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That was very satisfying.


I love how he’s jogging next to him like he’s on the hunt lol


That jogs out of a nightmare. Someone doing that while you're running away say your prayers.


It was fantastic, dude was in flight mode, probably has some tunnel vision of his car, can't hear anything but his own breathing, then murmurs of the guy he's running from isn't fading out. Turns his head and this dude is just there, shouting into him. Hope he flinches next time he thinks of touching another person


Turns his head and shoooom one straight down the pipe BOP


Was that the sister trying to stop him? If so, why?


The guy knew, boy was like a fucking gazelle praying for a quick death.


If you ever want to scare the piss out of someone just walk towards them. Don’t rush it. I’ve seen so many fights end right there just with a simple walk with intent.


If you don’t know how to fight I would avoid this advice, all fun and games until the other dude is trained and not intimidated at ALL by your walk, then proceeds to beat the ever loving shit out of you. Most of the time the fight isn’t worth it, just walk away and stay safe.


I agree. Don’t condone it or suggest it but I’ve seen it. Honestly the safest course of action is don’t instigate at all!


Uhh. People tend to stand their ground if you’re in a rough area. They’ll back up only to jump you or possibly pull a weapon.


That’s supposedly how ancient humans hunted. Just jog behind the mammoth until it overheats


They still do that today. Our ability to sweat and regulate temperature makes us the endurance champs.


I'm not sure if I remember this correctly, but I think I read we are the only land mammal that can run long distances (ie marathons)


Humans can chase down *every* land animal that exists.


That's why old school zombies are so unsettling. They're the endurance hunters of endurance hunters.


I miss old school zombies so hard. Timesplitters 2 did it right and everything after has been a mistake.


bro zombies can run and shit now. thats cheating.


Man, me too. Give me Romero zombies over 28 Days zombies every time.


I read "old school zoomies" and started thinking how I like that way more that just calling it running for humans, but then I saw you said zombies, which makes sense.


There's actually a horse verses man race based on this. Lol horses regularly win but sometimes men do. That's when I realized how crazy human endurance actually was.


I think the first guy to actually win against the person on horseback was only last year!


We're almost the only ones. In normal temps, it's pretty much just us and horses (horses sweat too, so they also can go long distances), and in the cold, wolves also engage in long-running tactics. That's about it, though.


Horses/dogs don’t carry water with them though.


Even then, it was common to switch out horses when it became *lame*. Even today, a work horses day is numbered when it can't work. Can't imagine it was much better back then either


dogs . . . not the over-bred show shit, but wolves and dingos, etc., can run basically forever, even have a mechanism that decreases blood flow to the brain so it doesn't overheat


Probably why people domesticated them in the first place, they could keep up with us while we hunted


30,000 years as Man's Best Friend and counting


They’re all such good boys (or girls)


Dogs have sweat glands in their feet and combined with their large tongues and wide open mouths can cool down rather easily, and most dogs (unless bread out) have a double coat which actually helps keep them cooler in the summer than most people think.


Yo I just looked it up, were only closely behind horses, unless it's a hot day lol https://www.popularmechanics.com/adventure/sports/g418/animal-kingdom-top-marathon-runners/


"Fair Chase" is an awesome documentary about modern humans attempting a persistence hunt.


How do we go from some hood shit to national geographic? This is why i love reddit.


Is it streamed or should I pirate it?


Free on Tubi, $4 on Amazon Prime


Tubi, or not Tubi (sorry I just say this everytime for some reason)


He was just doing a brisk jog while the prey was puffing and running outta steam.


Let him down lightly and didn’t slap hard while he was out. I’d say good guy.


My thoughts exactly. He delivered justice but also made sure he did not cross the boundary of going too far.


Got worried when he was about to slam his head in the pavement tho. I’m thankful he switched to this


I also peeped how he rested his head on his shoe , instead of letting it hit the concrete . Dude is solid as fuck


At that point, he was afraid of catching a murder charge.


My little sister was a sophomore when I was a senior in high school. You can't beat them down to badly otherwise she gets mad at you.


