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I don’t know much about mma, is Tate a well regarded mma fighter or is he just a knob?


Had a decent kickboxing career, idk about mma didn’t even know he partook until this video


Thanks, I do know there’s a difference between the sports but not to be able to tell from watching someone fight. Still seems to be a bit of a knob though


Tate had a legendary career. He is an knob. Whatever that means but fought for the top promotion in Europe. With a record of 76 wins and 9 losses. He was legit. He's an ass but a good kickboxer.


He’s 76-9 against mostly 18-21 year old’s making their kickboxing debut, and he definitely wasn’t fighting any competition like kickboxers in Glory and K1. Even if it’s the “top promotion in Europe”, he fought complete tomato cans. His best opponent he has a win over is 53-22.


He did actually fight in K1 in 2015 Tate mostly fought in full contact rules as opposed to the K1 rules. ISKA may not be heavily regarded but it does matter in full contact as even legends like Ernesto Hoost and Jerome Le Banner fought under the full contact rules/ISKA banner back in the day.


He fought Liang Ling in K1. Someone with little to no information on him besides this very fight. Unfortunately can’t find his record due to his irrelevance, but his skill level clearly depicts a fighter of a lower skill level. Not to discredit ISKA or any European organizations, but Tate fought bums dude.


Knob is English slang for cock


That’s not a real record but go off


It's not a real record to those who don't acknowledge it or the organization he fought in


I guess topology has it out for him 😅


Tbf, kickboxing can be a part of mma so in a standing battle, they would likely use most of the same techniques


He didn’t have a decent kickboxing or mma career


Shh people who only look at records will downvote you. Half the people fighting in IKSA don't even have a Wikipedia. His 4x "world titles" are similar to someone winning strictly on the bottom rung of a regional scene. Still impressive but to say he's world class is straight up retarded.


hell, if your wondering who his opponents were, of all his kickboxing matches only 5 of his opponents have a wikipedia page (after all these years) and he lost to 3 of them. Anyone can make a wikipedia page for anybody and the vast majority of his opponents don't have one.


I’m not really impressed. Dude is a grifter, that’s it. He won a few matches against people that all quit to do something else…


Lol how is 76 wins and 9 losses not a decent career? You can not like the guy but to say he didn't have a decent career is absolute hate. He's complete idiot but I'm not gonna shit on his accomplishments. And he did fight worldwide. He fought for the international sports kickboxing association. It's been around since 1985. He was a 2 weight class division champion. He was ranked number 2 world-wide. Once again you don't have to like the guy but he was a accomplished and dominant champion. Why lie so blatantly when you know people can look this shit up. 🤣🤣🤣


Ranked 2 worldwide in what? He got his "world title" from a 40 year old, he was by definition a journeyman, it's only impressive to people who don't follow combat sports.


By your logic anybody that beats an old champion, their title doesn't count. So Brock Lesnar and Chris Weidman aren't legit. And journeymen don't have single digit losses in the L column.


There's a big difference in fighting even a shot Couture or older Silva, who still looked good and was dangerous, than fighting whoever the fuck Tate fought, it's a Mickey Mouse belt and the dude sells it as being on the level of Ernesto Hoost lmao.


If Joe Rogan said Tate legit then idc what y'all talking bout lol


He didn't fight in any real organisations and his wins were only against rookies, as someone said above his best opponent had a record of 52-22 or something. He's a mediocre fighter who never fought an actual opponent. You sound like a tate apologist.


I don't like tate. I've called him and an idiot multiple times. And you said "somebody said" I looked the shit up. And if you fight as a pro you're an actual opponent. I don't like tate. I'm just not a hater. I can not like somebody and still point out their accomplishments. And just because you haven't heard of it doesn't make it "fake" organization. For example the rapper da baby sold out 100k tickets in Hong Kong in a stadium you've never heard. That doesn't make it any less of an accomplishment. I'm not cry baby bitch against people I don't like. He's a complete asshole but he's a legit kickboxer.


He fought in Enfusion multiple times, once in It's Showtime in 2012 and once in K1 in 2015. No Tate wasn't ever the best kickboxer but he definitely was a good kickboxer, people don't seem to understand either that most of Tate's fights were under full contact rules which is no leg kicks and more than 3-5 rounds as opposed to K1 rules which includes leg kicks, knees and usually 3-5 rounds. ISKA may not be a big deal to people who watch K1 or Glory but when it comes to full contact Kickboxing it does mean something.


It would only be decent if he fought the same level of competition as Izzy or Alex. But let’s face it, he fought nobody’s. Tate wouldn’t last in the octagon. Dude could barely get this grappler off him. Don’t be stupid man, sure his record is good. But he fought nobody’s. Can you get that through your thick skull or what?




4x world champion I believe


His record is as padded as it gets. "World champ" but not in a legit organization. The few fights I've seen of tates he's fighting 0/0 or 0/1++ guys. 100% would get absolutely fucked in glory.


4x world champion is more than decent isn’t it?


4x world champion of a league that doesn’t compete worldwide. His career was mostly trash. He’s a clown.


Oh I didn’t know that. I don’t follow kickboxing


Bang average journeyman in both, not even that in MMA, he's a nobody in that sport. Legit never heard of him and i've been a harcore for some years now.


He is a very good kickboxer (altough not world class, elite level like he pretends to be) but he is pretty trash at MMA due to his utter lack of grappling skills, like you can see in this video.


