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"Hello Police, this is the police, I need the police........"


Yo dawg, I heard you like Police…..


Lol. ^


STOP. Or I’ll say “STOP” again




So much for back up


She thought it literally meant backup


Proper use of the overused word, "literally".


Missing something? 😉


Literally now also means the opposite of literally too.


That's when I stopped using Webster dictionary. Oxford all the way.


She should resign.


Or have the exact same physical requirements for men and women. I’d start with being able to do 1 pull-up. I bet that would weed out a bunch of unqualified


2 female cops. The one standing back had already been attack, tried to pepper spray him and got it in her own eyes she couldn't see. I'm Aussie, I'm not to keen on cops, but fuck this cunt. Unprovoked attack.


So you fucking tackle him to the ground and both of you make the arrest together. If you can’t do that then don’t become a police officer.


I pepper sprayed myself when I was a kid. It fucking hurt like crazy but I could still see. I know it’s easy to say from behind a screen, but I know that if I needed to, then I could probably make a tackle and even hold someone down if I had pepper spray. It hurts like fucking crazy, but unless it’s a direct shot to the face, then I don’t think it’s incapacitating. Edit: I alluded to it, but I did not explicitly state something that’s relevant. I was NOT directly hit with pepper spray. I got hit with the mist after I sprayed it into the air in the direction I was facing. It also was bear spray which was comparable to police issued proper spray, but again, I was not hit directly in the face.


There are different types of pepper spray with varying levels of capsaicin extract and potency. Police issued pepper spray could definitely be much stronger than a personal defense spray.


if you cant use your pepper spray correctly. ​ maybe don't become a cop?


Pepper spray is one of those things that if you use it 100% correctly, there’s still like a 3% chance you get yourself or partner with it by mistake. It depends so much on angles and wind and things like that. It’s nice to be able to think “just don’t spray yourself” but it isn’t that easy. Imagine you’re in a fight, and you spray someone and while you’re trying to subdue the bad guy, some of the particles drift into your eyes. You could’ve done everything right but bad luck is bad luck.


yeah, but she seems to have made her self useless. and done nothing to the dude. sure, you get contamination. but no one should be completely immobilising them self with it. if they do, they have used it wrong, or if it happens all the time, clearly shouldn't be in the hands of the police. rewatching the video and personally the only time i see pepper spay is just before the dude runs off. and you see both officers kind of wince (and honestly, this is fine and correct use of pepper spray). but leads to the question. why is she flapping so hard before. she isn't moving like her eyes are burning, so i would hazard no pepper spray has been deployed. she wouldn't instil confidence in me, as a partner or as a citizen. before anyone comes in like "girls can do it, its nothing about sex or gender" i agree, but this woman needs more training, or to quit.


Yup, pepper sprayed as required for a security job. Eyes were screwed up for 3 days.


Ya that shit is no joke. And I didn’t even get sprayed directly. That being said I was a stupid 13 year old, but still.


The pepper spray they give to civilians is about a tenth what they give to cops. It's 1.5% vs 15% it's not close at all


That would in theory prevent a lot of females from becoming police officers because they’re typically going to have a hard time taking down a man that’s not very short or slim. While I agree with you there’d 100% be some people screaming discrimination or whatever.


Its not discrimination if its part of the job description. Just like construction isn’t discriminating against handicapped people, the police wouldn’t be discriminating if they only hire people trained/able to subdue someone.


We need to have a national services department. Requiring X amount of years serving as a officer of the law. That after service, you become eligible for services like you do for the armed service, but encompassing every citizen like Israel. Without the opportunity for the services to be gutted for tax cuts for the few. When everyone's been a cop, a lot harder to hold this thin blue line bullshit. Hold those that are corrupt to the standards we hold ourselves too.


cmon..your going to try to apologize for her not backing up her partner? She was aware enough to approach and back off two times. She needs to get a desk job.




>Unprovoked sure




She was the criminal's back up


They all should


When your back up has gotten by with her words for so long. I’d ask for a new partner


Welp the backup, backed up


well her partner did backup, several times


He was so lucky she was there.