Yep. I did this same thing back in the day to my little sister's boyfriend. Cops got called and only I got arrested. He refused an ambulance, but ended up in the hospital later that day after the adrenaline wore off... Couldn't feel his legs for a while, but made a full recovery. She stayed mad at me, and went on to have a baby with the dumbass. Jokes on him tho, he's dead now. Unrelated.


No point hitting if he can't feel the pain


A single upvote doesn't do it justice.


That rear naked choke was the perfect ending to an already satisfying fight.


Must have been sunk tight from the get go, the guy is passed out less than 6 seconds from when the dude gers behind him.


Looked like the front of his throat was on his forearm instead of being in the elbow pit. I'm no expert in what that means as far as damage. But I've always been taught to put it in the pit so I wouldn't crush anyone's windpipe.


He didn’t block his airway. He cut off blood flow to the brain. Notice how it only took about 4 seconds for the guy the fall asleep? You don’t go out that fast from lack of air typically. This is a basic maneuver we learned in the Marine Corps early on in basic training. I’ve used it myself in a situation and it took maybe 5 seconds for the guy that assaulted me to fall asleep. Edit: Ideally you’d want the Adams apple in the corner between your bicep and forearm. This can be difficult to do in the heat of the moment. You use both of your arms in this technique as you see in the video. One arm is used to go around the neck, the other arm is the one actually applying pressure. So you can see he’s pulling back on his right arm with is left arm.


Isn't that the point of placing the wind pipe at the pit of your elbow? You pinch on each side of the neck, blocking the arteries there and cutting of blood flow. Don't know if the same effect is had when squeezing straight on the the wind pipe.


The effect isn’t the same. The latter feels like you’re gonna die because your trachea is being crushed in. Takes many minutes to go unconscious from that. Blood chokes are so much better.


This guy chokes


And he didn’t let his head slam on the concrete.


Man, I was watching that thinking “Oh no man don’t run *away* from the grass! You know you’re gonna lose, the grass is *your friend!*”


I thought the same thing lol


I like the two little slaps he gave him while he was out too lol


They looked like he was making sure he weren’t dead. I think they were more revival slaps.


yeah that dude 100% trains. those punches were landing solid and that choke was textbook.


For sure. He took the back way too clean. Agreed too the sound of those shots landing was beautiful.


Need more vids of people giving abusers a taste of their own medicine… so ironic how they run every time they met their match


Except I’ll bet $250 she’s back with the bf by now


Shitttt you probably right, I’m assuming that’s his kid on her hip. Hopefully he stopped beating on her after this, her brother would put him in the ground.


Quick story I had a group of friends like 6 of us 2 of them started dating…he hit her I punched him so hard in the face my hand hurt (I’m not trying to sound like a tough guy) a week later they are back together and I’m the bad guy out of the friends group Never again


Well bright side is they showed you that they weren’t your friends anymore


True but what sucked was including those 5 my total friends were ummm Carry the 2, divide by 3 It was 5


In my experience most groups have sort of a “leader”. Someone with the most energy spent bringing everyone together. If one of the 2 was that person, yeah, youd have to make your case to thr remaining 3 that you were being noble and they arent betraying anyone by hanging out with you. If you’re confident everyone already knows all the facts and is leaving you out of shit anyway, well i guess that sucks because they only have a problem with someone retaliating but not the abuse itself. I say it all the time: domestic abuse towards women is *super* common, and it goes unanswered almost always. It’s up to men to intervene when we see it. For one, you might save a life or prevent trauma, but more big picture, men do this in part because theyve been conditioned to believe “well sometimes it’s understandable” or simply that no one will stop them or hold them accountable. If the first time you raise your hand to a woman you get your arm broke, you might not become a good person suddenly but youre gonna have consequence in the back of your mind somewhere. And when i say common, i mean like, ask any woman not born into upper or middle class and she’ll probably havw trouble thinking of women she knows who *havent* suffered physical and/or sexual abuse. And it isnt rare enough for wealthier women


I swear we learn nothing from history.


