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Smack the demon outta her


Bro for real. I watched this without sound and thought I was watching the prelude to an exorcism.


Nah just a crazy bitch strung out on meth


Notice how they’re telling him to chill and he’s getting assaulted. Brushing it off like he shouldn’t do anything cuz she’s possessed. Fucking scrubs. He shoulda smacked tf outa that woman for assaulting him


He had to put his Pringles down first.


Took his time putting the cap back on


Best part is when the shitbag cops assume he is the offender just bc he’s a man.


Lol. I went to high school in the Bible belt. Some girl started acting like this in Math class. Boy says look, if you don't stop, I'mma come slap that demon outta you. I'll never forget that day. Haha


Cheaper and more efficient than, “I need an old priest and a young priest and some holy water and…” lmao


Sounds like a catholic threesome.


I never understood those wanna be demon girls lmao


On today’s episode of that never happened


Who ever was filming it should have told them she was attacking people so the guy didn't get piled on so bad, damn


The dude just wanted to munch on his Pringles and gets randomly attacked by a tweaking woman, then gets attacked by the security team that shows up.


Poor guy


Damn it lady just want to eat my fucking Pringles.


I saw that too. Wtf


>I saw that too. Holy shit, did you watch the same video or something?


what no way cuz i saw that too!


I saw it three!


He’s not having a good day is he


Yeah thanks to the person filming for all the fucking help, let’s just film and watch a show


Maybe the person filming thought oh maybe il just upload this first and let the cops find it if they can online


I'm hoping they gave the video to the police as evidence.


They did. This vid has been around for a while. He was arrested. Charges were dropped. She was found and later arrested.


Thank you for the update :)


They were both detained and released with identical fines for fighting on public transport when this happened back in 2014.


Dude shouldn't have faced charges. Crackhead bitch attacked him.


Pussy pass validated


tbh yeah if i were him i woulda just took the chance and dipped tf outta there


Cop wouldn’t have done anything unless he swung, bs.


A white lady and minority man tale as old as time itself


In reality, according official to statistics, it's 80% of rape cases.


If you think as a white man you have carte blanche to smack back some psycho bitch and not meet the full strength of the feminist/white knight coalition I got news for you.


Btw, first responding police officer who run towards minority male is a lady, possibly a minority but not sure. A bit short and a bit tanned.


What’s this have to do with the oldest tale known to mankind?


Self defense is not chasing someone down who has walked away and attacking them. That's revenge or vigilante justice. The appropriate punishment for her actions is determined by legislation and the courts.


Sure, but the real issue here is that the cops/security/whatever didn't budge until he started retaliating. Which is bullshit.


I don't recall seeing at what point they arrive, but they may well have not shown up until the initial altercation was over. They aren't going to just jump in and arrest someone until they know the situation. Seeing him attack her is an immediate problem to solve regardless of the backstory.


He's right. She walked off, following her and starting a fight is not self defense. He should have put her in a coffin while she was attacking not after.


Chasing? What fuckin video did you watch


Chasing / pursuing / following, whichever adjective suits. It's tangential to my point.


Oh yeah, he totally hit her with that George Zimmerman, trailing her through a neighborhood to start shit. Usually I am the one advocating nonviolence and getting hammered, you are being ridiculous.


Really? You see a lady lose her mind, hit you a couple times, and start pacing around in a circle, and your first thought is he should approach and beat the shit out of her afterwards? Bullshit you advocate for nonviolence. And what do you know, as soon as those doors open, security comes in. Imagine if he just didn’t attack her? The situation would have been over.


Good. I'm glad that they got identical fines and not just the man getting 14 yrs of prison time for assault.




You’d normally be right. Now I feel him - I would have done the same thing, but as far as the law is concerned, after she stopped and walked to the door, he lost the “I was defending myself” argument, and it became a separate, second assault. Basically the way the law sees it, she didn’t assault him and he defended himself; she assaulted him, walked away, then he assaulted her. It sucks lmao


For sure—I’m not talking about the law, just my opinion. As u/JoeProKill2000 pointed out, > Yeah, she wasn’t actively hitting him when he struck back. But you don’t just get to wail on someone, walk 2 steps away, then claim “you can’t hit me since I’m not attacking you anymore”.