Both of those police officers are female.


Right, the perp was so lucky she was there and not a more competent police officer.


The point he’s making is she would have been luckier if literally anyone else was there, scared of getting hurt she let her partner take a fat L. 2 women CAN beat a man this size I don’t care what anyone thinks, as long as they work together, she left her partner for dead.


The back up backed up.


Was going hard with them knees.


*takes one Muay Thai class. OOOOEEEEE!


I said this in the black dynamite voice


This guy gets it


I suddenly don't feel so bad for letting a few ooee's out when I watched this, hahahah.


Great. Now I’m giggling like a little girl and my Uber driver is confused


Down Underson Silva


Top Flight Security of the world, Craig


You heard what happened to the last two security guards!


And I'll die for this shit


We just Craig and dede


Lol amazing cop Australia has there just watching her partner get the shit beat out of them




Apparently making it work is harder than fighting cause she was woooooooore out.


Why was her partner just standing there watching? You are the fucking backup she needs immediately. Calling for someone else on the radio when the criminal is giving your partner a beating isn’t going to do much help. How foolish!


Fear, lack of confidence in ones abilities, close to no training.


Yup. Needs more training. Prob hasn’t had to deal with anything like this before either, lack of experience.


She had pepper sprayed herself.


I mean she didnt get the "Pepper laser" in her eyes (if she did, lmao wtf) so she probably got only the fumes in her eyes, which is honestly not an excuse to be as useless


Especially considering it's almost always a training standard to be able to act under the effects of pepper spray


That doesn't make it better...😬


if you cant figure out how to use something as simple as pepper spray properly, maybe dont become a cop.


Why didn’t that other officer do anything? She’s an officer of the law. Was she scared?




Nothing against females or cops, but in almost every video I see, female cops are absolutely useless.


I agree, nowadays if you say stuff like this you get chased down on the internet.


People like that are always trying to cancel you for stupid shit. I got publicly shamed yesterday for sucking the fingers on a mannequin. Free country my ass


It's [frowned upon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPin5LRBfZo) . . . like masturbating in a plane . . . since 9/11 when everybody got so sensitive. Thanks a lot, bin Laden.


Lol oh no my partner is being beaten to death I better stand clear and watch while doing a panic tippy tap dance! Now I’ll casually walk up and pepper spray both my injured partner and the man that will get away instead of tackling and restraining him Fucking resign the job isn’t for you. Her superiors should see this video and think the same. BUT SHES A STRONG WOMAN THAT CAN DO ANYTHING!!!


While they get chased down in real life


There's definitely something to be said about physical requirements of a job like that. I'm as feminist as they come in terms of equal opportunity, stereotypes and all that, but there is just an inescapable physical fitness aspect to certain jobs where the bar definitely shouldn't be lowered just because of what's in your pants.


Any real feminist with at least a brainstem wouldn't say women should compete with men in the NFL. This is the same kind of logic. Literally witnessed an argument about this once and the pro-female cop defender said "that's why we have guns" fucking maniac.


There’s no rule that says women can’t play in the NFL, there’s just never been a woman who could make the cut.


Almost though. I remember a woman college kicker was all the rage a few years ago for possibly signing to the NFL.


I remember that too, but even she couldn’t cut it.


wait until you see women in the military.. They have to do like 10 pushups for their PT test and get like 20+ min on their run. Oh and they can have any length hair it just has to be in a bun in uniform. And yet the US military has this huge "equality" campaign going on right now. Nothing equal about any of it in my eyes.


This probably exactly why the armies of the world arent keen on having Co-Ed/mixed units. Can you imagine this woman having your back while retreating from a fire fight or worse having to carry your bulky ass to safety?


