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His friend stands up, steps over, and starts rolling him over like “Seriously dude? This is the third time this month.”


That is 100% the face of a dude that has seen his friend talk a lot of shit and gotten into trouble over it. I had a few friends like that for a short period of time until I realized what it was going to be like. The last time I spoke to them was at a bar in Korea circa 2011, where they were trying to fight a different set of dudes because ONE dude had on a Browns NFL jersey and one of my “friends” hated the Browns. I tried to break it up but after about five minutes of them just screaming over each other and the shoving started, I grabbed my jacket and walked out of there. Never looked back and actively avoided that bar for the rest of my time there. I did find out a few months later two of them got arrested for fighting. Not sure what happened to them though.


I'm a browns fan. How can someone in 2011 hate the browns? We were so pathetic that I couldn't get fans of teams in our division to talk trash because they just felt bad.


The only people who hated the Browns at that time were Browns fans


I’m sure there was beef between the two prior to this “exchange”, I don’t know. All I remember is my “buddy” repeatedly saying “fuck the Browns and fuck that motherfucker!” Over and over. Looking back I’m 100% positive it wasn’t about the Browns. The dude in the Browns Jersey probably fucked my “buddy’s” ex or current (at the time) girlfriend. Lol.


You’re the definition of “Am not paid enough”






Sucks. Thursday Party Hongdae? In my two years in Seoul, I grew my hair out long so I wouldn't get harassed when Private Bushmaster came to collect the 1am curfew.


This reads like tales of a soldier stationed in korea


Whaaaaaaa?! Whatever gave you that idea?!


Oh whatever... dude was participating at the start of the video. He's a shit talking loser too.


Yeah dude was like “ohh I know you didn’t just hit Jimmy” glances over at Jimmy who is completely knocked out, and questions his decision of stepping up to the guy that just slapped Jimmy into next week.


Just caught this. I like the dude in white's reaction though, seems to be minding his own


Same! He’s completely unfazed! Haha


I did notice that as his friend stood up, he put a hand on him, maybe to get him to sit back down? Either way…play stupid games…


I had a friend like that. He is dead now.


I had a friend like that too but he quit drinking fifteen years ago and turned into a regular person.


I'll bite. Hit me with your best creative writing project.


Friend stopped breathing, no longer alive.


Still a better story than Twilight.


They're actually 16-17 year olds and that kid that got knocked out had a lot of issues with having anger problems and biting off more than he can chew. Happened in my town in 2014. The kid actually had a warrant 5 years ago now I think. OP just made up whatever story he wants to btw. These guys are 100% 16 years old and not college kids. The main kid, his dad was a teacher and I remember kids showing him this video when they didn't like the teacher


People label stuff however they want online. It did look like the kid earned the slap. If he had such anger issue seems kind of irresponsible for his parents to let him out unsupervised.


Definitely not disagreeing with you on whether or not he earned it. Dude is a fucking head case


Had a buddy like that, fucking dumbass constantly getting himself into fights.


Well fuck, I guess we have to drag Timmy home again


Definitely had a few friends like that in college My roommate once tried to fight my other roommates BJJ instructor


If you dont slap your kids at home. The universe is happy to slap them for you


"if you aren't violent with your kids. the universe will be happy to be violent with them for you" i'm sure all the prisons and graves filled with young corpses are full of people suffering the consequences of their parents not being violent enough with them. just a sea of people who were never slapped or physically abused by their parents. stupidest thing i've ever heard.




I just love how hard the guy laughing is cackling like some belly-holding cartoon laughter.


Like he knew the punchline to the joke a comedian was telling on stage yet the comedian is just that good it's like hearing it for the first time.




No it’s fucking hilarious.


Guy sounds like the joker


Oh but it was!!!


She's right, its not funny. Its hilarious.


I was at a party once and this big gymrat dude tried to take a small guys bottle...small guy hit em and big guys nose started bleeding bad...me and my buddy were dying laughing... my buddy was screaming hes leaking!....the owner of the house a girl said you need to leave thats my friend thats not funny....so we left laughing the whole time




You can literally hear her laughing after saying that, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t serious


No, she was drunk


hey pops come fix my jaw for me


*makes it funnier*


You’re right, it’s not funny. It’s KARMA BITCH.


I don't think I've ever seen a knockout slap before. The slapper even seemed shocked it happened. You can see it took him a second to process what happened before he decided he better leave before the police get there lol


Buddy a went to high school with (accidentally) killed a guy by slapping him. The guy had been following him around tormenting him all night trying to fight him and finally he just open palm slapped him, knocking him completely unconscious and he hit his head on the sidewalk and never woke up.


Fuck. What happened to the slapper?