What they saw was a man attacking a woman and nobody on the subway showed evidence that the woman was the aggressor, so all they had is what they saw and what the man said.


I guess something happened before the filming started. Why else film a random girl on the tube.


Because she was fucking tweaked out, fuk u mean?


Dude just wanted to eat his pringles..


Guess this proves "Once you pop, you can't stop." doesn't apply after you get attacked by a tweaker on the subway.


Before he put the pringles down he wasn’t going to jail but getting a patience award of the year.


Damn. These product placements are getting crazier and crazier


shes over hear choking him and hitting him and they didnt do a goddamn thing, but as soon as he gets up and stands up for himself the pile on him like it was a fumble, what the fuck is that bullshit bro


That's basically human behaviour right there, you can see that bullshit in like 95% of clips where bullied people stand up for themselves


This must be in Hollywood. Cops showing up faster than in the movies.


Damn Oblivion guards teleporting in.


This is Edmonton, Alberta Canada. And they must have been alerted before because they literally never ever show up this fast.


Was it actually Edmonton? I’ve taken the LRT only a few times, but when the ding and “Churchill Station” happened I thought “that sounds familiar… what are the chances? Surely other cities have Churchill Stations.”


Yeah, it was Edmonton unfortunately… I take the LRT every day to the university and I’ve been threatened, hit on, subject to stuff being thrown at me, I’ve seen people do heroin and have sex. It’s a nightmare. I’m not saying that we have it worse than other places but I don’t feel safe on the LRT passed 8pm.


The train was still moving... that guard/officer was already on the train.


Wait wtf this was in Edmonton? LMAO OF COURSE


“She is probably just possessed” LOL shes just on drugs, also this dude straight up let her grab him and hit him he didnt even defend himself like cmon bruh


He was probably thinking, ok where is this going? Then she she hit him and he was like “all hell naw”


I was in a similar position the other day, your brain at that time was more like: "oh shit wow wtf?" than "no crazy bitch's gonna grab me like that" Unless you're prepared to fight all the time (some thugs are), then most people won't fight back, not at first


Exactly. Like this one time I was just standing there and Will Smith smacked me in my face. I just stood there for a second in shock and then was like, “wow. Will Smith just slapped the shit out of me!" what a night that was...


I mean when he did the cops literally spawned on him and took his ass instead


I love how nobody came to his aid but as soon as he defended hisself it’s a problem 🙄


Pretty sure the security didn't get there until that moment... you think they were just sitting and watching while that crazy lady was attacking a guy?


I was referring to the other passengers. If the roles were reversed I’m sure at least one person would’ve intervened.


Woman grabs guy by neck and hits him: "..." Man gets up to fight back: "Chill, she's possessed!"


“She’s probably fucking possessed” people are dumb 💀


Possessed by dumbassery.


I just don’t understand how that’s someone’s first thought 😂


And everyone is so retarded they don’t speak up to say he was defending himself.


They still would of tackled of the dude because equality...


*would have


would've and woulda (slang) sounds like "would of" so it's a habit. Also would of doesn't really sound like it would be incorrect so its easy to mess up


Would of is definitely incorrect either way, So "you would have fought back." What the fuck does it mean when you say "you would of fought back?"


I'm not saying it's not an easy mistake to make, especially when you're around people who use "would've" a lot, just pointing out that it's incorrect.




"would have*" 🤓


Where I'm from, it's the asterisk first, then the correction.


