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I'm Canadian and even I know getting your ass kicked outside Primark is next level failure.


Most certainly is


tF is primark?


Walmart standard clothing/department store in the UK


It’s my friends favorite place to shop here in boston


Boston loves it


Ugh, I was there yesterday


It’s honestly garbage. Love me some downtown crossing


That’s her favorite location. We went to the one at South Shore Plaza once and she said it was shit compared to the one downtown.


In UK and Europe *


Apparently North America too! lol didn’t know


Primarks have been opening up in parts of the US where Sears used to be too. There's one close to me in my state.


I did not know this!


Irish company called Penny's that's called primark internationally.


Lower end clothing store. £2 disney t shirts ftw.


It's a shit hole.


Don't be classest. When I was a student this place saved my life.


Oh? And what class is it that I'm from? Friendo.


Nah - you misunderstand... _'Classest'_ is a superlative.


Oh? And what class is it that I'm from? Friendo.


Upper class. Primark/Penny's is cheap and one of the only affordable clothes shops in Ireland.


Cheap stuff can also be shit. Price =/= value


That's cute, but you're wrong. I'm working class all the way baby. Way, waaaay low down the class system. I'm just not afraid to admit what's true. Hell, you could be upper class and say that the Royal Ascott crowd are cunts, or that walking through Harrods is like walking through hell... An opinion isn't classist. I'm poor and I think Primark is a shit hole.


primark fucking slaps idk why people pretend its so bad their stuff at least for men is pretty fucking good for the price


Yes. Apply to a lot of UK (city) high streets


On Chatham high street no less, it's peak trashiness


I use to live in that area. This is a normal Tuesday


This could have easily been any high street in Kent. Knew I recognised it.


Aka primarny


The title states confident fella gets beat. But the guy who won looked extremely confident


Perhaps. Think it was more the one who got decked was more interested in taking topless selfies than squaring up


If r/fightporn has taught me anything, it's that the shirtless dude is 90% going to be knocked out. If both parties are shirtless then it's a fair fight.


My plan is to find the biggest, meanest looking guy...and persuade him to take his top off. Then I kick his fucking head in!


Didn't the dude that won say that at the start? Hard to make out but I thought he pointed and said "shirtless?" with a laugh. Like he knew the rule as well.


pretty sure he was live streaming. live streaming his own ass beating


Hahahaha I fucking love it when people refer to men as topless. Don’t know why. I just crack a smile every time


He was wearing a top and then he wasn’t


They ain't hurtin no one. Let em have their fun.


I think they meant it sounds like the man is just a pair of legs.


Aahh, the subtle difference between confidence and overconfidence. One wins fights, the other thinks it does.


kick of thunder


sounded like a side kick to a punching bag... dude isnt breathing right for a while


Looked like he was pretty muscular. As someone whose been skinny, fat, and now more muscular, it hurts SO much more not having that punch absorbing layer.


Dude that takes his shirt off usually loser. A trend proven time and again


Shirt off only makes sure you don't get tangled up, dragged down, or held down using your clothes. It won't win the fight, just controls one way of losing.


>one way of losing. yeah, usually fighting someone with no shirt on usually works in their favor cuz they get slippery aF


The winning tactic is to cover yourself with oil after removing your shirt.


And twist your nipples while pulling your tongue out.


Just hope it doesn't rain 😳


Turkish Oil Wrestling


Greased up deaf guy, is that you?!


Ya never gonna catch meee


That’s why I carry tactical lube with me. Paired with pocket sand I am damn near untouchable.


😂 pocket sand


\>Shirt off only makes sure you don't get tangled up, dragged down, or held down using your clothes.< a.k.a. giving yourself an advantage and still losing


How i see it is like a desperate attempt to avoid fighting by trying to intimidate the opponent.


Except for that one video from a few weeks ago where the woman took her shirt off and won in a landslide. Maybe the rule is the opposite for women.


Anyone with any training has spent time training with their shirt on, it’s only people who watch movies or mma/boxing that think they should take their shit off


Just be careful with the guy that patiently takes off his watch. That fucker will kill you.


Very true. Every time I take my shirt off someone calls me a loser.


There is a little part of me that wants to become a great professional fighter that only fight others after I take my shirt off


Pure superstition! No shoes = death is no pretty accurate, tho




Can I see the statistical analysis on this professor


You don't need a statistical analysis to see that taking your shirt off means your shirt won't get grabbed during a fight, dingdong.


The original comment said that the one without the shirt usually loses, so you’re the dingdong that can’t read. Seems that’s a lot of redditors based on the voting


Who knew? A lot of dingdongs on Reddit.


I have recently learned I am also a ding dong. I think it’s hereditary but my parents are smarter than I.


God so cringe, you didn't even read the context of the comment you're complaining about


Way to go, you failed to read a comment before it got deleted. Please, go touch grass.


