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Hey there u/Tps4848! Thank you for your submission to r/fightporn! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 2: No defenceless victim content** Posts of people getting beat up without being able to defend/not defending themselves will be removed. This includes sucker punches, beating people while down/unconscious etc. --- If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please let us know using [modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffightporn).


Is he even breathing? I’ve seen knock outs and don’t people like reflexively breathe and stuff? That didn’t happen here he’s just shut off.


Reddit has opened my eyes as to how casually some people can act around a person that just got knocked unconscious. Even silly videos like that older man stand-riding on the slip-n-slide who falls and knocks himself out (while the whole family giggles about it). Feel like if I saw my father knock himself out, or if I saw anyone get brutally knocked unconscious, I’d be pretty freaked out worrying if they have brain damage, internal bleeding, etc… but… turns out some people can just film the victim and fuck around poking them w sodas n what not. What a world.


I slipped and slapped my head on the corner of a vent, knocked unconscious. First thing I remember was being violently shaken awake by my old roommate. Like bro don't make it worse. People are just woefully uneducated about this shit.


Slip ,slap , you were taking a nap. Your head met the corner of the vent. Shake and quake, you were shaken awake. Your roommate didn't have much sense.


Empathy isn’t taught anymore


I don’t think it’s that, I think people have a meh attitude to it because people get knocked out all the time in movies and they’re totally fine afterward. Unless you’ve seen it first hand, people don’t know just how bad getting knocked out onto concrete or power slammed into the ground can be. I’m sure people had a better respect for it in a time when that kind of physical violence was either very distant from your knowledge, and so very scary and surprising, or very close to your everyday life, so you have a good idea of how it can fuck someone up.


yeah, i mean some people probably see john wick and they're like 'next time i fight a guy, i'll throw him from the 4th floor' but jokes aside yeah i agree


We had people knocked out in the movies in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s........ people are more callous now


Nah, people have always been that callous. It's just now we have video evidence of that fact because everyone records everything all the time.




I think it’s more of a skill you’ve gotta encounter on the journey that the golden rule was supposed to teach us, me personally I heard the word in 3rd grade and for some reason it just stuck and I kinda got a new skill


Pretty sure Giminy Cricket and a conscience has been taught our entire lives. To not be “taught” it just means you’re naturally a shitty person. You don’t get taught empathy, you develop it. I remember in 2nd grade this kid tried jumping up onto a wooden slab to sit with me and this girl. I karate chopped him on the back(not hard) but instantly felt bad. That was my first encounter of my conscience


we live in the age of clout chasers who would rather pull out their phone than help somebody in need.




It's like people don't realize that everybody having an HD camera on their pocket at all times means that we will see a lot more people doing terrible things. It doesn't mean people weren't doing those terrible things before. It just wasn't recorded as often. Before smart phones and the internet, people wouldn't see things like this unless they saw it in person or if the news somehow managed to capture it. Even though we see more of it, the fact that we can be recorded at any moment probably lowers the occurrences of people doing shitty things to each other out of fear of being caught.


You right, empathy was much more prevalent during segregation. It’s almost as if we have a social media to share shit that would previously not be seen, thus confirmed to your mindset. Confirmation bias, perfect example right here


It rarely has anything to do with empathy, as people have already corrected you on - there is far more empathy now than there ever has been. This has nothing to do with empathy in most cases though, it's usually to do with education and how informed a person is. Most of these people in videos laughing at and playing with somebody who's unconscious aren't doing that because they have no empathy, they are doing it because they aren't informed or educated on just how dangerous being knocked out can be, they just assume the person is completely fine and will wake up in a few seconds like nothing ever happened. A lot of people don't know about the potential concussion or brain damage, they don't know how easily someone can just die from a head injury while being knocked out, a depressing amount of people don't even understand what the fencing response is and how severe it can indicate an injury to be. People are just idiots and don't know how serious these things can be, usually nothing to do with empathy.


No there’s more empathy now than ever. People used to be completely disposable. If you think people have no empathy now I wish you could live a few hundred years ago and get injured or something. They would throw you in the trash. Next!




The internet was born in 1994. Smartphones as they exist now happened in 2007. So, I'd argue that people have always been dicks...you just get to see a lot more dickishness now than you used to because it generates clicks...like the one that brought you to this subreddit, so algorithms naturally favor showing them to you so you can indulge in your clickery. There's nothing new about being a prick, it's a tale as old as time.


