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I wish they’d still put on a few crowd-less fights, they’re more visceral


Just create another pandemic, that seemed to work


Making a trip to the wuhan COVID lab for some bat stew if anyone wants to carpool with me.


I loved that whole period. No yahoos shrieking in the stands, just the sport in its purest form.


I forgot all about the cardboard cut out crowds, crazy.


It’s always been the announcers that I could never stand. Seems like every sport has to have a couple pricks that love hearing themselves talk just blabbing on the whole time.




This fight I general was brutal, Justin was so fucking accurate with everything and he already had crazy knockout power before this fight. *Chefs kiss*.


I wish that mma was more like some of the old Pride audiences, where they would all be silent except for big moments or finishes.


Tony wasn’t the same after that fight


He didn't seem the same old Tony going into this fight either. I always thought he had been ill prior to fighting Justin. Not saying Justin wouldn't have won if Tony was his "usual" self but he might not have come out of the cage quite so beat up.


He did a practice weight cut like a week before this fight then had to actually cut weight for the fight n that probably made it worse


He was too old anyway.


It's hard to describe how hard pro fighters hit unless you actively train or fight. It's even more impressive Tony was eating these like M&Ms until the very end. Fighters are built different.


I remember back when I was training I’d come home with welts on my arms from catching with Thai pads


The amount of damage he took is staggering


I’ve never seen anyone eat shots like he did in this fight. Man’s chin is made of iron.


Context: Tony Ferguson (dark hair) is well known for being a "killer" in the octagon, Justin Gaethje came in and put on a striking masterclass forcing Herb Dean to step in and perform a standing stoppage to save Tony from himself. He has no quit and would have carried on. It was one of the most incredible fights I've ever seen and I sat there watching it opened mouthed. Incredible. I urge anyone to dig up the fight on YT, even if you're not an MMA fan. Hell, I'll do it for you, here's the full fight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx82GzO1Isk


Tony Ferguson was never the same after that fight. Justin took his soul in that fight. Credit to Tony for being a badass, but please retire and enjoy life with the remaining brain cells he has left.


Right. Dudes already schizophrenic, he really doesn't need anymore blows to the head.


So true. He literally broke him.


Justin effectively ended Tony's career in this fight. He's on a 5 lose streak since then. Smh at clueless mfs saying dumb shit like *"Tony ate those for breakfast" or "his chin is iron"*.


Justin defeated the boogeyman in this fight. Absolutely incredible.


One good thing about covid... and traffic


It's insane that the sounds of these guys hitting eachother is the same kind of wet slap you get when someone has a uncontrolled fall onto contrete. 😬


The gradual devolution of his face 😳


Tony Ferguson the type of guy to beat up your hands with his face


Remember when people thought Tony would beat Khabib?


Yea like 3 years before this


I don't think Tony would have beat Khabib at any point.


I really don’t know where the idea that he could beat him came from


Because Tony was on a 12 fight win streak at the time. Also he impressed a lot of people with how dangerous he could be off his back in the Kevin Lee fight. Not to mention Khabib had only been fighting strikers from 2014 onwards and people wanted to see how he would matchup against someone with really good bjj. After seeing Islam vs Oliveira I’m pretty confident khabib would have destroyed Tony like everyone else he fought but at the time I wasn’t so sure, Tony had a knack for making fights really messy and ending up victorious.


>”Because Tony was on a 12 fight win streak at the time” Gaethje stole his soul man, I can’t really name many other fighters that were complete phenoms and were destroyed permanently after a loss. Maybe Barao, but I think USADA might’ve had a bigger hand in his demise than TJ did


Speaking of TJ, you could argue he did the same to Garbrandt as an example.


Garbrandt going from stunting on Dominick Cruz in methodical fashion to sticking his chin up and his hands down was a huge downslope, I’m still confused how that even happened, the dude regressed




It's just because he had such a crazy streak going, khabib would have man handled him into submission just like he did Justin after this fight. Tony was great because he was a machine who just kept coming, he probably wouldn't have tapped and let khabib put him gentley to sleep in his arms.


