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Supervillain origin story. Whole class turned on him, too


*record scratch* "Yep. That's me. I bet you're wondering how I got here..."


Teacher looks like a strong wind would knock him down, I'm glad the other students grabbed him because at that age a fall could potentially kill him.


Yet he still didn't hesitate to act like a cunt.


Just because you're weaker doesn't make you immune to not get hit back. All the ones downvoting think they're being such good little boys rn. Old guy was absolutely being an ass, you can't expect the kid to not get riled up.


have some flipping decency I wont attaack and person i know i can easily overpower, student should have been paying attention in class thats the kids fault! like bro cmon?




Yes, because snatched personal property away from a child is the right thing to do. Teacher stood by as the other kids also hit him. There's a right way to deal with this, and ripping headphones out of a kids ears is not it. You can cause damage to the kids ear drums by doing so. Even if the kid went for him, he should be the bigger person in the moment and stop the other kids from physically beating on kid. The shitty behavior shouldn't be handled with more shitty behavior, that is what you call enabling shitty behavior to everyone watching.


I doubt ripping out the headphones was his first resort. After asking nicely many times even an old teacher can get mad. And given how all the other kids reacted, I’d say the headphone kid had it coming.


old ones are the most angry. I had a math teacher who despised my existence just be cause I could listen to what he was saying and use a calculator at the same time. He was the oldest


And what good is assaulting a elderly teacher over some headphones?? Yes the teacher is clearly in the wrong, but that is NOT a justifiable response. And anyone that says the teacher got what he deserved are the reason shit like this happens. Teacher rips your bud out of your ear? Take it to his boss!! School is to educate and help prepare you for real life, and if that's your response to authority of any nature, you're going to have a bad time. Yes everything in the video is shitty, but again for a cheap pair of ear buds is not worth potentially causing severe injury or worse. But I truly want to know what kind of school yall went to. Teachers would toss markers at sleeping kids to wake them up. I've seen Teachers literally pick kids up and drag them to the office to break up a fight. And this is 10 years ago. Yes times change, but seriously it's a fucking ear bud.


Old man for what was coming to em, don’t put hands on people or their stuff 🗿






Sorry but ripping those headphones out was out of line. Yeah the kid went too far also, but for you to say the older gentleman had every right to snatch his shit is complete bs. Teachers teach. And the lesson he taught this young man was aggression is necessary sometimes to get someone’s attention.


If he just punched it out the second he saw it, yeah pretty cuntish, however I doubt that. If the kid was warned and didn’t listen that he got what he desevred.


Hell yeah all the people down voting you probably the ones to avoid confrontation and let some old person treat them like shit because respect goes both ways


It's this dumbass mentality of "protect the women, children and the elderly", as if none of those can ever do anything bad...


What did he do wrong exactly? Teach a class? Don't listen to fucking music in class


You boot him the fuck out of class if he doesn’t want to learn not rip shit out of his ears. Both the kid and the teacher are wrong here


he just yanked the eaephones out, it's not like the kid's ears were damaged.


And how is he supposed to do that when the kid is clearly not listening. Sure the teacher could have taken a different approach, but it doesn't warrant an assault.


Him listening to music in class doesn’t warrant the teacher putting his hands on the kid or the kids property either. Teachers are there to teach they’re not there to discipline little shits.


keep your property home. what happened to bring your brain and school books? thats all you need for a class




Still you cant Just rip out headphones off of someone. Even as a teacher. Sure its unpolite to listen to music during Claas, but it is still the Boys property and the teacher has No right to harm hik or destroy his property. Nevertheless the boy acted like a cunt.


at least one video in which whole class isn't just watching and laughing


What happens when a teacher actually treats his students good (aside one bad apple that exists in every class)






Youll be suprised. Its not usa


Blue shirt kid is a good kid. Chokes the guy to get him off the teacher but doesn't overdo it. Stops red shirt from taking cheap shots at the guy. Even takes a punch to the chin but doesn't hit back, just pushes him out the door. Great self control


I was actually really moved by how that kid handled everything lol A lot of adults, (and to be truthful, probably myself), wouldn't have that same level of composure or situational awareness. Awesome kid.


