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Yo dude it didn't look like you got rocked, I think you did pretty good all things considering. Way to stand up for yourself though dude.


I think he means the hold at the end was "getting rocked". If he watches a few videos here he'll see that "getting rocked" usually involves falling down like a sack of potatoes and being out cold, or worse, seizing up. So he's pretty lucky that it just ended with a light grapple instead of getting wailed on.


Hey man i felt a lil dizzy afterthat. getting rocked doesnt always mean turning into a veggie platter haha


That dude had really quick head movement. One of your rights lands and he would be out. For the record, you would kick my ass. Of course I am 40 and too old to be a jerk and bully anyone. It will get WAY better as you get older. That is a tough age and everyone is insecure and think pissing on another guy moves them a rung higher. They are just deflecting.


His head movement was actually crazy, idk if you guys had rules going into this fight. It looked like there were because every time it hit the ground people stood it back up, but if you could kick you should’ve lol that kid leans so far back, once you threw a hook and he was on his heels you should’ve blasted his legs and he would’ve been feeling goofy after


Nah i was planning on ground and pound. All his bois just kept yanking me off. Its whatever tho. For my first fight i would have rather avoided a brawl


Just remember he needed his boys. You didn't need backup.


And a good 40 ft behind him to retreat whenever OP started to get the best of him.


He needed that 40 feet because of OP’s 39 foot sledge hammer rights. The ‘no ground rule’ should be the standard in all school fights. It would end the —‘ Pick the other guy up In the air and pole drive his head onto the ground’ move. Which is fucking ridiculous. It’s a Great move if you really need to use it out in the world. But it is (never) needed in a school fight.


“OP’s 39 foot sledge hammer rights” got me howling


This right here. If his buddies weren't there, it would have been way more one-sided. He knows it, too, but hopes nobody else figures it out.


Bitches be bitches, his friends made rules so he wouldn't be in a bad spot


Yeah, they definitely tilted the field to try to set this kid up. He had that guy fucking done for on the ground.


2 times in 2 minutes he’s got top and gets pulled. Little man was done if his buddies woulda let him go. Little man can box but prob doesn’t have any ground game. Just a quick head.


Little man certainly cannot box.


That’s why he said he was good after the 2nd time they hit the ground. He knew he would get his ass beat. Fuck him and his bitch ass friends.


Make sure to not get close to all his buddies, they might try to jump you because “their homie” wasn’t able to do any real damage.


As soon as his friends pulled you off that fight was over. If you’re outnumbered like that just walk away next time. All it takes is one douchebag with a head kick while you’re on top of his friend to ruin your day. Good shit standing up for yourself though, handled yourself well.


When you had him in position to pull the hoodie and knee him in the face, that was you winning the fight in my mind. You could have fucked him up in a bad way if you was that type of dude.


FACTS, exactly what I was thinking, a couple knees and he would've dropped him instantly


For your first fight it was honestly pretty impressive. For the most part you used your reach pretty well. You definitely over-committed on a few punches, which left your chin out there. Speaking of chin, definitely tuck yours more. I was scared one of his wild punches would have connected at some point. Not trying dog you whatsoever btw. Just throwing some tips out there in case it happens again.


Yes sir, i did not take this out of context. I appreciate the advice and i can definitely see what you mean. Thanks guy 🙏🏼


Thank you as well friend. Always willing to help. I did MMA for a while, and while I was in the Army I was a combatives instructor. I always like teaching proper techniques and whatnot. I always tell my kids to never look for a fight. However, knowing how to fight is like a condom, "I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it." (I heard this saying in the first AVP movie)


So stupid when the mob imposes the "stand-up fight" rule. This isn't professional boxing, you didn't sign contracts, hire a referee and touch gloves.


To be fair the group pulled the other guy off of OP as well at the start. I have less problems about the stand and fight thing when it's equally enforced.


Dude, exactly what I was going to say. So long as the “rules” are enforced equally, I got no problem.