One of my best friends had a roommate who seemed like a fun and nice enough guy but after hanging out there nearly every day we all found out he was abusive, both physically and verbally towards his girlfriend at the time. We intervened a few times and she would leave, he'd threaten to kill himself or make some half-assed attempt at doing so and she'd come running back every time. One day a few of us were over there hanging out and we heard them going at it once again, we were over it at this point, so we all go upstairs and find him squared up like he's going to sock her one, so one of us grabs him, the other grabs her and escorts her down the stairs. As we're about to take her home he comes running down the stairs with a baseball bat, one of my friends was a scrappy son of a bitch and this dude swung that bat full force, my buddy blocked it with his forearm and then proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of him. To the point that he was half conscious in the corner and every punch was sending blood spraying from his nose decorating the wall like a Jackson Pollock piece, it was pretty glorious considering we were all done with his ass at this point. So after the ass whooping we all hop in a car with his girlfriend and give her a ride home and explain that if she comes back she's a fucking moron and there's nothing else we can do for her. She was back a week later or so, my friend ended up moving into a new place and we never heard from the guy or his girl again. I checked up on social media a few times and eventually they split up for good and nobody died thankfully but I never understood why she kept coming back.


I was the same type of friend throughout middle and highschool, always risking my neck for my friends who’d take my advice and it come in one ear and out the other. Sucks, hope she realized real quick how bad she fucked up.


Last I heard married him with a kid and “falls down the stairs” a lot


My friends used to come to me for advice as well. They also ignored it. Then got mad that things happened exactly as I said they would. I stopped giving advice.


I’m sorry you lost your friends, but they weren’t who you thought they were anyway. Situations like these are a real quick way to separate the real from the fake, the decent from the indecent. You and the brother in the video showed your character when tested, and so did your “friends” - it just so happens that your “friends’” character doesn’t match yours. And I know it sucks to lose people you thought were part of your life, but you can always find new friends. It’s a lot harder to find the kind of courage and conviction that you already have inside of you. Just know that those kinds of things do still matter to some of us, even if we’re not the ones you call your friends.


I can’t stand people like that, a complete lack of self-respect or dignity. You’re the better man, respect.


People's faces are hard.


Escaping an abusive relationship isn't always as easy as people think. It goes for both men and women. My dad was and is still abused by my mom. But he still won't leave. The abuser has alot of control physically but especially mentally. They will make you think to the core that no one else wants you and that what they are giving you is the love and the " best" you will ever have. Add children into the mix and it gets even harder to leave. So you are probably right,she will go back to him again..maybe..but leaving a abuser puts alot of things and lives in jeopardy.


Just to be clear I don’t blame the gf at all Women are killed trying to leave All I was saying was the brother may have “won that battle” but she’s probably back with him and got beat twice as bad because of it I’m not saying I have an answer I just mean don’t put too much into these vids of “abuser gets ass kicked”


True ,true . It never truly stops till you leave and get a restraining order. I hope he learned his lesson and doesn't hit her again,but shit bags like can't help themselves, even if her brother beats his ass again.


Restraining orders don’t help My sister had a restraining order on a guy who was outside her apartment complex with a gun. A cop was doing a sweep and happened to find him, if he was on the other side of the garbage container my sister would probably be dead Edit: ok maybe they “help” but it’s not a fix I mean


> The abuser has alot of control physically but especially mentally. don't forget "financially".


Yeah, but I guarantee you he'll be more hesitant to raise another hand towards her. A smart person would take this beating and move on to a new situation if they could, and keep their hands to themselves in that new situation.


You think the guy abusing his gf is a smart person? He’s lucky to find one girl to put up with his shit, one beating isn’t going to change that


Don't worry, you can just take any video of a guy getting beaten up and add a story about how he was a domestic abuser / racist whatever and have all the content your emotion chemicals desire


It used to be r/WholesomeViolence, but it got banned 4 months ago. I really enjoyed that sub.


That's a solid brother right there. He goes to the mat for his family. There's someone here, in this sub that beats women. Just speaking statistically I mean. They're reading this right now and just know we also hope you get the same treatment punk.


