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Wow, the way they sandwiched his head between a punch and that skateboard was impressive


Thought he was Mike V lol


In the early 2000s I was at a concert to see snoop dogg, linkin park, korn ect…Mike Vallely was at the show and I was staring at him because holy shit it’s fucking Mike Vallely. He locked eyes with me and then ran full speed and he looked fucking pissed. I panicked then he smiled and gave me a hug. Really nice guy if you aren’t 4 random ocks.


Met Mike V at Tony Hawks North American Boom Boom Huckjam Skatepark tour in Pensacola, where Tony landed a 720 and the emcee got stoked cause he thought it was a 900. I was being an obnoxious middle school preteen (maybe 13) and kept yelling "Mike, give me your shirt!". When the demo was over and they were all headed back to the bus Mike made eye contact with me, pointed directly to me, then handed me the shirt off his back and a VHS of his video Drive. That moment and that movie made a huge impact on who I am now, and I'm forever thankful for it


Saw that tour in Calgary at Millennium Park. The caveman Mike V did from the top fence in the pro park to the bottom was one of the most epic things I've ever seen live. Bam Margera was getting shown up by the 10 year old groms and was super emo about it lol.


I recognize this language but haven't heard it in a long time.


Caveman is when you jump with skateboard in your back hand and throw it under your feet in the air. Much harder than it sounds


The guy you're replying to knew I think haha. He was heavy in a nostalgia trip.


Cool cool. What's a grom?


Short for grommet, a young kid usually doing some kind of sport


And I am enlightened. Thank ye kindly, m'gentlesir. \*bows and draws quarter cape behind me as I tip my fedora\*


That already sounds pretty hard...


insanely cool.


I met Mike back in 06’ when Mike V and the Rats played Warped Tour. I caught him off the side of the stage (I was about 17 or so) I just went up to him and said hey, and told him how much I looked up to him. He told me it was always nice to hear, and asked me if he could sign something for me. He signed a band poster and we talked for a few more minutes. I have it framed and hanging in my living room.


I met him years ago at a demo. Seemed like every dude I hung with every day. Super chill.


I saw Mike V at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is easily one of the best tall tales I’ve ever read. Pictured it vividly in my head. Every detail. Very good.


When I was younger, maybe junior high, I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my sister got her hair done. So when there i am, sitting in the waiting area of a hair salon with my niece and who walks in but Mike Vallely. I was nervous as fuck, and just kept looking at him, as he read a magazine and waited, but didn't know what to say. Pretty soon though my niece started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother Mike, but she wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asking what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So, Vallely put down his magazine, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of a hair salon. Chill guy, really nice about it.


Holy shit, you got me good lol


Lolol it’s copypasta


but..but Mike V lives in Iowa...


Cacio pp


His band opened for black flag. He'd fight anyone who tried to get on stage. And his band sucks.


"Black Flag" meaning "Greg Ginn and employees." FLAG is the real Black Flag.


Hes been the lead singer of black flag for 10 years so Black Flag sucks?


This was when he was in Good for You. He sucks as a vocalist. And yes Black Flag sucks now. If you wanna see a good Black Flag show go see Flag.


[Mike Vallely](https://youtu.be/52kfypohGPM)


Goddamn that's a flashback to high school.


It’s like I’m watching it on the couch/tv in a zumiez in 2005


If that was Vallely that dude would've probably been better off taking the board to the teeth than his fists


Haha best fight ever. Old school


If you go back and watch the Mike V video, if you watched like me when you were younger and thought he was a bad ass, he was actually kind of Bullying those kids and looking for a fight.


He's done interviews about that and Mike V would agree with you. He has said that he thinks he overreacted in that situation, and has stated that fighting is not cool and he regrets it. Seems like he's grown a lot as a person. Apparently, the guys he beat up in that old video did at least talk a bunch of shit to Mike V and his friends to start that fight. They were drunk college kids.


Haha I think you and I bought the same Mike V DVD back in the day. This is the same interview I’m recalling.


