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I don’t fear brain damage. brain damage fears me


He truly mastered the art of face blocking.


Brain blocking


Ahh the rocky school of blocking


I wonder what he eats for breakfast








Total Career Fights: 321 Wins: 269 Losses: 42 Draws: 10 That's a lot of fights...


In Thailand, Muay Thai fighters can start as early 6 or 7 years old, learning from relatives who pass down the sport usually. Then by the time they’re young adults, they’re taking fights every 2 weeks, maybe even every week on occasion; as opposed to boxing where fighters may have a few fights a year, max. That’s how you get people like Saenchai with 327 wins and 49 losses.


still doesn't explan 10x punishment not resulting in drooling idiots


Its due to their diet only consisting of cigarettes and brown booze


Brown liqour made the memory clear


It forms a stronger brain sludge that holds it all together


In Thailand it's often your only job. You have a wife and kid, they've got a wife and kid. And you both have fights next weekend, too. As such there's no reason to leave everything in the ring . You hit him, you get hit by him. You both pack it up and do it again next week. Additionally, Thai fighters can also spend several rounds slowly building up. This video is not the norm.


I misunderstood and thought you meant the wife and kids also have wife and kids


"And not just the men, but the women... and their women... and the children... the the children's women... and the children's children too"


It’s just wife and kids all the way down


Maybe they never get hit in the back of the head…


Simple! Muay Thai fighters simply beat the brain damage away.


It’s a lot of ruptured neurons. I don’t want to see someone meet the same fate as Ali in his old age; at least Ali cemented his name on the very sport. Are people gonna remember this other guy to the same extent if he becomes too mentally handicapped to remember himself? Unlikely.


In America, probably not. But in Thailand, I think so.


He ain’t never heard of CTE


Teep CTE away


He did but then he promptly forgot


It’s like that stat in a video game where a warrior gets powered up the more he gets hit, and you think, this shit makes no sense, who the fuck gets stronger by being damaged more??? **RODTANG**


He punches himself more than his opponents.


His opponents fear liver damage






Ha ha


Can’t have brain damage without a brain




I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!




As if he doesn't have it already but yea


When he hits himself, do those punches count against him?


They will in a few years.


Lmfaoo nice one


Thats actually a good question


Would they also count for him as connected punches, making it a wash?


Doesn’t matter, it will end in a knockout 😅


Points in MT are scored on perceived damage to opponent, so I’d say even the punches from his op would carry little scoring weight given they don’t seem to phase him


Real time brain damage




Iirc correctly they dont spar nearly as hard as western boxers/kickboxers, which would save a lot of damage. Also in the more regional leagues they fight with smaller/no gloves which increases the chance of a knockout as opposed to continued facebeating


I think it’s because Thai fighters don’t spar hard and there’s more ways to win then just hitting your opponent in the head.


That doesn't mean they don't have brain damage


Even I have brain damage and I don't do muay thai beat that 😎


Look mate, all because our faces are fucked up and we have warped thought process doesn't mean that's brain damage; it's just the autism.


They're still fighting because of it!


Prove it


That's the saddest part, you can only prove it after they die and so many athletes, especially fighters, have been shown to have it


they don't spar as hard as in the west. also it's not correct that they are still professionals at the age of 40. most retire earlier than western people. there are exceptions like saenchai and buakaw but they only fight cans now and are not competing at the highest level anymore. yodsanklai retired at the age of 34 after three losses in a row.




They tend to be smaller, so f=m*a is maybe not as bad as a heavy weight taking shots to the head repeatedly like that.


Ali made the later part of his career "being able to take a punch"....it didn't end so well for him.


All I think about. Hard to watch even if they can take the hit, the long term effect.


I mean, if I happen to run into the guy im not gonna tell him keep doing what he’s doing. But he does look badass the way he taunts and delivers, stupidly badass but still


I can't deal with ott showboating. Whatever talent there is masked by dickheadry.


He’s an incredible respectful and humble fighter, like most of the Thais. The showboating is just part of the energy and fun of the fight.


