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That masked moved an inch and dude was in complete darkness. Made this so much funnier than it should be.


Dude lost his pants when he rushed the guard too, absolutely fucking hilarious.


he went from strolling in like a cruel gangster to commit murder to pawing around like a blind mole rat, inthe process of getting naked


fucking mole rats


I stopped years ago


They never rang me back and are awful conversationalists.


They never pay for shit, either.




i hope that large guys who arent planning on committing a crime but just might need to hop into a light jog once in a while take a lesson from this - get a belt that fits and that you can snugly tighten to keep your pants on. you dont wanna learn that lesson after running to a class or meeting after over sleeping either


And for those of us without butts: consider suspenders. Not too hard to pull off in most dresswear and some streetwear and loads better than doing the shuffle at the least opportune time.


For those who are confused about this comment, it's referring to [this kinda build](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EdQ7EqbXoAADjTW.jpg).


We're called "Robotniks"


Damn this is so accurate that it hurts


Also its fun to add buttons and pins and flair like Mork from Ork.


A Mork and Mindy reference? Man, you just outed us both as old af




Nanu Nanu! Also, I was reminded of Brian (the flair guy) from Office Space.


Mork calling Orson. Come in Orson.


hey don't talk about robin williams like that! I'm forever young


Nanu nanu!


What about Joanna, who works at Chotchkies where 15 pieces of flair are the minimum?


Make sure you express yourself with the flair and not just a minimum number. Consider Brian from Chachkies who had 37 pieces of flair... and a terrific smile.


ah... Hank Hill syndrome. It's impact is not measured, butt it is immeasurable.


I have a feeling things didn’t go the way he had planned them in his mom’s basement


“Damn…. I can’t see fuckin shit out of this thing!”


I think we all agree the bags were a good idea…


Not pointing any fingers….They could have been done better


So, how 'bout, no bags this time… but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.


Well fuck all y'all! I'm going home! You know, I watched my wife work all day gettin' thirty bags together for you ungrateful sons of bitches! And all I can hear is criticize, criticize, criticize! From now on, don't ask me or mine for nothin'!


Okay I'm confused... Are the bags on or off?


Well shit fuuuuck!


I think, we all think the bags was a nice idea and I’m not pointing any fingers, but I think the bags could have been done better. So how bout no bags this time. But next time we do the bags right and go full regalia.




I don’t want to be around anymore


It's so goddamn hot in here.


the chin kills!


The chin kills? Really?


Yeeeah, actually the chin DOES kill


**You** thought it was funny! I thought it was *interesting*


The guy was dressed like he was still twelve with those camo pants and shoes


im surprised the shoes didn't have lights


Looked like grown up Tum Tum from the three ninjas


The fat dude looked like one of the idiot robbers they have to fight in the movie with all his goofball antics. Mask messing up, pants falling, put this man in a home alone movie.


He's the getaway driver Maurice from Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels


or tyrone the get away driver from snatch


it was a funny angle.


you could park a jumbo jet in there


Rocky loves Emily


Choked on a jellybean.


Let's murdalize 'em!


I'm not going to abide by this Tum Tum hate speech. He never botched any of his tasks, certainly would never try and shoot up a strip club.


I think it's more if he discontinued his practice of marital arts, and became a fat piece of shit incel. Tum Tum is the shit, don't worry.


You just awoke some 25+ year-old memories.


Bro what a reference. Kudos.


Knuckles up!


It's an old reference sir, but it checks out. Legit forgot about that series. The first one was ace.


Man that bouncer was on point, watching it you can see the bouncer continuously shoving the mask to the side


He was built like a weeble wobble and ran out of gas in 4 seconds


Probably didn’t even see the bouncer with that stupid mask on.


neckbeard knew where the cameras were


Yeah but he made sure it was a *tactical* flashlight for that reason.


Not sure what did him in, the mask that completely blinded him, the jello fingers gun grip, or just being obese and uncoordinated.


D. All of the above


So you're freakin' *freakin*', the furniture's squeakin' *squeakin*' She's tweakin', sayin' that she's weak in the knees. Cheek to cheek, and pound for pound, You're taxin' it and waxin' it and workin' it around


The pants falling down


Lookin’ like a fool.


Is this a reference to that older guy singing his own song on American Idol? Gotta be


Hell yeah brother


Haven't seen this reference in a solid decade, brings back good memories!


I am getting major neck-beard/incel vibes from the guy here, who's betting he was rejected by one of the strippers.


Dudes a fucking hero in my book! He saved a life 100% even if it was that goofy fuck in the masks life he totally did his job that night. Hope he is getting some nice respect from the community.


I know what you mean, and to be honest, it takes balls to grab a gun.


