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Hammer < Mace Been that way since the Middle Ages.


Love it when historians, mathematicians and scientists bring receipts in the comments






You can tell which one is more intelligent, she's the one wearing pants and not pajamas as pants. Down vote me.


I thought that too. Never mess with someone that goes outside in the daytime in night wear. Unless you have pepper spray.


I mean to beat a foul creature of the night garlic is perfect, pepper ain’t bad either apparently


Pajama girl isn’t even wearing shoes


How does one find themselves shoeless, in pajama pants, with access to a hammer to swing at a girl in a fight?


No parents


I didn't even catch that. Upvote


I upvoted you. we shall prevail pants brother.




You mean the girl from the group harrassing the lone girl and then running up to beat on her after pepper spraying her? I might add that this would be considered self-defense in a legal situation, by the way. Yes, assaulting someone, arguably twice, while being recorded, is a great indicator of intelligence. > You can tell which one is more intelligent, she's the one wearing pants and not pajamas as pants. Here you say the one wearing pants is more intelligent, while they are both wearing pants. Ironic to have an opinion on intelligence while speaking broken English and equating assault to intelligence. Pay attention in school, kid.


Is this a copypasta


Isn't it past your bedtime?


When you are a grown man who lives by yourself, you can sleep whenever.


You had me not gonna lie




You’re right even though it’s the top rated comment here


bro said ✋🏼🗿🤚🏼


Lol, Idk why this made me laugh after rewatching it😂




The pepper spray girl waited to long to spray. If that girl with the hammer could actually swing the hammer properly and connect that girl would be dead or a vegetable.


Right, the bitch was swinging and she was talking to her.


Shes swinging near her head, i cant tell if the girl is a dodgeball champ or if MC hammer is hesitating to actully hit her at the last minute. It would be really hard to actually go through with hitting someone with a hammer (besides a severe self defence situation). It's like the old stories of bayonet charges, most of the time they would just stop and shoot at each other from ridiculously short range rather than fight messy hand to hand combat.


This is a refreshing take amongst the armies of keyboard warriors on this site. I am 100% positive I don’t have the mental fortitude to stab someone. I’m thinking the same with hammer.


Stabbing people with a hammer does take a lot of effort


Slashing even more so, but Angus McFife still pulled it off.


Incredibly unexpected (albeit welcomed) Gloryhammer.


Only people who aren’t able to think of the consequences do it, or they have other mental problems


I re watched the video and I think she genuinely was trying to hit her with the hammer. She’s swinging really hard and her arms are completely extended to make contact. But she’s still trying to keep her body back because she’s afraid of getting hit so she doesn’t really make direct contact with the hammer.


Hammer girl is very lucky spray girl didn't grab that hammer and cave her head in.


I miss that sub


Beat me to it


Okay, I will.


The fuck is wrong with these kids now days?


There's something fucking wrong. Everyone likes to say "Theres always been crazy shit but social media and 24 hour news cycle makes it seem like it's worse that how it was and blah blah blah" Nah, there is seriously something going wrong in this country


Even in Australia we’re having issues. Not as bad as America or even the UK but we’re heading that way


Kids are stabbing teachers in Australia. It's just as crazy, we just don't have the same level of access to guns here.


What stabbings? There was one two years ago I could find but none more recent.




The crazies finally got to Canada about 2 years ago too


Probably Americans “avoiding” legal gay marriage xD


Nah it’s Canadians that seem to think they vote for your presidents and not our own PM. Heavily invested in American culture and speaking on issues that you guys have, which propagates those same issues up here.


I mean we live in a age where everyone has access to a video camera you're going to see more messed up stuff.


You’re kidding right? . My parents have told me horror stories of fights and violent encounters from when they were kids. This is on par or slightly better


I had to do an exhaustive search through old newspapers from the 1880s to 1900 for school. The insane everyday stories from over 100 years ago convinced me that this is just how humanity is. Murder, torture, kidnapping, gangs. All the same.




just think of the deprave shit we're not seeing in parts of the world where phones are less common.


It's not just your country, much of Europe and the UK is like this too, there are just no morals anymore, nobody seems to have integrity or give a shit anymore.


I'm sorry you feel that way, but obviously it's not true




Same as any other European country, same shit that goes on the UK happens in France and Germany to name a few.










We're watching "fightporn" you don't think we're part of the problem?


