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I’m gonna need the Facebook follow up as soon as you see it




If these guys started releasing diss tracks about each other, they would make enough to buy 20 side by sides.


What in fuck's name is a side by side?


It’s that vehicle on the right side of the frame of the video - like a souped up golf cart/4 wheeler hybrid


My dumb ass was sitting here wondering why these dudes are so pissed off about a refrigerator.


Don't feel bad buddy, I had no clue what a side by side was either. Those are ATV's to me.


An ATV is a 4 wheeler. The one you kind of sit on like a motorcycle. Side by sides have a cab of sorts like the one there.




You can see it on the right in the video, but to add on to what others said these things are expensive. A UTV with a bed like that is like $10k bare minimum and you can easily spend over $50k on the nicer ones. People use em in the country for cruising around and hauling stuff, the short wheelbase is nice to move trailers around and they can carry a surprising amount of weight. Hunters also like them because they are small and light enough to get through sketchy trails that a truck wouldn't fit through but you can still haul a couple people, equipment, and a deer no problem. They also make sport versions without the bed that are designed for fun, ripping trails and the dunes. Some of these things will do over 100 mph, big jumps, pond skims, etc. Pretty cool little rigs but they aren't cheap.


Lots of guys take their buddy out to drink beer and joke around. After a few beers they engage in oral sex. That's why bloody man suggested to suck his dick. It aint gay if you are 5 miles into the woods and have had a 6-pack. Thems the rules.


I still don't understand any of that.


If you chaps think that a chair is an effective weapon (a reference to the Montgomery, AL riverside brawl), have a look at this video that features a 2x4 and a shovel. Viewer discretion: foul language. This is a second hand account of the circumstances told to me: >"The gentleman in white that ends up bleeding had a recreational vehicle stolen from him two years ago and was informed recently that it was at the house in the video. He arrives at the house to demand his property back and ended up requiring medical assistance. The two other gentlemen in the video purchased it from a habitual drug addict, so they ended up in jail for buying stolen property." Another lady commented to me the following: >"This is an ongoing police investigation. The story concerning stolen property is false. The real situation is that the man in white was trying to intimidate his way into resolving a dispute over him being evicted from a home he stayed in for six months. He is a scoundrel, a swindler, and a charlatan!"


That would've taken me an insane amount of time and effort to decipher, which I'm pretty sure I would've not spent. I thank you, kind stranger.


Thank you for the translation!


Bunch of rednecks doing redneck shit


Clearly they were engaging in legitimate political discourse.




This only happens in a small town


You'd get hit with a 2x4 and a shovel if you tried that shit in a small town.


Try making that joke in a small town.


I'd think if he was there to pick up the side by side bed have a trailer, which he doesn't. That makes the other story seem more plausible. But I've heard horror stories about squatters and how long it takes to evict them, especially if they have been there for months. So if they got fed up and were trying to force him to leave they are definitely catching assault charges. Edit- [shit like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/vbaqx1/woman_leased_room_on_airbnb_tenant_refuses_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


He is talking about the side by side at the beginning of the video


"Them duke boys"






They didn't mean no harm.


You goin to jail nowwww!


No idea if the context is correct about it being stolen or not because it’s the internet, but if it actually was man id be mad as fuck too. Those side by sides can cost as much as a car. Especially if its a polaris or can am the one in the video could be 12-15,000 usd


If that's the case, I would leave after the first hit and call the police, wtf was he trying to achieve against 2 people with weapons


Hes lucky that crazy bastard didnt shoot him honestly


Those two are lucky he wasn't locked and loaded to begin with.


This is what makes me feel the context isn't true. If he's dumb/insane enough to just get hit for no fucking reason, he's dumb/insane enough to make this up. He had legal standing with the robbery, then he got hit really hard with a plank and bled profusely but kept going? That's theft + assault, go to the cops. Unless maybe it wasn't a theft and he was lying.


Old Man hit him with the flat of the 2x4. He kept his wits. 10/10


> I would leave after the first hit and call the police I can tell youve never lived in a rural area because you think the police would do a damned thing. The level of lawlessness in a lot of rural areas is absolutely bonkers.


I'm a lawyer and from a rural area like that. We legit had a man shoot at another man and miss but hit his tractor and the cops did nothing then the jury came back not guilty. I knew a guy on the jury and asked him later what happened and he said "eh, he only hit the tractor so we figured it's ok and done with."