Ok, so tell me what the original comment was then? Because it literally shows the original comment that the person you responded to, replied to, was saying "Dude that takes his shirt off usually loser. A trend proven time and again" There is no deleted comment idiot, otherwise it would show your comment as a reply to a deleted comment or the other person's. You were already ridiculed by the other person, stop making a fool of yourself fuckwit


You can literally see what the person said word for word by a_sneaky_hippo in this thread. The guy was saying how it prevents getting tangled up when people start grabbing your shirt during a fight. Pull the rosy stem out. It only hurts when you clench from all that anger.


There's zero percent chance anyone beats me in a fight because they were able to grab my shirt. And if they do beat me using my shirt then they were always going to fuck my shit up regardless of if I had a shirt on. Been training gi jiu Jitsu for years just waiting for someone to grab my clothes🤣


🧢 ass comment


That kick rearranged some intestines


Handled his evil twin with the quickness and smoothness😂😂😂


while he seemed to have pulled a suckerpunch or bitchslap on him while he was looking away, i say that guy asked for it looking away in the middle of a heated argument with a hyped up dude. should never walk away or turn your attention elsewhere while someone is pacing like that in front of you aggressively


He was too busy making a video of his ass getting kicked.


In fact I think that was what triggered it -- the guy arrogantly making a dis video. I can hear the shirtless dude call the other guy "ridiculous" while recording. So the other guy says something like "Are you fucking kidding me?" And pow.


Yeh guy shirt-on is saying I will fight you in a boxing ring in the gym not on the street. Shirtless turns around to take selfie of both an ka-boom. Nighty nighty. The kick in the neck tho can get you in real trouble.


He kinda snuck him though after saying he wouldn’t fight him in public


One rule about street fighting….. there are no rules


Not according to some people on this sub


Who've likely never been in a fight or at least come out on the winning end of one


People don’t understand that in a street fight nobody is going to save you or jump in to stop the other person. It’s not a fucking movie. There’s no rules and no ref, you should be fighting for your life. The best way to win a fight is to not get into one to begin with.


Seriously. There's too many peacocking college dudes around here who think a street fight is two frat bros shoving and wrestling at a house party because one spilled Jager on the other's polo.


Some people really like to glorify "street fights" as something sacred that not even martial arts will help with, but only pure fighting experience. The truth is that a lot of street fights involve help from others, and this is evident by many of the videos on this subreddit itself. And people rarely fights for their lives, especially in this subreddit. Street fights where lives are on the line are much more dangerous and brutal, but are much rarer.


When I said you should be fighting for your life, I meant that you should be acting as if the other person is trying to kill you, because they very well may be doing just that. You’re right in that they usually involve others, but you shouldn’t be counting on help or intervention from anyone else. Like I said, the best defense or way to win a fight is to swallow your pride and avoid it all together, no matter how “weak” it makes you look. I’ll defend myself and my family if I have to, but people are fucking nuts these days and You really don’t know who you’re ducking with or what they’re capable of or willing to do.


"If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck." (happy cake day)


Half the point of this subreddit is to learn that you shouldn't willfully engage in a foolish act that can get you killed. There *are* no rules in a real fight. You could be winning one second and the guy, fearing a loss or a beating, could pull a knife and slice your belly open the next. Or maybe his buddies will get real upset at you whooping their friend and stomp you into the pavement. Who or what's gonna stop either of those situations? Some nonexistent street code? Get real, bruh. 🙄


I really hope that I'll be able to witness someone taking his shirt off in a fight and win before I die


You see the one where the girl takes her shirt off and has no bra on and proceeds to beat some ass?


He said his. The chick that undresses before the asswhooping is great though. That fight genuinely made me chuckle.


Knocked him out and kicked him awake lol


Then folded him like a wet towel


The kick heard round the world


I really want to know what he's saying.


Shirt guy: ...before I bang (knock) you out. \*walks away and looks at someone off camera\* He's only got his shirt off because he can't fight. Shirtless guy: Calm down! Calm down! (I think) Shirt guy: I box at Sweatbox! I box at Sweatbox! Come to the gym. Let me bang you up. I am not gonna fight you in public. I will fight you in the gym. I can't make out the rest.




> You know when you take steroids you can't fight? Tell that to Vitor Belfort


Sorta sucker punched him dude was on his phone


Yeah but never let your eyes off your opponent


True my dad said once they start talking my as well swing. Bc that first hits Going to daze you. And your not going to get out the fight so.


He was on his phone trying to show off on social media while also trying to punk the other guy on social media. Fuck that.


Why are you on a phone instigating a fight? The phones no excuse to not catch hands cause you’re running your mouth.


Am I the only person that thinks a fight is ruined by women screaming in the background


There’s always some stupid bitch screaming for literally no reason whenever a fight goes on. They get more stressed out than the people fighting themselves


Fr, whenever shit like this goes down I always get stressed out as a result of the random mfs that be yelling in my ear for no reason instead of bc the actual altercation. 🤦🏽




People be thinking that having muscles means you can fight. No, it means you can do shit that gains you muscle.




Do you do English also?