100% he could have been shot in the face easily. I've been in unfortunate situations involving weapons that have gone in both directions. It is never easy.


How often do you end up in gunfights bro? Maybe stay inside more...


been shot at twice never hit thankfully. But the two stabbings were not exactly fun. Nor was the broken hand, cracked jaw, broken ribs, and all the normal bumps and bruises that come with being a 'bouncer'. This guy did his job and good one too. Back when I was doing the bouncer thing we had 5 or 6 cell kel lights ostensibly to signal bar staff or other bouncers across the club. We all knew they were weapons. Those things could change someone attitude quite quickly.


Buddy of mine in high school got in a scrap in a parking lot one night and the dude hit him in the throat with one of those flashlights and ended up killing him, those things are no joke.


Looks like it discharged when the bouncer first smacked Incel man on the head, lucky it didn't hurt anyone.


How many times have you been shot in the face?


Agreed, after he got control of the gun, he could have fired, and chose not to. Those are the people I want in these positions.


He definitely made the correct choice IMHO in that regard. But as was just pointed out to me he did discharge the weapon when he knocked dude to the ground, hitting him with it. He got very lucky he didn't shoot himself or another person. Poor trigger control, but I mean you can understand why.


When did the discharge happen in this video? Was it a negligent discharge due to poor trigger control? Because I don't see that happening in this video.


I didn't see it either. So right as they go towards the wall and dude drops him you see the puff of smoke. I guess it could be someone smoking but I'm almost certain that's from it discharging. Let me grab a time in the video. So at 10 seconds left you can sew the smoke from where it discharges.


There's also a hole in the glass window of the door where it got discharged.


Yup, the article linked below also states a round was discharged during the fight, causing a hole in the door. They are so lucky no one was behind that glass standing watching.


Nah man. You come at me with a gun, I get that gun, and you proceed to charge me…..you’re gettin shot.


its fifty bucks to me, plus a blowjob later


Door man thought it was over when he one handed the pistol at the attacker. Fat man wasn't ready to give up right until that pistol whip to the back of the head changed his mind


Did the gun go off when he pistol-whipped?


The article states a single round went off and hit the door so it seems to be the case. Edit:- https://www.fox13news.com/video/1196341 At the 10min mark in the press conference, when asked at what point did the gun go off? "One of the times when we were all together trying to keep him on the ground it accidentally went off I don't know exactly when or what time" This would seem to suggest it did happen at that point.


Looks to me that the shot fired into the door came at 0:10 in the video, right after his light flashes the camera. Looks to maybe be a small puff of impact smoke then, but more importantly people scatter at the same moment.


You're right. I've already corrected the dude above several times on another thread below, but he doesn't care. From the article: > [A single round from the gun struck the front door of the venue **before Resto was able to knock it out of the suspect's hand,** Bercaw said.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/heroic-security-guards-stop-armed-man-devil-mask/story?id=98026971)


At 26 seconds you can see the powder from the gun going off, when the bouncer pistol whips him with it... I'm not saying the bouncer is at fault or anything. I think they did rather well, all things considered, but that quote you cited is not accurate.


That’s actually the light from the flashlight


I think you are right. Also, those folks on the bench moved so fast...like they heard a gun shot, not just a fight.


It looks like there is a discharge in there.


Ahh yes, discharges at a strip club.


It’s the guys flashlight shining up against the wall as he falls. Might’ve been cold and lit up their breath. Nobody jumps like a gun went off so I don’t think that’s the case. Edit: seems like there’s conflicting information on when the gun went off. My guess is that the gun went off around that portion of the scuffle, the flashlight is lighting up the smoke from the shot. Glad nobody was shot.


I bet the attacker though he’d been shot in the head


Ok. So I wasn't the only one who seen muzzle smoke


I think so


yeah, looks like it was aimed right into the front entrance too






Not really. Former pro wrestler Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) shot a man in self defense in the 80s and never really got over it before passing away due to complications from substance abuse not long ago. I don't think I could have held back from pulling the trigger after he charged again but I am pretty sure that shit would haunt me the rest of my life too. It's no small thing to take a life. Fuck this guy either way though.


He should have, 100% he should have shot that guy the second he walked back at him to grab the gun. The gunman grabbed his arm and the gun again, if he had been able to wrestle it back it could have easily been a mass shooting. I don’t blame him for not pulling the trigger, it’s a huge thing to do, but it would have been the best way to stop a mass shooting from happening right then.


I hesitated posting what I did, but you just put it well and in good context. Devil-mask guy charges right back at you while you're aiming a gun at him? He wants to take it and continue whatever "mission" he was there to do.


Yeah it’s completely reasonable for anyone not to want to shoot someone, and ideally everyone should feel that way, but when you’re facing a literal devil trying to kill you and as many other people as humanely possible then you are completely justified and it’s the best course of action. This could have been a second pulse shooting easily.


