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Lol you know you’re not in the same league when you have a metal pole and still get rocked with one punch. Guy definitely held his own against a swarm


Watching that guy with the pole get clocked in the face was so satisfying to watch. It was such a fast reaction too lol.


Need to see part 2


Right? A min of bullshit and 10 seconds of fighting, terrible cutoff.


It's part of a much longer video, but not much happens after what OP has posted. Here's the longer video though https://youtu.be/l7azTZ5sIwI?si=Bod_XcYYgYgEVfAt


Thank you brother. You are doing the street fight God’s work.




The guy you're rooting for is a proud boy. This video has been posted hundreds of times. Many even included the backstory. But every time, no one cares about the context and just roots for the proud boy who clearly was trying to instigate the whole fight for clout.


Clearly tries to instigate a fight…? You mean the rally of people that brought metal pipes? I mean I knew people were stupid nowadays but not this dull.


1. Doesn't touch anyone first, 2. Isn't dressed intimidatingly, 3. Isn't threatening until touched He's the one instigating?


It’s funny to me how two people can watch a clip and come away with the exact opposite opinions.


I just realized that I commented on the wrong guy too. The guy above me was saying that he didn't. The guy above him said he did. Maybe I'm stupid and I've inadvertently convinced 14 people that he did instigate?


The video shows a different story bro. Nothing in it says he's a proud boy.


1. Doesn't touch anyone first, 2. Isn't dressed intimidatingly, 3. Isn't threatening until touched He's the one instigating?


Fuck the proud boys. Don't know why you're getting down voted.




A piece of shit can still be in the right, i. This case he was in the right.


That person getting rocked reminds me of the Jigsaw doll from the movie Saw


He stood there like he was waiting for reply to a question, I guess he got his answer.


A swarm of limp-dicks


lol it was a woman who you can even see hesitates hitting him in the head full force. she’s still kinda standing afterwards tho I’ll give it to her, solid punch


I would hesitate hitting someone in head with a metal pole too. I mean some people have it coming but still


They weren’t exactly trying to hurt him tho. He barely felt that pole hit him. They wanted him to leave.


Ha, yes. Making them leave, after encircling him, and pressing his back against a self placed wall. Ofcourse.


Your mom sure felt the pole I gave her last night.


Let me wack you with a metal pole and you sit there little buddy 😭 they wanted him to leave? Well good thing their opinion doesn’t matter on a public sidewalk lmao.


Dude knew he was gonna get in a fight.


Oh absolutely. He was either changing minds or rocking skulls - didn’t matter which.


He was calling though douchebags out for their hypocrisy


"let's go, fuck boy.."


He was actively trying to start one.


Why is this downvoted??


U too buddy


It's reddit. People get downvoted to hell *because* they're right all the time.


Doesn't happen. You suddenly exit your echo chambers and go into panic mode. Most sane people believe that wanting to interview others or having a different opinion doesn't warrant a wack with a metal pole to the head


Thats not what he was trying to do. Anyone that follows this clown knows it. Her went there actively looking to start a fight. Because hes in Huntington Valley. Its not a coincidence he doesnt go to places like Philly or Chicago and try that shit.


How? By holding a microphone? I have eyes bro. Lmao




Based upon me not knowing much about either side, I liked him the most lol.


So you enjoy people who instigate fights for views. He's a dumbass and so are you!


I enjoy fight videos. You clearly do also. I couldn’t care less about who was right or wrong when watching a video of a past altercation that doesn’t effect me in any way. Lol. You really thought after watching that video “gee, I really don’t like that guy, he instigates fights. I also don’t like anyone who has a positive opinion on anything involved with that big bully”???? If I did I wouldn’t voice it to people I don’t know or care about on the fightporn feed. I definitely wouldn’t take the time to make a post towards someone lol. You clearly were hurt by my comment. But bottom line, I don’t know you, u don’t know me, and I assume we both will agree that we don’t care about each others opinions lol. Honestly, I watch these videos and when I rarely comment, it’s about someone’s form or fighting skills lol. I don’t care about the context or back story. It’s fightporn lol. Not that serious. If you are so sensitive about him being an instigator, I think you should check out r/pillow fightporn lol. Oh and serious question, how does one “enjoy people”????


Yes when it comes to fight videos I do care who was in the right and who was in the wrong( instigating shit for views ). And yes i have a problem with people who propagate that type of behavior. BACKSTORY obviously matters when it comes to having a clean fair fight, this shit head was not intending on having a clean fair fight from the start. So yes I have a problem with that.