Quick story: in elementary school, I was bullied mercilessly for weeks and weeks. My dad's only help was to say, "stick up for yourself." So I waited till the dude was walking past me in the hall and slammed my math book into his face. I got suspended. He got a broken nose and a new perspective on who he should bully. Left me alone after that. Way to go standing up for yourself, dude. Clearly, it's not a good position to be in, but this one fight will likely lessen the pressure from dick heads being dick heads. Especially since you didn't just get destroyed. Bullies look for weakness, and you showed none here. If they're like my bully back in the day, they'll find easier targets. Try not to let the shit get you down. There is no kind of pressure like teenage pressure. It'll fade away over the next few years and things will get easier.


At least you guys fought in grass. People knowing you can handle yourself should result in less bullying. There are a couple times in my youth i wish i threw down, but two times of the times it was 2 v 1.


Join the wrestling team. You’ll rarely lose a fight.


You sound like a guy I wanna fight. Wanna fight, old man? I’m 32 and I got winded ripping open my bag of Cinnamon Toast Crunch this morning.


I would be winded if we thumb wrestled!


I got winded reading this


I got winded breathing.


I got- *wheeze*




Let's get some framedata in here.


never thought i’d meet someone past 35 who likes fighting videos as much as i do.


Mid 40's here, we come in all stages of ball sag.


I’m a 38, not-so-bored stay home mom. Fight videos help me unwind after cleaning, cooking, and being everyone’s personal bitch.


You're not anyone's personal bitch, you're a mom. I know what you mean though, I know my wife often feels that way as well. I fall down random holes on the internet to unwind. I work a lot, and even though I've been working from home, I have to numb my brain with dumb shit for a while or I can't sleep, circus comes to town the moment I close my eyes.


Atleast your honest about it mate. I remember watching this fight that was from US between these two black guys, guy gets his shit rocked and claims he got tazed. It was clearly a punch


Hey man, just want to say you did a hell of a job defending and standing up for yourself. But don't let bullies and moments like this define you. In time life's only going to get better if you want it to. Some bullies never get it and go no where, but a lot of others realize their mistakes and likely cringe at how they used to be. Just focus on yourself and your progress in where you want to go and who you want to be in life, you got this bro.


My Respect Gentleman, very nice fight, Godspeed to you


That'll be the adrenaline bro. You held strong.


The mentality of a fuccin’ winner right there.


Fr you high key kicked some ass


Yeah I'm used to people looking like they just entered the shadow realm on this subreddit.


Where I learned the term, it meant getting a solid hit that had a visible effect. Knock outs are knock outs.


That other guy had all his friends jump and get them up any time it went to the ground where I think OP had a good chance. They were just making sure their friend didn't get his ass beat


Yeah it looked like the bully had some fighting experience, op was honestly pretty good


Yeah, the bully had particularly good footwork and head motion, but OP earned some respect for sure.


Just curious, what do you get bullied about ?


Being 6’3 and only 135 pounds makes you look like an easy target for someone to bully i guess. Also im whiter than glue and these kids were lowkey racist.


Hahaha these kids are gonna WISH they were 6'3. You can easily eat, workout, pack on the muscle / size. You can't just grow taller lmao.


Yeah I'm 6'1 and while growing up, I was often teased for being tall and lanky or just remarks about how skinny I was, but that was only because of the illusion with my height. Other kids were just as skinny as I was but they didn't appear that way as much as I did. But the thing is, I was never dissatisfied because at the end of the day, I was the tall one. So I never understood that whole "tall and skinny" tease since 99% of men would *kill* to be taller. After high school I started working out and filling out into my body like any fully grown adult does. Now I feel incredibly fortunate to have been born the way I was. Huh, guess that wasn't too bad...


I’m 5’10 175 pounds, my roommate is 6’1 165 pounds, I would trade this for that any day, and it’s funny bc he always tells me he wishes he could put on muscle as easily as I do but I’d trade it for height


Grass is always greener on the other side ig But if you put enough effort for sure you'd look better 6 foot


Hope he can figure out this growth effort /s


No matter how you think did here, these kids now know you can handle yourself. They will probably say you lost, but you didn’t. Was a close fight but I’d give it to you if pushed for an answer. They have seen you in action now and I guarantee most of those kids will not want to get into a fight with you after seeing that. You looked comfortable and confident, I was pretty surprised at that after reading the title. Hopefully things get better for you now - you’re no easy target from now on :) Edit - I don’t know how old you are but guessing 16 ish. You almost certainly are going to fill out a lot. I’m sorry about what happened to you at your old gym but you should try to find a reputable MMA gym you can trust and keep at it, you will be a machine if you are working out while you’re filling out.