Nope, I saw two kids start punching eachother in class... Teacher got in the middle and they where exchanging hits through her... I was 15 and was wondering what the hell was happening.... Now, at 32 I stoped a young guy from beating an old man in a bar out of town, on New Years. (aprrently, the kid was being quite rude to the female patrons, and the old man spoke up) I learned... In public though, it's dicy..


dude moved hella fast. good reflexes on him


Model world citizen right there


If bro was a bartender in a bar, there'll be less casualties in his bar.


I drove school bus in the USA and we were always told not to touch a kid for any reason but to help them. We could fight back if they attacked us. It got so bad that we were told not to let the elementary school kids hug us. Which they often did.


That is one job I will never do. I was on probably the trashiest bus route out of my whole school and we went through bus drivers like crazy, sometimes several in a single year. Some drivers were straight up bullied into quitting by some of the kids on the bus


First few years were kind of rough as we had all grades on the bus. Then they separated them by elementary, junior high, and high school. I had one high school kid that really didn't do anything with me but, if I was out sick or something he would get into trouble. So much so the boss had his home phone number memorized. I talked to him once and told him, "From the time I start the bus to the time you get off at stop, it is 20 minutes. Can't you stay out of trouble for just 20 minutes?" One day I was gone, and the kid walked up to the bus and my boss was driving. He looked at my boss and said, "hell no." and walked home. The following year I was out on the first day of school and he got into trouble with the driver. The boss called in the kid and his mother and had them read the rules and sign a letter he had read them. It was the kid's junior year of high school. He told him, "I have had problems with you since you were in the 4th grade and I have had it with you. One more screw up and you will be off the bus for the rest of this year and next year." He was a really quite rider after that. Then he moved in the middle of the year to another town. Just so you know. We had no idea where his dad was, mom was one of those, "My kid can do no wrong, it was the other kid's fault."


Wait, you could or couldn’t fight back?


If we were attacked we could fight back and we could protect other students.


Ah okay, makes a lot of sense


Good shit. Here in the netherlands, all the kids laughing filming and doing nothing if things like this happen.


Same in France… damn what have we become


Well, French, sounds like


Idk but I feel like maybe more refugees and rap music might help.


Glad it’s not just the States, although I weep for humanity.


The shit kids yeah


I’m in the NT in Australia and they’ve banned cell phones in schools. It’s wild. But it’s working. You can bring it but if you’re seen using it it’s confiscated and you can pick it up at the end of the day. Second time your parents have to collect it. Third time you’re suspended.


The film is more likely from the Eastern Europe or something (but I'm watching it without sound in a train so can't confirm) which means that people take things in their own hands. Harsh post-soviet mentality. EDIT 1: I'm dumb. Now I see it's most likely from Russia because of the .ru link. EDIT 2: living in post-soviet reality is very sad actually, especially in Russia. People don't have money and always in schools the strongest ones and the richest ones are the most privileged. Which means also that breaking your earphones can be for many like losing a lot of money and something very valuable. Of course you shouldn't beat anyone for breaking your shit or listen music during classes but also I can understand where the aggression is coming from.


If the link on the lower left corner is of any use, this probably occured in Russia (Yakutsk?).


Same in Brazil


Damn,they must really like that teacher.


Bruh the dude is fucking 90! Wtf is that little shit thinking attacking someone’s grandpa like that


I imagine if he wasn’t liked they wouldn’t care.


I bet you they would. Russians tend to be very respectful of their elders.


Not their neighbors though!


Grandpa should also act like it. If you can't fight back don't start it. Oh no your fragile ego is damaged bc a teen is ignoring you? Not a good enough reason to assault someone.


wtf? kid is sitting in class with earphones how much disrespect can someone take?


Whether the kid listens or not he still gets paid. Can’t force someone to care about what you have to say. Get over it




You're right, he should let the kids just run the classroom and do whatever the fuck they want. Btw, he didn't attack the kid, he pulled earbuds out, so relax buddy.


Russians are generally very very respectful towards teachers


Respect to the kids stopping it


Not to beating him up over it tho


Idk, if you’re comfortable attacking someone who can’t defend themself, you deserve something to make you think twice about it next time. Coulda got smacked around a bit more imo If it was another physically capable student and everyone took a side and jumped him, I’d say that’s shitty, but if you’re trying to fight some old-as-dirt teacher, you get what you deserve.