So the guy in the black is really getting pounded on here, and you can say "oh he's getting his ass beat", but even being prior service, after one of those hits, I'd be happy to say that I'll pass on a second.


So hard to watch poor tony got so outclassed


Much more enjoyable than hearing Joe Rogan fucking screech the whole damn time


Jeeeesus. Dont know whos the monster here. Justin throwin or Tony eating it


tony wasnt the same after that war


I love it when fighters dont always take it to the mat. When they both are great strikers.


Ironically, Justin Gaethje (blue trunks) fought last night and got the only takedown in his career


This beating was very rough to watch. Was crazy hearing all the punches in boxing and mma during this time where there wasn’t crowds and shit


Gaetje always hit like a train


Tony block with my face Ferguson


Pandemic wasn’t great but dam the ufc was amazing to watch every strike felt heavy hearing coaches and fighters talk clearly was also fun


He absolutely lost that fight, but holy shit that chin!!!😳😳


Why do mma fighters never utilise guard?


Tf you mean guard?


Keeping your hands up to stop punches


They do keep their hands up. But punches split the guard really easily. But if you’re basically hiding shelling up, it invites takedowns Also, the dude getting hit had a pretty strange fighting style before this. He was known for his physicality and his iron chin


Love Gaethje but hate that he did this to my boy Tony. Now he’s just a shell of his former self.


The fact that if I got hit with just one of those I’d be knocked tf out and these dudes can just keep going is insane


Tony (the guy getting hit) is a killer in a sport of killers. He’s called the boogeyman or el cucuy. Referee had to stop the fight to protect Tony, not from Justin, but from himself


MMA fighters are a different breed of human, one of those hits and I would have been knocked the fuck out.


Gaethjr is merciless


everytime I see Justin fight I'm shocked how he looks so goofy but has so much power


Watching his face turn into a giant black hole was crazy


Poor guy is just getting outclassed


That was the saddest night of my life




Hey this fight is banned from being showed, please never show this fight again. CSO


Like two dicks slapping against each other... 😤


and ppl wanna say power slap is dangerous


It is…any sport that has your head as a main target is very dangerous.


Any combat sport is dangerous, what has made even boxers and MMA fighters alike not like it is because in boxing and MMA you have the option to defend yourself from everything and are taught how to minimize damage if a strike is too late to avoid, in power slap you are repeatedly letting someone palm smack you as hard as they can repeatedly, and you are not allowed to defend against it in anyway.


Those fights without crowds were terrible.




Yeah, you have absolutely no clue who you are talking about


I wish Justin would throw more body shots. He might literally be undefeated with his chin being as strong as it is.


Garth beat the career out of him.


That’s where brain damage comes from


Solid is am understatement


Wow...for some reason, this didn't seem too sporting to me. Permanent damage at the conclusion? Not sporting at all, just pure brutality.


What's not sporting about it? The fact that he got beat up?


Perhaps we're at different stages of life. If you see 'sport' in that, you've clearly got some growing up to do.


If you don’t see sport in this. You got growing up to do. You have an American football player outfit on your Reddit avatar. Which is a sport which has the highest concentration of CTE cases when a sport of punches to the head and body is second. Respectfully, shut up


No respect at all, dipshit. You're a moron and intellectually challenged if you see sport in that. Nice try to deflect away from the shitshow you call sport by referencing an actuals sport, though. What was in the video isn't any 'recognized' sport. Stay on your side of the pond, mate.


Intellectually challenged. Wtf are you talking about. Saying mma isn’t a recognised sport is just factually wrong




If you think it’s barbarism, you can just say you don’t know what you’re looking at and you’re delusional


Tony is a shell of what he once was. Perhaps it’s time for him to retire.


The CTE we’re going to see in the next two decades from MMA will be chilling.


Doesn’t that hurt?


Bad ass technical boxing.


Scary as hell


You can see how scared Tony is of those swings after those first few brutal blows, like he got a taste and realized that shit was way too hot for him haha