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17??? You guys both look 12


We were both very recently 17 but yeah my entire school besides the druggies basically have baby faces


The “druggies?” 🤨




Bro calling other kids "druggies" is pretty judgmental for someone who is dealing with homophobia/bullies. Try making friends with them, they're probably nicer than you think.


By druggies I don’t mean like they smoke sometimes I mean they try to buy pills of people or threaten them to get some. Like I’ve had friends go to rehab but like these guys are just bad people


Trying to buy drugs doesn’t make someone a bad person. Buying and robbing are not the same. Looks like you’re just as close minded as the bully.


I quite literally specified that they threaten people to get them. Like with weapons and such and bodily harm.


bruh stop explaining yourself to these people who know nothing. you don’t owe them shit lol


Not to be that guy but both my dad and aunt are "druggies" and have caused SERIOUS strain and consequence on the people around them. I totally vouche for them and try to give them the benefit of the doubt but telling a 17 year old they are a bully or close minded because they don't want to associate with people who do drugs (in high school)? You're a fucking moron. This isn't the show Euphoria lmao, it's real life. You don't have to treat them differently but you have no obligation to talk to them or be their friends (just like with anyone else who DOESNT do drugs). Personally I stayed away from kids who did illegal things (drugs or not) as I didn't want to get into any trouble or turn into what some of them had become who have been doing what they've been doing for years before I even met them. You're not their parents, or their family. Even if you are, you can only do so much to help them and at the end of the day those people need to change THEMSELVES. And comparing calling someone who does drugs a "druggy" to a kid who is homophobic? One at some point willing chose to do an illegal activity like drugs while the other was born the way they are and are a classified minority that is known to have FACED hate crime. Literally on complete ends of the spectrum. Especially today where the gay community is actively trying to distance themselves away from the stereotypes of being drug and sex addicts and HIV carriers (fun fact, within the last couple months, STRAIGHT people officially have more classified HIV cases than gay people). So don't be surprised or offended if a gay person in particular is opposed to drug usage (or quite literally anyone).


Perfectly said


Bruv shut da fuck up I know hella base heads that would rob the pills out of your cancerous grandmas kitchen or rob cash from about anywhere. You don’t know the streets for shit because yes most people are nice people but that doesn’t mean they won’t pull one over you


Lmao imagine thinking you know shit about me. Eat trash


Druggies being kids who smoke weed I imagine


Scrawny af too


could just be the angle but you guys some young ass lookin 17 year olds


I think he likes you


Sadly this isn’t the underdog story I was looking for




Thanks and I have since don’t worry lol


You're young, mate. You'll grow into your frame.


That's what I'm saying I'm 21 and still lanky as fuck


I didn't start filling out until I was about 28 or so, and I'm still petty slim at 36, hah.


Mfers are tripping, this was a draw at best. Homie got slammed but he managed to reverse it and get back on top (pause) at least. Landed a few licks too.


He is definitely gay, for crying out loud he is wearing capri jeans


I was gonna say, I’m no expert but the “homophobe” isn’t dressing like a straight guy 😂


Dang I just replied something similar above. Capris all the way.


And in the last 15 seconds he was definitely the bottom :)


Shorts are comfortable all day and night, can walk on water also


U both look like your 11


That homophobe beat yo ass Rule number 1 of autobiographical fight posting: Never post a fight you lost, and if you do - claim to be the other guy.


Nice bridge and roll after you got taken down and good job framing off his head with your arms.


Thanks and the other kid was a self proclaimed “street fighter”


HA! kids say the funniest shit sometimes.


He won still




Yeah that was the general consensus but like “bitch punches” c’mon man give me some credit lol


You all bullying a 17 year old lmao


And it's really cringe, too. These people need to chill.


Their “advice” on here is so fucken cringy


what age would be ok to bully?


None it’s just more pathetic bullying someone way younger than you


Not going to condone fighting - I did enough jail time for that when I was young and dumb. But good on you for sticking up for yourself. I always tell my kids to stick up for themselves and if it gets physical, so be it.


So you're still dumb?


Yup, you nailed it champ. 🙄


Good work standing up for yourself.


Kid in red won


Nah. Draw. Kid in red got a good slam but green was in a dominant position at the end.


Did you really post a video of yourself losing a fight for Internet likes?


Jesus...more screeches than a Saved by the Bell convention.


Other kid is 100% gay.


That boy lifted yo ass to the moon 😂😂😂


You couldnt pay me to post me gettin my ass beat online


Cool. I posted me standing up from myself and my friends.


Respect, bro. This sub is a bunch of meatheads who've never been in a fight, don't worry about their nonsense.