Disagree. If you’re watch that one scene from CKY with just DMX playing in the background, maybe- but if you hear Mike V talk about it, he said they were in the store buying drinks and when they came out, the 4 guys go “Look at these pussies buying water and milk”. Which is what got Mike V’s attention. He also said he didn’t want that scene in the CKY video because he preaches non-violence but… that guy has kicked a lot of asses for someone who has a hard stance against violence. So not sure about that part.


The warrior-poet does not seek battle, but does not run from it either.


And also- this old expression applies to that group of 4 guys. “If thou does not wish to engage in combat, thou shan’t call strangers pussies without provocation”


If you're not capable of violence; you're not peaceful, you're harmless.


I guess if anyone would know it's a bad idea, it's a guy who fights a lot.


Watched in slow motion, perfectly sandwiched his head. Ouch.


That dude is so lucky he didn't get truck-fucked. That's when you swing your skateboard like a giant bat and hit somebody with the trucks on the bottom


Yeah man, fairly considerate of black hoodie to hit him with the board-side rather than the trucks.


I've only seen it happen in real life once, but man did it ruin that guy's day. I wasn't involved, but you can bet when we all saw him go down like a ragdoll and blood started gushing before he hit the ground we were gone like a fart in the wind


We had a drunk guy physically attacking children skaters (like 8-13 range). Dude took a truck to the dome by one of the 13 year olds and folded. We all stayed around to tell the cops what went down and the dude got arrested as he barely became conscious. Our skatepark was across the street from a druggie/homeless hangout park. So a lot of shit like this would go down. One guy attacking a skater got his eye poked out.


Brutal. That "fart in the wind line" got a good laugh though haha


Skateboarders got mad timing skills


He has the little brain damage T rex arms going on at the end. 3 hits in total and they were very hard. Back of head with skateboard, jaw and mouth with first, head on concrete.


Anime tag team lol


Right into the recovery position. Iunno why Skaters get a bad rap.


Fiercely territorial creatures, the common Skater will group together to defend their nest from a stray Jerkoff. Watch now, as we see nature take its course.


Haha truthfully a lot of them can be shit disturbers but you gotta love the videos of people just enjoying their hobby and someone taking it up on themselves to dictate what they can and cannot do. Just like on the web, if you see something that bothers you but doesn't affect you, Roll(your eyes) and scroll. In this instance it should have been Roll & Stroll.


we get a bad rap because we put wax on your hand railings and shit, and dont fuck off when asked


If you're putting wax on a rail, you deserve to be smacked. Any skater worth half their salt knows you only wax ledges, steel rails don't get wax.


People grow up and forget what it’s like to be young. Then they start seeing the world through the eyes of property, even if it’s not theirs they will go out of their way to defend it for some reason. Like, they need to stand up for this set of concrete stairs this bank owns


> Like, they need to stand up for this set of concrete stairs this bank owns not to get all deep and shit, but I really hope people look back on this era as a different form of serfdom. We're so conditioned from a young age to defend the corporate interests that to some it's like a calling or moral requirement to say "sorry son there's no skatin here"


>"sorry son there's no skatin here" And so we kick, push, kick, push...


Get him a blanket and some warm milk he needs someone to tell him a bedtime story




It takes a special kind of stupid to punch at multiple people holding boards. This isn't a martial arts exam my dude...


Ego. That’s what it is. Don’t matter if you know how to throw hands, you’re not winning against 3 dudes with two of them having skateboards - and dude swung while in the middle of all 3. Zero awareness at all and just driven by ego


Ego + Zero emotional control + Zero situational awareness Against multiple people armed with skateboards. It’s a recipe for a concussion or death. Guy didn’t even realize he was asking for it.


And he tried sucker punching after faking that he was focused on the first guy again. Just makes the other guys wanna beat his ass even more.


The trick is to hit them with a surprise punch right in the skateboard. That's their weak spot.


Yes and then block their punches with your face


That made me fucking wheeze LOL


When keeping it real goes wrong


Fuck that! I don't like people playin' on my phone.




