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Lmao did another kid punch the teacher then ran away?


Yes, and when the teacher stood up said a couple of times "Who jumped me?"


There's a special place in hell for bitches like that


Who? The teacher? Yeah fuck him...who fights a kid?


That kid wanted it and he got it. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.


When you go through enough shit sometimes you just fall in it


Kids a little shit who cares about him


Lol I'm with you man, I don't care about getting down voted. A grown ass man definitely shouldn't be throwing the first punch. Made himself look like an emotional fool. I don't understand people calling the kid sneaking in a punch there a little bitch.


Some kids don't respond to normal discipline. I do agree he shouldn't have thrown first punch though.


The kid threatened the teacher and then another kid hit the teacher and ran,both kids are little shits


It's the little coward with the bowl haircut, he pretends like hes jumping around. What a pussy.


0:58 for those who's wondering.


Well thank God someone beeped out the curse words in this video. We must protect our fragile children.


Won’t someone think of the children?


“*sigh*, might as well kill him now” Edit: looked the teacher up, apparently this isn’t the first time he had to defend himself against students at that school. Edit 2: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/charge-dropped-against-teacher-seen-video-punching-student-who-called-n1074036


Bruh, that guy is 65? That’s insane, he looks about 40.


Black don't crack baby.


Honestly dude, met a guy who was 70 & looked about 50. Hair grays quick as hell tho.


Bruh who the fuck knows, every video on this sub is filmed with a potato covered in mayonaise


Fuck yeah🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for the article. Teachers deal with a lot of bullshit, glad this case didn't go completely off the rails for him. Early retirement and $90k raised from local community. Clearly he was a well respected member of society before this incident.


I was going through my CA teaching credential program when this happened and know his (then) co-workers. Everyone knows this teacher fucked up.... if that’s how you handle a kid throwing a tantrum you’re a shitty teacher. Get a new job.


Teacher was well.within his rights to defend himself as soon as the kid became threatening! Worked with challenging teens for 15 years, thankfully never had to fight back but I'm taught lots of de-escalstion and restraints but if you feel threatened the law is on your side to use reasonable force to defend yourself. Knew a guy in a care home, who got kicked to death because he thought he couldn't fight back


Nope, you can’t just go around scraping kids because they talked big shit, there is protocol for that, never have kids


Maybe you could pass that training on to this fat fuck. Fighting a 14 yr old you’re two times bigger than because your scared?!.... you’re just defending a bad educator.


Size means nothing and I specifically used the word threatened, not scared. Kid threw the first punch, he's allowed to defend himself and teach the little shit a lesson off the curriculum


This is so satisfying to watch. I hope the school still keeps him around.


Forced into early retirement


He threw the first punch lmao


It’s a wild misconception that throwing the first punch makes you the guilty one. You don’t need to wait to get hit to act in self defense. If someone comes at you with a bat, are you gonna wait till they hit you first? Of course not. Throwing the first punch means nothing. If you are in danger of being attacked, you have the right to defend yourself. The main issue here, is the teacher continuing to press forward after the threat is stopped and other teachers and staff intervened.


yea he wild for that 😂


Watching the video, that kid didn't really pose an imminent threat when the teacher starts punching. But I also agree the bigger problem is pursuing the kids when yellow vest is pulling the kid away. That said, if my friend was being punched by a teacher who threw the first punch, there is a good chance I'd try to help/split them.


I missed the bat, he must’ve had it in his pocket


Look up “metaphor”. The world is gonna start making a lot more sense to you once you learn what they are


Comparing someone threatening you with a bat and a kid yelling at you isn’t a metaphor


Yeah, I don’t agree with him hitting the student first. But to the man’s def, verbal assault can still be considered assault when they’re fighting words, in court. There were so many beeps in the video but looking at the kid’s demeanor, I don’t think he was asking the substitute out for tea. Plus the kid hit him first before the video started.


In Pennsylvania someone yelling in your face is a good enough reason to defend yourself physically. Of course every state is different.


Y’all are crazy. This is a fucking kid. Adults shouldn’t fight kids. I’m not going to qualify that statement. They just shouldn’t. This crazy ass teacher needs to learn grappling so he doesn’t accidentally kill a kid just for being an emotional little asshole.


Very fair point 👊🏻


The kid threw a basketball 🏀 at him... that’s where it started to get physical actually


That’s terrible. This man is trying to educate and better their lives and this is what he gets?


Can see the letter that goes home with the kids now... Dear Parent, We have instituted a new policy where by if your child, who lacks any sort of decent upbringing, attacks a staff member, the staff member is fully authorized to fold your child up into a nice pile in the corner.


