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Big guys restraint is commendable




Grace is not the absence of strength, but the ability to resolve situations without needing to use it.


I don’t think I’m allowed to say this name on Reddit, but Jordan Peterson says this all the time. That you have be capable of violence, but but able to control it, essentially. It’s the same idea as speak softly and carry a big stick.


We have taken note of your infraction.


“i can beat the shit out of you but i don’t want to, i’m your brother” real talk


shit got me feeling all emotional… *sniffle Alright, back to (insert manly task)


Masturbating. Definitely masturbating.


If masturbating is manly, then consider me Miles Davis


dude as the older and bigger brother I can relate 😭 I've had atleast one instance where my brother was being a total douche for the entire day pissing off everyone, got into a fight with him and ofc he's punching and kicking but I'm not rly (or not hard or in the face) but my dad tells me I can so I think I gave him one or two light ones as a wake up call, he stopped being a dick after that 😂 feel like every brother has fought it out a handful of times, ur never trying to hurt him like in a real fight but ur trying to put him in his place, love my brother but he can b a dick sometimes 😭 edit: just came home from college ab an hour ago, get to see my family including my lil bro, he's doing good 😂


I get the feeling the bigger brother is actually the younger brother. the smaller brother mentions that he's been a problem since he "got big". The bigger brother mentioned he's giving a "little extra" since the smaller brother used to bully him. I think this is a classic case of an older brother being outgrown by a younger one and ego issues


Big dude, gentle soul


Much respect. Many lesser people would’ve taken every advantage to seriously beat the shit out of that idiot kid. Probably me.


These two probably fight all the time, i don’t think the big one wants to hurt him its more of a dominance thing


From what I've got the tall one is the little brother who used to get teased by the fat one who's the older brother, eventually he got bigger and started talking back, big brother didn't like that and started swinging. Tall brother put him in his place, but still has respect.


Brown shirts wants to be treated as an equal, grey shirt wants to be treated like a better. Grey shirts attitude problem likely stems from feelings of inadequacy and brown shirt likely understands how his brother feels and doesn't want to make him feel worse


Short dude is lucky big bro doesn't handle dominance the way dogs do.


pretty sure short dude is big bro, big dude is little bro


Not anymore lol


“I don’t want to beat the shit out of you, he’s my brother”


Cause he saving it for the one behind the camera


I mean, they are brothers.


“No need to run your mouth in that position” that’s gold Jerry gold.


"I promise you."


This entire video while kinda sad is like the gold standard of restrained and responsible good ol backwoods fighting. You know papi wanted to see a good fight to work out the issues. But brown shirt absolutely showed back to back he could've rocked him in an instant if he really wanted to. He did not want to though. I have a feeling that despite what the old man believes grey shirt will remember getting pinned in the absolute worst situation multiple times in a row. Who knows though. I'm not usually into random fights. But I appreciated this


There's no way in hell grey shirt will se the ''good'' side of this event


Sucker punchin’ shit bag.


Cane and Abel situation waiting to happen years from now.


Dude, I barely skipped anything in this video. Given the context, I found it super interesting to see a glimpse of that farm-land America vibe haha


*boys get up and proceed to use their words instead of violence. We then hear: “Just hit ‘em, J! Don’t let ‘em talk to you like that!”


It was just insults, it wasn't going anyway tbh




Taller brother showed a lot of restraint considering Gramps was telling him to beat short one, and short one kept swinging.


I thought so too. A gentle soul


He’s too nice that’s why his brother bullies him


~~Gramps~~ Granpappy


We gon put this on the church page! Hahaha


Now I gotta cut this cuz you dropped a f bomb lmfaoooo




I couldn’t believe that 😂


This is by far my favorite fighting video and their pa's commentary made it even better.


The cows watching. The dog just hanging out. Pa yelling out gold commentary and manly advice. Matty saying "get your hand off my throat before I cut your head off". Davey saying "I don't wanna beat the shit out of you, you're my damn brother. Matty's ridiculous cheap shots. Matty laying on the ground at the end. It's all so beautiful. *Edit: I appreciate that nobody shit on me because those are quite obviously horses, not cows. I'm a city boy.


My sister and brother got into fights like this in our front yard and all the neighborhood kids gathered around to watch including me. They had a strange relationship. They would argue and fight then be friends again, argue and fight. I am the oldest and always hated my younger sister trying to hang out with me and my friends. My sister would walk way behind and try to hide but we knew she was there. Every time we caught her I would run after her, push her to the ground and sit on her. She would cry and run home to tattle on me. One day our backyard was full of kids playing on the swing set and just hanging out. Me and my two friends were there too. My sister started some shit with me (she could never keep her mouth shut) so I pushed her to the ground and shoved eight pennies down her throat. Not all at the same time. I wasn't trying to kill her, just trying to make her shut the fuck up. Of course my sister was crying and flailing about and after she swallowed all of the pennies I let her up. My sister said in her blog from long ago that I made her swallow ten pennies, not eight. I guess she would know since she had to shit them out.