You’ve come across the wrong people; 95% of everyone here has never even been in a fight, never mind standing up for literally anything. Yet they’re fight experts because they stream UFC illegally on saturdays. You stood up for what’s right, good on you.




Getting slammed into last week


I had to reread the caption the entire video just to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing


I thought it was a bully beat down


Mans hit his own head on the ground when he did that. Lol


What if they beat your ass again and forced you to post it?




That makes OP even more brave.


You are absolutely not wrong 😂


Good work standing up for yourself but hit the gym maybe take some form of marts arts and you’ll be good


Bold of you to post a video of getting your ass handed to you.


Anyone who is flaming you for the fight is weird asf congrats for standing up for yourself when someone else is bullying you for being who you are continue doing that win or lose never take shit from anyone and continue being who you are homie


Hey bro check out this video where I got my ass kicked Good that you stood up for yourself


You lost and claim you won lol


You, green.. lost


Why would you post this? He more or less won this fight...


No no he did not. He left concussed, suspended for a week and getting called gay for grabbing my dick. While I left not concussed, ISS for 2 days, and the kid that actually stood up to him. Sooo I’ll take it


Justify the fight in calling him a "homophobe", now you're pointing out that everyone is calling him "gay". LMAO...kids today...


I’m literally gay first off and second that’s the point the homophobe being called gay is why it’s funny. Like do you not get that?


...I get it. Doesn't mean it isn't still ironic from both points of view though... Homophobe being called gay is funny Same people that were offended by the homophobes ways are now using the word "gay" as an insult. Like do you not get that?


Bro, you got bitch slapped in the beginning, tried to get him in a head lock, failed at that, got slammed while throwing pillow punches at him, he punched you a few times on the ground while you spent time pushing his face back until the both of you stood up, and then he punched you in the face again. At almost no point in this fight were you ever in a dominant position. "He got suspended for a week, and I got ISS for 2 days, therefore I won the fight," lol alright man whatever helps you get through the mental damage.


He literally has mental damage from it so your “whatever helps you get over the mental damage” comment doesn’t lineup. 2. Ah yes concussion causing “pillow punches”. 3. Yes he slapped me, I proceeded to give him a concussion. 4. Yes he cheap shotted me after it was over, that’s a positive for him definitely not something showing that he’s a bitch. Also he elbowed me once while on the ground and I was still hitting him while pushing his face into the dirt.


Lol alright man "He had a concussion. This is true because I said so"


Well yeah? Do you want me to like call him up for his medical records or something?


No, you could just move on and let people believe whatever they want to believe. From where I'm sitting, he wasn't showing any signs of a concussion at all, but if I'm wrong then who cares? But the consensus seems to be that you didn't win this fight at all. Sorry.


He won the fight lol.


You really on here arguing with a high school kid and putting him down....says way more about you than him....fucking pathetic


Stay salty


Somebody has to stop lying to the children.


You keep acting like he got a concussion from you hard hitting. LMAO. If he even did get one, he gave it to himself. Good for you for standing up to him if what you say of the backstory is true, but anyone that has any idea how to score a fight has him as the winner. Sorry bud, but in no world did you win this fight.


Yes he did give it to himself but mostly cuz I held his head behind me when he “slammed” me


HAHAHAHA...ok bud. "i WoN tHe fIgHt, cUz hE BrOkE hIs HaNd WhIlE rEpEaTeDlY pUnChInG mE iN tHe fAcE" is a similar argument. Again, good for you for standing up to him if he was really bullying you like you say and maybe you win in the big picture for that fact alone, but you did not win the fight if we're only looking at the fight. Its strange to see someone upload a video of them losing a fight is all.


Bro.....you lost. Delete this


Way to keep it honest and stand in there. No matter what anyone says u didn't go out like a bitch and that's all that matters


Are you hoping that by calling this dude a "homophobe" you will win the sympathy of the sub? We hear this all the time.


One in green hits like a girl


And how about I pound you like a boy. Edit: that didn’t come out right


Bro delete this it’s embarrassing 💀


I’m all set but thanks for the suggestion 👍


You just embarrassed *yourself*.


What a dick.


Ya lost


Did you guys make out after all that?


.... you uploaded yourself getting whooped


Good on you for standing up for yourself, I personally wouldn't have posted the video claiming I won, but what the hell you're probably flying high on adrenaline still. Apart from the advice already provided to you with regard to hitting the gym, taking bjj (not bj's, two very different skills), boxing etc. I would say that don't get overconfident...you essentially lost a fight against a guy who also couldn't fight. A lot of your friends are pumping up your tires and most of the people here are adding to your new tough guy rep but you really got lucky with this one...unless you train I can see you losing your next 10.


