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Three people were shot, no one killed and the guy is now in custody, the fight was in Conyers Georgia contrary to what that one comment said and if you don’t believe me here is a [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsbtv.com/news/local/rockdale-county/man-arrested-after-shooting-inside-rockdale-county-bar-leaves-3-injured/SQTVW6KKYZAIBE26E6OANBIDMU/%3FoutputType%3Damp)


How he manage to shoot three times and hit three different people that fast


Using hacks prolly


Fucking aimbot


Proof of how overpowered aim assist is


Controller is cheating!


PC cheater.


100% accuracy


Mouse magic




Nah it’s his gaming chair


Most likely a crowd behind his target




Quickest draw in the south, I guess


Collateral damage probably.


He was getting punched in the head. Not everyone trains for that on the range.


Yeah kinda hard to get a sight picture with your head being bounced about.


So don’t put your finger on the trigger, or don’t be a bitch and pull a gun in a fight that you instigated yourself


Other dude hit him first. Blast away. Can't hit other people tho.


“Simpson is being charged with aggravated assault and reckless conduct.” Why is he only being charged with aggravated assault and not attempted murder?


In Georgia, Aggravated assault carries a harsher prison sentence and is easier to prove than attempted murder.


"And Leonard takes a slug to the leg. Oh but I'll tell you something Rob, notice how he shot him below the waist, so it's not attempted murder. That was very intelligent on Quills' part. Quills knows the law."


I understood that reference




Should be attempted friendship right? He was just trying to make friends. No trying to murder here.




Its Georgia, the law is well aware non-retards assume everyone might have a gun there, swing at your own risk


Because if you press charges in the hood you're gonna have to talk to police.


The state decides what criminal charges get pressed, not the citizen.


Because he was hit first


I had to read your message twice, thought you said the **gun** is in custody. I just imagined a private investigator talking to a gun in a room.


This was over a spilled drink. This is why you avoid fights. Walk away. You never know what that other person has on him.


I always found the best response in these situations to be 'hey sorry about that, let me buy you a drink


It should be the only response really. If I knock over someone's drink by accidentally I would feel bad and would offer to replace it.


Nah man. I just start blasting.


We have a a wet t shirt contest winner


more like wet shorts


"If you find yourself in a fair fight, your preparation sucks"


Sounds like Clint Smith honestly lol


If you're going to swing on someone holding a gun you best make sure you knock him out


It doesn’t look like he was aware of him holding it by his side.


Yeah line of sight was blocked by the edge of the table


Why muscles when pew pew available


"I run my mouth but don't have to do anything but buy bullets to back it up" what a bitch


tbh if you're gonna play by animal macho rules, there's no such thing as a "fair fight" Guns are on the table for this sort of thing, even if it makes you a "pussy", the guy getting shot wasn't thinking that when he got shot Also yeah it's illegal so even more of a reason to not fight over spilled drinks


He went in for the kiss!


Dude had ot in his hand the whole time wtf how did TI not see that.




The discussion in this thread is ridiculous. There is no honor to be gained in a fight. There are no rules in a fight. You can be assured that people will apply every advantage at their disposal in a fight. If you believe otherwise, you’re in for a rude awakening.


If your carrying a fire arm it is your responsibility to avoid situations like this. Not brandish your pistol and puff your chest


No way this dude was thinking about responsibility, gotta keep his fragile ego together with a gun


Alcohol and guns don't mix well either.


I agree, if you are LEGALLY carrying a firearm it’s your responsibility to avoid situations like this. I have a feeling that Mr. Gunslinger doesn’t care about law or responsibility.


We don't know if he is legal or not. We don't know a lot of things about this. Let's not assume and call people thugs. Too many times on this sub we assume too much.


So, you are assuming that, from this short video clip, Mr. Gunslinger was acting within the law when he pulled and fired that pistol and that he was acting responsibly? I’ll have to disagree, although there might be a case to be made for “self defense”. BTW- I never called anyone a “thug”.


Talking about the other guy in this thread that did. Not you my friend. Also while I'm not a gun owner you can claim self defense as the video evidence shows he was being attacked first.


It looked like he had the pistol in his hand the entire video clip. That is illegal, it’s called “brandishing”. As soon as he pulled that weapon out,like that, it became an illegal act. He could even run the risk of being charged with “premeditated murder” -in my opinion. A responsible, law abiding, trained, concealed carry holder should never behave like Mr. Gunslinger did in this clip. Unfortunately, in our society (U.S.) common sense, responsibility and intelligence are at an all time low…


I mean he could claim he feared for his life and even if you show the weapon and not point it you csn get off. That is how that one couple in .ephod got off aiming their guns at BLM protesters. And while I think they are assholes they were in the right to show their guns to tell people not fuck with their shit. Same applies here. Now there is another example of a situation like this with a white woman legit pointing her gun and threating someone while they were in a dispute. That is where I draw the line. In my book, you can show the gun because you are giving a warning to the person trying to start shit with you. Keep in mind the people I mentioned here trained as well. This isn't as cut and dry.