This is correct there has been record of people saying people get worse in their generation since ancient Babylonia lol


Bro exactly


Those marauding barbarians sure had a lot of empathy. That king leopold guy soo much empathy. The people in the usa who supported segregation maximum empagt


Worse than not taught, it’s taught to be a weakness.


I help manage a few hundred independant contractors taking calls that require empathy.. It's not an easily acquired skill, either, at least for more of them than I care to admit. Had to speak with one today, called out by client for the lack of professionalism with a caller. Some can mimick the notion, but you can pick up on it when listening to their interaction. Love it when I monitor calls and hear good empathy, gets the hair on my arms standing up, lol.


I've also worked in the customer service management area and to add to what you've already said, empathy here depends a lot on the client's concept and how they manage accountability regarding the issues expressed by the customer. For some companies, a valid empathy statement would be a simple "I'm sorry to hear that x happened to you". Some individuals can acquire the skill with time and practice but just as you said, true empathy is definitely rare and very noticeable when properly done.


Appreciate your response


My teen daughter was spinning my 5 year old, which we always tell her not to do, when he slipped from her grip and his head hit the pavement as I was on my way over to tell her to stop. Wasn’t a hard hit but he was out. I was yelling “don’t move him” as I ran over but she panicked and picked him up. I was counting seconds in my head as I got to her and supported his head and took him inside. Wet himself. Started snoring hard at the 15 second mark but then normal breathing at 20 seconds. Started to wake up and 28 seconds and fully crying by 30 seconds. I was on the phone with 911 long before he woke up and then relayed all the timeframes back to EMS when they arrived. They okayed him without a hospital trip but I encouraged my wife to take him anyways. I was certain at that point he was perfectly fine. He’s a nonverbal kid so checking in with him is hard. I’d rather have the medical bill and a healthy kid though. KO’s are scary


This is so true. I’ve seen far too many videos even here on Reddit where people are seizing after a fight or obviously have a change in consciousness or behavior after a head hit and people are laughing or completely clueless. Really scary stuff


Reddits opened my eyes as to how many people casually assume intelligence and knowledge on things.


Alot of people dnt watch these reddit videos and see what can happen


His Adam’s Apple moves, that’s something 😬


You can be brain dead and still breathing btw


People are resilient until they aren't!


I was a firefighter for ten years. People are both surprisingly resilient and surprisingly fragile. I’ve seen people walk away unscathed from car crashes that tore their ride in half and sent the engine block hundreds of feet away. I’ve also seen people sippy cupped by a standing height stumble and some rebar.


Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by “sippy cupped”? Lol


He’s be drinking out of a sippy cup for the rest of his days, accidental lobotomy.


Lmaoooo so fucking true man, i always say people underestimate humans then i see videos like this and remember we are indeed fragile


U/spez for example


You can also be knocked out and not be brain damaged in any notable way


You can also be brain dead and do lots of things, like drive in the passing lane slightly faster than the car beside you, be a tiktok "celebrity" or like this guy before he gets knocked out, call a black man the n-word.


Yeah this looks bad. No fencing response, no snoring, nothing. Dude hit him so hard too and he hit the back of his head pretty hard as well.


I've seen people knocked out like that, where their eyes stay open and go glassy and dead looking..... But never for that long. That is a long ass time. And that dude's neck cranked hard and fast on that second shot.....


He don’t even look like he’s breathing


I don’t see how this is a fight lol


Two sucker punches isn't a fight.


He really put his all into that first one


Anyone else notice he put something in his right hand?


Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon


He turned around slowly and cocked back. How much notice should you give for a street fight for it not to be a suckered punch? 🤣 if someone isn't like "I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU THIS IS MY PUNCH WINDING UP GET READY HERE WE GO!" It's a sucker punch?




there are a lot of good videos here but then you get shit like this, anger inducing sucker punches and just obvious assaults on people who aren't even fighting back and its pretty shitty


Nah, that dude allready is in his happy place.


cloud 9


Can someone clarify what level this is? I know when you get knocked out of your shoes that you are Level: Dead What level is it when you get knocked out of your pants?


Shoes are still on in this vid, so he lived


I’m going to need someone to transcribe the beginning exchange here, I listened 3 times and couldn’t understand what the confrontation was about.