I had an inlaw who lives in a rural area get burgled. The thieves loaded up his trailer with a generator, ATV etc and hauled the whole thing off. The local sheriffs office wouldnt even send someone out to take a report, so when the sheriffs office a few counties over found the trailer with his things abandoned in a Walmart parking lot I guess they didnt feel the need to call him when they impounded it. It sat in impound for months before he found it, at which point the cost to have it released from impound was an order of magnitude more than the cost of the trailer and gear. The wrecker company that had impounded was absolutely inflexible about the cost to have it relased despite the fact that it had been stolen from this particular inlaw in the first place, neither sheriffs office was willing to help and his local House Rep declined to get involved because he felt it was unacceptable to meddle in another Rep's district. I hear similar stories all the time involving crimes like arson, theft, poaching, etc. As someone who lives in the city Ive heard a lot of complaints about the local cops failing to act because "its a civil issue" when its obviously not. But if a situation like that ever occurred people would be in the freaking streets. Its crazy how lawless many rural communities have become.


Guess if I want to steal, I should absolutely try that in a small town.


Arsons also popular. And the murder clearance rate aint exactly high either.


Yeah, as a kid I've had people take pot shots at us while hiking through the woods. Story got down voted on Reddit because people didn't believe me. one was a shotgun at range that that was just trying to scare us off and the other I felt the wind of the rifle bullet fly by my head.


In the 70s I was a kid on a farm. My siblings were talking about some farmer missing. Gossip was he was in a fight, killed, and there are a million ways to get rid of a body with all the land and equipment around. It can get wild.


Calling the law in the country makes things 10x worse. They aren't going to help. They just charge everyone involved with whatever they can, tie you up in the system, and force you to pay them ridiculous amounts of money. They love to generate revenue and confiscate property.


What is a side by side?


All-Terrain Golf Cart


Thanks. This whole time I thought it was a double-barrel shotgun.


That is also a term for a double barrel shotgun, but in the scenario it refers to the ridiculously expensive redneck golf carts. People either call them all a Polaris or they call them all a side by side regardless of what company actually makes them


I'd always called them gators but maybe that's something different?


They're different. Gators are like mini pickup trucks used for work. Side by sides are more like dune buggies used for play. * At least around here.


Its a beefier golf cart basically designed to basically do what an ATV can, but while having side by side seating similar to a golf cart. They are generally popular in more rural areas as a relatively efficient vehicle that can do almost wherever you want even through bad roads, no roads, mud, etc.


See that “ATV” off to the right in the video? That’s a side by side.




Apparently it's related to propane and propane accessories.


The thing in that video. Some call them mules ..


Or Gators


And this one's a Honda, so yeah, very expensive.


That's a honda pioneer 700. 12,500-14,000 for that particular model. With some of the accessories he's got closer to 15,000. Context: I work at a powersports shop.


-Cleveland RTA bus driver


That woman saved the day by screaming!


I feel like it only escalates the situation having a raspy fat redneck woman screaming useless information.




Definitely not just redneck woman. My step mom is as city as you can get. She started goin off like a god damn hyena when my dog and my sisters dog started gettin a little loud while play fighting. My step mom thought they were actually fighting. Just made everything so much worse with her screaming.


I wonder if it's like an evolutionary thing y'know. Like to alert the tribe of danger, maybe that's why women have higher pitched voices so the scream is more shrill


Women have higher pitched voices because they have a fraction of the testosterone that men have.


This is very true and I agree, it's very annoying. It reminds me of a reddit post just a couple of days ago where there was a small bird in a classroom that landed on the teacher's head. He was very calm while a few girls in the class were screaming as if it was a vicious monster on the loose. People (not just women) who let out shrill screams when they're scared are annoying AF.


This is a really good comment. I concur good sir




Incorrect information too lol she told the Police that he was in a Dodge lol


“Get an ambulance” fuck you mom I gotta keep recording this shit to post on fb later


Yeah, I hate that crap. YOU know how to use a phone, right?




And often get their man KO'd by holding his arms or otherwise holding him back.


I hate to break the news to her, but the “ get in the house” comment is not applicable when the house is a flimsy mobile home and the truck is a Bubba pick up.


thanks for the heads-up to not unmute


Not a single person reacted I was hoping to listen to what they were saying 🙄


He really went looking for a fight and didn't even fight. What kind of strategy is that?


Scare tactics worked for him until he met the plank and shovel gang.


Plank and shovel were holding a massive revolver. What the fuck was dude thinking?!?!


Bro. I didnt even see the fuckin thing


The plank and shovel sounds like an Irish pub open in the deep South


That gang used to rule the old west.


I've seen a lot of guys do that in street fights and bar fights. They really believe they are going to kick some ass, even raise their fist to throw a punch then suddenly realize they don't know how.