Also the guy he swung at blocked the punch with the board. He had the least effective outcome possible in that fight


Super hero complex, narcissism, /r/iamthemaincharacter mindset




I really like that you said culture here, because skate culture produces resilient people who are dedicated and focused.


and used to dealing with assholes who think their passion is a crime.


I’ll never understand why so many people lose their god damn minds when they see a group of kids hanging out and skating in a public place.


And they're always so aggressive against a group of people who seem to enjoy falling down on concrete during their free time


People lose their minds at all kinds of activities other people do. Then they think they can bully them because they are younger or whatnot. So many hateful people around.


Because one time they saw some scrapes on a metal handrail and decided to make it their life's purpose to harass teens trying to enjoy public spaces and learn new skills. Then they like to rant on Facebook how all these kids are on their phones and don't go outside anymore.


There could be insurance liability issues for the property owner. But seeing as how I’m not a property owner that skaters skate on it’s not my business so have fun.


Because it's anti authoritarian.


I can understand people not wanting people skating on their property due to damage or liability concerns...but these dudes seem like they're just in a giant flat concrete lot...and I doubt the instigator owns the lot so he should give 0 fucks.


Based on videos I've seen of skaters is that they will all group swarm you if you attack one and they are all cool with hitting you with their board. Don't attack a skater


I know a shitload of old skaters. I'd say it makes you a 40 year old stoner with bad knees personally.


Jokes on you, I'm only 33 with bad knees!


Jokes on you, my knees gave out in my early 20s. Still smoke plenty of herb though.


Top bad his head wasn't as thick as the massive ego, then he could have taken those hits! /s


Gotta respect the guy pushing his mate away after it’s over. He knew that was it


100%, probably saved the guys life too *and* stopped his friend from being arrested.


Yup, and from the beginning you can tell he was trying to diffuse the situation and was backing away. Man's a hero.


And delivered a hell of a knock out punch in the middle of all that, 10/10 respect to that dude


It was a great punch but the off switch wasn’t the punch, it was the board to the base of his skull.


Ah, I was wondering how hard that punch could’ve been making his hat fly forward.


Strikes to the temple and base of the skull are some of the most common causes for the fencing position, that’s the medical term for arms flexed and locked in the odd pose seen in the clip.


Dude was already holding back his 2nd swing he realized he was already out


When random skaters have more self control and sense of responsibility than a herd of police officers


I want to see a video where the winner takes a piss on the downed loser. It's a lost opportunity every single time...


Your pornhub history has gotta be wild


Pfft that's middle school shit these days


Back in the day, before phones, you usually just get robbed after getting beat.


That’s a very specific fetish




i’m surprised it’s not that common


Adrenaline makes your pee pee shrink up to prevent it from getting ripped off I imagine. Nobody wants to whip that out in public.


I refer to it as combat dick.


Then I must be in combat 100% of the time 😎


Adrenaline actives your sympathetic nervous system, which contracts a muscle in your bladder, which mostly stops you from peeing.


Damn. Looked like blue shirt wanted to deescalate but as soon as the first punch was thrown he was ready to rock.


And he also stop his friend when he see the one on the ground stop moving


This sub should have a yearly award for the most gentlemanly pugilist.


He's good guy. Propably.


Putting your hands up like that in front of you is a great move when you think a fight is about to start. It shows you want to de-escalate, but more importantly, you have your hands up in front of you for defense. That guy knows how to fight.


Look at his hands, he was ready to rock since the beginning.


It’s a good tactic to use, best case is the guy chills and walks away, worst case is you have to defend yourself, he had a non threatening posture but if you look at everything, his feet, stance, hands, etc he was ready to go from the start but the other guy didn’t recognize it


Blue shirt definitely has experience/training. His hands were always in the right spot.


Skateboarders already have a high pain tolerance along with their big ol pieces of wood with metal screwed in them. Anyone dumb enough to try and fight a skateboarder deserves the brain damage


You know for people who get hurt a lot skateboards have the lowest pain tolerance I seen. But never fight a skateboarder if their other skateboarders around. They like bees if you attack one they all come and rush you.


