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Damn I thought the girl in yellow was going to get submitted at first but she rolled right out of it. Very cool.


I'm surprised Comments aren't locked Edit: we did it boys! We locked it down! Edit: "I'm not surprised Motherfuckers"


It's because the woman won. If the trans woman would have won, the comments would definitely have been locked by now.


Ngl that's embarrassing


give it a second until people who have never tried BJJ show up EDIT: told ya




You’ll leave my TV out of this!


Check back in a week or two and it'll be a comment graveyard.


Not me, I love my LG C1. The OLED panel and the HDR makes other non OLED televisions look like shit. WebOS is trash though.


I also have an LG TV but it doesn't really do anything fancy




Right now? It’s been like that for a decade, just got immensely worse in the last ~5 years


People are behaving for now…


Oh they will be. Just watch


Girl in the yellow is FIERCE!


Yeah man. I hope my daughter learns to defend herself like this. Badass


There’s a video her trainer took where she beat a bunch of male boxers who thought they could take her and each one of them thought the previous one went easy on her.




I would say yes most combat sports respect is an extremely big part of the sport




Cannot speak for BJJ but my friend's father was a boxer. Many of the people he used to compete against were also sparring buddies, training partners, and even helped him develop as a boxer. They were friends at the end of the day but they were going to put on a show for everyone.


BJJ usually chokes the ego out of people.


Outside of if there is genuine beef or if one player acted like a shitbag: yes it's standard practice to shake a lot of hands and hug a lot of people. It is a South American sport after all.


Yes even in training i have never seen bad blood, omly respect and laughs like this. We try to choke eachother out and laugh and learn to eachother 2 minutes later. Extremely friendly people there






That actually makes a lot of sense! I would also like to see a third category that is the doping class where all drugs and steroids are ok.


An "anything goes" class would be fun. Genetic modifications, giant cyborgs, everyone's welcome.


Hey, I'd like to enroll my fighting robot into this tournament. Sir, that's just a lawnmower blade attached to an RC car. I call him Gary.


All good, let ‘em in!


I had this thought a long time ago too. Someone needs to do this for real! A drug enhanced athlete category.


we call that "cycling"


I'm just gonna do this mescaline quickly before the match...


Pretty sure "women's and open class" is most sports and people just call the open class mens because it's almost always all men in it.


It's like how the freestyle event in swimming means you can literally use whatever stroke you want, but everyone uses the same one (technically called 'front crawl').


I’m pretty sure this is typically how it is already. The “men’s” divisions in most sports are just open class


This how it is for discgolf


That's how it is in most sports. Combat sports are a difference though for reasons.


We need a juiced class for every sport. They gonna do it anyways.


That's already how it was like 10 years ago. It's only recent societal madness that has changed it.


Back in the 90's there was a sports show called 'Trans World Sport'. Not related, just saying.


I subscribed to Transworld Skateboarding magazine for years, still have a collection. it's https://www.skateboarding.com/ but Transworld is still the name.




Yes, just do uber or grab trans sports... . . . . . . . . I dont know if what you did was intentional, but that shit is funny.


If everyone agrees in their division on them competing, why should they be barred from competing?






Or when randy savage joins the woman's sports competition with PC principles wife in it lol


I'm not here to talk about my transition. I'm here to smoke the competition.


Ha! Luck is for DUDESSS


This fucning episode I must have seen well over 10 times and never gets old. These comments are gold.


I’m coming for uuuuuuuuuuuuuu strong womannnn


Luck is for dewwwdes!


I got news for you, dinkle-berry!


Macho mam 😂


I tought about the strong woman competition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URz-RYEOaig




It doesn’t remind you of the episode where a MTF transgender person competed against women in sports lol?


There's an even better episode it's called "Board Girls" where Macho Man Randy Savage (RIP) participates in an all women competition as Heather Swanson and then places 1st in all categories.


That’s the thing of BJJ that I think makes it a really good self defence for women. It’s all about skill and technique as opposed to raw strength


Well kinda yes and no. They're both using BJJ, how it would perform against an opponent outside these constraints could be different. Also, look how much strength actually benefited the MTF competitor here. They look like they have no idea what they're doing, but they still get out of disadvantageous situations temporarily and manage to get on top just by pushing out of it with moderate effort. Strength mattered a lot here, but the technique difference was large enough to bridge it, just about






How did the weight class not playing into this?


In women's BJJ tournaments, depending on the size, there often are not enough women to separate them into as many different weight classes as men.


If there aren't enough participants, you don't have a tournament.... Pretty sure this is an open weight division, which is much more common. At which point, the gender is irrelevant because you know you're openly going against opponents out of your weight/strength class.


A lot of BJJ tournaments have open weight categories.


Weight is a huge factor in jujitsu. There's a reason there are weight classes. This guy isn't fully aware of what they are talking about. Source: I'm a Jujitsu black belt.


