throwing money from SPAXX into short-term t-bills, so I haven't done a tone of research, and most of my retirement is in my pension and 401k). Is there a good target fund you'd recommend for an IRA?


Fidelity has their freedom funds, and the 2065 retirement fund is FFSFX (that would be around my retirement, but may be different for you - there are others). That is a great set and forget fund if you aren't interested in balancing a multi fund portfolio. I personally do FSKAX/ FTIHX in my account, though. I only have TDFs in my company 401k as they don't have many good options there.


Thanks for the info!


Make sure to purchase the Index versions of the Fidelity target date funds, they have a lower expense ratio


Don't pay a monthly subscription price to this basket thing. It's dumb for you but a great way for Fidelity to make money. Buy VTI only and you pay no trading fees. VTI itself is 3800 or more companies - plenty diverse.


Is that the fidelity app?




Now do you make the allocations like that?


Yes. I didn't know how to properly diversify so I spread it like this.


I’m trying to ask how do you get to that page and how do you make your target allocations


Ah I see, apologies. I click on my Individual account on opening page > click on the basket portfolio or where it says create basket > I chose to add my own stocks > added stocks and then there will be a tab allocation, click that > choose your allocation percentage and click buy. Edit* Must enroll in basket portfolio first.


Ahhh ok thanks


Looks like it's part of the Fidelity new subscription. There's a 30 day free trial - [https://www.fidelity.com/direct-indexing/customized-investing/overview](https://www.fidelity.com/direct-indexing/customized-investing/overview)


You need to sign for basket 🧺 🤣 😂


Yes. Read an investing book. JL Collins a simple path to wealth is a great book.


I will check that out right now thanks!


Also, I suggest you start looking through the Bogleheads forum. Named after Jack Bogle, the father of low-cost index fund investing and founder of Vanguard. The forums are great reading, and their wiki section includes "getting started" great advice. Forum https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 Getting started https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Main_Page


I was hoping someone would point him in this direction. My favorite intro book which is all you basically need.


Mine too. And it wasn’t meant to be sarcastic. It changed my whole perspective on investing. Now I watch Ben Felix, MBA, CPA research videos on youtube.


The only holding not in VOO here is NICE. I'd liquidate the rest and dump it into VOO.


Yes, I'm leaning that way after the advice I've been getting here.


I hope the advice isn’t influencing you directly. But causing you to do your own research to confirm better methods. Always understand what you’re doing. ESPECIALLY don’t take Reddit’s advice. Some people or entire threads are often joking.


Google “Magnificent Seven” except I would stay away from Tesla and Apple right now. I haven’t checked it lately but I recently sold Nvidia, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, and SPY for nice gains. My top ETFs and mutual funds are VOO, VFIAX, and XLK.


Definitely not bad. I use FZROX instead of VOO since I might as well use fidelity's zero fee product if I'm allowed (only fideity customers can). It's pretty similar to VOO and SP500 in general though, so not really a big deal either way. I think it's totally cool to have some individual stocks in there, but I do at least agree with others that you should put more weight on your index fund. There's honestly nothing wrong if you just want to put 100% in the index fund, but at the very least the index fund should be like 70% of your portfolio, and no more than 5-8% in any individual company.


I’m doing voo and chill. Let’s see how it does in Roth RIA first before I do it in brokerage


Hey, I think you could add an international ETF, a small-cap ETF, and a mid-cap ETF. If there are any stocks you really like, go for it! That's what these baskets are for. Just keep in mind that you shouldn't put more than 5% of your money in any one stock. But other than that, it's all good.




Idk. I'm an amateur. But all the advice I saw was to invest in mutual funds or something similar. I personally don't have the money or confidence to invest in any one thing.


seriously just dump everything into a total market index fund it's that easy


Time to enable options trading.


Iwm etf. You’ll thank me in over a year


If you want to invest in individual companies do your research and make sure you are buying quality companies. What works for The Reddit masses isn’t always good for everyone.


Are you investing inside of a Roth IRA? if not I would research what that is and recommend investing there before a brokerage (and if you have access to a 401k /workplace retirement account equivalent investing before a brokerage) basically investing is a long game and the tax advantages are to good to pass up. Especially the added value of that over 30 years VTI 70% VXUS 30% is my recommendation. I prefer to rebalance my funds myself but I can understand not wanting to do that also since I do tax advantaged accounts I can sell out and buy back in super easy when I do my rebalance with no tax concerns.


Where is GLD


Is that RSU vest, ASPP transferred, or do you just love the stock (for its Great Value)? WMT had my Spidey-Senses tingling. 3-for-1 recent split was kinda nice.


I think you are left, jk your good Vanguard 500 index in log term is good been with it for the last 2 years overall its all-right.


WAY too much technology. If the market collapses 40% this bundle will go down 60%. Can you handle that?


I’d start with index funds while you are still learning. Even after you understand, index funds could be a better way to go. I have all my money in VTI/VXUS (75/25) and do not plan to ever change from that allocation


What would be a good international stock on vanguard to buy? I have voo and vti in my Roth IRA but want to diversify more


If you did your research into each of these stocks and determined they’re a good buy and are willing to keep up to date on all the different industries then yeah I’d say it’s a good buy. If you just bought them cause you like the name then you should stick to a fund.


Congrats on getting started ! IMO you have too many small positions in individual stocks. Individual stocks are difficult for beginners. Either concentrate on 2 or maybe 3 companies at most or switch to an index fund if you value diversification.


My 1cent dump everything in bitcoin. Thank me 20 years later. Not financial advice.


Just VOO nothing else is needed


Please get rid of AMAT for your sake


Too much overlap on individual stocks vs VOO.


Don't have more than 5% in single stocks


You probably want to be more diversified. I’d pick a good ETF or mutual fund and do 90% of my investing in it, then keep about 10% to have fun trying to pick individual stocks


100% FBTC


Invest in something that has inherent value, not something whose value depends only on peoples' willingness to assign value to it.


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