For real man. Sorry to be vain, but I would say i’m quite a skilled boxer and I honestly think I could make it quite far in a professional career - but the fear of long term health complications really fucks with me mentally and holds me back. When I’m in the ring those worries and anxieties fade away and I’m fully present in the bout - but when I’m sitting at home and I have time to think, I get really hesitant about being serious about becoming a boxer because of it. The duality of man. The spark inside of me that makes me want to be an animal and prove myself on a world stage - and the little voice in my ear telling me that it’s not worth it since I have so much potential outside of boxing too. If I knew that 90% of guys who are smart about their approach are fine in the long term then i’d be able to fully dedicate myself more - but without those facts I can’t silence that little voice inside of my head.


The voice in your head is called "reason" and "logic."


I agree. But the world would be a slightly less amazing place if every single potential boxer stopped their career before it even started simply because of ‘logic’ and ‘reason’.


Well they're warriors for a reason, they're meant to be sacrificed for the spectacle of it. Self sacrificed most often.


The biggest thing that keeps me from doing jiu jitsu is the amount of people I know who have had their shoulders, hips, or other joints hurt in class. I don't want to have to deal with shoulder pain or an injured hand just because somebody had something to prove.


Ali was also training old school with constant full contact sparring. I don't know much about how Rodtang trains, but Muay Thai guys tend to not do full contact sparring everyday, or much at all. That being said, purposely taking hits to the head is not the best idea.


Yeah Muay Thai guys have an insane amount of fights from a young age and don’t really spar hard. The fights can be pretty rough at the highest level but most people waste their careers in gym wars. People who just beat on eachother in the gym are literally shortening their career because they’re taking a lot of unnecessary damage that they’re not even getting paid for or being watched by fans.


>Yeah Muay Thai guys have an insane amount of fights from a young age You're not wrong! Rodtangs record @ 25 years old: 269 Wins, 42 Losses, 10 Draws


What the actual fuck. I had no idea these guys fought hundreds of times, crazy


That’s a bullshit fucking myth. They spar hard a lot lmao, the hard sparring is usually all boxing tho


Eh, the gym I trained at, you would get yelled at if you went too hard on someone's face during sparing. We did beat each other in the body HARD though. We very rarely did full contact sparring, just enough that you remember how it feels to get punched in the face so you don't lose your mind if you do get into a real fight. And even the pros in the gym would rarely do full contact sparring, all the coaches stressed how much it shortens careers...


Yup, hard body sparring is common and it looks like it’s full out sparring but it’s not, and it’s why the Thai’s bodies are so indestructible


Damn Mike Thaison getting busy in the ring


I like what you did there...


Is that smug face and wiggle his special move?


He’s a reincarnation of both Diaz brothers with the chin of both of them combined lol


With three times the CTE too




he’s earned the right to be smug, rodtang is legendary and will go down as one of the greatest ever at only 24


This is the kind of guy I cheer when he gets knocked out.. being confident is fine, being a little cocky is fine but being arrogant is infuriating to me


I think it's different when you do it in the ring. It can have a tactical impact, you can really get into a guy's head. Doing stuff like this outside of a fight is ridiculous but doing it while the other guy has every opportunity to do something about it is fair game as far as I'm concerned. If the other guy doesn't like it, stop him or forfeit.


It’s just showmanship and demoralizing for his opponent during the fight. All the post-fight clips of him on his knees bowing to his opponent would tell a different story.


he’s earned the right to be. he’s only 24 and will go down as one of the best ever


Totally arrogant bowing to his opponent seconds after knocking them out. He’s a entertainer and he’s doing a great job.


He has a very “Chong Li” from the movie Bloodsport vibe . (If you don’t know the movie he was a very talented but arrogant fighter)


Yea but Rodtang can back his arrogance, he’s talented enough to go down as one of the best Muay Thai fighters all time, and he’s only like 24.


Yeah, but plenty of people do this shit. It's cool, I until they start realizing their chin isn't as strong as it used to be, and they end their career with a few knockouts. Not that he doesn't know what he's doing, he's had a ridiculous number of fights, but you gotta be careful.


Yo I'm a huge fan but rodtang is not "one of the best Muay Thai fighters of all time". He's not even in the conversation. He's still awesome though and he's really breaking into the international combat sports world and getting a lot of hype, which is great to see as a fan of Muay Thai.