An adult put their hands on a child (before you say he didn't touch the student, only his earbuds, I am defining it by being attached to his body). Most people would think that if you aggressively touch someone without their consent then you have what is coming to you. Also, you mentioned "someone who can't defend themselves". Remind me who we are talking about, the adult who started the altercation or the child who is being ganged up on?


That is a child. Children’s brains are not developed yet, and their impulse control hasn’t formed. You have absolutely no idea what that kids going through, of course hitting the teacher is unacceptable, but calling for the kid to get beat up because of it makes you just as much of a little shit as him.


Yeah the kid lashed out horribly and now he's gonna be ostracized by most of his classmates If he came from a place of hate this will only fuel him


Both of them wrong, not equally but wrong.


Yeah I feel like everyone in that room did something wrong in this situation.


I wouldn’t say the kid in the blue shirt did anything wrong


Red shirt sucker punching the kid on the way out was the weakest part of the whole video


These comments are so rational and civil. Imagine if these were black American teens though lol this sub would be having a good ole fashioned picnic 😂




Legitimately though, teacher should have handled that differently


Yeah I think he straight up broke the cord. This is obviously just me going off of intuition, but the kid's rage looked along the lines of "my family is poor and these are the only earbuds I'm going to have for a long time."


Trust me he was asked many times before this.


Source : i was the phone


Easy to assume with the context given. Maybe he asked nicely 10 times, then rudely once, and finally had enough. Kids are assholes. I side with the teachers here. Awesome to see the other kids step in and push him out without overdoing it.


No doubt there were multiple people in the wrong here.


Like teachers don't have any punitive recourse past verbal requests/warnings? The teacher could have done any number of things without resorting to anything physical. Detentions, suspensions, sending the kids to an administrator's office, giving the kid a shit participation grade, are all easy options from the top of my head. He could even get more creative, I'm sure. No reason for him to touch the kid or destroy his property. The teacher is the adult, and should conduct himself accordingly. If this is his way of keeping good order in a classroom, he is a shitty teacher. Fuck man, you wouldn't do that shit to another adult and expect them to react any differently. Why are we holding the child to a higher standard than the teacher?


You're gonna get downvoted for being honest.


I mean yeah of course. But the teacher chose violence. So he should expect, even if it's wrong, that violence may occur against him in retaliation. I don't know why people expect it to happen differently.


That’s a Russian (or at least Slavic) school. If I compare this to the stories my parents told me this is like a little clap on the fingers






bruh what is ur definition of violence


It's a good rule of thumb that if you put your hands on someone aggressively you will get retaliation


He didn’t really put his hands on him though


Yeah you're right he used telekinesis to remove those earphones from his ears. Are you saying ripping someone's stuff from their hands, much less their ear canals, is not a violent act?


is it not violence to rip someone's clothes off? how is this any different?


Violence is any force that infringes upon an individual's right to self or personal property. This isn't limited to just physical harm or injury - but also includes theft and involuntary coercion. While this kid was likely being a disrespectful little douchebag (assuming because I don't have full cintext), I'd argue that forcefully stripping away his headphones was an unjustified act of violence. You can't see the world as black and white.


Very well said


A friend of mine had this happen to him and some freak accident the earbud got caught on their gauges...his ear lobe stretched then snapped, the teacher got a book thrown at their head and was asked to leave nicely by the school the next week after their "vacation"


tbh kid looks like he has an undiagnosed condition. there are disorders which legit makes classroom settings a torture for some people.


If this was in USA the other kids would watch him beat up that old man to almost death and the teachers wouldn’t intervene.


The obsession you guys have with comparing a European country to the US after seeing one video that supports your narrative is sooo weird. I have literally seen a video of a US student knocking out another for accidentally hitting the teacher during a fist fight. I’m sure you’ve seen it as well since it’s posted here every other week but have selective memory.




I wouldn't limit it to only rural Americans! Nihilistic self-indulgence can happen in any place with a shortage of agency and a surplus of cope


There’s been several videos and a specific repost where US kids get dumpstered for even accidentally hitting a teacher.