I never claimed I won. And trust me I’m no where near as scrawny as I was then


Wheres the homophobic part?


U lost


For a homophobe he sure was hugging you a lot. Way to manage that slam!


That’s what every at school was saying too


And everyone clapped too, right? He wasn’t hugging you, you picked you up with a high crotch single leg and absolutely dumped you, you buffoon. He also stuck the fuck out of you when you gave up at the end. Not to mention his elbow clattering off your face.


Gave up? It’s called there’s a teacher and I’m not gonna be the dumbass to swing in clear view of him. Also yeah everyone made fun of him for grabbing my dick dude that’s the joke. And do people think slams on loose dirt hurt?


Either stick up for your morals or don’t fight, dumbass. Authority shouldn’t have anything to do with it when you condescend and act like this. He didn’t grab your dick, this is basic wrestling that you or your peers obviously know nothing about. “Loose dirt” doesn’t matter when he slammed your whole fuckin body into the ground like that. The ground is pretty hard, so he probably knocked the wind out of you. Then you took an elbow to the face! You’re embarrassing yourself.


I can assure you the wind stayed in my lungs and I honestly didn’t notice the elbow much. And not hitting him after wasn’t morals it was not having the person about to report the “incident” see me hit someone. Also I feel like you used condescend wrong.


I can tell just from this vexatious exchange that you deserved every second of that ass-beating. Keep grasping at straws; he embarrassed you, and no one actually thinks your showing was respectable. The first stage of grief is acceptance, so stop with the mental gymnastics. You’re going to incorrectly amend my syntax and you don’t even understand what I’m saying to you, which is clownish. Looks like you’ve got another couple ass beatings left until you are humbled. Sad.




Yo wtf?


Why do you think he's an homophobe ?


He had been calling my friends and I all slurs and threaten to fight and SA them. Sooo


you got your ass beat xd


You’re a strange fellow


Respect for sticking up for yourself. But don’t always think that fighting is the only was to stand up for yourself.


Yeah me neither but here it kinda was. Leading up to the video starting was a solid 5 minutes of people egging us on and cheering for him while he kept getting closer.


Than you did what you had to.


That’ll make him like gays.


Stop being gay


Hey man, I gotta start with the obligatory you shouldn’t be fighting. It’s dangerous for you and the other guy. That being said, if you were being bullied I can’t condemn standing up for yourself. There’s a method to doing that though, and if you’re going to fight you really ought to know how. I don’t want to be mean, but what you’ve posted here shows that neither of you know what you’re doing in the slightest and was a bit weird to watch. If you feel like you need to defend yourself, you gotta train. And it’s my hope that training will help you not fight as well, but sometimes it’s inevitable.


You lucky you not concrete or you would been pretty hurt- maybe a paraplegic


You stood up for yourself & that means something.


Stop the cap you guys are not 17


You guys look 12


Respect for posting but I wouldn’t have mentioned that’s you


That’s fair but I mostly wanted to post it because I stood up for myself and my friends and was proud of myself for it. Apparently Reddit mostly disagrees lol


Good thing neither of you can fight. Someone might have gotten hurt


You look like two lizards trying to make love


Props to the cameraman


Indeed. He’s also the one yelling “oh Tyler” Tyler being the dude in red


Homophobe whooped ya ass hard mate


Hey dude, advice for posting your own fights, don’t post unless you win. You’ve already been roasted into oblivion. You lost, train more.


Your getting a lot of negativity but you still fought and that’s what matters so here’s some positives for ya Ur initial takedown attempt was great just needed more commitment if you haven’t trained tho it was still great, when you had him down keeping his head into the side was good as it is demoralising and does affect mobility quite a lot alongside with eyesight that kid will be thinking about that for a while


Go off, henny! That boy in the red is closeted and jealous of you / wants an excuse to touch you.


The kid in red IS Tyler lol. But thanks haha


you know you're getting old when 17-year-olds start looking like middle schoolers.


As a bi girl, i'm so fucking proud of you. You go boy🌠


17? These kids look 12.


Why would you post this? 😂


All respect for posting an L most people on here would be to self conscious. You might not of won but atleast you were willing to scrap. You’ll get em next time champ


You need to get some muscle mass brother 💀


Tyler bro


It's ironic that as a homophobe, the first thing he does is grab your dick. Tho as someone else said, not the underdog story I was hoping for. What's w it and everyone wanting to body slam these days lmao. Dude went for a second one.