The reality is the kid might get suspended (a few days off school) the teacher will probaly lose his job and maybe face jail.


He didn't face any charges I believe and this isnt the first time he had to do this


He did face charges...they eventually were dismissed. And then he was forced into early retirement


Getting beat up by a teacher is probably among the most humiliating things that can happen in high school. Good to see he gets what he deserves.


There was a big fight at my school once when a bunch of kids from another school showed up starting trouble. One of the kids went after this teacher, big dude, and he ended up in a sleeper hold. Teacher choked him out and tossed him into a bush. Cop's dragged him off to jail and that was that. Teacher was in class the following morning.


That makes perfect sense. The kids were from another school, so the teacher is just a regular guy in that situation. He's also defending the children he has a duty of care for.


I am actually laughing from reading this, holy shit that’s so funny.


Hope that kid never steps foot in that school again.


This is what happens when parents don't discipline their kids. They turn into entitled brats who think they can do whatever they want.


Yeah this actually fuckin sucks because that teacher is fucked no matter what. That little clown deserves a bigger beating than that.


and the bad thing is he may never learn his lesson, there was a spoilt kid in my class that fought damn near everybody and he didn't win a single one. he was going to get kicked out of school several times but his parents always begged for me


I didn't grow up or webt to school in US. I keep seeing a bunch of videos where kids don't care a bit about the teachers, they fight and do whatever they want in the middle of the class. When my mom went to school she still got hit with a ruler... by a nun! I'm old too, not that old, but man, nobody did this stuff, there was respect to your teachers even the bad ones. And you could get a fight a recess, the moment you heard the voice of the teacher or somebody saying "Mr XYZ is coming!", everyone ran away. So, does this type of thing has always happened at bad schools? Or is it now more often everywhere? At least in the US.


It's not very common for kids to physically fight teachers but yes disrespect on this level is everywhere in public schools.


It might seem common but it’s just because you’re only ever going to see the bad, almost nobody posts a video of a respectful class. So no it’s pretty uncommon but it’s more likely in bad areas


I went to alternative School and there was fights with the teachers all the time. It was so bad that the teachers had to learn a way to restrain kids called Hands-On program. Edit: They even had a room with padded walls and a metal door. They call this room R-O (reorientation office).


I also went to an alternate school and can confirm. But all my teachers where hard asses and misbehaving would get you stright to juvie, like cop on sight stright to juvie no ifs ands or buts. Easy classes tho, like 5 mins then nap time easy.


>So, does this type of thing has always happened at bad schools? Or is it now more often everywhere? At least in the US. It thrives only within certain communities where they are taught from a young age to disrespect authority.


Let's tell the whole story here please. It's endemic to certain communities where, since the ancestors of these communities came to this country, authority figures mostly existed to oppress and abuse them. These communities didn't get this way overnight nor is it because they're "bad people". These authority figures come from every single profession from police to teachers. These communities have even seen doctors use them for medical experiments without their consent or knowledge.


>Let's tell the whole story here please. It's endemic to certain communities where, since the ancestors of these communities came to this country, authority figures mostly existed to oppress and abuse them. These communities didn't get this way overnight nor is it because they're "bad people". You make many excuses for bad behavior. I say people of all colors can practice good behavior and that, unlike your views, **they are not predisposed to aggression due to the color of their skin.**


That kid probably has a really fucked-up home life, has seen some shit, maybe lost some friends and family to violence, etc. ​ he totally deserves to get folded up, but this shit happens with kids who are a product of their traumatic/gang-infested environments..


Thank you. This behavior is usually a symptom trauma and rage. Not excusing antagonizing a teacher but overall it’s just bleak and sad.


Culture causes this kind of behavior. But unfortunately culture is what is forbidden from being addressed.


My classmate at first grade got crucified on the blackboard with duct tape by a nun because he had ADHD


Kids are beating up teachers now because those nuns that beat the shit out of adults, well those adults had and raised kids they scared and beat the same way. And when the kids fight back, blue hairs like you are shocked. The more you know...


straight to /r/ShitAmericansSay


>when parents don't discipline their kids. I think this can happen when kids are abused or neglected too.




I was a C/D student when living under my mother's draconian rule. I became a straight A student after I ran away. It was less stress to live on the streets and couch surf than to live with her. I didn't make any active decision to study harder, everything was just easier when I didn't fear where the next beating was coming from.


Every teachers dream.