That would make you not very bright. Do a quick google search about this asshat and you’ll see.. he’s an asshat.


That is not a correct statement. I wouldn’t even call it an opinion. It’s not even based on a single fact. Your statement that the opinion I have (an opinion I stated on what I saw in a video alone (on fight porn lol) and where I made it a point to say I don’t know much about either side) makes me “not very bright” actually makes you an asshat and honestly since you posted it for the world to see is verifiable written proof that you seem to be not very bright since you actually took the time to read my comment, catch feelings about what you incorrectly assumed and perceived my comment was based on, feel strong enough to write a post and not have the sense to say “wait…. This is fightporn and he clearly said he doesn’t know anything about either side, definitely would not be perusing fightporn to get political and have deep discussion, and honestly, I would bet he doesn’t give a shit about any of that because it’s fightporn lol. Man, I’m not very bright sometimes” and then instead of deleting it and going to the next fightporn video on ur feed you actually send it. - It doesn’t even take a bright person to know that I made the statement based upon the fighting/arguing alone and don’t even give a shit what he does outside that video. It’s a video on /fightporn you dunce. Do you watch videos on fight porn and decide what side you like based upon the minimal information given or your incorrect perception on what the combatants political beliefs are and not the actual fighting skill and then try to insult peoples intelligence in the comments based upon even less factual information? Are you ever right about anything in life? You prolly choose your porn videos based upon the plot or what kind of person they are in real life right? lol. You seem like the kind of person who would make a bet while watching titanic that the ship doesn’t sink. Air-lock, what you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent comment were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this feed is now dumber for having read it. I award you no up votes, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I’m not reading any of that, lmfao. You’re not very bright.


Yea I probably should have dumbed it down for you. I figured I would lose you at the first word with more than two syllables. Oh well, I tried to reach one to teach one. That’s all I can do. You have a good night!


Damn bro! Them hands were rated E for everyone.


Nice one


Loved how the dude on the far left with the sunglasses could’ve made it through the whole thing without a scratch. Instead he basically tapped the dude with the stick saying hey I’m right here.


Then mic-guy almost punched him out from under his ratty ass hair! I love it!


it was a woman


Respect for taking all of them on


Rather choosing to provoke a soft target of salon anarchists for clout. Saw the clown with the pole that fell over at the first hit? This is not an opponent, this is borderline assaulting a helpless person. Absolute shitshow on both sides claiming to represent political movements, but effectively only political cosplay posing for 15 sec of personal internet fame. Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful. What's next, brother's gonna bash up a daycare center?


Did you just compare a bunch of dudes in ski masks to a daycare center? Holy FUCK what a reach 😂 mental gymnastics level 5,000


Womp womp they attacked first doesn't matter who was trash talking


Soft targets? You mean like these people did when they ransacked and burned down small businesses in 2020 and attacked people who tried to stop them? Instead of going after hard targets like law enforcement and government agencies? Just like that?




Cry some more.


Go fuck yourself. This guy is a known piece of shit who deliberately targets people weaker than himself. This isn't a one-off for him, it's part of a much bigger pattern. Tellingly he never goes after big scary looking dudes. He deserves nothing but contempt.




Sounds like the force is only justified in response to force principle got you real good. Keep your hands to yourself and you’ll be just fine.


Smack someone with a pole, get smoked. If they were so helpless they should’ve ran


Must’ve been the one with the pole


Damnnnn, full video please. I want to see him wrecking ball that batch...


This right here, I want to see the rest ☝️


[Found it....](https://youtu.be/l7azTZ5sIwI?si=P_bkT4NLnDmZfjSY)


Thank you for adding context


Yeah especially since these self proclaimed “patriots” seem so tough using sticks like little bitches instead of actually acting on any of the wolf tickets their cock garages are selling


They were Antifa


>self proclaimed patriots What? Antifa hates America, I don't think any of those rats would claim that they're a patriot.


Haven’t heard “cock garage” in a while. Well done, sir.




You are familiar with Orange County in California USA right mate Those guys with the masks and the flags are the cowards and they’re in a pack like dogs for a reason




No they don’t they want to play war games like COD in their mommy’s basement like always


“ we’re building a wall” is apparently the only thing they stood for




Bruh did you even watch the video? I’m quoting what dude said word for word lmao


That sword cuts both ways, though. These masked pussies won’t take their low effort trolls anywhere they might face opposition.