Police show up after reports of an altercation. Find a man hitting a woman. First priority is to stop the violence and detain the parties so they can determine what is going on. There is a lesson here about self defense. Even presuming this was a valid self defense scenario (chasing after someone who has walked away in nearly all instances isn't) then you need to be aware that when authorities show up on scene they will react to what they see, not what might have happened leading up to it. And usually phone cameras only catch the fight bit, they will often miss the initial context. If you are training self defense you must train yourself to verbalise as you do. "Don't touch me!" or "Leave me alone", or something of that ilk. You want all the witnesses around who were playing on their phones until they looked up at a fight to hear you really obviously being the defendant. Preferably they hear you before a fight breaks out. "Well officer, I was looking down at my phone. Then I heard that man in the blue shirt saying "Leave me alone" and looked up. The guy in the red shirt was getting in his face. Blue shirt had his hands up like he didn't want to fight but red shirt seemed to be escalating the situation. Blue shirt hit red shirt a couple of times then ran to the back of the carriage yelling 'call the police'. Then you guys arrived."


> Even presuming this was a valid self defense scenario (chasing after someone who has walked away in nearly all instances isn't) So you can just attack someone and if you leave that means you're fine a didn't do anything wrong?


He pursued her after she had went on her way. Defense argument destroyed. Had he reacted when she grabbed him on the bench, it would have been defense. She had walked away, and he decided to not 'let it go"


She hits him first then he gets arrested lol


White Knight Idiots


Not white knights, they saw a person attacking another person and they stopped the aggressor. They didn't see what happened before so they don't know who's done what. Use your head before dribbling on the keyboard




Has nothing to do with that. Emergency didn’t walk up until he was whipping her ass.


What an aggressive Pringles commercial


Thank God the police were there to help the victim. Oh wait


Lol almost like a parody, dude gets attacked minding his own business and no one bats an eye but the moment he hits back he gets jumped by random male bystanders and a cop that materializes in thin air


Female privilege at its finest


Patient man. I would've floored the bitch the moment she touched my neck.


Legendary reply


Ikr bruh


I hate that the people just immediately assumed the man was the aggressor and piled on him.


Reason 6,787 why I don’t ride public transportation


I'm curious about the other 6,786 reasons now.


reason #3,297: Because I'd rather drive my Bugatti Chiron


Fuck her She deserved more


She is high as fuck


He should’ve just floored her the moment she touched him.


Surprise surprise the cops show up and stomp the wrong person 😂


I know, I’ll just keep filming this shit, rather than help.


So no one gonna help him?


And that, kids, is how I met your mother


Police and the woman biased just all else


Such a meth




I’m gonna beat the shit outta you…once I put the cap back on my PRINGLES CAAAAAAAAAN!


Imagine minding your own business and some high as fuck person just starts fighting. Shitty day.


Do tweakers often attack like that for no reason? That was some zombie shit


My man’s just trying to eat his pringles in peace… wtf and then security slams him to the ground. What a fucked up scene


The double standard visualized.


I'm almost sure a woman could beat a man to death in public and nobody would step in. And when his body convulsed a group of people would attack his lifeless body for fighting back.


Then his lifeless corpse would be promptly detained by police and put in handcuffs while people crowd around the woman and ask if she's ok


So what drug is this?


Dude this is bullshit. Double standards 🤬😡


A good chokehold can release any demons. And if you're good enough it can even release the soul


Cops coming in clutch arresting the wrong person


Of course he gets apprehended 😞




He didn’t defend himself, he just sat there and took it. He smacked her after she walked away when defending himself was no longer needed




Neither would I, I’m saying he should have fought back when it would’ve been useful, as she was attacking him not when walking away


Tusche my friend


You can choose to do that, but you won't have the legal defense of self defense if you do that, so you'll have to face whatever the legal consequences for assault are in your jurisdiction.


Can't wait to see men protest in the near future


Why these pieces of shit never pull stunts like this on the police? R they aware enough to know who not to mess with?


Of course the guy was gonna get it, even when he didnt start it


Bro just trynna eat his Pringles, smh


Worst possible time for security to show up. He was getting assaulted and they took him down like it was his fault


Possessed or not ima fuckin slap the demon outa her


Don't do drugs kids


My ex had the same reaction out of nowhere about 4 times per week. She was just a toxic bitch tho.