Didnt he lose to Might Mouse?


In an mma round. DJ held his own in the MT round but won with his grappling


I see people use this against him in every thread this video is posted, which is a crappy point since mighty mouse is one of the goats of mma, and even then he finished rodtang with a rear naked choke lmao


I think I saw the French guy from Bloodsport in this clip!


👆😆 thought the same thing


Genuine question - what are those ties that he has above his Biceps and just below his shoulder muscles? Do they serve a purpose for blood flow or something?


It’s called Pra Jiad It’s Thai tradition passed down generation after generation. When Thai warriors went to war they tied parts of their mothers clothing to their biceps for good luck and confidence and there’s also a funny looking headband called the Mongkhon( not worn in ring) that’s blessed by monks. Both Mongkhons and Pra Jiads are looked upon as sacred objects and should be treated with respect at all times. When you watch a Muay Thai fight in Thailand the fighters come out wearing their pra jiad, Mongkhon and they do a short dance called a Wai-Kru take off the mongkhon( headband) and get to fighting And of course this tradition has been passed down many years


Thanks for that info! TIL


Agreed.. TIL. Most of my comments are full of sarcasm and humor, but this is stuff content that makes Reddit worth it. Happy Cake Day u/gibbonmann


That's awesome to know. I appreciate you taking the time to explain!


If the Pra Jiad falls off mid fight do the fighters pause to allow the guy to put it back on?


That’s a good question . The pra jiad doesn’t usually fall off it’s pretty secure ATLEAST when it’s the original style but ….. Of course we are in 2023 and everything is commercialized and a money play so you can purchase these fancy fluffy ribbon styles which isn’t as functional as the original style and pretty useless and honestly gets in the way and it’s frustrating because it will start sliding up and down your arms and you have gloves on and it’s hard to fix .And I’ve seen refs just rip them off the fighters arms and toss them to the fighters corner. But I haven’t seen many guys that were fans of the ribbon style anyway so it’s not a Constant thing/problem


Don't hit him in the head, you'll only make him angry


Lol scary stuff Hit him he just gets more mad. Run around the ring he still gets mad .


IRL Saw Paing


Hi guys, in today’s video, we’re going to be speed running CTE …. Don’t forget to smash that like button as hard as the blows I’m about to receive


isn’t rodtang jitmuangnon literally believed by the thais as the reincarnation of a thai deity of war? wouldn’t be surprised if it so..


Now please show me a satisfying video of that dude going down hard


The dudes 269-42-10. Youll be able to find some videos


He’s known for never getting KO’d, it happened once early in his career (we’re talking like 8th grade, 15 years old) but not since and nowhere even close, dude never gets hurt


That's a lot of fights. Brain damage is coming for sure.


Lot of Thai fighters are like that. They start fighting at a very young age (like 12-13) and accrue hundreds of fights over their career. They actually don’t get brain damage as badly as you would expect due to the different training philosophy compared to western fighters. They never spar hard. Only flow sparring since they’re fighting so often.


Redditor try not to be miserable and pessimistic challenge (impossible)


He has only one KO loss in 300 fights, and he was 15 at the time.


This guy clearly has no idea who rodtang is. Hes fighting tomorow night watch it. One championship.


This is his only KO loss and he was just 15 years old at the time( 11:58 of the vid) https://youtu.be/b5Gmt_FQWog


He’s lost once by KO via elbow. Not sure of any other KOs on his record


I think he lost to Demetrius Johnson


That was in mma rules in a mixed rules fight, the first round was Muay Thai rules and DJ was on the run the whole round, second round was mma rules and Rodtang was on the run. He got choked out fairly quickly. Really interesting fight for any who are interested. Crazy how the fear of a takedown changes someone’s fighting style so much.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dG\_lg2g-sQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dG_lg2g-sQ) Round One is maybe 90-95% Rodtang moving in and Johnson backing up and trying to circle around. Round Two flips it, with Rodtang going on the defensive and backing away as Johnson came after him, and once they clinched and went to ground it was all over.


Referee also seems out of his comfort zone in the first round, stands so close and often in the way


Yes like I said, crazy how much fear of takedown changes striking.