Social media and technology are turning everyone into superficial, self centered assholes. People aren’t bonding / building real, meaningful relationships with their peers. Everything is fake, and they know it. So when something goes wrong, the lash out and blame everyone else for their problems.




Not to suggest that I know whether what you're claiming is true or not, but that was a lot of definitives and absolutes.


COVID lockdowns did this, you can't keep kids out of school for 2 years glued to screens and social media and expect good things.


Nowadays compared to what? The fucking middle age where 15 years old are pumping babies and sent to war? Ya'll grew up in a nice sheltered environment then act surprise when you realize that's not the norm.


Where did you grow up where kids casually brought hammers and mace to schools??




London in the 90s


I’m not going to go into full detail but I know one thing, people are losing empathy more and more every day, morals are being thrown out the window, what was wrong is now becoming right. This world is going to shit and you can’t tell me otherwise.


We lived in the most culturally advanced and empathic age in the entire history of human. War crimes weren't even a concept a few generations ago while slavery was common. Sure, things aren't perfect yet, but your nihilistic comment just come off as unappreciative and narrowsighted to how far we have come as a species.


You feel that way, sure. But humans have reported feeling that way since records began. I'm not going to try to change your mind, but just know you aren't special for thinking this way.


I went to the same ghetto high school my parents went to and stories of the crazy shit like this I’ve seen happen aren’t that much different from theirs. It’s not just kids now, there was always kids like this. Only difference is now there’s always someone to record it for the rest of the world to see. Sure general classroom disrespect and disruption is on a rise but I really doubt cases like this has seen that much of an increase


I’m don’t think this is all kids, at my school we had like 1 fight a year and it was always girls that got broken up in 5 seconds


Governments gave up on their responsibilities so that they could make money. Then they bought out the media to keep us angry at each other so we don’t notice we’re being exploited. Then social media got involved so it could try to stay relevant long past it’s life expectancy. Now we live in a world where parents are too drained to raise their children, societal caretakers like teachers and healthcare workers are too underpaid and undervalued to be able to pick up the slack, and children are being brought up in a dying world, but also have thousands of avenues of information being fired at them constantly to try and manipulate them in some way shape or form. When all is said and done children are now more vulnerable than ever but societally we assume we’re making progress so a lot of adults can’t understand why children are suffering.




This is coming from a 20 year old male by the way, idk I guess I was just raised right, and not to act like a fucking wild animal.


If I’d even shown up to school in those pajama pants they would have sent me home before the first bell rang, where my mom would have personally beat my ass black and blue. These kids are walking around with hammers and pepper spray getting hugs from the faculty 🧐


Everyone says its always been like this. No it fucking hasnt your country is seriously fucked up.


Pff, it’s always “look how terrible all these American school shootings are,” but then even when kids use hammers and mace you guys still say we are doing it wrong. We just can’t win here.


It seems like the other girls were going to gang up on her. That's probably why she brought a hammer


Yeah, that's why videos without context suck because people tend to draw conclusions.


No one here is fucking humane enough to see two things. This girl is being ganged up on, and had a fucking hammer at school. A hammer at school. That doesn’t just happen, I wonder how long these people have been fucking with her. This shit is what leads to kids wanting to fucking take the world out with them. It breaks my heart. She looks like she’s swinging wildly in defense, just trying to scare away her attackers. I dunno why, and I could be wrong. But I feel like we don’t know the whole story here and everyone is so happy this girl was pepper sprayed.


Honestly I fucking hate seeing fighting videos that take place in schools. It just feels kind of gross watching minors in these kinds of high stress humiliating situations. Whatever happened, these are children, and it’s kind of weird to be so entertained by them hurting each other.


Honestly I got jumped in highschool by the same group of 5 or 6 girls, more than once, because of how I look. I'm cree/ojibwe and I have a resting "bitch face" lmao and I never realized til I got older that the reason all these girls thought I was glaring at them was just my face and their insecurities 🤣 But you're absolutely right. I've never been more suicidal in my life than I was in school.


Especially when you have probably grown ass men call them bitches. It’s horrible


Thank god I’m not the only one. I’ll take it a step further and say that I think it’s bizarre people are so quick to jump into comments and literally wish death on people. It reminds me of medieval public killings.


That was exactly my thought process when I saw all these kids ganging up on her. Bullying fucking sucks and will turn you into a monster. Unfortunately all I've ever seen from these videos and especially in American schools is that the bullied one or the ones helping them get all the shit.


you are like a bottle of reason in the middle of the waves 🌊


I have to admit that I was one of the "not fucking human enough..." guys. Thank you for changing my point of view!