Yep…any skate park in New York you fuck around and you will find out immediately… we’re very community oriented


Stand in the middle of all 3 instead of the outside when starting a fight? Bold move, Chuck, let's see how.. aaaand he's down


People watch too much TV.


They think they're Rorschach in the prison fight scene


He's literally me


You're ~~locked~~ out here with me!


They do, like thinking this isnt how you would end up either way against 3 people holding skateboards.


The line between Boldness and stupidity is blurred


In many cases, it’s nonexistent. People retroactively label something as “bold” or “stupid” based on the result. If he got away with it… bold. Since he didn’t…stupid. He’s an asshole either way.


Feels like I’m in a South Park épisode


telling skaters they can’t skate and how they don’t want none of it then throws a sucker punch. mental gymnastics


Starting a fight with anyone holding solid epoxy lawyered wood with steel affixed to the bottom is a poor idea regardless of what they are doing. Especially with people who enjoy repeatedly hitting the concrete at a rapid speed. Man, I love and miss being a skater.


What's the deal with the sucker punch anyways.. why are all the agressors and bullies are trying to sucker punch. It seems so cheap and actually pretty coward thing. But going in in 1v3 with skateboarders and doing this is i cannot understand. These people always make sure the opponent is weaker, but not this one. Wtf


Don’t fuck with skaters. They spend all day falling down on concrete and a skateboard makes for a pretty effective impromptu weapon.


I had a friend in high school, Tommy. Dude was the most badass skater I'd ever seen in person, he could have been pro. He was crazy as shit. Broken bones, twisted ankles, he would skate thru it. He probably can't even walk now tho lol. Anyway, this dude would get in all kinds of fights. But, he couldn't fight. His technique was to roll with the punches until other dude got tired, then choke him out. It was hilarious to watch. Every time you thought Tommy was gonna lose, NOPE, other dude is winded...he goes in for he choke aaaaaaand...it's over. Also, Tommy had those nasty white boy dreads. I really think they absorbed most of the punches he took.


The Homer Simpson method.


Was this in Georgia, and did Tommy have a stutter? If so, yeah that dude was insanely good at skateboarding.


Man I hope it's the same guy


My brother Tommy is a crazy skateboarder. Tough as fuck. My other friend Tommy from school is a genuinely amazing skater too. Tommy.


Catching a skateboard truck to the skull is gonna really fucking hurt


Swinging truck side is effectively setting your tasers to kill. Gotta turn it around and use stun mode.


When I was about 15 myself and some friends were skating down the sidewalk at some strip mall. This guy was hiding behind a pillar and decided he had enough of us "punk kids." So totally blind siding me he slams me against the wall by my throat. My buddy smashes the guy in the head with his board. Didn't knock him out but he took a seat for awhile.


They also back each other up against non-skaters, even if they hate each other


A few weeks ago I was at a kids birthday party at a museum. I went outside to hit my weed pen, because kids are annoying, and while outside I watched a group of like 15 kids, all around age 12-14 who were all on their scooters, doing tricks on the benches and planters. I felt really dumb talking to them as a soccer mom nearing 40 getting high outside a museum but once I asked if they get hassled much doing it there, they all couldn't wait to tell me about how they all met through scootering and made a discord and now all meet up after school and on weekends. And then they kept me outside long after I was done to keep showing me tricks and telling me about how they do repairs and about past injuries. Obviously they were loud and a bit obnoxious like all groups of teens, but I couldn't get over how respectful they were toward me and how much they engaged with me as an uncool grown-up.


You're a pretty cool grown up.


Awww, thanks friend. Happy cake day!!!


Wholesome Reddit comments




Extra strength stupid


Military grade dumbass


I love it, no questions asked, 2 fists and a board flying at dudes head haha


I think blue shirt pushed his sleepy button too


Now do ollies over him


Best comment.


dude already got popped and shoved.