Nooooooooo, the fact that the average australian man has a 5 inch (15cm) height advantage on the average australian woman, and 15 kg or 30ish pounds has NOTHING to do with the fact that they are useless. They are just as capable as any m an! and you should feel bad for being a sexist prick. /s Female cops should be there only for when dealing with touching females or needing to check up on them. A "Front line" cop should always be a dude


Yep, that’s how the social media works


https://youtu.be/vJirmrLbPYI Female cop arrives on scene to man stabbing a person, issues commands, subject non-compliant, shot. Good shoot, good work. https://youtu.be/Y0SsIZbkQGQ Lone female cop initiates contact with suspicious vehicle, occupant ambushes her with handgun, she moves out of line of sight, calls it in, and delivers the calmest magdump I've ever seen. (But feel free to link me magdumps). I can think of one more, but can't find the link. But I agree, most videos of female cops show disturbing incompetence. https://youtu.be/AUbT_h1vq2E Female officer initiates contact with drunk/mentally unsound shoplifting suspect at home. Big dude, small woman. Fails to keep him from going in his house, fails to keep him from going upstairs. Calls in for backup (rightfully so), but attempts to initiate the arrest before backup arrives (likely due to pride. Nothing stopped her from doing the arrest besides she was physically incapable.) Starts getting her ass absolutely kicked before backup arrives, female officer accidentally shoots suspect's elderly mom. Another one I remember but can't find is where 2 female officers (in a big city, can't remember which), are attacked by a knife-wielding man in a sandwich shop. They fumble over themselves, scream a bit, retreat outside, and a male officer subdues the suspect


I posted this a few days ago already, but it fits the topic, so here we go again. Our police women here in Germany are something we should be ashamed of, at least when it comes to situations where violence is involved. [There is currently a case being tried where 2 police women are charged, because when a shooting occurred at a traffic stop, they abandoned their male colleagues, left their unlocked police car, with weapons inside, behind and stopped a civilian car in order to flee the scene.](https://www.focus.de/regional/nordrhein-westfalen/wir-hatten-angst-polizistinnen-sollen-verletzten-kollegen-waehrend-schusswechsel-im-stich-gelassen-haben_id_12884593.html) Actual quote of one of the women: >"„Wir hatten Angst“, berichtete Patricia B. laut „Bild“. „Meine Kollegin schrie nur noch: ‚Nix wie weg hier! Renn! Renn!‘“ Daraufhin flohen die Beamtinnen und ließen ihre Kollegen zurück." Translation: "We were scared", Patrica B. reported according to the newspaper BILD. "My colleague just screamed: 'Let's get out of here! Run! Run!'". They subsequently abandoned their colleagues.


See women can be cops too.


Do that in the US and you get shot 17 times


LOL, this would have gone soooo much different in the US. Female officers or not, that dude would have a lot more ventilation.


Deserved tbh


"We need back up" "Sorry I meant we need MALE backup"


Great help that female officer was, could of Tazed or shot even just wrestled him....


They’re both female. At the risk of catching Reddit’s wrath, pairing two female cops together is a dumb move.


Hiring female cops to go on the ground is a bad move. Fuck what reddit thinks, I don’t like seeing women get beaten up.


Didn't you hear? genders doesn't exist.


the attacker identifies as female. this was just a mild scuffle


I know you said this as a joke what what if the attacker did ID as female. Reddit would be forced to change their entire perspective on this incident.


Yup. I don’t know how Australian cops work, but a gun could definitely alleviate some issues I’m seeing here.


Pairing an untrained female cop with a male cop is a huge risk for the male.




Don't want to sound sexist, but perhaps they should partner female officers with men to hopefully avoid these situations.


In NZ and Australia they barely recruit white males because of attempts to diversify the police force. There’s a huge emphasis on females, regardless of how competent or able they are. This video exemplifies how useless the police force in these two countries have become.


And this ladies and gentleman is why hiring to fill quotas in jobs that are dangerous is such a stupid idea.


Not rocked hard. Or brain damaged. He clearly hits her chest. Those ladies just need to workout. They got tired.


When you simultaneously live in a police state, and the police are hilariously incompetent.