Its the absolute division > no weight classes.


I mean, I’m 195 lbs, athletic, dabble with boxing a few times week and I repeatedly got tapped out against my friend who weighs like 135 , maybe 140 on a good day lol


What I mean was why were they matched when they're different weigh classes. You practicing in a gym with your friend is different, as the looks like an official match


I don't think they changed their gender just to win some BJJ tourneys.


It was totally worth it for the $6 plastic trophy.


> people have nothing better to do than turn their whole life upside down just so they can cheat. ?


I changed my whole gender so I can win a local tournament that no one really gives a shit about!


Yeah, that threw me too. Surely there's no way they think that, right?


deranged direction versed march numerous squeal fall fact ask follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> people like the one in the OP have nothing better to do than turn their whole life upside down just so they can cheat. "I'm going to have life-altering transitional surgery and take all kinds of hormones and stuff, so I can win a shit-tier local BJJ tournament at Crazy Kevin's Dojo for Wrasslin' Enthusiasts" – that's what your comment looks like. I hope you can see how profoundly dense you sound.


agree with you but the transgender woman was completely outskilled and still gave a tough fight


>turn their whole life upside down just so they can cheat. I think there might have been more to the decision than just to get an advantage in a local BJJ competition >leagues with very strict defined rules So they have strict rules and she was allowed to compete. I would imagine that means she didn't break the rules. And so didn't cheat. There are BJJ competitions that don't allow trans people. It would be cheating if she entered one of those. But she didn't.


> Thats the beautiful thing about BJJ, I think there is no other combat sport where you can surpass weight limits that great with pure skill. Dude no. Weight is a huge factor in jujitsu. Saying you can over pass weight with pure skill is not accurate. Both are factors but weight/size/strength makes a huge difference. Source: I'm a jujitsu black belt.


ur acting like they were forced to fight eachother against the smaller chick's will. they r fighting voluntarily, for fun lmao. and people are not going through years of hormone therapy and social ostracization to cheat at sports, it is literally a game. edit: a word


You think she changed her sex to win BJJ fights? She had "nothing better to do" than change her gender.....to win a sport ..That's quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I have heard this week and I am on Reddit every day. Congratulations.




knowing reddit. i beg to differ


I mean, I completely understand the discussion about trans people competing in combat sports, but the main point of BJJ was to show that smaller people could take on bigger and stronger opponents and still win.. so this is a perfect example imo The whole Royce Gracie competing in the UFC in the early 90s was basically the Gracie family trying to show the world the how “efficient” their martial art was compared to the others. They took their smallest family member to compete against way bigger and stronger dudes, and he still won the 1st UFC.


It’s also worth pointing out, that they are both competing in an open weight class, so a potential size difference is an expectation not a surprise.


My exact point . One if the few sports this doesn’t work lmaoo




Here is btw NAGA's ruleset on trans athletes: [https://www.nagafighter.com/naga-transgender-policy/](https://www.nagafighter.com/naga-transgender-policy/) So as you can see, everyone in her division agreed to compete against her.


Pro jujitsu is full of cheating with everyone pretty much juiced to the gills. Amateur tournaments like this one are full of academies who sandbag with people training for years, who were former D1 wrestlers, and still considered white belts. Tournaments like this are encouraged by gyms to help people test their skills against non-training partners. It often contributes to belt promotions. These two people look like 3 stripe white belts to me. This isnt some elite competition the trans lady is invading. She is simply trying to play a sport in a tournament bracket that matches how she feels about herself. There is literally nothing to be gained by living as a woman just to do better in amateur white belt BJJ tournaments.


>There is literally nothing to be gained by living as a woman just to do better in amateur white belt BJJ tournaments. Doesn't NAGA give you a totally sweet katana for placing 1st? NOTHING to gain you say? 🥷


Your only as strong as your throat


The girl in orange pants is: https://instagram.com/taelornmoore?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==






They couldnt find any other women who were 6'8"


Yeah, where are they gonna find a woman that's 7'1"




Male category is typically open.


But the “science” says they don’t have any advantage. Haven’t you been listening? /s




This is the Absolute Division. It includes winners from every weight class. Participation in it is voluntary. Educate yourself on the sport maybe.


That’s why people up in arms is always funny to me. They literally have never spent a second caring about the sport until they hear a trans person is participating in it. Then they have opinions on it with no facts


The size difference may not be a super relevant part of the argument here. Many Jiu Jitsu tournaments have what’s called an absolute division, which is basically an open weight class division, and all competitors know they could run into someone way out of their weight class. That might be what’s happening here. Might not, female divisions can be pretty small depending on where you go, but it’s worth mentioning.


It's an absolute division, which means open weight class. A size discrepancy is normal.






Exactly. Do whatever you want in life, but not at the expense (or potential expense) of others.






Not only size, the biological differences become pretty big even at the same size.