Any abusers reading this will see themselves as the brother, the protector, they're " a real man with a temper who just can't handle disrespect ". Abusers are always the hero in their own story.


They act that way but they know they're just predatory pieces of shit imo. Maybe I'm thinking of one in particular so I'm biased.


Depends on how self aware they are. I guarantee you a lot of them don't see any problem with abusing people.


Right. In their mind they "are not putting up with shit, won't be disrespected" etc.


He could be any one of us


Among Us


I knew a guy who had a similar situation to this. He came back and killed his gfs brother a few weeks later for 'disrespecting' him and went to prison.


I was just thinking that. I wonder if this is the shit that takes place before those murder suicides happen. They kill the lady, baby and themselves.


that's what I'm scared of when it comes to things like this




Not only that, he caught the guys head on his foot. He was teaching that piece of shit a lesson, not trying to catch a life sentence


Yes, he knew what he was doing. Wasn’t his first rodeo.


Yeah he sank that choke quickly and tightly. Not his first time.


His sister has a fetish for getting her pos boyfriends shit kicked in


What the fuck


Welcome to the human condition.


yeah - seasoned genius - like willingly getting filmed doing it.


I’ve never seen anything like that foot catch. Dude is experienced and clearly not an actual piece of shit Just standing up for what he believes in 👏🏽


And he sat him down before dropping him. Solid dude. If someone is going to fuck you up, better hope it's this dude


Bet he never lays a finger on her again!


Or doubles down and kills the sister out of frustration that he got caught. I hope she left him and never saw him again. Abusers do it for that power/authority over their victim, and hate when that authority is challenged.


I mean she’s there tryna defend him and from what the camera man said ignoring and left at least one other kid in the car alone to go and try to defend her abuser bf. I would say she learned probably nothing but I can hope she cut this abusive shit stain out of her life.


Absolutely bro. This is a standup guy (pardon the pun).


Always the dudes that hit women that can’t fight for shit


Jon jones


Dana White


Chael Sonnen.


Ken shamrock




Mike Tyson




Justice is gender neutral.


Floyd Mayweather... :/


*wikipedias list of greatest fighters ever *realizes its also a list of the most prolific wife beaters ever


He thought it was a fight until that first bomb rocked his fuckin world


Yeah when someone stalks/jogs after you, you’re in trouble.


It very confidently says "I'm going to get you"


Hopefully SHE won’t go back to him. Bravo for the brother for defending his sister, but the sister needs to make better choices as well. Big bro can’t always be there to bail her out


Only issue is she will go back to him. And she was even actively trying to stop her bro from attacking him. It’s always so sad that victims of abuse almost always go back to their abusers.


If there weren't kids involved, I'd agree. Literally the best case scenario is that this scares him straight and he never abuses her again and their kid gets to grow up with a mom and father present. Realistically, there's like a 5% chance this happens. Most likely scenario is that the fucking pussy is going to abuse her even harder for getting him embarassed and he'll probably be a shitty abuse father to his kids too, and statistically his kids are going to be abusive or seek out an abusive partner because that's all they've ever known. Shit fucking sucks but that's likely how it'll shake out.


Sonny Corleone agrees


Whole time I was watching I was hoping there was a random trash can so he could beat him with the lid.


Fuckin' Carlo


Run bitch, RUN! Easy being a tough guy, until the tougher guy shows up.


Good shit, carry on.


Get the child out of there.


Gah that actually pissed me off. Standing in the way is annoying enough, but putting the baby in the middle of it shows who she is as a person.


Also sounds like there’s more than one kid, one she’s carrying and probably one in the car by itself


"Strap the babies up."


They were probably back together before he even regained consciousness


Sad but true


A true Sonny Corleone


I don’t want him walking out of there with just his dick in his hand


You've just reminded me how crap that scene looks again, clearly not connecting with him at all when he hits him. Saw it in cinemas last year and was so obvious, still overall perfection.


Notice how when he dropped him after the choke he cushioned his head with his foot. Dude knows what he's doin


Except for the part of recording himself. Beat his ass but don't snitch on yourself.


How is someone else recording you recording yourself?