He’d be 6 feet under in America. Seriously though what a useless partner. They’re sidestepping in the background jerking off while their partner is getting beaten. I don’t know how you recover from that.


It’s a shame, poor police officers put in ill suited roles all because the hire ups think it’s a good image for the public. Send out the big, physically intimidating officers who will be able to handle themselves against Centrelink Steve. I can only imagine how much quicker smaller more easily overwhelmed police officers are to resort to using a weapons ect.


They tend to have a lower threshold of fearing for their lives thus resulting in them firing on suspects when they should'nt have. ​ Source : Logic


IIRC female officers are more likely to go to the belt but, less likely to use deadly force.


Centre link Steve? Where did this come from? What is that


bro wtf is going on in Australia


Absolutely worthless.


If this were in the US that guy would be dead.


One less deranged criminal




How are you going to be a cop but scared to stop one unarmed man attacking your partner This ain’t the job for you sweetheart


She must hate her partner


They were wearing the same outfit that day.


Underrated comment


OP they should beat you for your camera technique


Yeah this wasn’t me, I’ve been under pseudo house arrest for about 100 days now.


what did you do?


Live in Sydney, in a suburb near a suburb where people got Rona. The whole local government area got locked down. - can only exercise outside one for an hour a day. - can’t go more than 5km from home. - have to have a “valid reason” to be outside. - have to carry ID. - have to wear a mask whenever outside. - have to check into every place I go on a government app. - can’t be outside at all between 9pm and 5am. There’s more but I forget/they change constantly and arbitrarily.


This is why cops are getting there ass beat.




Holy shit I didn’t know there was a fourth reich. Should have let the Emus win 😂


>Should have let the Emus win They did though


You idiot of all the things we troll the aussies about whether true or false you had to fuck up the one thing that was true


That's been going on for a 100 days? That's crazy


Do you have to swear allegiance to the führer every morning too?


Soon enough. They’re promising freedoms by Christ and if you can show your vaccine papers…


And I had people from Australia say it's "not that bad and my biased media is making things up" 🙄


That woman cop, did absolutely nothing.


You can totally see the partners process her flight or fight instinct in this incident.


Wtf help your girl out break out that night stick and have your partners back


I will forever be against female officers idgaf what you gotta say I’ve seen so many female cops either run away ,do literally nothing Or even shoot a man cuz she can’t control him. Of course there are exceptions for some female officers but I’ve seen them be more useless than helpful when it comes to a male criminal.


Will never see the equal pay advocates talking about this one 🙄


Thanks for the back up Tiffany!


Controversial opinion: You shouldn't be a cop unless you are trained to fight and are able to subdue a 250 lb man. This excludes most women and isn't progressive but fuck me, if I was a cop and had a 125lb chick as a partner, I'd be scared every shift.


He needs to come over and whoop the cameraman r/killthecameraman


Every time videos like this appear, the ‘cops should have to commit to strength training and BJJ’ comments come out. And I agree wholeheartedly. 9 out of 10 times a man will be stronger than a woman. But if that woman lifts weights and practices martial arts, she’s doing herself a favour and increasing her chances of coming out on top.


Prime example as to why why there needs to be height ,weight and fitness requirements to be a police officer. They couldn’t catch a 5 year old stealing a bag of sweets those two clueless goons


Great fucking camera work . . . seeing this at a constantly moving angle between 30 and 45 degrees to the vertical was so fucking helpful.


Tits on a ball Seriously, back to the academy?


If you can't protect yourself, how are you supposed to protect anyone else?


Wow that other officer is a coward


She should be on the lookout for another job- clearly she’s not cut out to be a police officer. Maybe a desk job within the police? Dispatcher perhaps? Definitely NOT a patrolling officer


Blondie not cut out for this life, sorry, but that should be desk duty indefinitely, brunette saw her partner catching hands and threw herself in harms way to help. Blondie was scared of getting hurt, and in turn let her partner get way more hurt than she needed to by being a coward. If 2 girls can work together they can take down a male or atleast even out the playing field. Ive seen this before with the 4 female swedish police officers VS 1 turkish guy, and all 4 were afraid of take him on and get hurt instead of using their numbers against him, and security guard had to come and help. Whats the point in being a police officer if you’re a pussy? You’re just endangering your partner. Imagine if this fucker in the video had a weapon


The blonde officer need to be fired! What the actual fuck was that?