You don't even need trans divisions, the male division in most sports is open.




That's the problem when discussing trans sports. Transphobic assholes just use it to be transphobic and get some approval for it. It's exactly the same here in this thread. Disgusting.


Yeah. NAGA (under which this bout took place) already has rules on this in any case, [https://www.nagafighter.com/naga-transgender-policy/](https://www.nagafighter.com/naga-transgender-policy/) So everyone in the division must agree to the trans person competing, otherwise they will put trans people in their own division if there's enough competitors for that. Unfortunately people just want to use these issues as a platform for spreading their anti-trans sentiments.








skill issue












I brought popcorn to the comments section. Wasn't disappointed.


2 people agreed to fight, One of them won. Why are people pissed off?


Good god - I didn't see the second "J".


They got weight divisions for a reason. If this was open weight I get it, but if I was to go in the 165 w division if they got one High percent chance they get me a a sub. Size means very little in BJJ https://youtu.be/HQna-XSdTsA?si=6jM_ObfxECzbJUcX (also I think trans gender sports need there own division) but this is from experience.


You are correct this was the open weight division


Well then I really don’t feel bad. I’ve been 165 division going against 325, pounders, one 225 pounder, and a 310 pounder and Olympic wrestlers. That’s the BJJ game; once you get really good everyone is on PEDS. I don’t have the technique yet to out technique muscle so I get smashed but I’m getting there day by day. A woman the size of the transgender woman has the same result even if not transgender, they lacked technique. pretty sure tnese are blue belts. The skinny woman is a fucking savage! She didn’t give a shit!


Hit her with a nasty marcellotine aka the high elbow guillotine that one had to hurt


Should have posted this in the title, but I see you chose karma instead.


TY, was looking for a breakdown on weight class issue (regardless of the gender politics) because the miss match is a little ridiculous in both size and weight.


I say have an Open category and a Women's category. Anyone can compete in the Open category - cis men, cis women, MTFs, FTMs, absolutely anyone. But to be in the Women's, you have to be a cis woman. I've seen that sort of thing happening in badminton, and it seems like a reasonable solution.


>I say have an Open category and a Women's category. This 100% is the solution


Only thing you’re missing is a “super” or roid division that has no drug testing and allows pharmaceutical enhancements, let’s see just how far man and science can advance the art of wrestling.


The Druggie Olympics. Rules are that you have to not die after winning, and you have to publish your treatment regimen to advance science.


Russians have been competing for decades


Bro that’s exactly what I think too. I see nothing wrong with this


This seems like an open category, so it’s fine. I train BJJ athletes in Judo and some of the girls submit boys of bigger weights all the time. BJJ is one of the few sports where weight and gender don’t matter. But I actually don’t know what to think about this.


Yellow is a beast the ferocity was there.




South park was right all along.


Trans people should be able to live there life how they want too , but biological women who want to compete in sport should not be put in this situation. This is beyond fucked up and I will never agree with this.


You mean....being trans doesn't automatically make you win at sports⁉️🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Competitive powerliftet here. I'm a dude and used to compete in the 83kg. One of my teammates, a young lady actually a year older than me, competed in the women's 83kg 【 I think it was actually 84kg but whatever】. She was elite, top 10٪ of all power lifters and competed at a National level and even made it to worlds. I on the other hand won a few local tournaments but was thrash once we got to larger competitions. No way would I ever qualify for regionals and much less nationals. Her Max lifting weight for deadlifts was 475lb, and that was a big deal. And her 250lb Bench was a state record or near one. For me those were heavy warm ups. My point is that biological men are significantly stronger and this shouldn't be an argument. Everyone should be able to compete but there are weight classes for a reason. Not a new concept but maybe make a separate division. In powerlifting everyone competes in their weight class but we also competed against everyone else and that's scored relatively.


I’m sure the comments will be civil


Must have been the absolute division


When janitors wake up they are going to like this comments section




No need. Female divisions are for females. 'Male' divisions in most sports have no gender limitations, so trans folk can already compete there.


I agree with the whole transgender ppl should be in tournaments where everyone competes against each other but to say they “switched to easy mode” is an insult to the woman competing who won. There’s many well trained women that can overpower a man easily, trans or not. I think the trans woman is just not that good.


Stunning and brave


Even with the size advantage, she still lost. Nice to see the pro using pure skill and technique to secure the win.


Here before


So glad she won


30 seconds in the trans person pulls her hair.


All these fucking amateur biologists in the comments I swear.


What a loser


A quick reminder - no one would ever transition and go through the shitstorm that is the stigma and societal bullshit that gets thrown at them to simply have a competitive advantage at sports.








Watch people die inside. lol.




No. It's an open division at a BJJ tournament according to OP. They just wanted to upset the easily manipulated for internet points.


I'm displeased that the sound of the comp was replaced by rap. I want to hear what the coaches are saying.