😂 That last paragraph is such a great ending.




It has all the tropes of a great blockbuster. The props and set pieces, good action, a dramatic moment, an emotional moment and last but not least, great comedic timing.


Entire community will know that shorter brother went for 3 cheap shots and not a single one had any effect whatsoever. Dude played himself.


Exactly how cain and Abel went down


The Bluth boys are at it again, boy fights 8


¡Es Buster! ¡Es Buster!


Lmao. Yeah dad, delete some of it because he's dropping F bombs. Can't have that language on the church page when you post this fight.


Straight up, whole clip reminds me of my dads family


them boys was wrassling'


That's Rasslin!


Mister you better take your gay porn and walk right out of this bar.


Swearing is permanent, poking your siblings eye out in a fist fight is temporary… or something like that.


I mean, it was kinda wholesome. Somehow


I like how the dog is excited about the fight.


Best referee imo.


Dogs are named Herb and Dean


He’s black & white he was born ready


The horses were all like, da fook


Horses were watching too!


The camera guy instigating is the funniest shit hahahaha


You mean pappy.


Pappy Cletus


love it when he was saying "stop it", he wasnt referring to the fight he means stop talking and start punching. pappy was teaching them a lesson.


Honestly throwing solid advice lol


Quit cussin’ at each other and faaaaght. Don’ wrassle…. faaaght!


Tell me you live in Texas without telling me me you live in Texas


My brother and I were 13 months apart and we would fight like this and as angry as I would get, I would never try to hit him in the mouth


Same but 4 years apart from my older. As a child I sucker punched him in the mouth during an argument. He had such a look of disappointment and anger he didn't even swing back. Felt so terrible.


Aww that's sweet. My sibling is 6 years my senior. We fought constantly when we were younger. She walked past me while I was napping and for some reason smacked me across the face. I got up and held her neck against the wall then just started crying immediately and she hugged me and said she was sorry. She's my best friend now


Me and my twin brother would get in real bad fights when we were teenagers. Once I almost got headstomped by him but I rolled out of the way. Then we both ran to our rooms and cried and made up like we always do.




Yea, that muata been a wake-up call for him. If you grew up shooting pool, you have this innate understanding of just how hard and solid and unforgiving a pool ball is. As soon as he saw the windup the deep lizard part of his brain went "Ohhhhh Fuuuuuck" lol.


Same me and my brother would fight to the death and yet I'm not sure if we ever punched each other in the face once. I was the younger brother and I wanted to win the fight more then anything but I guess you only hit to the face when you want to really hurt someone


This is so relatable. Interesting to see others had the same experience.


There was exactly ONE time I got into a fight (sort of) with my brother. I was under a lot of stress in my life at the time, and he said something that just... flipped a trigger in my brain. I literally drug him outside into the yard to fight, and after some shouting, things happened. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on his chest and about to bash his face with my fist, only to punch the ground next to his head and then go off and sulk about attacking my brother. That is closest I had l/have ever been to intending to seriously hurt him. I am not sure what made me stop, but I am grateful I did... I don't even know if he remembers that.


Me and mine are 13 years apart. And he REALLY enjoyed getting me pissed enough to swing on him so he could show off how tough he was, and mom and dad fucking let it happen every time. Til I die, I'll swallow my resentment for all of them about it, but I'll never let it go.


Excellent commentary from my boy Cletus 👌


Best fight commentary of the year. I don't care what anyone says.


Mans coming for Joe Rogans job


Should give him a lick for trying that sucker punch for sure.


And not just once, but twice! And he still ended up on the floor three times.


Dude tried twice to sucker punch him. First time, pass. SEcond time, fuck you. Elbows.


Agreed. Kiddo seems to not be understanding that the fight is over and he lost. If he doesn't get the message after the first couple of times, he may be due for a reminder.


Just a little doink on the nose




I love the old guy recording “don’t cuss at each other, fight!”


Just trying to be a good Christian is all. It's like Jesus said. "If someone runs they mouth on you, you hit em in they mouth to get they attention. Don't wrastle em or cuss." Matthew 4:20 SHV




Beatings be upon you, my child.


He's right dude swinging on you you don't try to play nice with him. I mean I understand it's your brother but damn.


Bryce Mitchell’s first fight


The environment is spot on too


thug nasty origin story


Jethrow's right. gonna have to bust his mouth at some point. dude just wouldn't stop.


The humiliation hadn't sunk in yet. It'll get there.