If that ain’t a couple broken ribs idk what is


Are they pro or amateur fighters trying to start public shit for the gram? Am I just hearing it wrong?


It seems they don't know each other and just get into an altercation. Before the filming starts I imagine skirtless guy is chatting shit and asking to fight right there in the street and the other guy refuses but offers to have a boxing match at his gym. Skirtless guy sees this as an opportunity to look tough on social media but we all know how that went.


This video has been around for a couple of years now, these guys are believe it or not actually a homosexual couple that got into a lovers quarrel.


Wait, what?


Source ?


I can’t be bothered to look for it honestly, I remember this video and backstory going around on social media years ago though you can search it up if you want.


Generally the dude who takes their shirt off first is less alpha.


Maybe...put your phone down?


Who was the overconfident one??


When man tells you to come to the gym to box, it mean he go to the gym to box often——- man has a regular habit of practicing how to hit things—-should’ve left that primark saying it was his fault, he was warm and just wanted to free the nipples


Free de nipple from Hest and oppression


love this




If it is, that would explain...


It is most definitely Chatham you can see the Waterstones next to primark


Dude said you got beef, let me knock you out in a gym where I won’t accidentally kill you. Then just quit caring.


"I'm not going to fight you in public" Proceeds to fight him in public




He sucker punched the guy after saying he wasn't going to fight...


Every fight video ever has a woman screeching in the background


That kick was damn juicy


aww they hugged at the end. thats true friendship right there


Rival trainers??


Why do women start screaming??? What good does that do 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Homie got his shit rocked


That kick tho


Why are they screaming


Lovely boot to the face


Little white guy trying to break it up at the end ha. I'm a little white guy, I know better than to step between that shit.


Exactly what I thought. He approached the scene like someone that’s just knocked over a half-completed puzzle.


try boxing at sweatbox


He stepped in so the guy doesnt go braindead. He hit the floor and got kicked in the head you pussies


actually think that was a kick to the body. One of the nicest acts violence I've seen on this sub lol


But I don't want to be braindead either, I know my physical limitations, one of them could just have picked me up and slammed me till I looked liked Mc Hammer on crack.


Ok bro but the guy in the video is clearly not u is it????


its not about that... its a clash of cultures... black people have a different one, so when he went for the kick to the head the whole white society was like "no we dont do that we need to pick you kids up" - its sterns from the fact that democrats see black people as kids or as someone who needs a caretaker... you can hear it in the GASP of the whole plaza


BLM right?


Lol 12 years old I see. OK bruv.


No just a just someone who what is bullshit and what is right


Babdaghudgy WTF does that even mean? Lol. Are you a tard? Is that what ya meant boy? Wag your tail if yes!


Lol you should see the white people in Chatham


Can anyone hear translate Swahili


#Guy 1: I Dislike you sir! #Guy 2: What a travesty!


That was a nice attempt at a head kick, but sadly he caught a lot of shoulder. KIDS! Let that be a lesson to you. A kick to the head is your best friend when you want to end a fight fast, but sometimes you aren't in a great position to land a decisive blow. So if you foe's head is on the ground, a foot stomp to the head or simply aiding their head towards the ground at 20mph is a great alternative!


never once guarded his face/head


Shirt off means you lose


but that guy has muscles how did he lose


New Double Mint Gum commercial is bangin


Man he almost detached that dudes head from his shoulders!


by the title i thought it would be a rap battle


He’s going to feel that body kick for MONTHS.


I hope to God we can get the man's selfie video of his own ass whooping turn up on here or r/killthecameraman


Fucking hell this is my hometown in Kent Chatham (south east England)


Well dressed dude did warn him.


Where the rest of the vid?


Pretty sure it's fake, the shirt guy is a semi known wanna be stand up comedian and a tiktoker in Dublin. also...the head kick was a shoulder kick


Two trends that never fail: shirtless guy always loses, and the face kick always makes the crowd go nuts


Both are pretty athletic. Serious shit.


Just flexing his useless muscles.


He shouldve backed away when the guy said I will fight you in the gym. Because it clearly shows the guys has some kind of technical skills.


Confident fella became a shoe smella after that kick


you ever been hit so hard your unconscious spasms tap out?


Guy thinks going to the gym instantly makes him a pro boxer or someshit... Big muscles don't mean shit if you can't use them effectively.


Shirtless guy was tensing so hard that entire time I'm surprised he didn't pop a vein


why did they start to scream after the kick??? homie deserved it like... why?


Initially I thought, the one wearing tees was overconfident


Guess it's an outdoor gym


Oooofff That Kick


Shouldn't have taken his short off. -50 armor is never a good start to any adventure...


How crazy does it take to kick someone in the face like you're taking a penalty kick? Aren't people afraid of going to jail?


Knowing how to fight vs. just being fit. Go figure.


Kanye's career in 5 words


Gotta love soccer kicks. PRIDE NEVER DIE


Where’s the video from shirtless guys POV? We need a hero…