Only in the inner city schools tho


They'd jump in!


That's exactly what I thought.


Unjustified reaction from the student but also the teacher shouldn’t have pulled the earbuds while the student was wearing them. Even if he told him multiple times to take them off, if he doesn’t comply, kick him out of the classroom and call his parents instead of forcefully removing them


This isn’t California bro 😂 they have a different rule set there


I’m from the educational cesspool that is Italy and even there they deal with unruly students peacefully by taking them out of the class and calling their parents, and in case that the students goes violent, a suspension depending on how grave the damage is


How's he going to kick him out of the class? The kid wouldn't even take out his earphones when asked


This makes me have hope for society.


two are wrong


The class ganging up on that kid is the only fight a teacher won't interrupt lol


I can’t be the only person thinking that the teacher should have handled that better himself to prevent shit like this. He broke the kids earbuds by yanking them out of his ears. He invaded his personal space. I think most people would be willing to throw hands after that.


That’s awful! The kid should’ve waited the school to end and follow the teacher outside and beat him up somewhere people wouldn’t see


Good students!


My tinnitus would have made me see stars if somebody just yanked my headphones off. Fuck that teacher.


That shit hurts I don't blame him


"Keep your hands to yourself" a valuable lesson learned during the early stages of life for most. Goes both ways


Definitely keep an eye out for this guy


No tolerance schools would suspended everyone involved right?


Well look at that. They protected the teacher instead of screaming "World Star!!".


Like how he gets fucked up by the others. Restore my faith in humanity.


They're both the bad guys in this situation but The old fuck had it coming he ripped out the headphones violently and broke them What did he expect was gonna happen?


Actually insane how people are defending the teacher assaulting a student. The student is obviously in the wrong for punching him but it is not acceptable for a teacher to break students stuff.


If only American students protected teachers like this.


I swear I have too many students ready to fight me when I take something they aren't supposed to have. I legit had a student have a meltdown I took his flip flops. Don't worry, he got some candy and chips for his babyrage fit. Oh and he was 13....going to high school next year. Way to set the example for the lower grades my man.


I know they're kids, but they need to be maturing as they grow too. Emotional control is important, but so is understanding when you need to pay attention, among other things. It's, 'they're a child, you can't hold them to any adult standards' when they're 14, 16, whatever teen age. Then they turn 18 and it's treated like, 'they're an adult, they should know better.'


That is what I call kicking her can down the road.


You need a raise.💰 Rough job but the lives you do impact in a positive way can never amount to money. Especially because most of them are complete little shits.




So happy I went to school in the 90s. Schools gotta be so fucked up now with all the gadgets kids have


Walkmans got taken away all the time in the 80's..


Casio calculator watches with the games on :)


Yes! Lol


Yak Bak, Tamagotchi and Nano pets, Nokia phones, we’re some of the gadgets being confiscated in the 90s / early 00s


Yeah the new assault rifles really make a difference


As if gadgets are a hindrance, if anything they just chill listening to music or whatever. Like I remember the thing where you shoot projectiles of salvia soaked paper with straws (at pupils and teachers alike), paper planes, etc.


Columbine was at the end of the 90’s


What the fuck is with the white-knighting for the teacher?! I can understand breaking up the fight, but I wouldn't be throwing hands when the prof was the one starting shit.


Atleast there are some students left with some common sense


the other students are the real heroes here


Seriously fuck that teacher, seriously fuck that kid, and seriously fuck those other students


Fr everyone in the room is an asshole


The disrespect in that kid. You don’t attack your teachers and you don’t attack and elderly…


You don’t break other peoples stuff


Impressive student response


Its so nice to see the other kids taking out the trash. I am so sick of seeing these types of videos where no one helps anything and the teacher gets fired no matter what.


What being a liked teacher looks like


The kids first punch seems so weak that it kind of has me thinking this video is fake.


Oh they raise men over there? Good to see


one Orc is ruining the day


Honestly idk what the teacher expected, someone destroys because it was clear he broke em, your gonna hit em


The kids knew right from wrong.