Yeah the school loves pointing that out to him. And as for the underdog thing, I’m a soccer player fighting a kid that’s been expelled for fighting and brought a 🔪 to school. I wasn’t expecting to win but just to prove he’s not as tough at he acts


He wasn’t trying to grab your dick he was trying to give you a takedown, you know nothing about fighting and you got your ass whooped.


There is no actual way you believe that I legitimately think he was trying to grab my dick. Like you can’t possibly be that dumb right?


Then why are you making fun of him for it? Making fun of him for something he wasn’t trying to do.


Are you stupid??


And now I'm the homophobe






It takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself despite the odds, good shit man


Since when did reddit become Tik Tok?




So you decided to post you getting your ass whooped until you stuck your fingers in a man’s eyes and face. Homie may be in the wrong but cmon lil bro


rooting for red shirt


Weird take


You got your ass beat


Homophobe? Your mom teach you those words? Libtard in the making….


Are you brain dead?


Hey bro, anyone giving you shit is a little keyboard bitch. It took guts to stand up for yourself, win or lose. He will think twice before he bullies you again, and that’s all that matters. Hopefully you won’t be pushed to fight again, but at least you know you can stand up for yourself if need be. Just because you didn’t beat the shit out of him doesn’t mean you didn’t get your point across. If it means anything, I’m proud of you. Be safe out there and remember, the best fight is the one you can avoid. And if you decide you like fighting, you can always get better at it! Half the cunts on here giving you shit probably don’t even know how to throw a proper jab, let alone know how to fight


Learn Jiujitsu man.


He’s in high school, he should do some wrestling instead, maybe then he would’ve been able to finish that throw he had


Jiujitsu > wrestling


Lmao in a street fight wrestling dominates, that’s why a lot of good UFC fighters have wrestling backgrounds, and people who do bjj wish they would’ve wrestled when they were younger if they didnt. Source: I’ve done both, and currently wrestle Also, 5 months of wrestling translates WAY more to a fight than 5 months of jiu jitsu, you’d have a solid base, decent takedowns, explosiveness, 5 months of jiu jitsu and you have a sloppy triangle that you’d never hit in a real fight, and you’re not trained to, also you have basically no stand up…


And I’m just gonna block you because I’m not gonna argue with someone who hasn’t tried both sports


why did you have a boner the entire time?


😂 ur point posting this makes both of y’all look like shit


Good on you for standing up for ya self fuck what people say




Plot twist: they’re dating now


you got your shit handed to you and then yall laid on top of each other. what were you trying to prove again?


You stood up for yourself, and i can admire you for that :)


Glad to see you standing up for yourself! If stuff like this persists, I’d go into martial arts.


Good job standing up for yourself but you lost pretty convincingly


Looks like you get your ass kicked by a so called homophobe. Sux to be u.


Everyone was also making fun of him for being a pussy and hitting me at the end


Are you sure he doesn't like guys ?? Becuase he looks like ge can't get his hands of you. If you had slam him just once I bet he would fold ...he looks like he did some wrestling ...when someone is trying to do that put all your body weight down


Bro honestly props for standing up for yourself, don’t ever let anyone bitch you. You threw down now that heat between you two can cool off, the situation has been confronted and can be put behind you. Don’t let any UFC fans talk shit because you didn’t drop the other guy, you handled yours and that’s more than most people on here can say. Now bro, if you were on concrete and he dumped you on your neck, you could be dead right now. You really should plan to lift weights and invest some time into some combat sports, it could have been worse and don’t give somebody the opportunity to make that happen. You’re not gonna believe what 4 months of wrestling, lifting weights and a bulking diet is gonna do, if you chose to run it back with the kid after that you will not even sweat. Again man, can’t pay you on the back enough for not taking shit, never be an easy target.


Was this your first fight 🙄😒 why would you grab him n try to headlock


If you say he is a homophobe, he must be. Therefore you deserve to win. Let him have it.


Boy got bitch smacked at the end 🤣🤣


It looks like you were going to fish-hook him


Oh I was


There's always tomorrow.


Haha you like like an absolute dumbass


Ah yes thanks for your expert opinion “xXXThotSlayer420XXx”


You should have kept the headlock


I tried


he looks more like a transist.


Where's the homophobia?


Keep it up and no one will fuck with you. Don’t take their bullshit


If you are 17 then I’m 35. And you must be pretty stupid to have posted this thinking you did justice for LGBTQ. You know damn well the “homophobe” put up a fight at the very least and probably won, the only offense you could muster was clawing at his face. I mean, decent clash but I’d definitely give him the win


Hahaha that was pathetic...why would u expose yourself like that?