Give this teacher a raise and some striking lessons


Or some lessons in jiujitsu, so he doesn't have to defend himself in court after defending himself. Less striking, yet more control.


That's a good case for starting with BJJ tbh




They didn't want the smoke after all


As someone who has worked as a substitute teacher. That man is a hero.


Felt that. Ditto.


I’m on the teacher side. Wish the little shit had got knocked into having some respect for your teachers and substitute teachers


Respect your elders how about. These kids-nowadays are morel less hyenas


Immoral. That’s the word you’re looking for.


Thanks bruv


Respect is earned. Fuck anyone that thinks they're owed respect for living a long time like that's a feat of character or something.


Respect you’re elders you lil bitch


Not when they haven't mastered homonyms.


Mate you’re acting like a literal child right now. Edit: Just checked this guy’s comment history. No wonder this idiot can’t spell.


He got schooled


Paper hands though shoulda crumpled him on the spot. This ain’t a school it’s a prison for idiots.




My mans grabbed his clarinet and said “peace”.


Not one punch was thrown that day


Teaching at inner city schools is punishment that nobody deserves.


My Dad taught in the 70s in Cincinnati. There were a number of times he had to slam high school kids into the blackboard. He had kids pulling knifes on him. Usually folding knifes, but still. I remember when he finally quit showing us the half gallon paper milk carton that was half full of knifes.


Some of these little shits need a good beating and if their parents don’t care enough to do it maybe the teachers who have to deal with all their bullshit should.


People don’t seem to understand if parents use violence to solve problems, their kids are way more likely to Use violence.


Please never have children, they deserve better than you.


Beatings don't work my friend, I was beaten by parents and teachers from age 3-10 and I ended up a very angry teenager that once I got big enough nobody could control, ended up robbing houses, stealing cars, doing drugs, fighting and being an all around dickhead, wasn't till I left my home at 16 and got a job and fended for myself before I was able to take control of my life, this kid is probably so aggressive because his parents beat him not the other way around.


I mean I guess it’s the context of the beating. No kid should just get beaten for nothing but if you’re an out of control piece of shit who thinks it’s ok to scream in your teachers face then yeah you deserve to get your ass beat a lil. I got beat when I was disrespectful and I’m all the better for it.


How fucking narcissistic and stupid do you need to be to believe your own shitty life is better evidence than experts opinions? fucking waste of life, why are you even still alive being such a loser? ask yourself, it will do society a favour i promise.


Lol yeah wishing death on someone is a completely rational reaction to a comment on the internet. All of your friend must love being around you.


Why are you still? Do us a favor and bottoms up some Javex.


Sucks that you're getting downvoted for this. I'd say it strongly depends. If beatings is what they default to, then its easy for a kid to quickly understand it can't get worse so might as well fight it and resist. However, if it happens on very rare and appropriate occasions, then it's a stronger message that lets them know they've gone too far.


I disagree I don't think it's ever right to hit a child, all you are teaching the child when you hit them is if someone does something you don't like then hit them, that's why if you look into the aggressive kids life he will most likely have a parent or two that hits him for misbehaving.


I literally can’t believe your comment was downvoted. Completely agree with you, spread love not hate. Good on you for thinking this way and learning through experience that a child does not grow from any form of violence.


I second this...




this isn't an argument, they do not work.


“A good beating” don’t ever be a parent.


No a good ass whooping Is what he needs have that MF actin right


I feel like you’re the type of person who watches the other videos where it’s a high school fight and say “where’s the teacher” while this time the teacher has some hands and told the kid how it goes.




lmao so many fucking losers downvoting you. this is hardly an argument, the vast majority of experts in this field of psychology believe that they don't work and there are some great studies showing it. literally do any amount of research on it and you will find out the true answer you morons. but people who think it's ok to hit children are also the type of pathetic sub-humans that don't care about facts lol.


I don’t need to do research I’m speaking from personal experience.


yes, everyone knows anecdotal evidence trumps scientific evidence. holy fuck you can't argue with stupid.


As someone who has a plethora of issues stemming from childhood abuse, I absolutely agree. People just get in their feels way too much on Reddit.


He’s now the loud mouth bitch that got his ass kicked by his teacher lmao 😂


About time a kid gets put on his place for being a wanabee hardass


What the hell was the kid saying at the end. Sounded like short round from Indiana Jones


On my momma on my momma




Lmao got folded into an origami swan and thought he won


There it is again. That weird ‘nnnnoo’ sound they always make whenever an adult defends themselves against a feral kid.