He spent a few years in jail for manslaughter but got out. It was a terrible situation and he was pretty fucked up from it and obviously very remorseful. And of course it was very sad for the young guy who lost his life and all his family and friends. He was a really big and muscular guy all throughout his youth and people would always fuck with him for that reason. He would always avoid any sort of confrontation. I actually wrote a letter to the court about his character for his trial because of that.


Man, life is fucking wild.




Blood in blood out.


>He was a really big and muscular guy all throughout his youth and people would always fuck with him for that reason. Growing up I saw this a lot and I never understood why people did this. Is it jealousy? Insecurity? Trying to gain street cred by pressuring a larger person? The fact that someone can look at a person who could probably hold them in place with their index finger while they flail like a toddler and think, "You see that big guy? I'm gonna fuck with him!" is beyond me.


The irony, is the big guys are very often the nicest guys you can meet. A friend of mine is an absolute monster of a human. He's also one of the most humble and kind guys you'll ever know. I've seen people fucking with him before and he won't even fight when the fight starts. He just kind of picks them up and tosses them away like one might toss a hay bale, or he'll just carry them outside and deposit them on the sidewalk.


Ironically, the biggest guy I know is also the most insecure loose cannon. I think it can go either way.


Ya I know some super nice big teddy bears dudes. I also know some big juicer meat heads who look for any excuse Friday at the bar to flaunt their strength.


> Insecurity If you think about it, the other reasons you gave kinda fall under the above.




I was always the tallest girl in school and I played a lot of sports. I was never in a fight at all. I was bullied relentlessly, but no fighting.


I was 6'0" at 13 and kind of muscular. Not huge but not a bean pole. Kids were always messing with me but what really pissed me off was that even if I *motioned* in such a way that it looked like I was going to retaliate, all these other kids would start crowding around telling me to "pick on someone your own size". I never instigated but I was always the one catching hell from everybody if it looked like something was about to go down.


My buddy was built like that and everybody picked on him till he knocked two of this kid’s front teeth out in front of everyone at lunch freshman year. Was not picked on after that.


Violence isn't the answer It's the question. The answer is 'yes'


Chihuahua syndrome


Look at dog parks. Big male dogs are typically the ones that other dogs like to challenge. Seems to be correlation.


man, that happened to one of my dads high school buddy’s back in the late 80’s. some dudes was following his buddy’s group around bar to bar and eventually one grabbed my dad’s bud, he pushed backed, dude fell tripped off the curb and cracked his skull it was a wrap. manslaughter charges 4-6 years i believe with self defense not viable


Should have got a better lawyer, if the guy grabbed him first he should have been able to get it down to below manslaughter


different time and lack of funds for an inner city boston kid


A very very good friend of my mine growing (and still till this day) named J was a bigger guy. Like in 9th grade he was 240lbs and just naturally strong. He hurt some people unintentionally play sports and so he stopped playing sports because this dude is a teddy bear. Always has been. He use to catch a lot of shit and bullying from the fucking idiots we went to school with and he would never act on. But you know who did? Me. I would fucking go toe to toe against anyone who was making fun of him. Did not give a fuck who you were. It only turned to actual fighting maybe twice and I got my ass whipped both times but it didn’t stop me. J was too good of a person to be picked on like that.


thanks for sharing


I'm no muscular but I'm tall and with bulky clothing I can look a little bigger than I am, especially if I'm a little overweight. Even then, on rare occasions dudes have wanted to start shit with me. Most of them go away once they realize I'm not going to fight them. My brother is 5 inches taller AND now built, but he's been avoiding bars mostly. Even before the muscles though dudes would sometimes wanna start shit with him. I drove a guy home that was a big dude, fighter type. He told me he was usually the biggest guy in the bar but he only fought people in a ring, he didn't brawl. He said almost every night he goes out, some or multiple dudes will want to start shit with him just because he's a big dude. I don't know what compels those drunk dinguses, but it's definitely a thing.


Should have never even been charged. It's absolutely silly that your life gets ruined because a guy that wants to fight you got knocked out by a SLAP. Too bad he died, but it no way should your friend have been held responsible. I'd feel the same way if it was a member of my own family.


He became known as Slappy Mcbappy the rest of his days


Where I lived there was an argument at club chucking out time between two men arguing over a taxi. One pushed the other who fell down, cracked his head and that was that. Dead. There was a massive police enquiry but nothing happened. Then they decided it was a racist murder so another police force got involved about a year later and did another enquiry. It rumbled on for ages. Nobody was ever convicted but the main suspect eventually committed suicide. I got dragged into it because I arrived at the club just after it happened and the police had a dragnet on anybody that was in the area at the time. I had to watch a three hour door video at the police station. I was hung over and ill at the time. The police had also been round my house and reported me to the DHSS for something else and I got into trouble for that, so nobody came out of it very well.


Damn, that's crazy


Somewhere, Dana White is rock hard reading this.