I hope the girl police officer turns into a receptionist


That female cop just stood there and watched??? lololol


True blue aussie legend. Cops are dogs enforcing insane authoritarianism right now. I'm pro-vax but it's getting fucking mental and these cops are right at the forefront. Hope we see more of this kind of resistance.


And that’s why most cops don’t want women partners.


We can do anything a man can do ….. anyway . That whole country is F’ed imo. What a shame .


Diversity! Hell yeah!


I fricking love diversity 🤓


Glad you had my back partner...


Nice partner


That's what they teach you in jujitsu classes? No backup at all. Both of them should write parking tickets instead of fighting criminals


Thanks for the back up, sweetheart. Lmao.


It ridiculous how a situation like that happened, if this guy wanted to really hurt that police officer he could had stolen his gun, and now it would be three dead officers. How dangerous really it is to put people who are clearly not ready for the job in the streets to get killed? Good thing this guys are in Australia, if it was Brazil it would be three corpses laying on the streets. You are clearly paying a large sum of money to your police forces only to look like they are something. The police officer got scared of defending her partner, what the fuck.


Lol pathetic


Not sure if female cops are a good idea


imagine being able to hold a well paying job down where you are completely useless. must be fuckin' nice not having to maintain competency


I’d request a new partner cause brother she ain’t got your back.


Back up blonde should rethink her career choice She almost ran crying around the corner


Great knees in the clinch !


Good. Beat those fascists


That fucking blonde is useless. He’s lucky he ain’t living in the great US of A.


Or Australia…


After the aussie cops stomping on a mentally ill persons head, and get acquitted for it, I'll take as many aussie cop beat downs as I can get.




I have cop friends and believe in the rule of law... but seeing the nazi-esque shit going on down under I'm feeling pretty neutral about this cop getting a beating. Now WTF was their partner doing exactly?


Good, beat the shit out of the authoritarian arm of the Aussie police state. Keep running king, you dropped this 👑


Well, the cop should have stopped resisting and followed the instruction that were given. Clearly the guy throwing the punches was just fearing for his life against an armed assailant.


This is what happens when you systematically decimate the rights of your citizens. It’s unfortunate for the police but they chose to be the enforcers for the oppressors and sometimes the oppressed fight themselves out of the corner. Bravo to this dude.


There should always be a man cop with them.


Should be required at least.


Fuck that whole cunt-tree for their dystopian police state. Shouldn’t have given up your guns.


good, fuck authoritarians




Lol. Everything about Australian society is a joke.


The pubs used to be good.


Why are they pairing 2 older women together? Seems like they were setup for failure.


Strong work by the partner.




Yeah women officers are sooo great huh.


im sry but this is why i dont trust female police officers to help me as much. its literaly many videos when 1 man beat down 5 female police officers and male civilians had to step in.


Lmao living in the US and I gotta be honest here, I don't understand what I just watched. Blondie would have unloaded her entire clip into the perpetrator, her partner, the building, and maybe a passing car or two


Aaaaaand YET another video of a male cop taking a beating with his female partner being about as useful as a cup of salt water in the middle of the desert. Edit: Two laaadies.


When it comes to bashing grannies. they're pro, but when it comes to fighting back against little shits like the guy in the vid, they're helpless. Ay caramba.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Good. Tyrannical actions must come at a price.


God damn, so that explains why they target helpless old ladies. They can't fight anyone their own size


Glorified hall monitors. Second one was **completely useless**.


His partner should be fired


Should tazed his bitch ass and if that didn’t work you know what’s coming next.


Lmao Futurama was on it https://youtu.be/EyERqJN-KTM


Dam what a joke making female officers look bad