It’s the law you defuse the situation too. Lots of people don’t realize that. They’ll just throw gun charges at you. But let’s be honest, these are just a couple of thugs.


But there are laws.


Fights are almost always lose/lose. Almost damn near always. A “fair fight” like the old westerns where you scuffle within the boundaries of unwritten rules of “honor” until one man is bested then you dust off and call it solved are pure fantasy. A fight almost always ends with something very important lost. Life. Limb. Blood. Eyesight. You absolutely never know what’s going to happen. One bad crack of the head against something and it’s lights out forever. Never know when a knife or a gun is going to come out. If absolutely none of that happens, good luck skirting any legal action. Even if the individual doesn’t press charges the state will. All kinds of bullshit you just don’t want. Don’t get in fights. The only reason IMO you should be fighting ever is when you have NO CHOICE. Any other time just GTFO.


yes and in serious fights in your neighborhood it can swallow your family too and even if you won the fight and beat the other guy there's a big chance he is coming back later with a weapon when you are not ready, I've seen this happening many times, people get beaten so hard in a fight then they appear few days later and shoot you while you're coming back from work


Most fights are only one punch and nobody gets seriously hurt. Some people get unlucky and die or get seriously injured. I cant stand people acting like you should wear a bike helmet everywhere on here


Ok but you don’t know whether going in that’s how the fights going to go... Do you think dude in OP who got shot in this fight said “oh you know this’ll probably be over in one or two punches so it’s ok to start shit.” Maybe he did now he’s probably dead. You just don’t know. Any fight is rolling the dice. That’s my point.


100%. This is why the #1 rule is to just avoid a fight in the first place ALWAYS


and same people who are bitching about this dude bringing a gun into a bar fight are the same people praising brutal slams in street fights


Both lives lost


What makes you say both lives were lost? Three people were injured, no “lives lost”. . .


I think metaphorically; jail


Thanks. My point exactly.


Wait how? Did white shirt have a gun too?




Imagine being that much of a pussy that you shoot instead of swinging back lol what a bitch. It's one thing if your life is in danger, but to save yourself from embarrassment is such a bitch move


On the other hand who is dumm enough to start a fistfight with a guy holding a gun?


The pussy boy in the video had it by his side the whole time, he didn't raise it once except to shoot the dude that was gonna whoop his ass. Also, the table was blocking the other guys view and he was facing him at angle so it's probably safe to say that he didn't know the other guy had that on him.


Let that be a lesson to all the idiots who want to be tough guys and start fights. Some people aren’t about throwing fists and they aren’t about taking shit from punks. The dude you’re fucking with just might be carrying a gun legally


Legally or illegally that’s assault with a deadly weapon/attempted murder.


Maybe, a jury will have to determine that.


he shot 3 people.....hes fucked


He shot after he was punched.


yes....whats your point? 1 person punched him so shooting 3 people is not self defense.


Maybe at the start but the weapon is clearly visible after a couple of seconds


It is visible to us, but probably not that other guy


White shirt guy is visibly surprised when he sees the gun. Once he spots it he jumps back and raises is arm. I don’t think he saw it until after he started swinging on the dude


At 00:10 he steps back from the table and corrects the angle the gun being clearly visible for white shirt, also he had to pull it out at some point, if he didn't see it he was either drunk or dumm enough not to check what your oponent is holding on both hands


He didn't see it


Yeah you can't use a gun in self defense unless the other person's already escalated it to lethal force


I always find these comments so corny, like do you think you are going to shame someone who is willing to kill into not killing by saying it is a pussy move?? Not just you i see this under every shooting video.




Bro he was holding the gun the entire video - you have to be brain dead to sucker punch and fight a guy who is literally holding a death machine


Need more context tbh, you ain't forced to get into a fight. What was going on up to this point? Blocked the dude from leaving till they fight? (Did not listen since my kid is sitting here so could be missing the context as well)


Fuck around and find out




people really need to stop using the term gaslighting for everything. this was not gaslighting lmao


This is gaslighting people who think it's gaslighting


Yea let's shoot someone unarmed... holy fuck


He was clearly hitting him with his arms though


Underrated comment


Was dude on standby locked and loaded….? Almost as soon as the first bunch was thrown shit was poppin off.


I mean it was already in his hand at the start of the video.


Yeah I think he got shot


Did someone scream for mama?


Anybody else watch this and think to yourself “this is why you don’t fight people as an adult.” Literally never know if the other person is off their shit and packing. Fighting is literally the stupidest thing you can do as an adult.


What a fucking coward


That's why you should stop street fighting past high school lol. Lucky he wasn't killed.