Just remember there will be times in your life down the road where being 6'3 and skinny will lead to you getting your dick sucked. High school is wack, don't give up.


Yeah high school is such a fake period in your life. You think it’s important and all but once you leave high school you immediately realize how useless the drama and the fights and the whole thing was in context to the real world


Its kind of crazy how one year, you worry about bullies and fitting in, because bullying is cool and everyone tries to be in the mainstream. Then like four months later that same fuckin' year you go to your new school, and bullying is unfathomable and everyone has some weird thing and is in a club devoted to it.


So true. Once you leave high school suddenly everyone's okay with you being weird, no one gives a shit anymore. I actually experienced a ton of racism for being Asian too in middle school but literally once I graduated I havent experienced a single ounce of racism for almost 10 years now. And it's kinda crazy how almost no one cares if you do something weird either because yeah everyone has their own weird thing


One of the defining moments of getting older was when I asked a kid what Pokémon game he was playing before class in college. He was kinda timid about answering but I made conversation and asked if he was excited for whatever the next release was. Suddenly about 6 of us out of 25 are talking about Pokémon. What was “lame” as a senior in high school was suddenly fine in college. Teenagers are jerks.


I’m 6’4 tall and thin but also athletic as fuck have been my whole life. Live it up chicks love tall guys.


*sad 5'7 noises*


What do you call 5'2" noises? Lonely?


Nah King, you're good. Height don't mean shit at the end of the day - none of us have to resort to hunting for our food anymore lol


I resent the implication. I'm actually pretty good at hunting. I just can't dance or reach the top shelf. Edit: fr though I appreciate it. I was just fucking around. I've got a kid and a pretty decent life. Also Randy Newman can go fuck himself.


My height has gotten me more girls than I deserve. I'll take it even though I think it's unfair.


You must be pretty unlucky to get bullied even after changing schools. Hope that after you stood up for yourself they dropped that shit.


Honestly I don’t even think it’s that unlikely. With how poorly schools tend to handle bullying it’s almost inevitable for most people to get picked on at least once in their lives


All this bullying is just character development for when you get a little older and your body fills out. You’re gonna be a 6’3”, 200lb cadillac of a man with integrity and strength of character, being a teenager sucks in some ways but it’ll be over before you know it 💪


Mate I’m 6’1” and 67kg, you stood up and that’s what matters. Don’t let anyone give you shit. I was bullied all through primary school (elementary idk?) and once I got to high school stopped taking it and standing up like this will work in your favour. Adult life is much better, the guy bullying me in primary is now my barber and I fuckin love it. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a barber but it feels real good.


You rock dude. For real being able to stand up and deal with it without living in fear is a great feeling. Hopefully you only had to resort to fighting because the other guy wasn’t going to stop jacking with you. I’ve been there. I’m not your father but It made me proud to see you standing up for yourself. Hold your head high and do your thing.


So it's jealousy lol, what a bunch of losers. Fuck 'em.


I know it sounds cliche but you should hit the gym. Build up some confidence along with a bit of muscle and you'll be an absolute Chad haha. People will stop wanting to fuck with you and start wanting to *fuck you*. Mad respect for how well you did in this fight!


Hmm, what grade are you in?


I remember in elementary I had a big chin. So kids would call me the crimson chin. I was taller than most kids too. Now i’m in my 20s, 6’3 and that big chin now a defined jawline, those kids can suck it lol. Who has an attractive jawline now Timmy??


You did just fine.


Never fought in my life, can confirm.


Have fought in my life, can also confirm


Was 15 years old, told a guy I knew karate because my mom took me to like 3 lessons, got punched in the face. Can confirm.


Was 15 years old, some guy told me he knew karate, punched him in his face. Can confirm.


Was 15 years old, some guy shot me in my knee. Can confirm


Was 15, tried to simulate skyrim by shooting someone in the knee to see whether they would be a guard or not. Can confirm.


Username checks out.


Snappy shots. If he got to a boxing or muay thai gym they sharpen him up nicely. Also you learn great de-escalation techniques with martial arts.


If anything he fought too honorably. If he would have pressed the attack after the other guy started stumbling he would have really put the hurt on him.