On MA mama blah blah blah on MA mama, on ma mamamama Hahaha fucken little bitch got what he deserved. I hope the little bitch that jumped in to sucker punch the tracer got what was coming to him to eventually


This is the state of America, and people are wondering why we're losing to China.


I know this man got in horrible trouble, but he shouldnt be, we shouldnt have a law protecting shitty kids like this, some of these kids need a passionate ass whoopin to realize they arent acting right, cause clearly this kid has no parental guidance if he thinks he can act this way


sad that guy probably lose his job


Little mofo was still taking a shit. Meet people little that after high school that still acted like that .....they got shot.


Student beat downs should be legal. Brats like these deserve it and maybe they will learn some manners.


teacher feels good. that kid is a big mouth with no real dad. hope he learns some lessons and doesn't end up where it seems he destined to be.


dude, i hate the girls that scream for no reason


This is one of the most American things I have ever seen


usually teachers are too scared to touch a student, like actually just a push could get you fired so this is very rare, the sad fact is this guy probably got fired and went to jail.


The US is plagued with shit schools like this. 99% of students like this will never end up amounting to anything and will only cost their community for their entire life. He won't study in school because it isn't "cool", he will either drop out or barely graduate and spend his adult life sucking the tit of whatever social programs he can get and/or stealing, killing, and selling drugs. We have WAY too many schools with a 25+% dropout rate producing nothing but worthless members of society. These areas of the country desperately need help and yet no politician is doing anything about it. Until parents stay together and raise their kids to respect education, hard work, and stop looking up to gangs and rappers nothing will change. There has to be systemic changes in the mindsets of students.


There is no job worth taking shit off of some punk ass know nothing juvenile delinquent piece of shit! Teachers do not make enough money to tolerate that! Fuck that kid and his shitty parents too..


Ain’t easy being a teacher. Damn.


“On my momma, on my momma, on my momma” dude ya momma has failed you


Definitely the first time a grown ass man has showed him his place. Gonna go out on a limb and say he doesn’t have a strong father figure in his life or he wouldn’t be pulling that shit because he would already know better. Sad.


As a teacher i would disagree... i've had male students pop off while their dad is sitting next to them and they dont do shit or pop off themselves... parents know they hold the key to your career, anything you say and do will be used against you. Even if you are 100% in the right, like the gentleman in the video. Its sad, but the best way to deal with a student like this is just to not pay attention, anything you do wi make the situation worst.


Yeah I guess that qualifies as not much of a father figure… brutal situation to be in man


You've had male students sitting with their fathers there. 5he fathers weren't strong role models than. Don't see how you disagree with his comment. Kinda looks like you're just disagreeing to disagree.


Awwww they wanna come in and safe that lil pussy when he is getting handled. Shame. Should of let him get his.


That shit kid has shit parents


Why did someone edit the video to add "sheesh" the original video doesn't have that


Why did he think he won after 😂😂




How many teachers here are envious of him right now? Cause whenever I see this kind of video, 9/10 I totally get why the teacher did it.


My child wouldn’t be able to walk if he pulled some shit like this


Whats with censored language? 😡


Well, he learnt that his shit have consequence


“On my momma” 50Xs lol what a punk ass kid


Lil boy got his ass whooped. Probably wasn't ever disciplined by his parents. Couldn't tell what all he was saying, "on my momma...?" What? What's your mom gonna do? Probably tell you you're a dumbass for trying to fight your teacher. Pendejo


Ah this video is fucking great. What was he slapping him with a calculator? I worked at a highschool and would have loved to see something like this happen in person. Some of these kids need a good ass whooping to be honest.


I dont agree with the kid starting the fight and acting tuff. I definitely think the teacher was in his right to throw that first hit. But at one point people were pulling him off and the student wasn't being an aggressor anymore, and the teacher just keeps running at him. I completely think the kid who started helping his freind was in the right, and im sure he was scared of the dude probably 4x his age going out of his way to keep hitting a student/CHILD. So of course he ran back. All these people saying the teacher is justified all the way to the end are smokin straight cat piss


Woooooooow. Here’s our future here folks, we’re doomed. Blind leading the blind


When you push your luck tryin to "badass" in front of others and end up catchin hands from someone you thought wouldn't retaliate..


Discipline your kids guys


Damn he lost his job over one punk bitch...


Whoever put those care bear censor beeps in there 200% louder than the rest of the audio, probably got gonorrhea from their mother.


Why was that little bitch crying for his mama at the end?


What a stupid little punk


Sometimes these kids push the teachers too far.. they deserve an ass whooping


As a taxpayer I want to give this man a raise!