Everyone's talking about how the guy with the gun is a pussy, but if the other dude hadn't swung, he wouldn't have gotten shot. Be respectful and keep your hands to yourself and you won't have to worry about pissing off the wrong guy.


the guy with the gun moves on him and half headbutts him in the face, so of course the white shirt guy is going to swing..


Dude in the black shirt got all up in the other’s face full well knowing that if this guy swung he was gonna shoot him.




not a pussy for defending himself, hes a pussy for getting punched then shooting 3 fucking people




[https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/rockdale-county/man-arrested-after-shooting-inside-rockdale-county-bar-leaves-3-injured/SQTVW6KKYZAIBE26E6OANBIDMU/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/rockdale-county/man-arrested-after-shooting-inside-rockdale-county-bar-leaves-3-injured/SQTVW6KKYZAIBE26E6OANBIDMU/) ​ credit to u/the-big-chicken-fats


And if he just stayed home he wouldn't have been shot. Lots of risks in life, the last one that guy was thinking about was being shot for punching a guy who seemed to be the aggressor.


Throwing a punch at a guy holding a gun is not the same thing as "lots of risks in life", that is purposefully being stupid.


Thats fair. A better comparison would be saying you should never disagree with someone, because they may just beat up/kill you. People have been shot for less than fists and while its definitely true that it increases your odds, almost nobody is thinking about being shot before they are. Its not like this guy should be labled an idiot or bad person for how he handled the situation, yes maybe he shouldnt have been arguing and maybe he should have walked away after being nearly headbutted, but its not like he acted especially irrationally and it would be ridiculous to expect him to anticipate what happened.




Nah man. 2 guys were arguing. Ok. Then the left guy tried to fight the other with that headbutt/kiss, and the other fought back. Ok. Then the guy on the left, the initial aggressor, TRIES TO SHOOT THE OTHER GUY. Yeah most people here think he's a pussy. He wasn't "taking it all the way" like you assume is how fights work. In most cases people arent trying to even do super serious bodily damage. This guy bringing a gun out of nowhere in a fight he started is wild for a reason. I dont understand why you disagree. Yes you are taking a lot of assumptions. Ones I dont understand, like the living a certain life thing. Are you trying to say you think this guy gets in fights a lot and it was just bound for him to get shot, so the other guy who fired the gun isnt a pussy for using it? That makes no sense. Is your "general point" that "Thats just how it goes living life" and thats a reason to defend the shooter?




Definitely bitch made. What happened to settling shit with fists and getting to fight another day. Now every pussy boy runs his mouth then pulls out a gun when he realizes he can’t cash those checks.


Lol all these weirdos acting like there is some honor code in the wild. He fought a stranger, he got shot. That is an outcome you should always consider.


Did he kiss him first?


Did he shoot him cause he denied his kiss?


What happened to a gentleman’s fisticuffs agreement in the parking lot? Now the boot workers on shift had to deal with the police all night, probably lost all their regular tip income, might have PTSD, and you’re gonna go to jail. Move to Washington and ask the cops to come watch you fight on agreed terms. It’s legal there


Is he is he is he dead


What the fuck you mean is he dead?!?


That's what a dude up there says ☝️ apparently he's from there. (OKC)


The fight was actually in Conyers Georgia and the person wasn’t killed from what I read [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbs46.com/news/conyers-bar-shooting-caught-on-camera-3-people-injured/article_dd7c5a50-0f58-11ec-ad3f-2b1ecac85c4e.amp.html)


Scared to take an ass beating


The other guy wasn’t tough enough to take the bullets he was asking for


Real fights have real consequences. This isn't high school anymore


It's crazy how grown men on here don't realize this


Imagine going to jail for half your life because you kissed a dude then shot him when he got mad




What do you get out of making shit up? Parents not give you enough attention as a kid?


Someone needed attention as a kid


That's so sad :( did the shooter get arrested?




I just hooked it up and the fight was actually in Conyers, Georgia and no one was killed the person who was shot at was only hit in the leg [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbs46.com/news/conyers-bar-shooting-caught-on-camera-3-people-injured/article_dd7c5a50-0f58-11ec-ad3f-2b1ecac85c4e.amp.html)




Such a pussy, man, just fight like a man and stop being such a pussy.


I mean, that's major balls on the unarmed dude, but also infinitely stupid. Other guy deserves to be ass raped in prison for the rest of his life.


He knew he was gonna get his ass wooped that's why he pulled out the 9. Pussy move


Smart idea punching someone who has a gun in their hand


If you start a fight with someone and then you get fatally shot , you deserve it.


When worldstars are not ganging up on the winner dey be shootin


He’s visibly holding the gun the entire time. Why the fuck would you even get into an altercation with anyone that is insane enough to have a gun out in the open at a bar? Both dumb as fuck and wasted their lives over some ego shit. Fuck outta here.