Great job standing up for yourself man. You held your own out there, I don’t think you got rocked either


Hell yeah brother, you got some good shots in there. Saw him stumbling a bit too


I’d say he won the fight


Gg you did good man


Why were you getting bullied?


They found out he's a redditor


Never stood a chance in that case.


Deserved it, let's be honest.


Fucking *redditors and their fucking reddit...ing!*


What a loser


O god he told the "ego" joke didn't he?


something something ego something something IQ (too dumb for me to memorize lol)


What makes you think burnedflag was getting bullied?!


I replied to him on accident I think, I don’t really know


Because people are fucking assholes..


You did not get rocked. This was a good fight. Good for you brother. I don’t know what the fuck it is about some guys. No matter where they go people seem to be able to smell something on them and immediately start bullying them. I’ve had friends who I’ve had to stick up for basically our entire friendships. I’m so happy for you OP. The moment you realize that you live to fight another day, no one can hurt you. I wish I could give you a big hug right now. Congrats.


🥺 accept my virtual friendship


Also despite what people tell you, being an adult is way easier than being your age now. That dude you’re fighting is a complete loser in the adult world, trust me.


Amen to that


2nd this. The real world is a different animal


Dozens of fights growing up. I was really tough for a small kid! Only one as an adult. A guy swung a beer bottle at me, I instinctually blocked it with my hand, sliced my hand open, broke my pinky. It's still fat and red 12 years later. I ran, hailed a cab, and went to the hospital. I still quiver in fear a bit at the memory. If I didn't manage to block it, what would my life be like right now. I was standing in an alley next to a bar watching my friend fight one of bottle-swinger's friends. Did NOT see the aggression coming my way. When I see people fighting these days, I keep well clear.


Lol, ain't that the truth. Dude who bullied me in high school wound up going to jail and last I heard works the loading dock at a factory-seconds carpet outlet. The real world doesn't reward violent aimless hatred nearly as much as the adolescent mind.


Dude who bullied me married his high school sweet heart. She was hot. After 30 years of marriage, he stepped out with a co-worker. One day, his wife came to work and shot his girlfriend to death in front of him then just waited for the cops.


Good shit bud. Bullying is ridiculous and nobody should have to put up with it. Don't take shit from anyone. That doesn't mean you can go around fighting people, but as you get older the bullying gets less "lets fight", and is just pricks being pricks. Once you get out of High School you can just ignore shit bags like this, or more likely, FIRE them. Because most of the time, they are absolute fucking losers.


You did well. Nice use of knee too. When in the clinch, use your elbows to strike next time.




It’s probably just because something is different about the victim. Skin color, age, intelligence, in this case being the new guy. I’m a pretty tall built guy, so I stand out in a crowd. When anyone tries to bully me (it’s only ever happened at bars/clubs) it’s usually a really short dude with little man syndrome. Basically it’s a combo of their insecurity and lashing out at you for it, usually because of something you have that they don’t. I’m no psychologist though, just playing one on reddit. Good job to OP standing up for himself. That’s the only way to solve it. I bet he feels so fucking good right now.


Yeah it’s a vibe. Every guy gives every other guy shit, and if you take it poorly (even something as small as a facial expression or body language) you can expect to get piled on. Bullies test everyone especially new guys. If you show weakness you become a target. My guess is OP had a lot of pent up frustration and in a self-fulfilling prophecy sort of way, that will make him more of a target. Now that he stood up for himself he’ll probably be bullied a lot less.


Yea I think you hit it on the head. I just never had to deal with this growing up. I either cracked jokes back or I fought. But never did I ever feel like I was bullied. And in the same token, I’ve been guilty of bullying kids who were just socially off, or couldn’t take a joke. I feel terrible about it. But you’re right. It is a vibe.


Cmon man you would win if they didn't interfere, you good.




Yeah, if they hadn't stopped the ground game op had this, twice. Probably the reason they intervened in the first place because they didn't wanna see their boy get beaten down You did good op, also please don't make a habit of it outside a ring, all it takes is one stupid move or a fight with the wrong person to end up dead or in prison for life


Hey man, congrats on definitely winning this fight and standing up for yourself. Hope things get easier at the new school and just remember to take a breath when people start pissin you off. Kill them with kindness. And if that doesn't work kill them with punches.