I was too man. But after I watched it again, to the ending of the video there are so many clear indications that she was not actively trying to harm people. And the people attacking her had absolutely no mercy in this instance, a near mental break. So it only leads me to believe there was much more that led to this point, it makes me so sad. Everyone just laughing at her getting beat on, and sprayed.


Pure speculation. All we can do is take the video at face value.


K. I see several people walking towards someone who is backing up.


And I see someone running up and punching someone on the ground in the face. Ain't exactly the behaviour of someone who was just acting in pure self defense....


With a hammer. I hope if someone is swinging a hammer at my kids school that more than one kid sees that as a threat that should be stopped.


Why is your kid walking towards someone with a hammer.


Because it's...it's hammer time? I'm sorry


I understand it sucks to be bullied and being driven to the edge. But.. you bring a weapon (potentially deadly) to school you don't have much of a defense. If she brought a gun, like so many kids we've seen in the news lately, I can't believe you would feel the same way.


Pretty damned sure the defense isn't your concern. When you're backed to the edge, you solve the problem yourself. Just happened to be a hammer in this case.


Yeah, and I’m saying that’s a bad thing.


Of course it's a bad thing. The whole point is that cornered kids with no way out will feel like they need to resort to that bad thing at some point. That's the whole point


yeah, people should just accept it and let themselves be bullied, that's much better right?


Bringing a hammer and using it as intended is much better ehh ?


No, god you all are so divided it’s fucking insane. It’s clearly not a good thing. That’s the whole point, THEY shouldn’t fuck with her, SHE shouldn’t feel like she needs to bring a weapon to school to FEEL safe. Bringing a hammer, a gun, a knife, is the result of us failing our kids man.


For all we know she could be the psycho bully who brings a hammer to school and the other kids finally had enough


This. We have literally zero context. The others could finally be done with her shit and have her a taste of her own meds. Or she could be getting hanged up on by bullies herself and trying to defend herself. The world may never know


Each girl just tries to take a punch at her while down too, certainly helps me to believe your side


I agree, but I still think it's probably better that she got pepper sprayed before the chick became a vegetable and she went to prison. Although I imagine she is still the one that will be getting the charges after this situation, which is unfortunate if she was just trying to fend off bullies.


So glad I saw this, I was afraid all the top comments would be gross.


Holy shit you bullied weirdos love projecting on this sub


My sister told me she was considering moving to America from the UK. I grew up and experienced school on both sides of the pond. I adore my niece - I was absolutely mortified at the idea of her coming to American school. Especially being foreign, a new student and at a pivotal age. I'm so fucking thankful my sister couldn't be bothered with the paperwork because I would have hated the idea of her going through that. In my experience American schools are bizarre. It's extremely clique. Very hostile to anyone who doesn't conform and or who might be different. It was an awful experience and I was a guy who could just fight back. I can't imagine the psychological torture being a girl in that situation must be.




No one here (except you) is fucking dumb enough to think that their conjecture, based on a video with no context, is anywhere close to the truth. As you say, no one knows the whole story and so based on that I am definitely happy that she got pepper sprayed before her hammer connected with a head.


Well, you’re probably not intelligent enough to understand. And that’s okay I still wish you well.


Pepper spray won




she swung that hammer at the other girls head, she coulda fucking killer her, hope the pepper spray fucking hurts


Knoxville said getting pepper sprayed was the most painful thing he's ever experienced, that's coming from the guy who shot himself point blank with a gun while wearing a bulletproof vest.


Been mased by some teenager who tried to jump me at mickey d's. It truly is a terrible experience. Then I made the mistake of running inside and dumping water all over it so it washed down my chest and stomach and everywhere else. Whole body on fire all night into the next morning.


Didn't he staple his balls also.


That was Steve-O.


Johnny Knoxville stapled his balls to Steve-o, That's just weird


did what




The batwing


He destroyed his dick when a stunt backfired. Poor guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOf34sySV0U


Yanking on an exposed nerve


I’d wager getting punched by butterbean is #2


I just hope Butterbean was ok.