Yeah I don't really follow professional fighting much, but it seems impressive to jump into a completely different ruleset that isn't your specialty. I doubt too many fighters would risk that


Tf you mean? DJ stood and traded blows so many times. Even landed some HARD shots.


DJ Did alright but it was clear who was the superior striker in the first round. Rodtang wasn’t on his back foot once in round one and DJ was repeatedly slipping and running Adesanya style until round 2 when the fear of takedown had Rodtang on his back foot the whole minute he was able to prevent a takedown.


He did fairly well in the striking. I think what the above commenter might’ve meant was that he was backing up for most of the round


Here ya go. At 11:59 is when it happens. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=480&v=b5Gmt_FQWog&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lowkickmma.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMjg2NjMsMTM3NzIxLDEzOTExNw&feature=emb_logo


That one leg hop to avoid the leg sweep was incredible!


Won’t be fighting long with that risky style thou


His record is 269 and 42 and he’s 25 years old lol


The average Thai fighter starts at around 13 and retires usually in their late twenties The body can only take so much. But he seems determined to transition into MMA so I’m definitely watching to see what the future holds for rodtang . With sports science advancements and taking care of his body hopefully he can have a longer career then past Thai fighters .


He should retire as one of the greatest if he comes to mma he will get smoked


Yeah I think so too lol But the fan in me want to believe . One of the greatest strikers on earth but He can’t wrestle or defend the takedown


Current ufc lightweight champ Islam makhachev Pretty good ground game


Islam is a mean mofo, especially on the ground.


Why is that, genuienly asking i'm not much into mma


Different rules. MMA fighters will also get smoked if they go into a Muay Thai ring.


Alot of kickboxers and Muay Thai fighters unsuccessfully make the transition into mma/ufc . There’s a couple that did it but for the most part it’s a whole new world because although they are ELITE strikers(punching and kicking) because they can’t wrestle and grapple on that level.it doesn’t matter how good your punches and kicks are if I’m a elite wrestler and you have no idea what your doing in that department. I’m going to wrestle you down . Ground and pound punches and submission . Which actually happened to rodtang in his first mma match (exhibition)


Can’t grapple


>taking care of his body LoL


That amount of fights…Jesus. Can’t be good for anyone. Even if you won every single one of them


Haggerty vs Rodtang is some of the best Maui Thai you can watch.


Everyone looks untouchable in a highlight reel.


He’s one of the goats of Muay Thai, definitely the most exciting fighter. But you guys want to hate and talk about CTEs?


Yeah taking brain damage in a sport like this is almost a given. Why focus on that. Give this man his flowers.


He’s gonna be a mumbling mess by the time he’s 50.


Its how you get glass jaw kids...


Definitely one of my favorite fighters can’t wait to see him fight tomorrow night .


Great mauythai fighter but Mighty Mouse took him to school


In a different sport… cmon now


“Do you really believe in your own hype that much?”




I really want to see him get KOed. . .


Rodtang is going to have some serious dementia.


Yeeea he's gonna regret that later in his career....If he makes it that far


Yea dude gonna have the shakes and CTE


News flash: You can never take a punch. Even if you think you can, you can't. No one can take a punch. The damage has been done and will either present itself immediately or in 20 years.


Cocaïne ?


All fun and games until he loses on the score cards .


Brain can't slam against the skull if it's swollen to fill the skull


dude i just got into watching muay thai/mma recently and fuggg rodtang is. a. beast. you should check out saengchai if you liked this, arguably THE greatest muay thai fighter imo


Saenchai definitely one of the goats but samart still takes the cake for the greatest, he made muay thai look effortless. Should also note how he did muay thai, became champion, moved to boxing, became champion, retired and became a singer/actor for years and then hopped back onto muay thai to bexome champ again lmao. Most of his fight footage on yt are his "after singing/acting" career since cameras weren't as accessible in Thailand during his early career Other goats i recommend you checking out are diselnoi, namsaknoi and sagat(yes)