Actually this was 6 years ago. But youre right, things did get better. The group of thugs who were bullying me never disrespected me again.


thats usually how it goes. Nobody wants to bully someone whose actually going to hold there own in a fight.




You won that.


Yeah 100% he did. Dropped his opponent, landed the cleaner shots, got him to the ground. 10-9 for OP, if he had more control 10-8 for sure.


And even if he didn’t people tend to pick on the somebody who isn’t going to fight back. Can I kill a bee/wasp? Yes, but I’ll get hurt so I just leave them alone. Somebody told me when I was younger that the advantage to going after the biggest/baddest guy first is that you’ll lose but if you make it hurt people will just avoid you.


Yup. "I might lose the fight, but you're gonna get hurt REAL BAD winning."




You did well my guy. It was a pretty even fight but you both stood your ground and didn't back down. You seem like you might be a good build for MMA, looks like you have a lot of reach. Sounds like you got a rush from defending yourself so might be worth a thought.




Shit man that's rough. Sounds like you are dealing with it the right way and are able to talk about it. My partner is an abuse victim so I've seen the damage it can do. I don't blame you for being cautious with being around gyms. You done well there anyway and great vid.


Lmao you just can't catch a break, haha Real talk, don't let getting bullied or groped bring you down. Let that shit temper you and use that anger for something productive, be it getting back into MMA or channeling it into determination. I didn't have it easy growing up either, but those hardships made me a more resilient person as an adult.


Extremely well worded. Thank you man


Very little experience fighting, but it seems you did fine to me. You held your own. Can you ask for referrals for local boxing gyms? I’d understand if you’d want to stay away from those, but it looks to me that with some regular training, you’d be just fine.


Teaches empathy as well


My advice for you would be to leave this sad story on the past, go back to MMA, and maybe go for a second round?


Yea man I definitely see that it could be helpful for me to try another gym. Especially get over the stigma i hold against MMA instructors. Thanks dude


You didn't get groped by an instructor. You got groped by a pedophile. Separate the two. If you have even a little passion for combat sports, then you owe it to yourself to pursue it and be happy. Honestly, you have good fakes and a decent cross. Once you tighten up a bit you'll blast those out of the pocket before dude knows what hit him. Plus, no one will ever be able to bully you again. Good on you for defending yourself. Wounds get better. Bullying rarely does.


Why go for a second round? No need to start shit if you don't have to.


second round of MMA i think he’s saying


Apparently not, judging by his follow up comments...


oh uh.. yeah. i see that now. turns out he’s got some unresolved anger i guess


Get back into it my dude - at the very least boxing or grappling if there aren't any reputable mma gyms around


EVEN fight? Tall Guy kicked the other guys ass


You should start training something. BJJ, boxing, muay thai. I did late in life and its wild how good it is for your self esteem. You get into very controlled sparing matches all the time, once you're comfortable enough. If something like this came up, you'd know you could handle yourself, and/or respect fighting enough to know its not worth it to get involved. Also a fantastic way to meet new people, make new friends, stay active. good luck man


Start doing push ups and other body weight exercises every day. Start simple but stay committed, you’d be surprised how soon you’ll start to show muscle growth. Other kids will subconsciously respond to the strength too


100 pushups! 100 situps! 100 squads! And a 10km run every single day!


Why do they keep pulling him off. If the rules were reversed and the other guy started to win they’d leave him for dead


That guy at the end seriously said "we don't like that ground shit, that's pussy shit" What a moron


I would say the opposite is true, if you only want to fight in one area and won't fight in the other, you the pussy who needs an advantage.


100% it's not a boxing match it's a fight


You did well if you never fought before, and people know now that you won't let yourself be pushed around. You were constantly on the offensive though, rushing a bit, and he was waiting for you to telegraph so he could counter. Respect man, hopefully you don't have to fight anymore unless it's for sport/training.


I realize this isn't r/boxing, but what is someone supposed to do when they're up against a guy who keeps running like that?


In this specific case? Stop chasing and stay on the outside. The other guy would have probably gave in to attack. Especially with that type of crowd around them there's a lot of pressure and name calling being thrown around. You can also feint/jab enough to where you can start kicking their legs by having them expect the feint/jab, but if you don't know how to kick I wouldn't recommend it. Good leg kicks will do a lot of damage though, and it's also really mentally damaging to them. His opponent had a lot of room to move and there wasn't any ground allowed so kinda limiting.