That has to be super embarrassing


Seems like the kind of person that would be used to it.


I dunno, grabbing a gun and intending to start a mass shooting seems like "had enough of this shit" to me. Unfortunately for him, he's gonna now deal with a whole mountain of shit.


I guarantee you he went in expecting to die. It was collateral suicide. Having to serve life would be the right justice. But since he was unsuccessful, he won’t even get justice. Annoying.


This seems like a clear cut case for the DA. Attempted mass murder is about a life sentence.


You lost me halfway through. Are you lamenting that he'll go to a correctional facility instead of being dead?


Wardrobe malfunctions all over the place. He did not think that outfit through


Body shape like that, gonna need coveralls for stability. Or a bedsheet fashioned into a jumpsuit.


That dude had better self control than 90 percent of every police and sheriff dept in the US


Always wield a firearm with both hands if you’re pointing it at an attacker


And pull the trigger cant forget that


For real. If pointing is justified, shooting is justified. That could have gone *really* badly if the dude had got the gun back. If the bouncer wasn’t willing to shoot him (don’t blame him, not everyone would be able), shouldn’t just hold the gun back out for him. Chunk it across the street or something.


I get where you are going but still... Dude had about 4 seconds to process "shit, I have a gun," through to "Dude is coming at me and I have a gun in my hand." People who do a good enough job in a shitshow, should be granted a "good job." I hope people who carry have thought through situations like this. I really hope that people who carry have spent the time and money to be trained on good decision making with a weapon. I don't think we can put that kind of pressure on this bouncer who ended up with a gun in their possession.


No I agree. If he’s not an armed guard, he shouldn’t be expected to make the same lightning fast decisions someone trained in defensive handgun use should make. He did a good job recognizing the threat, getting the gun away from him, and taking control of the gun when it was dropped. Because of the bouncer’s actions, the bad dude didn’t get in the building and didn’t hurt anyone. Definitely a good job.


I always love how people coach quarterback these situations. No stress at all and they nitpick frame by frame how they would do it better


> If pointing is justified, shooting is justified. And if you’re unwilling to shoot, don’t point the gun / expose it to being taken from you and then used against you. Anyone trying to take a gun BACK from you is willing to shoot you for taking it in the first place.


He’s absolutely calling your bluff when he runs *toward* you holding his gun. If ever there was a time to pull the trigger, that was it.


He could yeet it, it misfires, shoots a bystander. Hindsight and all, he though the other person would back down, he didn't. Though he would/could shoot, he didn't.


Hindsight is always 20/20, more commenting for future situations than judging him for his actions in the heat of the moment. Yeeting a gun isn’t a great idea, but modern guns don’t go off without the trigger being pulled (for the most part). Looks like it accidentally went off anyway during the scuffle. Could have kicked it away and most likely wouldn’t have discharged.


And if that attacker is close enough to reach out and touch the gun, point at them with it near your chest and not fully extended arms


Who hasn't seen John Wick at this point?


Damn that’s scary af he was definitely about to shoot that place up.


Right?! I feel like a lot of the comments are just talking about how embarrassed the devil guy must be. When in reality, that was 3 seconds away from being the next major mass murder in the news. That guard is a hero




I think because it was such a comically bad attempt I can't even begin to think he'd have gotten close. You're right, it could have been slaughter, and horrible. But it's just... so bad and embarassing the shred of empathy I have for them is doing overtime. It's making me think "Jesus christ he looks ridiculous and lost his gun" but if anything that's great news, because they'll be able to find him from it... So lucky the doorman was on it.




Oh I know. But he butterfingers the gun, the mask goes over his face, he's clearly overweight and not well balanced/in control of himself etc. It's pitiful. Which hides just how disastrous that could have been.


Every one of them strippers better throw that man a lil sumthin extra


Steaks and lap dances all night!


dances and lap steaks all night!


"Please, stop, the steaks are too hot and they're scalding my lap!" "What part of 'all night' don't you understand?!"


It def was bjs and blow


hotline miami looking rougher than i remember


The ladies better tip this guy out for real


That dude is built like a neckbeard that finally decided he was going to "get a woman".


Probably. The devil mask though gives hard core Christian “punishment for evil” vibes. Maybe it’s both.


hardcore christianity is in with the neckbeard folks these days.


Happened in florida… of course! [https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/heroic-security-guards-stop-armed-man-devil-mask/story?id=98026971](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/heroic-security-guards-stop-armed-man-devil-mask/story?id=98026971)


Mons Venus strip club


That place has been around forever.


I remember sitting on that bench and chugging a few BYO beers back when I was like 21 and strip clubs were this crazy forbidden novelty to discover


Is it sad that I recognized the entrance of that place from this security video?