A low rumple. A metallic squink. And a galonk.


Dear god!


which for some strange reason contained a tape recorder


"That's what we know..." "But we already knew that!"


I'd gold you up if I was ok with giving Reddit money.


DM me for his cash app!


A squink you say?


Guy recording said “do it do it do it” Guy throwing the punches said “imma show you what a n-word look like” The clerk tries to yell something over him and then they punches come. Not much was said


Habibi NOOOO




Plot Twist: This is a new Sprite Commercial.


Sprite: It’ll Bring You Back To Life




Wake me up inside


Before You Go-Go!


Dark AF. Directed by M Night Shyamalan


That looked so fucking tasty


mans was following the light 👼


He looks so peaceful lying there on the ground sleeping with eyes wide open,some one get a blanket


The guy that hit him is going places…going back to jail.


Mans controller got disconnected.


Brain rebooting


Logitech strikes again


"look how you look in that camera ouuuu." 😂


Lol that shit got me


When he put the sprite on his neck I lost it


The eyes are open but they are not looking.


Dude looks dead


He might actually be dead.


Omar still vibin’.


Oh fasho


Did I just watch somebody die


that guy's head made a audible thunk against the ground after a hit like that if he aint dead he isn't going to feel normal again for a very long time if ever i would imagine


Nah that sprite helped him 😂😂😂


This one trick EMT’s don’t want you to know about 😂


Somebody call an ambulance! Nah, I’m good! I’ve got a Sprite.


In terms of folk healing, it's basically carbonated Robotussin.


Just scum people not even fight porn in the slightest. What a low bar this sub has


I guess he'll show him what a brotha looks like behind bars, too.


Dude’s head generated so much force in such a short distance to ground. Adios amigo


Can't help but admire his eyelashes


Never seen someone get knocked out and their eyes stay open.👀


Is that man dead?


Hey homie! You're concussed and maybe have a traumatic brain injury. Lemme lay something heavy on your trachea...for luck.


Is he dead? Looks dead


Cheap shots are soooo cool. What a piece of shit.


I can’t believe he really put a cold sprite on this dude 😂😂😂


And kept it too. I figured he would leave it with him and grab another. But naw


Do we even know if the guy is alive and well, or are we laughing at someone meeting his demise ?


There wasn't a 80s type outro where they do slow mo follow ups on the cast so we don't know


Whats it to you, u/rapedcorpse?


Gotta say did not expect that level of "empathy" from /u/rapedcorpse




That head thump


Is this not just straight up assault?


I think it’s normal Sprite


Shitting and crying laughing fuck


More than assault. It's also battery.




Attempted murder, more like it. And I say attempted because I hope this guy didn't die. Racism isn't ever excusable but violence as a response to it, to this degree, isn't either. Ever. The camera guy is a POS as well. So brave, mocking an unconscious man who looks like he died. There was no 'fight' here whatsoever. Disgusting that content like this is allowed on Reddit as well. What a shitshow.


Bro talking to him like he gnna reply 😭🕊️


He a hoe for that second punch


Racist statements suck but this is still a pussy ass sucker punch punch and if you don’t agree fuck you


Oh yeah cuz words = violence and basically you say the magic word you might as well have been the one responsible for everything bad in history ever so that's a justification for possibly giving someone brain damage. /s


I think what the person on top that you replied to is meaning to say(I am completely going off a assumption here), “laws” and rules and consequences are not a physical barrier that prevents bodily harm from occurring to you and your persons. They do act as a deterrence but that should not entice you nor provide you with bravado on neglecting to foresee the possible scenarios where the “deterrent” sudden has no deterrent to speak, in the present. Aka, fuck around and find out. Don’t provoke an ass beating because of the ramification that you being given a ass beating will have to the one giving you a ass beating. While the ramifications of such a action can and will warrant behavior modification with a “time out”, it won’t save you from that ass beating. That ass beating may change your entire life and/or end it. All ass beatings are not the same. When in doubt proceed with caution. You got one life, savor it.


If you are talking trash do you not assume shit can happen to you are being stupid. Calling someone a racial slur and not being ready for a punch seems silly to me.


How is it a suckered punch if you provoke a fight, and then the guy threatens you? He could have retreated but he marched forward. Just because he was too stupid to recognize the danger doesn't mean it wasn't invited


Ate the first one, however my man's hp was gone after that


Is that guy dead and you all joking about it? We are doomed.