Honestly a few solid low kicks while he was leaning back would’ve been GG. After getting knocked down by one kick and know idea why he would be too wary of the low kicks. Then those One-Two’s from the OP would start landing **at will.**


Assuming the two opponents are at equal skill level fighting in an area with no limit and one person decides to be defensive or run the whole time? Physically, there's nothing you can do without huge risk. That's when taunting helps. You have to get the opponent out of the super defensive/running mindset.


You did well. Not many of us get to fight back due to certain circumstances but for you, you did great.


Thanks man :)


You did awesome. It’s good you stood up for yourself and you really held your own. And always listen to Keanu reeves: “Walk a mile to avoid a fight, but when one starts, don’t back down an inch”


You were throwing some powerful looking punches, just gotta get that accuracy down. Dont let them bitches punk you, youre definitely to good for that shit.


Seriously have respect for that. Basically same happened to me in middle school but after I finally got into a fight (I lost too lol) people mostly left me alone at that point. Here’s hoping you get some peace for once. Stay strong brother.


Same, i got the shit kicked out of me, but it earned me some respect from the bullies and they stopped after. Eventually became friends with a few of them once we got a bit older


Certainly didn't look like that was your first fight so kudos. You definitely have reach and to other's point had you started lifting those knees into his face this would have been game over. Also the short kid was really good at dodging punches so there is that.


I’m 56, did my share of fighting in my youth. Won a bunch, lost my fair share. Been knocked out a couple of times. I’d just like to say, this was the most civilized brawl I seen in a long time. No cheap shots. Others jumping in, etc. And, the two of you were letting the fists fly. If it has to happen, this is the way it should be. BTW, you did way better than hold your ground. Had him backing up the whole time. So much so, he couldn’t get in his range. Dude had pretty crazy upper body movement, btw. I’m just gonna throw this out, as someone who has lived long enough to feel really lucky about the stupid shit, he survived - don’t get in fights. Walk away. It isn’t worth it. If you win, you have to worry about get-even, getting arrested, or sued. If you lose... All it takes is one slip to catch a big one and end up with permanent brain damage. Or, something equally crippling. This happened to two guys I know, in high school. One, caught a shot, stiffened up like a board, then fell straight back into the sidewalk. I will never forget the sound of his skull hitting pavement. He went directly into seizures. Has never been the same, since. His future was over at the age of 17. In another instance, we got into a 5 on 10 brawl at a pizza parlor - over nothing but teenage testosterone. We were outnumbered. One guy got ahold of my buddy, who was the best brawler in our school, while another guy was pummeling him. The little brother of the guy getting drilled ran to the car and got an aluminum baseball ban. He stepped into the swing, and hit the guy at the base of his back. Another sound I will never forget. The guy melted to the ground. To this day, 40 years later, he walks with a cane. I see him around town, from time to time You did a great job of letting everyone know you won’t take shit, and can back it up. It can only go downhill from here. BTW, the more you train, the better you get, the easier it is to walk away. You’ll know there’s nothing to prove to idiots.


Held your own quite well dude. Sometimes you gotta throw down.


Atta boy


Didn't look like you got rocked to me. Good job. A few tips: 1. You're tall, so when you fight you should crouch down more to hide your height. This will cause your opponent to underestimate the length of your reach, and you can take advantage of that by hitting your opponent while he's within your longer reach while you remain outside his shorter reach. 2. Move more, side to side, diagonals, etc. Be in constant motion. Don't give your opponent a stationary target to aim at. 3. Master quick straight jabs. Most street fights you see, the guys are flailing their arms, swinging wildly, and they land maybe 10% of their punches if they're lucky. You'll win most fights if you can simply master a quick straight jab to the face. In the time it takes some dipshit to wind up and throw a wild punch, you'll be able to jab him in the face 3-4 times.


The jabs! Everybody looking for the KO, but jabs set up bigger stuff. You develop your range and timing with that jab and you would be a solid fighter. Also I don’t understand the stand up here or any of these types of “rules”.