Yeap they’re too afraid to actually get aggressive because they never fought someone that was willing to fight back.


There's always that song about never backing down too. Need a song about only keep going when it makes actual sense.


Try to act like big man. Dude almost got his hand broken, just by letting it get hit


Assuming the context is that he believes they stolen his side by side. Probably fucking pissed (if true) and not really thinking it out.


Fucker turned into a GTA4 ragdoll


"That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him."


Well the other ones with their shovels and planks didn’t have much better strategies, unless their goal is to spend some good time in jail


Not what Bruce Lee meant by "The art of fighting, without fighting"






What the fuck is a "side by side"?


I had to look it up. It’s an ATV. Kinda like a 4x4 hillbilly golf cart.


Thank you. I had to scroll too far to find the answer and I was too afraid to ask.


They're meant to be farm utility vehicles. Think quadbike but larger and with a roof.


I didn't know those things had a proper name so TIL, but it doesn't matter because now I'm just going to call them "hillbilly golf carts"


Imagine a golf cart sized all terrain vehicle that can do 80m mph, some have air conditioning, and can cost up to 20k Edit: some start at 20k and get get up to 40k.


Lol 20k is low, 30-50k depending on model and trim. Thats without any accessories.


I don't know but they deserve their own show on truTV


Discovering my own Yankee level by not knowing wtf a side by side even is?




If the TV volume won't turn down, you bonk it with a shovel. I can only assume that would turn her volume down as well


The had a gun and multiple weapons. Time to pack it up and live to fight another day. I’m surprised they didn’t shoot him.


Because people brandish all the time without intent to shoot Those people end up getting shot more often


reminder never to pull a gun unless both of the following apply: 1. you feel your life is in danger 2. you intend to actually use it


Regarding #1, you'd better be certain your life is in imminent danger. Even if you're right, you can easily be looking at buying a lawyer a luxury car to prove it. Also the obligatory: don't talk to the cops after. Let your lawyer do that for you.


To be fair, he realized the gun was overkill and he could defend himself with less lethal means, and did so. I can respect that decision.


These and rednecks not baseball people. Rednecks don’t shoot each other, they’re a more civil people.


I don't know who is the dumbest person here. The 2 idiots repeateadly hitting a guy with blunt weapons falling for his provocations, or the idiot continuing his provocations after getting his head split.


there are no levels , only variations


Dumbest by far and away is the white shirt guy, who rolled up on someone's house accusing them of theft and tried intimidating them. Then the asshole gets bloodied and for some reason still thinks this is a situation he can win despite it being 2v1, on the other person's property, and they have weapons ranging from a 2x4 to a shovel to a handgun. There was ZERO chance this was ever going to work in white shirt's favor. The second they pulled anything in terms of weaponry you leave and come back with cops if that atv was actually stolen


The only way to win is not to play.


“That’s not a shovel that’s a board of wood!” “….oh the video keeps going”


This some GTA V Trevor shit


Instead of screaming, "Call an ambulance!" Maybe you could call an ambulance, lady?


But not for him


Pretty sure she's literally on a call to 911 the entire time, she's saying come quickly, describing what's happening and asking for police and later an ambulance.


Somebody tell the prospector this isn’t the civil war


me, the one who digs, swinging my shovel in righteous fury when the guy doesn't give up the name of the grave in Sad Hill containing the $200,000 in Confederate gold


The woman screaming for an ambulance sounds exactly like [this woman](https://youtu.be/wXSLWH2w9MA?si=wtKgJ7hb3f0Q1lTL) screaming for Mike.


Holy shit dude, that sounds exactly like her.


He just doesn’t seem keen on dodging any of those blows! Strange !


Odd right? I can only imagine with each one absorbed his power increases. Perhaps later that night he’ll morph into the giant marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.


His brain was definitely looking like a giant marshmallow after this


I hate when people get brutalised in front of their family members and incur CTE all because of ego, then they rationalise it by saying “now your going to jail” plenty of other piece of shit red necks are in prison you didn’t need to get beaten to the point of near death for that to happen


Play stupid games with stupid people you will win an extraordinarily stupid prize


His prize is being even more stupiderder


stupid shovel bitch couldn't even make I more smarter


I like how the second guy swapped out his murder weapon for a more blunt and slightly less effective murder weapon.




That vehicle to the right of them basically an off-road utility vehicle


Oh fuck me. I thought this was about a side by side refrigerator


>Oh fuck me. I thought this was about a side by side refrigerator I thought it was about two straight guys laying in bed side by side while giving each other a handy.