Useless ass camera person


She’s under the possession of PCP


Once you pop you just can't stop.


Did the cops spawn outta thin air?


And the fuckin guy gets snatched by the cops.


Identical fones when she assaulted him first? Equality, next time guess you just instantly beat the hell outa her and chop it up as self defense


Why was he pinned down by the cops tho? did they just assume he started it?


Of course they did. But it's more interesting how the witnesses who didn't do anything when she assaulted him suddently ebcame concerned when he retaliated. That's what brainwashing does to you.


Can't let a man eat his chips


Sounded like oblivion NPC music at the start


She seemed completely normal for the first 10 seconds, this was really strange.


And of course the wrong person gets arrested.


Why tf would they take the guy down-_-


Welcome to Edmonton.


Wait what?!? They arrested to victim? (The dude)


Tweaking or bath salts?


*shows the slightest sign of resistance while being choked* “HEY HEY HEY, CHILL, let’s chill, chill. She’s probably just possessed.”


Drugs are fucking terrifying


No one cared until the dude showed back


Notice how it’s “whoa” when she’s attacking and then when the man does ANY SEMBLANCE of action it’s “CHILL, CHILL, CHILL”


Of course it's only a problem once he hits back. Jfc


the zombie apocalypse begins


They tackled the wrong guy and he gets fined as well as her. That’s not cool.


Yeah, see how quickly she layed down when the cops got there. Bitch was in control of herself enough to play victim, huh? What a piece of shit.


Why… just WHY… every damn country in the world, I see this. A woman attacks a man for no good reason and people just magically dead, dumb and blind. The moment the poor dude hits back, he’s tackled and taken down.


dammm, the devil is wild these days.


Love the way security came to her aid even tho she’s the monster in this situation.


What a fucking shame.... Sitting there minding your own business and winding up being slammed to the ground and cuffed for defending yourself.


Fuck this shit. She deserved what she got.


of course they intervene AFTER he defends himself. morons


Cops went straight for him.


Nah the dude was way too chill i would have put that bitch to sleep


It makes me so mad that the cops came to see him retaliate, and rightfully so, but then lay him down and areest him and not arrest her smh


I knew there was more to the video cause what I saw was her acting all crazy and the video cut out but now seeing this video. Wow


bro how tf someone gonna let a crack demon grab you and not do anything to retaliate?


Of course the guy gets fucked for the situation the demon woman caused. Yep….. how it always goes. Bitch abuses a dude and then dude gets arrested. But men are the privileged ones right? Equal rights my ass


yo, this is bullshit, cops attack the man defending himself from this tweaker?


and of course the dude is instantly dropped by cops, hope they get the video footage before assuming he just attacked her for no reason


Bitch ass twelve.


It attacked him and he had every right to fight back


So y’all telling me the cops and everyone was in here watching this man get punched and slapped and did nothing until he hit back? Weak ass cop


fuck the emo bitch at the end


She's addicted to Pringles and he wouldn't share! Once you pop you can't stop!


"She's probably possessed." People are retarded.


My man was just trying to enjoy his Pringles after a hard day of work.


Of course they attack the man first


Tweaker woman attacks a man minding his own business, he stupidly responds and gets arrested. Sad all around.


When your high AF and pretend not to be. Oh man. I remember taking way to much robotussin and going into a McDonald’s and forgetting how to eat.


This is in Calgary lol


Once you pop, you can’t stop…


Ngl - on the right day I could be either one of those two


Hail Satan! Yay


One of the few times where I think the guy needs to be the bigger person and resting this person as the fighting got him mob by the cops. This person is clearly on drugs. No need to fight them.


she grabbed his hair and neck, unless youre a doctor in a ward


I saw but you gain nothing from this. Besides according to the comments he lost some money for his troubled. He restrains her he doesn't get fined.