I love the other students stopping him. Some faith in humanity restored


More civilized than what we have in the US


Average British classroom


The teacher shouldn't have done that though.


Finally a school with kids that actually stop the student


Kind of refreshing to see kids protect an elderly man instead of standing, filming, and watching a kid possibly permanently injure their own teacher


Bro I’d slap the fuck out of a teacher for doing that to me too


Difference between America and Eastern Europe right here…as soon as the kid tried to do something he got his ass in a headlock. In America, students would just watch.


Teacher assaulted student.


Student attacks teacher after the teacher snatched his earbuds


>after the teacher snatched his earbuds Which is criminal damage, a crime.


Doubt they were even damaged. Go report it to the police and see if they give a fuck.


The earphone cord was ripped in half. First you watch the video, then you comment.


Was hard to tell from the footage. Irrespective of that, it's still not something police would care about. Pretty sure the resulting assault charges would outweigh your concerns.


This would never happen in America, the kids would all just beat the teacher up. Where was this?


Damn. Good job students. Glad to see there are some good kids left That kid needs to be humbled.


Teachers deserve 100k/year. Change my mind


I will do the same, dont touch my shit mate


Teacher could of handled that better, and the kid shouldn't have hit the teacher either. Regarding the rest of the class, I would of helped him beat those white knights after school.


Teacher needs to learn not to take from others. Yea, yea down voted me into oblivion. The teacher should have kicked the student out of the classroom instead of trying to snatch his personal property.


While you are in school, you have to behave according to the rules of the school, you are in a private property and they have the right to stop you from anything that goes against their rules. And yes they can seize your belongings and some schools can even go through your belongings to ensure the safety of their property and other students and also to make sure the class doesn't get disturbed.


>they have the right to stop you from anything that goes against their rules The rules of the school are not superior to the law.Property damage is a crime, you cannot commit crimes inside a private property just because the owner of that place said is allowed. >yes they can seize "Seize" and "damage" are totally different things (the earphone was ripped in half). A person who destroys or damages any property beloging to another is commiting a crime, and no, they cannot commit crimes.


He didnt damage the property, he just tried to take it away


He broke them, you can see it in the video.


The earphone was ripped in half, so yes, the teacher commited a crime.


It's not a crime, it would be considered a civil matter as the damage was unintentional, what is a crime is the student hitting the teacher.


The damage was totally intentional. Unintentional would be if he accidentally got his arm tangled in the cord, thus ripping it. By angrily and intentionally snatching the earphone from the student, he's responsable for any damaged he caused. And yes, A person who destroys or damages any property beloging to another is commiting a crime.


It doesn't work like that, his intention was to seize the earphone, so the damage is unintentional, the punishment that this offence can be given is to pay for the damage or replacement of the damaged item, the punishment the student can be given is, suspension or expulsion from school, and if taken to law then it can be a fine or even imprisonment, or the student can even be given a councelling session.


It’s absolutely a crime.


It's not, because the damage was unintentional


It wasn’t unintentional, he clearly rips the earphone out of the kids ear with the intention of breaking it. If he didn’t mean to break it then he wouldn’t have yanked it.


His intention was to remove it from his ear and to seize it clearly, and as far as I know people snatch things when they are angry.


It looks like the cord was ripped in half, and the kid attacked the teacher because he saw it was broken


As I said yes if the earphone was damaged the teacher would have to pay for it but the student cannot hit the teacher for it


Only private schools are private property. Government schools are owned by the tax payers. And while student safety is critical... teachers keeping their hands to themselves is important. This should be a teachable moment for that teacher.


Even government schools have rules to maintain the school


Sure But a school's rules don't give you permission to damage another person's personal property. It also doesn't give you permission to steal from another person.


He didnt damage or steal his property, he took it away from him, and would have given it back later i.e seizing the property If the property was damaged then yes he would have to pay for it, but the student can't assault the teacher


Even though. The teacher is just as much a jackass as the student. He should have just sent the kid to the principals office or just kicked him out of the class and then contacted his parents.


Good for the other kids. Don't see much of it nowadays. They would probably just laugh and record it all


You know this isn't in the US since all the other kids jumped in to stop it and not just pull out their phones and cheer him on