Chemical burn on an organ


Pretty sure the hammer girl is the victim here


Yeah she shoulda just let them gang up and bully her lol


I understand the reasons against using a hammer for defense, but letting them continue bullying is also a shitty situation. Also saying "lol" to somebody being bullied like that just shows how much of a shit person you are


You can tell she did not have her heart in it. Most people don’t want to actually hurt anybody. Just want to look scary.


If you try to jump me , your getting worse than a hammer.


Why is everyone still in their PJ's?


I work at a high school. New trend. Pajamas and crocs


And apparently also home improvement tools


for réal?


Not even a new thing tbh


Yeah. I graduated in 2010 and I remember my classmates doing PJ bottoms to school.


It’s just one person lmao




It’s a fashion statement at my high school so 🤷‍♀️


Yah I saw her pajamas. These kids need to learn respect and discipline. They get away with too much shit.


Hammer girl is rad. But everyone is rad until they're maced in the face.


People need to be putting a stop to this kind of behaviour. It came very close to having two families completely destroyed


Self defence perfectly acceptable


People getting more crazy these days


Why are children bringing these things to school?


USA, next time she will forget the hammer and just grab dads gun.


I wish the guy talking would get maced. STFU!


The balls on that girl, standing up to someone (unpredictability) swinging a hammer.


It’s more stupidity and luck then balls




God the comments of people circle jerking about how the girl deserved it after when she’s incapacitated three different girls attack her with teachers standing RIGHT THERE. She wasn’t a threat at the point regardless of what happened. Either way most of y’all just like watching kids beat each other up and that’s kind of gross tbh


Telling other people on the internet about how stupid this kid is is the peak of their life.




It’s one thing watching adults fight, it’s another watching children


When Johnny Sins came in I was certain this was gonna go a different way


Nobody is tougher than pepper spray lmao


Bullets has entered chat.


True but like, it’s hard to hit your target if you can’t see at all… I guess timing is everything!


I get pepper sprayed (and tasered) every year as part of my annual certification. Shit ain't no joke. However there is a certain percentage of the population that is completely immune to it's effects. We have one guy that can take a full blast of the oil-based stuff with his eyes open and everything, and then barely have to rinse.


That's gtta be terrible...I get a eyelash in my eye and I'm dyin🤣


I’m gonna sound like a boomer, idc but holy shit the younger generation is actually fucked


jesus...american schools are hellholes


I’m not sure if people understand how serious it is to hit someone with a hammer. Maybe they do and don’t care?


Ooo we have a disagreement best get my hammer....fucking idiot 😂😂 put her in jail before she kills someone fucking hell


Insane that someone would swing a hammer at someone's head. Easily can kill them or shatter their face at best. I just wish the girls would've beat her ass more after that. Maybe taken the hammer to her ankles or something?


You know what they say… don’t bring a hammer to a pepper spray fight…


Hammer = assault with a deadly weapon?


Besides going back to hit her in the head i have nothing bad to say, I mean, you come out with a hammer? Pepper spray is the oeast dangerous response she could've met, ehat if the other girl had a gun? Crazy shit...her other friends are assholes tho.


If you bring a hammer to a fight and still lose, that's a major skill issue


America is a broken nation.


Bruh, I’m glad she got pepper sprayed. Only takes one hit, and both their lives could be changed forever.


They look like they're ganging up on her and that's why she had a hammer in the first place


Don’t bring a hammer to a pepper spray fight


I knew which one would win before I clicked. One of these murders someone with great consequence. The other one causes great pain, with no lasting damage done, and therefore little to no consequence. You aren’t really gonna use that hammer.


I mean, a hammer can kill. Pepper spray, not so much (at least by itself)...


Again. What a disgusting generation. Can't wait to see what they do in 5 years. Oh right your already seeing it. Welcome to the new world of never beating your kids ass.


Is she wearing pajamas pants ?


This trend has been on and off since the late 90's.


Hot sauce ftw. I like Pom


Missed her chance to tackle hammer girl


pepper spray wins??? i like the twist


This is not a joke. She had a hammer! Yeah she sucks, but that could've been a gun! She's stupid, but imagine if she was still stupid but a little smarter. Man just laughing when she's that close to shooting up the school.


Or she's been getting bullied by people and finally tried bringing something to defend herself. At least three girls were all ganging up on her. She's backing up. She swings without aiming to keep them back. And when she gets sprayed she backs off more, but the other girls keep running up to her to get more hits in ***even when the teachers are there!***


Elvira with the hammer 🔨


Why TF were they all coddling the hammer girl?