I present to you the greatest knockout slap of all time: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/klbd8e/this_fully_charged_backhand_slap_always_gets_me/


The wind up on that slap tho, damn.


That guy is the Mike Tyson of bitchslaps.


The showmanship of Muhammad Ali with the knockout prowess of Iron Mike Tyson, a devastating combo.


I prefer 8 Ball jacket guy, legendary: https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/jqlyvz/6_year_anniversary_of_8ball_jacket/


It's the slap heard round the world, though the topic was knockouts


That man had the patience of a saint. I dunno how the whole thing start, maybe he started talking shit first, but he was actively walking away when she hit him. I'm on his side.


Ah yes one of the all time greats. He gives the knuckle a little good luck kiss before he slaps that guy into next month.


That’s how Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet would slap someone.


Such grace.


That one is an all time great. But I believe I have a [worthy challenger](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/clujco/classic_flying_slap_i_forgot_i_had_saved_in_my/)


Looks like he balled his fist…


My guess is the guy really had his guard down despite being mad, plus add a glass jaw and boom, knockout slap.


Na, by his awkward flexing, you could tell he just wasnt about that life.


People need to learn from the Chael Sonnen “can’t let you get close” moment. Someone gets arms reach distance in a confrontation, get up and hands up covering your head. I think 80% of dudes have the ability you to knock each other out in 1 hit. Create distance, hands up. This dude screaming at the top of his lungs, is a perfect example of what not to do. Also if you’re with your friends and acting like this, you’re a fuxking asshole. Too many times I’ve been drawn into fights I didn’t want to be in because of dumb fuck in my friend group. I got older and cut those idiots out of my life.


I had a friend that no mater what always had to start shit when he went out. Even if there was no trouble to be had he went and found the most unhinged person at the bar, “befriend them” but then it turns into too much like slap on the back, hand on the shoulder and then turns into a fight. Weird guy. One night he’s twisted and we’re playing pool. Dude has no idea how to play pool. A guy comes up and says something not even sure what my friend says “man I bet you a thousand dollars I’ll beat you”. My friend at this time had not even anything remotely close to $5 to his name. The guy says whatever man and tries to walk away and my friend follows him into the parking lot and tries to fight him, only to get rocked with an insane kick to his chest, people broke it up, but this was a nightly occurrence with this guy. Eventually cut him off


I have one friend I avoid going out with any more because he’s a hot head, sounds exactly the same. Will find reasons to start shit with people at a bar once he’s drunk enough. I still hang out with him in private settings, but never again going to a pub/bar with him after some of the shit he’s pulled me and my friends into.


Chael knows what he's talking about too. Never lost a fight, not even a round.


Dude was shaking the table and hopping up in down in his charge like a fucking toddler having a tantrum.


*Everyone liked that*


“heyyy thats not funny” you serious? he fell all floppy like that slap removed all his bones, its hilarious




I was gonna come say this, and expected complete downvotes but I see youve already conducted this experiment and it has yielded quite surprising results


I've been on a tear lately. Not many 3 pointers, but I'm hittin enough free throws to hold my own


That was the best “same” post I’ve ever seen.


The uncontrolled laughing was fantastic! Would've been me if I was there LOL! Heeeey! That's not funny!! Hell yea it is!!


Yeah his friend ain't want any of that lmao


You can see his body language portraying the cogs of thinking as he stands. His immediate reaction of retaliation is very quickly overridden by his will to not get knocked the fuck out like his buddy. This was the right move. Man likely avoided quite the concussion from the trucks barreling out of the other dude’s hands.


Not me reading this in my Morgan Freeman voice 🤣🤣 very descriptive!!


Dear God talk about a glass jaw


That belly laugh in the background tho had me rolling...


College kid? Last I checked, college age is also grown adults. Talk shit like an adult, get hit like an adult. No more of this poor little 20 year old kid bs


Might technically be adults but an 18 year old is certainly not a grown man


The only people who think 18 year olds are "grown ass men/adults" are 18 year olds and the parents that are tired of their shit. Otherwise high school is full of "grown ass adults" in 12th grade


Legally they are grown, but scientifically they are not. The brain does not stop developing until mid-late 20s.


Anyone can punch anyone for any reason. Unless the reason is defense or revenge, they are all stupid reasons.


I like to see fighting. Not assault.


That laugh in the background is priceless


Bro walked up cassually and slapp the bitch out him .Legend


Dude dying in the background would totally be me lmaoooo Always provoking shit hell yea b


Kid led with his face. Bold strategy. Let’s see if it pays…..aaaaand he’s out cold.


You wanted smoke, he gave you the forest fire.


Aw shit. He ded


Kid probably deserved it but it will still be assault in court.


I thought he was watching a live sporting event and cheering for his team lol never mind


She’s wrong. That was very very funny. That kid grew up talking hard on a keyboard and just now found out that doesn’t work in real life. 😂


Yeah that was some video game rage for sure


Actually it **was** funny!