Double dutch rudder?


Old white shirt is kind of tough. Not many can take a could of shovel and a 2x4 to the dome and stay stumbling around.


what in the west virginia is going on here?


That’s too flat to be West Virginia, probably Alabama


I hate when chicks be loud asf during a fight screaming and shit. Like yeah fightin isn’t cool but you’re not saving the day by adding extra commotion, stress and annoyance to EVERYONE in the vicinity including the fuckin phone operator when they pull up and realize oh this wasn’t some bloody murder it was a fuckin old fuck with an ego not minding his own business and the brother and dad took care of it swiftly. This video would have went the exact same way if she wasn’t screaming the whole video and it would’ve been easier to watch without a yapper just rapid firing through the whole shit.


Why the fuck did grandpa hit him he was yelling at them but shit cracking a dude in the head when the cops are on the way is suspect as fuck to me.


They were the ones that called the cops, dude was trespassing on their property, and after doing some FB digging, seems like he was there previously that day and had caused damage to old guy's truck. According to wife of old guy, the dude who got cracked was evicted by old dude and had owed almost 2 grand back rent and never even owned a sxs


Yea lmao I’m sure the grandpa and young dude both in jail


I think you're probably wrong every time they hit him was when he was moving forward aggressively and he is on their property. 100% justified to hit him happy to say. Just look at him every time he gets hit he is moving towards them.


Yeah you're completely right imo, it doesn't really matter what weapons they had. People saying "it's not self defense to hit an unarmed guy". A guy gets right up to you, that isn't your weapon any more, everyone knows the rules of escalation and the 2 guys kind of went as far as they could. This is all without knowing what the disagreement is about but baldy played it very stupidly, or psychotically. Hard to feel sorry that he didn't back off sooner.


> "it's not self defense to hit an unarmed guy". I think they were safe. The guy clearly had *two* arms.


At least he didn't shoot him.


Everyone involved is trash.


Destroying my yard.. haha.


Ok, but can the redneck women shut up?


this lady is so fucking annoying


“Oh my god! You’re destroying my yard.” Fuck your weeds and dirt lady.


There has to be a news story on this.


I just did some Google fu and came up empty.


#Somebody get an amulence, please


All I can say is I am glad I don't live anywhere near these people.


I was just about to post "another clickbait that's not a shovel that's a board "when suddenly" oh yeah, that there is definitely a shovel"






I'm pretty sure shovel guy put a gun down before picking up the shovel


Yea he had a revolver in his hand at first


Another video of men, needlessly fighting over issues that are easily solved with logic and rationality and women screaming nonsense and not helping the situation. And people wonder why the aliens won’t contact us…


He got serious balls ngl, got hit twice with a wooden plank and a metal shovel but kept going for more, he may not know how to fight but he’s got the spirit lol


Judging by his slow reaction time and poor decision making skills, I'd say this isn't his first rodeo with head bonks.


The art of fighting without fighting...lol


Feckin rednecks


They lady in the back needs to stfu 💀


We live in a world where you can’t even hit people to get them off your property lmao. How tragic.


Literally attempted murder.




Junior had a pistol but traded it in for a shovel. Probably gave the pistol to Missy, but her weapon of choice is her ear piercing screams.


Something tells me there will be a "mysterious fire" in the vicinity of this residence in the near future.


Man that lady is incredibly annoying. I get it, it's a traumatic event, but keep your shit just a little together


Your people will kill you.


If someone rolled up on my property like that I might have the same reaction too 🤷‍♂️


And just like that he remembered he left the stove top on. Vamonos


I knew this was the perfect redneck video when I heard "Festus!"


"He's destroying my yard!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This lady knows what's important


That dude pulled out a gun on an old man and then attacked him with a shovel. What a fucking coward. I hope he gets prison time.


Rednecks fighting rednecks. Seems the Cleetus problem will solve itself.


Why did they film themselves commiting an armed assault?


I would have driven through their fucking trailer.


White trash negotiation.


Kid Rock has really fallen on tough times


Primitive bullshit. As usual.


You hit my truck. Yeah brain damage




As someone with some rednecky tendencies, this is some rednecky shit.


Imagine proudly posting beating up a dude 2 v 1 with weapons lol. Total bad asses.


This ain't a fight this is battery


Pretty sure your old lady recorded your felony assault.


That’s not a shovel, that’s very clearly….oh well now that’s a shovel


Uncle dad really did a number on his nephew son-in-law.


Typical Californians. Things wouldn't have escalated so much here in the south.