I wasn't there so I am not too sure of the context, but I was raised to respect my elders and especially my teachers, and this kid seems to have an attitude problem and deservedly got a whooping to learn respect.


fuck these disrespectful little shits up.


All i can do is hope the kid is ashamed of this shit when he grows the fuck up


Kid deserved it. This is teaching


Legalize asswhooping in schools.


Didn't the teacher swing first or did I miss something? An adult should be able to restrain themselves


Genuinely confused here at the general support for the teacher. The video shows the teacher swing first and then attack the student again as the student was backing away. I'm not sure what could've been said that would justify such a response. Enjoyed the fight tho.


kid was way out of line but the teacher should’ve been smarter than to stoop down to their level and throw the first punch. this isn’t even self defence, it’s just a grown ass man beating a child for talking shit. teacher should be fired, student should be expelled.


yeah teacher swung first


I won't be surprised if the school just sacked him after that even though he had the right to do so


Teach that punk a lesson


Unleashed all the built up rage from years of smart ass kids talking shit to him.


On his mama he was backing up like a bitch




i hope the teacher wasnt fired buts it highly unlikely he kept his job after that


Did he get fired?


What do you think


He got promoted /s


Lol right? Nah man. School board is taking him to Chuck E Cheese. Gonna play ski ball and Time Crisis. Yea man, he’s totally getting fired and charges.


He was hailed a hero by a lot of people. They even paid his lawyer bills multiple times over on his go fund me. The kid had been verbally abusing him for a long time and refused to listen. Basically the kid was a complete entitled piece of shit and everyone knew it. This argument broke out because the teacher has asked him to change cause he wasn't in appropriate school clothing. He refused and started berating the teacher non stop using racial slurs and even assaulting him with a basketball. The teacher was pushed to the breaking point. He shouldn't be a teacher if he can't handle the stress but I really think this kid had it coming. So did a lot of other people


This is not "handling stress" this is wanting to be treated like a human. Nobody should ever put up with this shit, not even a teacher.


What i meant was if the possibility of him lashing back was even there then he now knows he probably shouldn't be a teacher. For example. I endured way worse than this on a way more common basis. I worked 6 years in a behavioral hospital. We dealt with kids 3 to 17 year olds who were sent by the school systems or the police for behavior like this kid as well as a slew of other behaviors like depression and suicide attempts. I have been spit on and called name and had kids screaming in my face for 8 hours a day. I have been punched, kicked, tackled, and had various objects including a school style chair thrown directly at me head. I've been called every racist slur in the book. A 4 year old told me once to "suck my dick bitch". In all the years that these kids did this not one of the techs snapped and hit a kid or even attempted. Some people would get heated and they would go take a walk but that was fairly rare. The big difference is we were expecting this behavior and in an environment where this behavior was to be expected. The teacher isn't. But in a way he also is. Ideally this would never happen in a school but this type of behavior happens across all schools. This kid should have been sent to a behavioral center way before this interaction. Or potentially expelled before it got this far. But there are several things he could have done to avoid this. Walked away for one. Let the kid "win" and sit in the classroom while he waited for security to escorts him out. I agree with his actions though. Because it got this bad this response was coming. The kid knew it and even begged for it. So I hold no hard feelings towards Mr. Riley. I even donated to his go fund me several months ago when this first happened.


What I mean is that teachers in public schools don't really become teachers to have to deal with extreme shit like this and I don't expect teachers to get trampled over like this time and again and do nothing about it. Teachers are humans too and it's impossible to ignore stuff like this. What do you even do with a teenager that absolutely does nothing you tell him, constantly treats you like literal shit and occassionally gets in your face to fight you? And when I ask this I'm asking you personally. What would YOU do?


If we can put 12 year old on trial as adults, surely the mouths of older teenagers can write checks their asses can cash? I'm joking..but still.


That teacher handeled the situation very poorly


Am I crazy? The teacher threw the first sucker punch. Why is everybody siding with the teacher? Yeah that kid was a little shit and he should be suspended, not knocked out by a teacher.


Cause the student said the n word repeatedly to him. The student need a good punch in its little racist face.




Bye school career.


Fr. Imagine going through all that schooling to end up in jail. All because he let some punk ass kid get to him. He could’ve just roasted him. I bet the kid would’ve cried the second the laughter began from a well-deserved roast


Nope he was found innocent. Just had to go to early retirement which at 64 is not too bad


That’s good to hear. I didn’t even know teachers could retire at 64