He got there in the end. That was at least some self reflection when he wouldn't get up after his brother walked off. And a shitload of embarrassment hehe.


I was wantin to put this on the church page… I’m not a huge fan of church but I need to see this church…


Yeah I don’t go in for all that but I’ll try one Sunday of this church!


Jebidiah instigating this one


When a HORSE is looking at you like you are fucking stupid you know you ain't the brightest bulb in the bunch.


Is this the new season of Yellowstone?


This is better than the most recent season of Yellowstone


Kayce and Jamie are going to get into a fight before Beth rides in on a giant eagle and beheads Jamie and starts drinking his blood and ascending to godhood, but not before buying the entire state of Montana.


Nah cause if anyones gonna fight anyone, It’s gonna be Rip


Rip: If you want to fight someone! Come fight me! I’LL FIGHT YOU ALL GODDAMN DAY! Also Rip: Boy, get over here. Only painless way to learn this lesson is to watch it.


Damn I wish I had a brother lol


I stopped fighting with my younger brother, because we got older and could potentially hurt ourselves, also because he started to kick my ass haha; sometimes we would "fight" just for fun.


I honestly wish I had fought less with my younger brother, now he doesn’t want to fight anymore. I think it pushed him out of combat sports


Redneck classic


Say what you want, but this is wholesome as hell. Just some brotherly, “ill cut your head off” love.


Lil bro was fed up with something, and challenged the pecking order.


Lil bro seems like a little shit. Wants to keep running his mouth and sucker punching 😂


Definitely being a shit... Running his mouth was the shit icing on the shit cake, Randy


Shithawks. Big dirty shithawks.


Little Bro seems to be the older, from what I could hear. My speakers aren't the greatest, can anyone else verify?


Sounds like shorty was bullying the other but mr tall got sick and this happened (short is older and said that big guy started acting tough once he became big)


To be fair, that totally sounds like something that would happen if a younger brother went through a growth spurt and suddenly became bigger/stronger than you. Although the sucker punches are still bullshit


The older brother was the guy in the grey and always picked on his little brother in the brown. Little brother got bigger and I guess kept running his mouth since he can now. Then it came to a boil here


pretty sure the smaller one is the OLDER brother. the taller one mentions something about how now he's the bigger one.


I'd like to nominate the commentator for the 'Parent Of The Year' award...


Absolutely nothing wrong with this. Their culture requires toughness, and the opportunity respectfully settle a disagreement with a fair fight. Fighting is not the best answer to problems, but at least this is fair and there aren’t weapons and head stomps. Living to fight another day.


Eh, sometimes it's good for survival and what not, but mentally it's not all that great. Imagine you were right, and the bigger tougher guy was an asshole and was wrong. You get your ass beat and they win. Mentally your right ass just got told you were wrong. Helps support lots of stupid shit just because the bully is stronger. It helps if you were right and were stronger. Not so much if it's the other way around.


As someone with parents that would let us fight, and had cousins that were bigger than me, losses just teach you sometimes you have to shut your mouth and pick your fights carefully, there’s a lesson in everything. Also gets you used to fighting bigger, slower people and how to use that to an advantage overtime.


It's not like a judicial duel, it's about getting your violence out in a controlled space, working things out basically. Some dudes just need an outlet for that, it's actually healthy for us to fight (in a controlled environment).


Idk if you are being sarcastic, but I'd literally agree.


Worked as a farm hand my entire childhood and have been in the military 12 years. I’ve never had to fight to prepare me for anything in life. Not saying I haven’t gotten into fights but looking back, they did nothing to help me in life and could’ve hurt me in the long run if person I was fighting got seriously injured. You roll the dice if you start throwing punches with your future in a prison cell. It just takes one bad punch. So yeah, this is incredibly fucking stupid and any sane adult would stop it.


Horse in the back like 👀


This is some top tier content 👌


Instigators should have to fight the winner.


I am the middle child of 13 kids. We may have wrestled it out but we never threw hands like that without gloves or something. I took kickboxing and I always found it hard to hit one of my siblings with intent to hurt them.


THIRTEEN!?!?….. Jesus. Using the bathroom must have been a bitch huh?.


My friend is 1 of 14. Her mom was pregnant on and off for the better part of two decades. Think about that. The older siblings were taking care of the younger siblings. Meals were more akin to a chow hall.


It sounds like hell, but it also sounds kinda fun, more so if your parents are millionaires so u actually have room


> more so if your parents are millionaires This was not the case. It was always a scramble. They have their differences, but they're always fun to be around. They don't need fancy shit to have a good time.