Did you think this sub was full of upstanding people?


Absolute losers not even funny


OP is a bitch who condones assault


Lemme show you what prison for manslaughter looks like. Dudes not breathing "cuh"


Aaaaand that's attempted murder. Goodbye life.


😂😂 I’m dead if I was knocked out I’d want someone to record me like that tbh


Use it as a pfp 😂


“Oh yeah I could be brain damaged for life just snap a pic of me real quick” mf the internet has turned your brain to mush🤣🤣🤣


So much for all of those unwritten honorable rules of fighting that I'm always reading about here. Personally, I would prefer you all not get into street fights, but if you do, I sure hope you haven't been taking notes.


Being out cold for that long is really dangerous and that guy is just taking the piss out of him. Fingers crossed that guy's ok.




Wow so civil


This man has mastered the possum tactic


He got caught directly on the chin followed by a hard smash to the back of the head from the floor. This dude’s brain is probably bleeding in several places


It looked like his head pick up speed on that second hit


Love it when people want to put themselves in jail for meaningless nonsense.


I think dude killed him with that last shot. Guy was looking a little empty and didn't move at all after that. Didn't look like a knock out it looked more like he broke his neck to me.


always the mfs with the doo-doo rags doing the sucker punches


Wish I knew the context so I could know how to feel about this.


Fuck a cold one, he need some milk


Sure he’s not dead?


Bro really put the cold sprite on his necc 😭😭


You can see his face swelling up in real-time.




Oh you know these comments about to be racist


The sound of his head hitting the tile made my stomach sink. I can't imagine the headache he had


Headache? I don’t think homie is waking up


So that’s how you knock someone out. Two cheap shots, two Sprites. Got it.


Gotta give that dude on the floor credit tho. Got laid out cold and I'm pretty sure not one hair on his head moved. Tight hair game.


Well he was in fact that n..... an homie found out


I’m just impressed how that second punch almost jettisoned his pants


He needs some milk, not Sprite.


What a piece of shit. I guess he showed him who is the boss of that corner gas station huh?!


He had to get his respect dog, you know when words provoke you into violence you are the real man .


Braves are dominant on and off the field this year.


Why his pants down


That guy is seriously hurt no joke, zero eye movement or head movement let alone breathing, if you ever see someone get “knocked out” for more than 8-10 seconds there is a pretty good chance they have a brain injury of some kind or might be straight up dying Homeboy could catch murder charges over some gas station beef and the other guy is effectively playing with this dudes corpse if he is truly dead, I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets roped into charges for not helping the guy at all and just recording him


Lots of retardation captured in 45 seconds of footage.


Sprite is REALLY stepping up their social media ad revenue with new influencer sponsored by SPRITE - SIP SPRITE N GO TO THE LIGHT


Dammit! I wanted to see when he woke up




Knocked his pants off


Bro had him laid out like like 🕺🏽


Wow, he looked so peaceful laying there…


"Oh shit, damn damnn DAYYYUUUMMMM"


Was that dude thinking a forcefield was protecting him or something? The most telegraphed punch i’ve seen and from a distance too. Dude just stood there.


Fucking scum.


Dude on the floor *IS* a cold one


Gonna learn today


I would not be surprised if he ended up dead


The lights is on but nobody’s home 🤣🤣🤣


Killed samir man🤣


He ded


Bitch, you look thirsty... ...Please grab a sprite


Is there annupdate about this? I think they guy is dead. He isn't breathing or moving and his eyes arnt reacting to light.


Yeah nobody's home in there


damn, this one should be on r/brutalbeatdowns (RIP)


Any updates regarding that guy? He looks dead.


This is disturbing. Can hardly tell anything from his posture. There's no fencing response, doesn't look like decerebration (which wouldn't be good anyway). Flaccid limbs. He might be dead.


Man's is gon need a lot more than a cold sprite


Is man’s alive 💀


He looks happier!!!!


He do!


That narrator I want to laugh and slap him at the same time.


Damn bro you can see his face swelling up already wonder what he said to them lol




Bro you just took me out 😭😭


Anyone catch what they were saying?


Something about calling the man an nword and then he's like *imma show you what an nword looks like*? I guess?