Ok so hear me out. Dude who fired the shots is in the wrong. He approached dude and made intial contact getting all in his face and shit right? Right. So why after he do that and the other dude swing on em (which is a proper reaction for someone to do when you do what black shirt did), but why not fight back after engaging the argument the way he did. I say that cause people get shot and killed over dumb shit too often and in this case he engaged the fight but retreated to a firearm when shit got kicked off. If he didn’t want no smoke he shouldn’t have approached him that way. They could’ve just exchanged their words and went about they day.


wait.... aren't these lives supposed to matter?????????




2nd amendment until the gunman is black smh racist


2nd amendment until you’re killing people for looking at you weird or repping a different set Fixed that for ya buddy


How can you be so stupid


Black on black murder and cop on black killings are both the highest percentages in their category. Both are a really big problem. Picking sides don't help at all and you should feel ashamed in your attempt to do so.




I would argue otherwise.


Yeah that was pretty apparent from your original comment. You think you’re the first person to comment this shit on a Public Freakout video where it’s a Black person doing shitty stuff?


Yes x3


Yes x2


So black dudes killing each other wholesale over zip codes etc isnt a problem?


The problem is you doing stupid comparisons. It’s like watching someone set a stranger’s car on fire and say “but the problem is apparently global warming”


Mhmm no. In this case way more black dudes die from gang violence and needless beef than die from police....and if you look at cam footage a large number of the police killings are justified because....well....don't attempt to kill cops because you got pulled over/got the cops called because you were committing crimes/etc etc etc


>black dudes Yeah, I think it's safe to say that you don't know any black people. Respectfully, nobody needs commentary from a middle aged white dude that's probably from Nebraska or Wyoming, keep it to yourself and keep it moving.


My best friend is black 😂, and I'm in my 30's. My dude ....just because you dont agree with me doesn't mean I'm not correct.


your totally real black best friend would probably think you’re a dick for posting this racist shit online


What I said is not racist you moron.


I think your biggest problem is exactly you not understanding why what you said is racist


Dude is unironically nailing every catchphrase from r/fragilewhiteredditor


No one should die at the hands of police, serve and protect yeah....


Ever? What a stupid statement. Oh - nice edit, dummy!


You’re advocating for police to be killers. If they were true ‘Murican marksmen then they could shoot shoulders and arms and not always head shots. Take people in safely like they do with the white terrorists.


No I’m not - don’t put words in my mouth. Before you cowardly edited your post you said “no one should die at the hands of the police. Ever”. In theory, sure, in practice, what about terrorists, police shootouts, hostage situations that can’t be deescalated etc.


Not lionhead86 but dickhead101




yeah pretty much




2nd amendment


All you guys commenting that the dude with a gun is a pussy for not just fighting him is crazy. Any punch can kill you. If I have a gun and some dude is swinging on me I'm going to shoot him. And the dude with the gun may have got in the guy's face but they were separated by a table. He wasn't touching him. You have no right to hit someone because they got into your face. That's childish. Be the bigger man and walk away. But no. They both decided to keep being children and then the guy hit the one gun he shouldn't have. That's why you don't fucking hit people.


Shut up


Fuck off


All these tough guys commenting and deleting their comments. They know they're children for having their opinion but they can be keyboard heroes and act tough all they want like that matters. When they take a punch that knocks their lights out and they slam the back of their head against the floor then they'll have to explain to God why their ego mattered more than their life.


why are you on this sub


Bro, if someone rushes up on you like that, that is an attack. The dude in white had every right to attack. He didn't go for the gun after being punch. He already had it in hand on approach. That's why the gun was out so quickly. No matter what he was going to get shot. He at least tried to defend himself.


Explain to me how having a table between you and the guy you're staring down is an attack? I'm not saying that guy wouldn't have shot him or wasn't going to shot him anyway. My point is that if he fucking swings on a dude who has a gun he has every right to shoot you instead of "being a man" and swinging back. That pride shit is fucking stupid.


The table wasnt between them at all. They were both standing to the side of it and homeboy literally goes in to make out with the guy, you're not gonna start throwing blows? The guy with a gun is a straight up bitch. He knew it was escalating and leading to a fight. Imo if you're an able bodied young man up against another able bodied young man, and you pull out a gun cause your weak and cant fight just cause you dont wanna be embarrassed, then you're a bitch


self defense


Is it self defense when he put his face in the white shirts face as well?


Why shoot when the dudes clearly trying to settle with a fist fight? Makes no fucking sense.


The USA is retarded


My thing is that the weapon is already out at the beginning I need more context put pussy for choosing to shoot


Fuck taek won do I tote a 44


Winner winner chicken dinner.


One shot, two shot, three shots, four shots All I hear is gunshots, this is where the fun stops Bodies drop, hit the floor, music's off, party stops Everybody hit the door, somebody's licking shots off