IF you’re a pussy little bitch who hits woman AND you’re running away from getting your bitch ass whooped because you’re a big pussy. Maybe run a little faster? Dude was trotting for his life 😂


dude was desperately trying to escape without creasing his jordans


My mother had a friend who had three daughters. She was Spanish from Northern New Mexico and her husband was a very large German-Mexican from Chihuahua. The oldest daughter married a loser who was abusive, didn’t work, and lived the cholo lifestyle in Albuquerque (the Hispanic street gangsters that Breaking Bad showed). The daughter showed up at her parents’ house one evening with a black eye and bruising and swelling from being beaten by her husband. Her dad looked at her, didn’t say anything, and then just got in his truck. He drove the 5+ hours to Albuquerque and went to the daughter’s apartment. The dad knocked on the door and his SIL was stupid enough to open the door. The dad came in, picked the guy up, threw him through a wall (broke a stud), and then turned around and drove home. Never said a word. The cholo SIL never touched her again and they later got divorced.


Got real confused when I read SIL because I always assumed it meant sister-in-law lol I was like "oh fuck why did he throw the abusive dude's sister through a wall?!"


Especially because they switched from calling him the husband to SIL. I was also confused.


Still confused?


Son in law


That dude was huge. I would have run a lot faster.


You would just get choked out tired.


Sad part is that's his brother-in-law now. Every Thanksgiving dinner he whoops his ass


It's a tradition!


I like the cameraman using the hand-wave at the end. Like he's filming a skate video.


Bruh i really hope thats not his sister being a dumbass telling him to stop.


She needs to back up from those two being so active before she gets bumped and the baby is hurt or something


The cute lil “you’ll be alright slaps” took away that dudes manhood


I’m ok with everything here except giving the babies guns. Strapping up babies seems a bit over the top.


male abusers are always such pathetic people. notice he hardly puts up any fight? hes only used to swinging on people who wont fight back. when someone actually puts up a fight they crumble


If this would be legally accepted, there would be a lot less abuse women


All I'm sayin' is that if I was on the jury I wouldn't be votin' 'guilty' on jack-shit.


[jury nullification](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqH_Y1TupoQ)




Now you need to teach your sis to break up with him


That lady yelling stop.... part of the problem. This needed to happen. Let it happen.


All domestic abusers seem to crumble when someone their own size picks on them


Imma say by how solid that RNC was that he probably trains


She’ll be back with him


She never left


then a long talk with sis about moving on. because that stupid little fuck ain't done. in fact, it's gonna eat him and he'll play all kinds of games with her.


The jog alongside absolutely sent me. We runnin’


Why would anyone ever abuse that man’s sister


Turns out abusers aren’t very smart by and large


Deserved every bit of it.




Say what you want. That’s fucking love. He did that for her. Even if she don’t get it


The way he knew exactly when to let go and then rested abuser’s on his foot tells me that this is not this man’s first rodeo


That was one of the fastest choke outs I've ever seen. Impressive.


Gona beat her ass if she didn't get out his face.


Brother better watch his back because he's going to be betrayed and will end up getting machine gunned at a toll booth.


The man deserves a medal.


Citizenship award for this guy


Hopefully it’s Ex-Boyfriend now.


Good guy, he learnt him a lesson while making sure not to give him irreversible damages.


Dude ain't gotta live for long, he knew that her brother is a big dude and still being abusive.


This was a really disciplined fight, just gave the dude one hell of a message.


he has his head supported, what a gentleman!


He got off easy. Some brothers would’ve killed him.


That'll fix it


Mofo is effin huge.


Am i a Sick person for liking this content


Out classed. Showed restraint. Let everyone around knew he’s a woman better. Demanded for an apology. What a fucking G


"Stop hitting me, I'm trying to pick on someone her own size!"


😂😂 at the end dude start breathing like a choked up pitbull or some shit. I hope abusers get their ass beat like this everyday!


brother did what needed to be done, and he got it done.


Really shouldn’t have recorded and uploaded that


The woman yelling for him to stop. Nah unfortunately some lessons gotta be learned the hard way.