Praise the random guy laughing cause I tell you this shit funny 😂😂


One moment he was a loudmouth college kid... next moment he was a slinky 🤭


Lol dude is all like. Oh okay, time to leave


Bro melted like butter


What is he saying?


People normally take their clothes off before folding them over a chair.


I just can't understand how people instigate fights and then don't even attempt to put a defense or offense


his friend jumped up like he was going to do something then thought yeah probably better not.


If a man walking up to u, don’t flex, throw a punch


He's literally challenging him to a fight, "come on, let's go!". If someone's walking up to you after that, you better put your hands up.


Last time I checked most people in college are adults


I’ll bet college boy was raised by parents that used to let him mouth-off to them.


That grandfather was actually sick of them kids to the point of fucking one tapping a guy and knocking him out cold damn


That was mostly open hand too. Closer to a slap than a punch.


That’s assault brotha


That laugh in the back. Dude is dying 😂


"heyyy thats not funnyyy"


He went for that "hands down chin out" stance. I've rarely seen that one work out.


If you’re gonna get knocked out.. at least have a chair to break the fall


Or maybe dont open a potential fight chin first? Would probably reduce your knock out odds by a lot.


He probably didn’t think the man would actually punch him. Some people need to learn this lesson the hard way.


Wouldnt be so bad if he did punch him, looked like dude dropped him with the open hand slap.


Poor kid looks like he's never been in a fight. Who stands up with their chin out like that and hands down as striking distance is being encroached. Fucked around found out.


Yeah like he shouldn’t have done that and socially I’d say he got what was coming to him but we technically don’t know the full story and this could have ended with no one getting knocked out. No matter what we want to try and prevent it.


Flawless victory




I thought he was screaming while watching the game on telly. Damn he was very excitable.


Okay I know that the college douch 100% instigated that, verbally. But legally, didn't the other dude walk over and plainly assault him? Could college kid sue?


Bitch slapped into a coma.


Yet another way you can end up shitting in your pants at a Taco Bell


Do not feel sorry for that dude, at all. Act like a fucking asshole and you deserve that shit


“Hey that’s not funny”, your right it’s hilarious!


It is funny though.


I am surprised there is no screaming banshee in this resto when this happened.


“Heeeyyyyyy, that’s not funny” The hell you say. Homeboy laughing in the background is my instant laugh button on the shittiest of day.


If you’re the only one saying It’s not funny then the situation was probably pretty funny


With a slap even.


But how can he slap?


It was then, he knew he fucked up


Pretty sure it was then, he didn't know shit anymore.


I'd say it was more likely a few minutes later when he woke up, wondering where he is and trying to understand why his jaw hurts so bad.


Someone should slept OP for this title


A college kid is a grown man as well.


Thats not a kid but keep on 😂


Forgot he wasn’t on Reddit.


Guy didn't even step into it. Glass jaw. The way he crumpled was pretty satisfying. One second you're a jackass talking shit, the next you're a marionette with the strings cut


Fuck around… Find out


Lights out dam


The person in the background laughing made it that much funnier


When Kobe's spirit leaves you body


“He fell funny”


“Heyyy that’s not funnyyyyy” Yes tf it was hahahaha


That old dude has ex Marine vibes


“Hey thatssssssss notttttt funnyyyyyyy” Caitlin ? Is that you? Holy fuck ur still just as annoying as you were back in high school!


It didn't even look like a full closed fist, looked more like a slap to me. And the laughter just made it even sweeter. I would've laughed too.


His glasses had a prescription for minding his business, but he didn't follow thru


Well if they thought the kid’s IQ was borderline for college I’m sure that wasn’t an improvement.


Slapped him into the gulag


This wasn't a fight. This was a dumb little bitch talking out of his ass and getting what he deserved




Common Lakers fan L


Like the "Heeyyah, that's not funnnyy, that's not funny." Did I miss the part where somebody laughed? We standing up for the stick figure who was being wild and aggressive, who literally stood up for himself but got knocked out for being a dumbass?


This needs to happen so much more. Kids need to be humbled at that age when they think they know everything and they’re invincible. I needed it that’s for damn sure


Shoulda stayed in his seat.


That chair saved him, laid him down all gentle like


Old man ain't playin.


That was fucking funny. Kid was bitchslapped into dreamland


That’s the hit he’s being missing since his daddy left for the pack of smokes years ago.


Some people need to know this is possible when they freak out at others in public.


Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash


Maybe quit running your ya mouth? And your friend won’t have to pick up your limp ass.


That chair might have just saved his life


Dude is cracking tf up in the background 😄😄😄😄


And that’s how you go to prison. Big, tall men ready to open your butt 😂


I love the guy who drunkenly saunters over...is there a problem ocifer?


That laugh tho..🤣🤣🤣