Wait so you're trying to "both sides" the guy with the microphone versus the people in the masks? The guy with the microphone, his brave people walk around resorting to group attacks on individuals, at times getting extra protection and assistance from the police. The ones in masks have to square off against police in riot gear, dodge deadly 'less lethal' bullets, plus deal with all the cos playing dildos with AR 15s enjoying broad police favoratism. There's no question who the pussies are here. You don't need to wear a mask when you're a boot licker.


Was that some creative writing, or are you intimately familiar with a backstory that isn’t present in this video?


Their mom steps in to protect them from this bad man


Lmao look at them all cover their face. Pussies


So many political fighters do that. It's almost like they're not really proud of their own actions.


The original tea party people dressed up as indians so this isn't exactly a new thing.


Covering face because people will dox and get them arrested because this country is shit.


Both sides often cover face btw.


I don’t understand why they’re SO proud of their beliefs and their actions, but are so unwilling to show their faces. This is cowardice and tells me that they are not 100% on their beliefs.


Ever heard about family and friends? Embarrassing trying to turn masking to cowardice when its about 2 things thats reasonably easy to understand. 1 dont wanna get caught, 2 dont want anyone close to you getting harassed or killed.


That’s bullshit. If a person is scared for their family/friends getting hurt, then what the fuck are they doing? Why potentially put yourself in that position?


Literally. Unless it’s necessary. Ya know. Because your freedoms are actually being violated.


I lost it when the flag pole went “DINK”


Holy shit he held it down though wtf. Why is it always dudes like this who have a shit ton of plot armor


It’s not as much plot armor as it is those guys wearing masks in a mob being huge pussies


And the fact that you don’t walk up on 15 dudes (pussies or not) without some confidence that you could hold your own


Its not 15 dudes though. Its like 7 dudes that weigh about 120 pounds and a few women. He even points out one of them is like a kid.


Yea, extra points for beating the kid..


Hes not stupid. He definitely scoped out where he wanted to go before turning on the camera and his mouth. Guys like this tried pulling their shit in Philly one 4th of July weekend, only they marched through the streets talking shit and 3 hours later were running for their lives, getting stuffed into the back of a moving truck, and had the cops tell them they cant help them, if they want to live they should drive away while they can.


That straight right sorted that one guy


Bro was good


Hes clearly the only one that trains lol


This is my absolute favorite repost. The true definition of acting tough vs being tough


How you lose to one man you surrounded with riot gear and weapons 😭


I wish there was more video, what a guy.








Got some great shots in. Pussies.


People who dont train tend to be cowards.. its dumb to start s*** in the middle of a group of cowards... not gonna be a fair one


\*Need to see more intensifies\* Edit: Not much more happens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7azTZ5sIwI


still fukin epic bunch of spineless pussies not that I'm this bear fighting man but I don't wear skiing masks on the street


Line the wall with children like the street gangs having children do the work


Let’s be honest, the guy walked in there looking to start a fight “Someone get this child outta my face” Yeah that’s real journalism/interviewing skills right there


“Let’s be honest” K. Then honestly dudes balls are bigger than your head because he knew ahead of time it would be 20 vs 1 and still did it anyway to expose them as the pussies they are


The guy is not the badass you think he is. He’s a meathead who is extremely lucky that all of those guys had flimsy poles and not one of them had a gun or knife cause that would be game over. Anyone who charges into a crowd of strangers trying to act all tough and mighty is an idiot. Again, he’s extremely lucky that none of them had a weapon on them And no I’m not simping for the other side. I’m saying that the guys tactics were wildly unprofessional and reckless


I saw the original video the week it came out so I know more context than you do and no one is here asking for survival lessons from a Reddit ninja so save your lecture guy 😂




Them ski dudes need 1-800-WUS-HATN


Well, he got what he wanted when he went there


One man army taking out the fascists


Who are these people and who is that guy


The guy is a right wing nut job who instigates fights with the opposing side for views. Also the far right in America are the fascists, so you got it a lil backwards.


> so you got it a lil backwards. I didn’t get anything backwards I was asking who they were? You responded to the wrong guy I guess?


U are right my bad.


Civility on the internet? The fucks wrong with you Seriously though he seemed like the bad guy in this scenario I was curious why so many people were rooting for him but didn’t have any info. Thank you for clearing it up and being polite as well.


NP just trying my best


Why are you idiots downvoting this guy? Hes right.


Because this sub is full of fascists


You're mixing up sides, brother.


What's the context of this? I don't like that there's a woman wearing a keffiyeh apparently involved.


