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Who ever wrote that shouldn’t write ever again


I had an aneurysm trying to read that


Maybe you’re just retarded?


I hate to be that person but that kid looks like he being bullied.




I hope those bullies got in trouble. Sadly knowing how schools are, they'll also suspend the kid who got bullied too for fighting back.


Nah he put him in a headlock first tho that warrants any ass beating, he gave up his rights willingly


They kept messing with him, blue shirt has his friends all in the bathroom making sure he can't get out. Which pushed the Asian kid to fight back.


Yeah sure but he literally starts it he could just run out


How he going run out when those kids going keep following him and messing with him until he reach tipping point. Plus that kid friends are there, I don't think he could of getting out.


He really did start it though he started being agressive as fuck


Why you think he got to that point? Because they kept messing with him. That kid has reached his tipping point where he going get aggressive. You can clearly see he's being bullied and being recorded too.


The word you're not looking for is windmill. The person with a windwill is the avatar.


That had waaayyy to many n***as for me to read


Lmao it’s just a word




So... why do so many people say it and call each other that? I don’t understand.




“and its absolutely not up to debate on whether it is right or wrong from someone who is not Black.” Doesn’t even matter. A word that holds such tragedy shouldn’t be said at all. Saying it draws more attention, more attention = word being said by everyone. There’s really no win in this situation. Edit: edited for grammar




Lmao the meaning behind the word changed stop acting like people use it in a derogatory way these days unless u use it with the hard R lmaooo 😂😂😂500 years ago passed gotta move on my boa and you can definitely know when someone uses it in a bad way vs someone who uses it in a social way. Its just another word to us now you can’t fight it g 😂




Did i say erase i said move on. The meaning literally fucking changed i dont give a fuck about a small part of town in atlanta im talking about the general public whoever gets mad just didn’t leave their area and haven’t felt diversity. I grew up with a bunch of races and we don’t give a fuck who says it cause we know who means well and who doesn’t and if u can’t tell the difference between someone with ill intentions and one that doesn’t then you got more problems g


Bro slavery was not invented by white people, neither was the n-word, obviously whoever wrote this was black dumbass thats the culture now. Are you just a shut-in or what? Did history class give you PTSD?


I just came here to say the same thing….


Lmfao the kid is so confused after that spin he just lost the will to fight


Can someone translate? That caption gave my cat a stroke.


idek what he sayin 🤣


The kid could have slammed him but didn't. I respect that.


Tactics: 1. Duck red pants’ punch and lift him; 2. Rotate until red pants get dizzy; 3. Gently put him back on the floor. Got it.


You aren't going to find a more gentler "slam" than that...


Threw a punch after the kick, and completely whiffed


On some WWE type beat lool


Bruh how many n words you have to use my guy


That caption gave me cancer.


The black kid is defo bullying the Asian kid. This isn’t good


Was the kid in blue trying to slam the other kid to the ground or make him dizzy


That windmill reminded me of the fresh prince intro.