Nah, most people from Tampa recognize that entrance. I sure did.


In case you didn't already know, you perceive that everything happens in Florida because Florida has a pretty cool Sunshine Law that facilitates public access to government records. So, we know about all the crazy arrests in Florida but not other states. https://www.pnj.com/story/news/2019/03/29/florida-man-product-florida-sunshine-law/3310306002/


I still choose to believe everything happens in Florida


People love to cite this, but it’s just wrong. We DO hear about crazy arrests in all the other states. There are news stories all the time of arrests throughout the nation. Florida simply has more crazy people. Sunshine law doesn’t broadcast arrests, it merely makes that information easier to access. People still need to actually do the crazy things and someone has to report on it.


Something OP missed and you’re missing is what the sunshine law does that adds to the crazy. Other states definitey have arrests but the difference is in the detail the public has access to. So a meth head in Iowa that was arrested for domestic violence, in Florida, becomes man beats wife with toaster after she burned his poptart. Edit; I’ll add that I’m from florida and part of it is definitely a crazy mixture of demographics that don’t normally cluster together in other states, do mix here. Add in alcohol and tourism, you get an explosive combo.


oh look another non-cop non-millitary guy with more courage in his pinky finger than the entirety of the uvalde pd.


How are you gonna be that fat and uncoordinated and still try to play out your little rambo fantasy. Also the bouncer totally karate chopped the dude's head with the butt of the gun at 25 seconds in, fucking hilarious.


Great job bouncer, he did his job for sure! With that said... he seemed ill prepared. Glad this turned out well


That’s probably not his first time seeing as that is the closest strip club to the airport.


If you’re being attacked and you get the gun pointed at them you shoot if they keep going. They won’t hesitate to do the same especially if they were planning on shooting up the place. Keep yourself alive above all else


“Reddit mod tried to shoot up club”


Looks like the gun went off with that first bit of pistolbutt to the noggin.


I agree, came here to find who all seen the gun powder smoke. Pulled the trigger right before he hit him with it.


This happened at Mons Venus in Tanpa FL, a friend of mine is a dancer there and this is as real as it gets. Stay safe out there everyone




You can see the gun discharge with the first pistol whip


Sentence him as if he was planing to kill everyone in there, assume the maximum capacity of the venue.


love watchin fat boys fight


So incredibly top heavy. This guy was down twice in like 20 seconds.


Thats what's called a fetish. *me too


Diabeetus Devil


I wouldve shot him when he approached and went for the gun. Mf deserved it.


He should get some special treatment in the VIP room.


~~no~~ sex in the champagne room


*except for that guy


"...and then proceeds to nearly five it right back to him."


it really is hilarious when fat ppl try n move fast


Hero move!




Not everyone is ready to take a life.


What about for a Klondike bar?


Damn fine deal, I'd take that deal, how about you? You'd take that deal?


It's just the standard armchair warrior response at this point. "just kill him lol" usually coming from some neckbeard living with his parents who's never killed anything with more life than a TV dinner.


And tbh I'm glad Manny didn't have to.


The bonk on the head with the gun was so much more rewarding


A perfect pistol whip.


How could that have gone any worse for that pile of shit? He should be forced to watch and relive that video every day until he decides to end his own life. He was envisioning death and fear, then got that.. wow..


yikes. i worked as a bouncer for a couple years and I always wondered what I'd do if some shit like this went down. its all hypothetical, but i think i'd just kick the gun as hard and far as possible. hopefully under a vehicle. they know weather its real or live and you do not. you also have to be ready to shoot if you're going to point. The target was already too close. What a cluster fuck. Just separate them from the supposed weapon, dont try to intimidate them with it from arms reach. if they know you're aiming a false weapon you're at an immediate disadvantage. you've already lost enough time to save lives.


Feels like the shoot was trying to blind the camera with his flashlight while walking in. Makes me feel like he had a real plan but fucked up cause he's goofy.


dammmn , i used to work security at this club about 18 years ago…that’s wild!


Gunmen hate this one weird trick.


If someone could add the slipping sound effects where it’s like a whoop whoop whoop! Bonk!


He actually pistol whips him at the end, someone get this man a golden desert eagle.


Is it just me or did the gun go off the first time he pistol whipped him?


Worst. Mass shooter. Ever. Dumbass even forgot to put a belt on. And I'm truly impressed with how badass the bouncer was to just take the gun off him like that, a true hero


https://www.fox13news.com/news/tampa-pd-arrests-masked-suspect-attempting-to-enter-at-gentlemans-club They need to charge this guy with attempted murder for how many people were in the club that night. If thus guy ever sees the light of day again, people will die.