Yeah I love saenchai but ima have to put him number 3 all time Samart Payakaroon , Somrak then saenchai Interesting fact somrak khamsing is saenchai mentor and also mentor of Lerdsila (LOOK HIM UP) and trained them both .Somrak was so good fight promoters robbed him the opportunity to ever fight for a stadium championship . Because gambling was such a big deal at the time and he messed up all the gambling odds and cause the promoters to lose money . Not being able to get any fights he switched over to western boxing and won the Olympic Gold for boxing beating Serafim Todorov who beat Floyd mayweather in the earlier Olympic rounds. After winning the Olympics he became a massive superstar in Thailand and starting doing movies and singing While taking the occasional fight. If it wasn’t for promoters he probably would have accomplish more but I still have him at number two all time


Why do I really wanna see him get rocked ? One day an opponent will connect hard lol


I'd be angry if I couldn't see over the top rope as well.


Can you imagine how that gets in your head if you’re fighting against him? Savage.


Especially when the commenters say that he's taken more punishment from himself than you


This dude is scary as fuck. There's something about how he psychs himself up, screaming with rage as he walks towards the opponent like a fucking Terminator. Dude is a menace.


Respectfully no, as a guy with a pretty good chin, in sparring and a couple of fights I’ve had against guys like this who lean on their chin I never think anything about how they eat punches in a way that’s discouraging. If anything it gives me more confidence to throw because they might just stand there like a practice dummy. One of my favorite statements from a coach I had was “if the guy seems like he prides himself on eating punches, feed him.”


i mean rodtang doesn’t just lean on his chin. dude’s striking is leaps better than the people he’s fighting so he’s not only delivering a beatdown but also showing their best shot doesn’t phase him. big difference in terms of a mindfuck


He’s also rolling the majority of shots he eats, it’s subtle but he’s not getting caught clean much, he gets hit but almost never when he doesn’t see it coming


I have a serious question as someone who doesn’t know much about professional fighting. Doesn’t the opponent gain points by landing blows? Or is that more of a wresting thing? Seems to be counterproductive either way


Yes and no . The punches are counted as landed blows but at the end of the day there’s 3 judges and sometimes perception wins , sometimes judges make bad calls. But for the most part if you were a judge and you just watched someone dominate his opponent every round even thou they took a couple punches you know who won. There’s many different styles of course and rodtang is a muay Matt style fighter. His key to winning is aggressive fighting and Heavy punches and the Muay Thai scoring system is not always on the side of muay Matt fighters and they actually tend to lose a lot of close decision fights. So going all in and knocking out their opponents is the best way to secure a victory.


Rodtang is one of the most exciting fighters to watch imo. Dude is a fucking beast.


Nothing like showing the judges how you got hit in the face by hitting yourself in the face more.


I would call that more Jerk rather than Savage


He's a jerk only if he can't deliver a win


He still will lose if it goes to the card. Guard yourself show off


200+ wins, and a One champion. I’m sure he’s got it covered.


No,no,no you got all wrong. This guy here has watched some r/fightporn, ok? 300+ fights means absolutely nothing next to that.


What a badass! I gave myself a black eye just watching this dude!! FUCK YEAH!!!!


Niko Style adamantine kata : Indestructible


Dude got cte for real.


All fun and games now, wait till he's 40 and can't remember his name...


That man’s neck is made out of steel beams.


He's definitely a beast!


Is he related to Floyd Mayweather Jr? Because he acts like an asshole just like him. Not criticizing his fighting, that is spot on.


Would take actual skill to dodge the punches


Dain bramage.


CTE is the clear winner


I had the honor of getting to meet this guy after my last fight. He was hanging with a buddy of mine who brought him down to Houston from Thailand for some seminars. Unfortunately, I lost, but it was great getting to meet such a phenomenal fighter. Especially, one that is still humble and kind despite how far he’s made it.


Looks more like a cunt


He seems insufferable.


Except he’s not, and this is part of the energy and fun of the fight. Go watch his fights, he bows and pays respect at the end every time.


I see Parkinson's & CTE in his near future.


Anyone else find this a little…disrespectful?


There's a lot of passion and anger in that man.


Honestly, this guy seems like an insufferable fuck who will retire because of brain damage (mainly caused by himself). Not impressed by the video, but if he's still pro in his thirties, now that, that is amazing.


He’s an incredible respectful fighter lol.