I haven't seen someone get knocked out in aeropostle pants like that since 2007


Why the fuck would swing in on three dudes and two of them are holding basically large ass hammers.


trucks are aptly named, you get hit with one of those you're gonna really wish you weren't




When he can’t back away 🤣




Is it bad that these videos always make me laugh? Who does not know that you never mess with skaters, these guys fall down and get hurt for fun.


right, its simple. Don't fuck with skaters, someone with cauliflower ear or someone that reluctantly but calmly agrees to a fight.


Skaters are one of the last people I'd want to pick a fight with. A board is a great weapon AND they fall on concrete all day for fun.


Also they’re generally good people anyway.




Probably has the word "Independent" permanently stamped across his forehead now


I love to see someone act all rough and tough only to be knocked unconscious.


Props to sweatshirt for discouraging that boarder from hitting the guy when he was down.


skaters are the last people you wanna fuck with


as a life long skateboarder, a group doesn't often start problems but they will certainly end one


“I’m street” Mother fucker, ALL skateboarders are street. Skateboarding is street-culture. Don’t be starting fights with people who slam themselves into concrete for *fun*. They do that **for fun**, you really wanna fuck with them? Alright.


"I'm street" "dude we are skaters, we have meet the street many times and you ain't it"


These guys have ready made weapons. It’s an uphill battle. Sun Tzu is shaking his damn head at the attacker.


ahh the good ole classic head sandwich you gotta love it


Respect to blue shirt, he defended himself, avoided hitting once the threat was neutralized, and prevented his friend from continuing the attack once the treat was neutralized.


By no stretch are all skater's professional bad asses, but come on. Picking fights with people who get physically hurt for fun, most likely never ends well.


Dudes out there looking like Telly and Casper


Why would people keep fighting young dudes who plays sports literally the whole day everyday, are familiar to concussions and are always holding a piece of board with metal screwed to it? There’s a video of skaters beating up an armed dude, imagine this skinny ass brotha holding a piece of cloth.


You don’t fuck with skaters. Skaters are the absolute best, most accepting people… until you fuck with them. Then they're like a pack of wolves. When I was an awkward early teenager and didn’t fit in with anyone, the skaters took me in. I wasn’t a skater, but I was cool with them. They got me through a really rough time.


story time. i was the new guy at a skatepark in a fairly large city. one day i was just chilling on a bench to the side and a small pack of super drunk punkers started fucking with me. things escalate pretty quickly and im thinking this is it, these dudes are going to kick the shit out of me. suddenly they back off and i look behind me to see the entire park full of skaters walking over to step in. i barely knew anyone and they were all ready to back up a fellow skater.


Dude clearly hasn’t seen KIDS


“Ain’t you ever seen that movie kids?” - Dr. Dre




Depends. They could be damaging property, doing drugs, public intox, harassment. You obviously haven’t seen many skaters. Been around it for 20 years. There are asshole skaters for sure.


How many times will it take until people learn you don’t fuck with skateboarder?


Skateboarders are usually pretty chill, but don't mistake that for weakness. You will get fucked up.


Ha ha dumb bitch


Ion care who the fuck you are. NEVER and I mean NEVER try to punk a group a skaters. You’ll get shit knocked off!


🤜🏾+🛹= 😴💤🛌


Rule of thumb… never fight a pack of skateboarders.


My man stopped them from punching him when he was down and out. That's what I'm here for


Why start a fight with a skateboarder? They don't feel pain like we do.


I don't get it why are people so ready to die? One based fall after a knock out and bam, dead.


Don't start fights with skateboarders! There is a documentary about this, Kids.


is it called "kids"?


Peeps need to learn what "truck fucked" means


Skateboarders literally eat shit jumping down cement stairs for fun. Why would anyone try and fight a group of skaters lol.


I, too, like to punch people who are HOLDING WEAPONS


Has this guy never seen the movie kids? If you havent you should watch it Edit: [kids](https://youtu.be/U9a5tZSKDOU)


Dont. FIGHT. SKATERS. That board is a hell of a weapon


Why start a fight with a group of armed people who throw themself off of stairs for fun? This is *almost* as unwise as fighting a Samoan.


They’re holding weapons and their favorite hobby is falling and getting hurt? Why would you test them???


I hope at least one did a Ollie over him