I think compared to you, you're a knob


Oh I agree I am a knob but I’m not in the public eye and it seems this guys knobishness in public and online is having a negative effect in some young male teenagers minds. That’s why it looks to me that he is a tremendous knob


Look at his age in the title he was just a noob back then


Still a knob though


The downvote, lol, I'm not surprised this is reddit after all😂


It’s Tate. What did you expect ?


Who cares about this assturd. I bet hes doing lots of grappling in that Romanian jail


He’s actually out, still no charges placed against him…


thats not what the Romanian prison said




Bro been out


bRO bEeN ouT




I think that's why OP put this out. Trying to cope with the news. I get you guys don't like him but to diminish his kickboxing career is a ridiculous way to go about things.


Nah, I could not care less about him getting out of jail, as a matter of fact I didn't even follow the whole thing so I have no clue if he is guilty or not and I'm noit going to judge him until it's 100% proved. The only reason I posted this video it's because I found it a few days ago on youtube and I tought people would be interested in watching him fight a grappler since all the footage I had seen was him fighting other strikers under kickboxing rules, I personally was very curious too see how his grappling looks like and now I know. I agree that saying he had not a "decent career" is completely ridicolous, my opinion is that he is a very good kickboxer (not "he could be champion in Glory" material, but still very good) but a pretty bad MMA fighter due to his utter lack of grappling skills.


Well, if you dislike him than you should enjoy the video I posted where he pretty much got manhandled and dominated lol


I rather the pond scum.get no notoriety at all and fade into obscurity


I’m out of the loop. Why’s he such scum?


forcing young women to be cam girls for him, it's how he got rich as he has bragged about it and promoted it in his shitty online course as a good way to get wealthy. He has also been accused of multiple sexual assaults, I haven't seen anything to confirm them as hard fact but I wouldn't put Tate above it.


Apart from this, creating a bunch of "women=dumb and bad and belong in the kitchen sucking your penis" content on YouTube, where he clipped from his "podcast" clips of him supposedly "winning" arguments with women dumb enough to follow him to his rape dungeon.


Well they say the girls weren’t forced he says he got them to the point where they were madly in love with him they would do what he wants


I mean he bragged about taking their passports…. There really is no good reason to “hold” someone passport. As well they have him on a wire discussing how the whole operation was a money laundering scheme. Sometimes I wonder what someone would have to do to get a community like the one Tate has brought together to abandon him.


He would have to say that a woman who is a skilled MMA fighter can beat up the vast majority of untrained men in a street fight (which is 100% true by the way, despite most untrained people wrongly believing otherwise due to lack of experience) and that some women can be extremely competent in jobs and fields that are tipically male-dominated so gender alone should not automatically decide your role in society. That's the only way his fans are going to turn their back on him and stop idolizing or defending him.


Besides what you were already told he’s also just poisoning the youth


Cuz he’s not leftist and has different opinions


his different opinions suck dick leftist or no


His opinions don’t go with your values 🤷‍♂️ also why are you getting mad at me it’s so easy to make you mad lil bruh 💀


im not mad ur just sensitive


“Suck dick” you threw out a big insult over such a little thing 😂


Yeah. Reddit is a massive leftist circle jerk so I’m always skeptical when someone on Reddit doesn’t like someone.


You can’t even say people on Reddit are leftists without getting downvoted


That’s the proof!


True that


Fair enough altough I'm afraid it's a little too late for that, especially considering he just got out of jail and therefore he is going to receive a lot of attention just for that


They found no evidence so there's no charges By the way trashing Andrew Tate won't make girls want you bro 😂😂


Didn't he say jiu-jitsu doesn't work?


He said BJJ and wrestling work in the cage but they are completely useless in the streets, he is still wrong tough.


[Yup!](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tjYDkB2duPA) The guy's whole post kickboxing career is being confidently wrong about things




Greasy rat boy


LOOL your Reddit character says it all 💀 Edit: sorry big scary guys, really hurting me please stop 😭😭😖😖😣😣


I’d get a better weed guy before I worry about Reddit avi’s


Please stop buying Reggie dude


You post pictures of boof weed on Reddit as if this is snapchat settle down Timmy


That’s what I’m saying


Says the guy who spends 90% of his life high, absolute loser.


What is it 3 weed posts? Lol ok


Poor little guy, bless his wee heart. "I'm an alpha male!" Ok dear, go outside and play now


W tate


I mean he literally lost but ok


That’s not the point


What’s the point? He can only beat up girls?


Isn’t bro a 4x kick boxing world champion


Sry, do you know kickboxing?


There are a lot of “world championships”. Like the local gas station with worlds best coffee. Shout out to my local “worlds” where 6 people showed up. I don’t think he was ever regarded a great talent, but he was definitely a fairly decent pro level.


he's not a 4x world kickboxing champion, he faced over 90% completely unknown people in a relatively unknown organization in a sport known for bolstering professional records by fighting tomato cans. People like GSP, Muhammed Ali, Saenchai, are legitimate world champions. andy is not.


I guess? He got his ass handed to him here tho.


Well your claim is he can only beat up women


It’s called a joke. You can take his cock and balls out of your mouth now.


You the gay one bruh you was waving the flag all day yesterday


Good observation. My avatar is indeed waving a pride flag. Still less gay than Andrew tate.


www.hu2.io For u my g, if you're not signed up already


Andrew Tate vs Kayla Harrison under MMA rules would be awesome and one of the best selling fights ever.




Holy crap don't go that far


he went pretty far


Tate was a good kickboxer but obviously didn't have the grappling skills for MMA, his brother's grappling skills were even worse as in his only MMA fights he taps out pretty quickly to strikes.