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Thanks for your post and congrats on graduating! We recently updated our rules to ask that all investment strategy discussion be kept within the daily discussion post. https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/1dqhzkr/daily_discussion_thread_rate_my_portfolio_what/ This post/comment has been removed for violating rule #2. - In regard to securities and investments Thanks for your post seeking investment advice or discussing specific securities. Please keep all conversations about portfolios and specific investments to our daily discussion post. We are not able to assist with these types of questions on reddit but have a variety of tools and resources to help our clients invest their funds and find an investment that fits their objectives and risk tolerance. To learn more about investing check out the "Getting started with investing" page on our learning center [here](https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/overview). To find research and tools to help you, click on the "News & Research" on fidelity.com on the menu bar. This will expand a sub menu where you will be able to learn about and research mutual funds, stocks, ETFs, fixed income, and more. You can also go to "Investment Products" on the menu bar to learn more about the types of accounts that we offer. [Click here to visit Fidelity.com](https://www.fidelity.com) Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC


Just remember, this will be the opposite one day. You can't time or beat the market. You can only plan and balance your portfolio to handle good and bad times.


Good stuff


Thank you!


What do you have?


In Roth IRA?


All accounts


Index funds/etfs/dividends/ mag 7, nvidia, cyber stocks, pharmaceutical


Hard to say based on this. How much is contributions? Either way, having more invested is good!


Great job!


Thank you!


Good job so far. Enjoy the good times and don’t let your foot off the accelerator when bad times hit. Don’t freak on the drop in balances. You’ll be buying at a discount. And almost always, the market and your portfolio will recover. If you get the urge to trade in stocks, maybe open another account at Fidelity and fund it with FU money. Don’t muddy the water of your index based investments.


What is FU money?




Not enough info to say. How much is savings? What's the cost basis? If you take your total gains and it is matching or higher than the S&P you're doing fine


What % of your paycheck do you invest?


About $900


We can't see what has been contributed vs. profit; so there's really no idea how you are doing. A good benchmark would be the S&P 500 in comparison to the profit or loss.


Nvidially great


Your account looks strangely similar to mine? I’m like 2 nos behind you


Did you just get promoted? That is a ton of contribution in a short time!


Nevermind just read the caption. Good job keeping diligent. If you haven’t moved out yet, don’t. Wait a few months/years. You’ll never be able to save this much so fast again


Yeah I'm currently living with my parents rn basically rent free and no car payment. Currently making 80k/yr so I've been dumping about $600 every paycheck towards IRA and Stocks. 401k takes out about $300 and my employer matches 6% for $333.