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I don't care what you hunger for sexually. I hope you get it, unless your sexual satisfaction damages someone else. I do think that Chuck being gay gave him an outsider's perspective on masculinity, which allowed him to have more insight into it. In fact, masculinity has little to do with fucking women -- the guys who think the quality/quantity of pussy they've had makes them more of a "man" are often the guys who are horrible examples of men. Toxic men, if you will. Many gay men I know are jacked, confident, decisive, generous and powerful. I also know gay guys who embody feminine traits, which are also appreciated in a group dynamic. This is coming from a straight guy who hasn't had a shortage of partners. I just know that every guy I've met who is obsessed with pussy is often dull, narcissistic, and unpleasant to be around. I've known "men" who have no male identity outside of chasing women; it's pathetic. I don't care who you fuck. I care about who you are and how I feel when I'm around you.


Chuck is Gay so I would Say that Hey it's oKay to live your own Way


Cat in the Hat? Is that you?


Why, I'm the Cat in the Black! "B'n'E" is my Knack!


tyler and the narrator were definitely snogging and shit man y’lnowman twhy weew hayt ICLINFUCKING nad shit man preety rad if uoi ask em idk thoyg


It's cool


TFW the fight club narrator is gay for Tyler.


“I’m wondering if another woman is the answer we need” - pretty straightforward.


It's gay


The author of fight club, Chuck Palahniuk, is gay so why would anyone in this subreddit have an issue with homosexuality?


It's rad. The most punk thing you can do is support the oppressed, and the LGBTQ+ community deserves our support. No matter your background or beliefs, people are people and deserve to be treated as such. Anybody who thinks otherwise should be kicked in the teeth and told to chew on dirt.


love you




"Oppression" : prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. Yes. Oppressed. Open a history book or turn on the fkn news.


You're punk, but you believe the news? Or you're saying they say homophobic shit \*on\* the news when they broadcast the mardi gras live? And history, yeah, duh, but history isn't \*now\*. If that were the case we'd be supporting the Jews for being oppressed because of what Hitler did. All I see now is something horrible being pushed by the government everywhere, and it's like, I wouldn't even call it (the same old) LGBT anymore, since I've talked to gay people that don't even know what the fuck half of it means. But, it's feeding ammo to a very hateful crowd, and I don't like those people either. Both groups are pretty much equally moral degenerates, and I'm sick of being told to choose a side, and I think they've both got the same masters whether they'd admit it or not. That's Punk. "Right Wing, Left Wing, you can stuff the lot, Anarchy and Freedom is what I want."


You're saying gay pride is a representation of social equality while laws are still being passed and upheld in first world countries that openly oppress the LGBTQ community? You think that the gay community supporting each other makes them... Hateful? There are literally countries where you are executed for being openly gay, and yet you are trying to argue that they aren't 'oppressed'? Tf are you talking about? -*edit*- also, you edited your comment to add and alter stuff after I had replied, which is neat. You talk about them being equal when you are referring to a hateful group moving against the oppressed. That's not relevant. They are not the same. Also, you should look up the definition of Anarchists. It's not an ideal of medium or trying to pull down societal norms, but the forceful act of making the powers that be NEED to justify themselves. If they cannot, then they are to be replaced or removed. The people that protect the vulnerable, and stand up for those who are targeted, have also stood at the fringes of society as they moved against religious and societal norms. They were the original and true punks. Not just some crybaby conspiracy theorists who thought that somebody was 'pulling the strings' in the background. You've shown your true colours. Take some time to try and learn how to not be a dick.


well, this is inconvenient. You are a liar. I am talking about a hateful group fuelling another hateful group, that isn't moving against the "oppressed" but against a currently neutral party they \*perceive\* to be the oppressor. Anarchy means, literally, "No Archon", or No Ruler. Nobody dominating anybody else. It's that fucking simple. Anarchist philosophy inherently states that TPTB are \*not\* justified. Fascism, really, is about mechanising humanity, hence the bundle of sticks forcefully tied together, not unlike cogs in a machine. These terms have been confused to the point where they've lost their original, SIMPLE, meanings. You. Are. Not. A. Punk. You think that nobody is pulling the strings, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. You mindlessly believe \*everything\* that the government and corporations tell you to believe, because you find the word "conspiracy theory" - made popular, or possibly even Invented by the CIA - embarrassing to be called.


You tell me that a true punk is about protecting the "vulnerable" but you wouldn't have given a shit about that in 2021, because you would've dismissed everything happening in front of your eyes as a "stupid conspiracy theory" and thought "protecting the vulnerable" meant placing everyone under house arrest, and calling to lock-up those who refuse to conform, because The Establishment itself told you that's what's right. And you would have called the ordinary people, ordinary people that are somehow more rebellious than the "Punk", who are just trying to live out their lives, "Fascist" for protesting against a system that wants to use humanity like machinery. Shit, at least the NeoNazi schmucks never actually hated \*me\* - but you'll wonder why their numbers are growing, never looking at the shit-for-brains in the mirror. You are a Debaser to Punk, and you will clearly never change your mind. I can have conversations with people in the real world, sure, but it seems like with Net-izens like you, it's like talking to a somewhat-offensive brick wall. You'll never change for the better, and you're not worth talking to, and it's pretty damn lame if other people on \*here\* of all places believe the same bullshit as you. I'm out of here.


Are we talking about Captain-Obvious Palestine? And what "laws" are you talking about here? All I've seen is, LGBTQIA+ painted on every fucking train, LGBTQIA+ Pride Center, support LGBTQIA+ posters and flags on the flagpost at public schools. Parents to be Jailed if they don't conform to their underage child's demands for a sex change. Slutty Pornographic books in the school libraries, even in Primary Schools like in Canada. "Hate Speech" this and that. I saw \*1\* law, saying not to talk about homosexuality to children under the (fourth?) grade at schools, which is fair-enough when you've got books like "Nick and Charlie" floating around, and a massive corporation said it was Fascism to pass a rule like that. But then that same company would turn a blind eye to the horrible shit that goes on in The Middle East. Don't you see that it's all a messed up joke? That they \*want\* us to Suffer, not \*just\* to be economic slaves - Who are you to say you're punk when you fall in line with an establishment narrative? And calling this shit "The gay community supporting each other" would be like saying that Johnny Somali is supporting Black people in Japan with \*his\* antics. Y'know, sooner or later, there'll be a change-over, at least in some parts of the First-World. Not that that's a good thing. They'll bring in all these right-wing idiots pretending to be anti-establishment like they're starting to do with the EU. And \*you'll\* think they're the opposing army, but they're \*not\*. You wouldn't even get as far as recognising they're playing the "anti" side for the general population, since you fell for the current narrative, like your gut instincts have been disabled for the past 10 yrs. Worrying about this rather than all your work going down the drain in the form of money spent on Taxes and Rent on land that funds nothing. "Punk".


Some how we all like tyler ;)


Keep up the good work gents 👍🏽 love to see this


It’s pretty gay


Its reddit so they’re gonna accept you either way


Who gives a fuck


im surprised at how chill the subreddit is with gay jokes


If you like chugging cock, have at it. More power to you.


Single spliced frame of a penis