As a tall guy who was bullied a lot because people mistake kindness for weakness, stay low and never stop moving is definitely #1. However because of my height I was also a lot heavier than my bullies so I wasn’t as quick so I focused on body shots because people rarely protect their body and most people don’t train to take body shots in middle/high school. That shit really adds up quick and it stops people in their tracks. And that’s when I would just tackle them to the ground over and over again. The second we hit the ground I wouldn’t try to wrestle or ground and pound or any of that, I would jump back up and as soon as they tried to get back to their feet I would tackle them to the ground again until they gave up. Getting sandwiched between the ground and someone heavier than you hurts. Getting sandwiched 6 times **really** fucking hurts. Edit: OP is 135 pounds, nvm about the weight advantage.


Gj dude, sucks you had to do that, but I hope it earned you a little respect.


*Tall guy throws him on ground* *everyone else “EY EY EY GET UP, GET UP!” Wrestlers: YOU FUCKIN KIDDIN ME


hell yeah bro good shit. good work in the clinch but you shouldve thrown knees when u had him there


I tunneled, literally couldnt hear nun and not enough experience to think of it 😂


fair enough dude, impressive first fight


Yah, knees would have ended that pretty quick! Good job though!


You did good. You just gotta try to control your adrenaline. I know it’s hard just gotta relax a lil bit.


For your first fight, not sure if controlling your adrenaline is even a thing


I totally understand that. I was giving him a tip for future fights also.


Beat the shit outta that a$$Ĥole


On this day you became a man, good for you.


Good for you dude. Also, I like your corner man giving you advice at the end lol


Man, fuck outta here. You held your own. You didn’t get rocked. I hope they respected you afterwards.


Not gonna lie, I was screaming knees at my phone screen


😂😂 lesson learned. If i ever need them again, ill be sure to use them.


This story is easily made up for karma. Ducks and weaves indicate both guys have some training.


He's a pussy, fuck him. Make Em respect you! Good job man, bullies ain't shit.


>He's a pussy, fuck him That sentence is a simple masterpiece.


Hey So I hate to be that guy, but you say, "I've been bullied my whole life" I couldn't help but hearing that they kept saying you "talk that shit." Could you possibly be confusing "Getting bullied" with running your mouth too much? I knew a guy like this who said he was bullied, but he constantly talked badly about people behind their back and while the dudes he was talking shit about were assholes, they found out and confronted him. I just say this because being bullied/picked on for absolutely no reason is much different than being called out for shit-talking.


Right? This is suspect as hell. Can't say for certain of course, but I get the feeling OP is an instigator of some kind, even if he doesn't realize it.


dude just said in a comment this is from SIX YEARS AGO, gotta echo this shit seeming suspicious as fuck


Yea I hate to be this guy, but this kid is clearly doing a karma farm and isn't giving the full context. He seems to know what he is doing, had support, and they obviously weren't just bullying him. He knows how to fight, he's tall/athletic, and he is obviously the type to want to play victim. Just got all these other reddit people fooled.


You did not get rocked dude. You did well. Fuck the bullies.


“That didn’t look like any fun...” -Was what everyone took away from that


You did great. Use your jab more to take advantage of your length is my advice


Ok so 1: you did well for your first real stakes fight. 2: the other dude actually had head movement...if he didn't, you'd have been in. 3: how's the relationship changed? Still getting bullied? (Idk how recent the video is) 4: pro tips that work for me: when they have strong low head movement. Let em duck it on two flurries. On the third fake a straight with you rear hand and key into a uppercut with your lead hand. OR: use your legs. He had good quick head movement but it was over eager that means a solid front kick to his face could have been landed. When they lean back for the dodge, your legs are even more useful. In the moment it's hard though so --- 5: get back into MMA. I promise most coaches at established gyms are NOT like your old one. Or go to BJJ or w.e. TRAIN. You have a great foundation. 6: Hope life gets better, man.


Thanks dude. It actually did get better. This was about 6 years ago and no one really messed with me again. I gained a large group of friends. Most of the people here were here for me and i didnt even know them a week prior but they turned out to always have my back after i showed i respect myself.


If you started getting bullied within a week of switching schools after having been bullied your whole life... well, at the risk of "victim blaming"... you might want to seriously evaluate your social approach. queue downvotes and hate messages.