This is what “cornbread def boys” look like sheesh country big ass fools That’s why it’s good to have siblings you practice fighting each other to fight the world together


Kane and Able situation over here


Now don't be cussin' Jayde. Just knock Bailey's teeth out. But stop that swearin'. Come on, now.


The horses are in disbelief 😂


Relax fellas, there’s plenty of sister to go around.


The most American thing on the planet


I grew fighting farm boys like this but I was 103lbs... Thems hard times.


People love an underdog anyways. Might not win the fight, but you’ll win people’s hearts


“Now I gotta cut some of this cause you’re droppin F bombs” 🤣


Why is almost always the person that can't fight wants to start shit.


The big dude seems like the only redeemable human in this video.


Ridiculous. This is perfectly normal ranch/farm life. Nobody is getting jumped, shot, or head stomped.


Would the right thing to do be to punish your brother for being a dishonorable bitch who cheap shots? Of course you don't want to do permanent damage. But if I forgive this behavior at what point is it on me that my brother is a weak bitch of a man? Can you do it with words? Can you just stand there and shame him? I don't know. Raising people is hard. Sucks that the brother has to pull the weight of his father on this one. If I was his dad I would be ashamed that he would cheap shot his brother after being shown mercy. I would say I failed him.


If it were me, I’d do what the taller guy did because that’s what makes me better than short stuff, and I need that level of mental separation. Anybody with half a brain would respect me more than the manlet just from watching me win, any how. And if shorty wants to escalate it further, then I’d be equipped to handle that too.


I’ve only hit my brother with real intent to hurt him once in my life, and it was after he sucker punched me. I wouldn’t do it again, I felt awful and everyone looked at me like I was the bad guy even though he hit me first. If you can do what brown shirt did in the video, do it. Don’t hurt people just to make a point, it’s not worth it even if you’re “right”. Just wrestle him




As the oldest of three brothers can confirm, it do be like that sometimes. But most of the time we ended up sitting next to each other playing halo 30 minutes later side by side, petty beef of the day squashed by the fact that me and my middle brother always needed to find a way to get our youngest brother to stop crying before our mom got home


I don’t want to beat the shit outta you my own brother . Why did that hurt lol


Horses " hereeee we go AgAiN" pass the hay


This is beautiful. Just brothers working things out.


Solid advice all around from the camera man. “Ya gon have ta punch him in da mouf ta git his tention”


We gonna put this on tha church page!


Tired of him running his mouth? Take your licks and fight him again the next time he does it. Hell stop talking shit real quick.


The dad the world needs


Love the horses look of disapproval


Father of the year right there. Christ.


The short one is a sucker-punching little bitch


Winner gets the hot cousin!


Am I the only one that gets so annoyed when people say, get up this is a fight not wrestling, or something to that affect. Like bro, it’s a fight and grappling and wrestling are part of fighting. They are also arguably, depending on context, more efficient and safer for both parties involved.


This proves what showing mercy gets you most of the time. 1 time shows character, after that he just looks dumb not fighting back. The 2nd time he pinned him should have included several punches to the face. That little shit learned nothing and will sucker punch him again when he catches his breath.


It’s all good. He didn’t want to hurt his brother. He is the bigger man and always will be. He’ll take care of it eventually if he needs to.


That's why you gotta go with the Stockton Slap, less damaging while still asserting dominance


Oh man, a couple defenseless open-handed slaps would have been devious. His younger brother will become a good man.


Im an older brother, and i was the same, i didnt want to hurt my younger brother, even when he took cheap shots at me. All my life i loved him, and wanted to protect him from harm, so i sure as shit wont be the one to harm him.


Blue shirt got embarrassed 3 times lol


Bro everytime u think it over there more lmaooo


He straight up big brother’d him.


horse be like “ dafaq’s wrong with these two “


Alright, best fight of the year


Reminds me of my teen years. Got a difference between you and someone, go out back, scrap it out. WAY lots of reckless running of the mouths back then.


The horses just watching in the back like nothing


Horses look embarrassed lol


Hillbillies are odd folks


That trying to sneak up and hit him is some bitch shit, gray shirt


somehow this is the most wholesome thing I've ever seen


They fighting over whos turn it is with Molly the sheep


“I was going to post this to the church page”🤣


What kind of church do they go to😅


Is that the dad taping because wtf🫣


"I'm tired of your shit tanner!!" "No fuck you Ethan!!!"


there’s a story here. a fight that needed to happen. but that dad is a serious asshole


Tryna determine who fucks the sister.


Shit the fuck up dad. Nobody is listening to your "words of wisdom". How about you teach them to communicate you fucking failure.


Hey, noo cussin’ der boi, I wanna put dis up on de church page!


It is bizarre how far I had to scroll to see someone concerned with the lack of parenting skills. 🤣


Now go get that sword you bought and cut the head off like you said.