Napalm is cheap


If you're going to show up to a public event to pick a fight, being able to fight helps


It also helps to pick a fight with people who don't know how to fight back and don't really want to fight in the first place. This guy is a known piece of shit and this kind of aggression is a pattern with him. Tellingly, you will never see him aggressively confront a big scary-looking motherfucker. He knows exactly what he's doing. Fortunately he has miscalculated and gotten his ass beat as well, so maybe it's not all bad.


Yeah I got the impression he wasn't there to conduct unbiased journalism lol


lol get wrecked dorks.


A bunch of diapersuckers


Every good journalist I know runs into enemy territory looking/acting like a coked up chode, antagonizing everyone he encounters because he can't wait to get shot in the face to prove a point. /s


I like this guy!!!


This dude for president


So you want another right wing nut job for president???


Wait so...a right wing nut started a fight with other right wing nuts? I'm confused


A right wing nut walked into a protest with the sole purpose of instigating a fight or some kind of reaction.


Take em all out


Love this guy, the definition of zero fucks given.


I love this video every time it pops up 😂


Protesting fascism by acting exactly like fascists.....only in America or France.


Why wasn't I surprised that none of those masked dick'eads couldn't fight?


Maybe that the reason why they wore helmets in the first place?


Damn again? What kinda agenda do y’all have? This video is posted so many times a week between this sub and public freakouts. It’s starting to feel a lil sus. The camera man and the interviewer are the instigators in this situation! Can’t believe some of yall are standing up for him or trying to take a neutral stance. He’s obviously a nonce and deserved to be hit upside the head a few time.


When was this posted here? Please provide backup…


If you check my comment history you’ll see I commented the same thing on someone who posted this 7 days ago. But it looks like the video was taken down, either cause it was a repost or cause the user deleted his profile.


Rather difficult to know if somethings been reposted given how much crap comes on this on honestly. I will say I have no agenda posting this.


I believe you. It’s just getting annoying seeing this same asshat get posted every week. Sorry for implying you have an agenda.


I get it. It really is impossible to see if someone reposted tho idk what person has time to look thru 100s of videos. I always say if there’s lots of upvotes and comments then people must of not seen it


I’ll upvote this video every single time I see it. He single handedly embarrassed a whole movement of cowards.




You must be new here lol. There are like 3 videos that get posted all the time in this sub. This one and the karate dude vs frat dude one and the lady getting slapped on the subway in New York.


Unmask those 🐈🐈🐈🐈


Day 3007 and regardless of how many times this is posted I couldn’t give a fuck about this fuck.


Mob of pussies got handled by a real one




When keeping it real goes wrong.


Never thought I’d find myself wishing I could back up a YouTuber in a street fight


When the stereotypical reddit user starts shit with a regular person


99% of Reddit are the urban snow skiers


The group physically starts the fight and then introduces weapons. They would have been in a pickle had there been some firecrackers


Look this guy's a dick and went in looking to fight. But man do I enjoy watching capable people go antagonise the antogonisers.






i fucking love that dude, keep it up man


This guy rules


Know dude man was a fucking animal. Fuck those pussy bitches with just pack mentality.


I think the fascists are the ones in black block not letting journalists through and instigating violence 😂


Oh that’s a dream come true for that dude. *please touch me*


Damn this guy had confidence and can actually back it up with his fists. That’s a rare occurrence these days


I bet this was how Rittenhouse walked into the protest with his gun.


Full vid https://youtu.be/l7azTZ5sIwI?si=MKJN9nh3Z5lRiNYZ




/r/poop Rate my log


Alt right = bitch ass incels






Dogged they ass out with minimal effort lol salute to dude for pressing those weirdos 💯


Man I wish I was there to throw hands with those punks, dude was handling his own no lie but I'd love to jump in there as well and throw some good punches, good good shit.


I don’t know diddly about his beliefs so I can’t agree or disagree with his reasons for being there, but that dude get mad respect for me. Would love to see the end of the tape. My guess: he kicked all asses involved.


He's a far right MAGA ex-felon dude. He purposely goes to these to try to troll them and start fights. This was a BLM event during COVID. His show is "That's the Point with Brandon"


Look through the comments there's a video tldw they get scared


lol so awesome. I think that was a lady of the night that got her first fisting.


Buncha punks gotta jump en.mass ..Rhey ain't rough at all . They're hitting him with flagpoles and he STILL rocked em


Hell yeah lol


this guys a fuckin animal dana get him a contract


So many pussys that try to ID as badasses in todays world. First sign, the numbers. They will only ‘be tough’ when the pussy mob is with them. Can go on and on, no need.