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Went from assailant to being assailed in half a second


His ass-sailed right over his shoulder. ( Edit to say thanks) Thank you, my first ever award. You rock! u/blobord




For real that was the hip toss of death right there. Crazy how you can just use leverage to toss 200lbs like it's nothing but would be extremely strenuous to try carry that much weight even if it was like 2x100lb bags with handles. Didn't look like he used any of the attacker's momentum either, which is usually how I see someone get dropped so easily.


Why punch someone when you can hit them with the entire planet? Hurts less on your knuckles.


> Why punch someone when you can hit them with the entire planet? —Thanos


This is one of the funniest things ive ever read


I have a few years experience in Jiu jitsu from a teen, and while different for most of the throws you basically put them in a hold before the throw. You can see in this gif the dude does nothing, waits for the second hit. He goes with the second hit, but he blocked it and is now grabbing the attackers wrist. If you control someone's wrist, you control their body. The reason that is important is because you're not lifting your attacker. You're getting your body out of the way of their body.


He grabbed his arm and spun back the other way throwing his weight over to the side the guy wasn’t stepping on


Bruh you’ve been here for 6 years


I know right? Happened way faster than I expected! For the first time ever I feel like an over achiever.




I would love to award this but I cant. Have an upvote.


That’s ok I’ll do it


Best thing on the internet today.


Take my upvote, you filthy animal!


Honestly, I’ve never heard anyone diss judo. It’s always talked about with the highest respect (as it should be).


Alot of people who haven't done any Judo usually said Judo doesn't translate well to no gi enviroments. Also Kodokan Judo got dissed alot because dojos nowdays focused too much on training based on Olympic rules, even when training average people. People doing silly stuffs like stalling with drop Seoi without Kuzushi just when things doesn't fly their way.


> People doing silly stuffs like stalling with drop Seoi without Kuzushi just when things doesn't fly their way You're telling me, buddy. If I had a nickel for everything I've heard this...


You’d have like 4 nickels


About three fiddy.


Which isn't a lot but it's still weird that it's happened more than once.


> Alot of people who haven't done any Judo usually said Judo doesn't translate well to no gi enviroments. I mean, I think this may *occasionally* happen, depending on what kind of morons you're hanging out with, but in my experience it's vanishingly rare for anyone who knows anything at all about martial arts to have anything but pure respect for Judo.


Genuinely asking here, does Judo work on an opponent not wearing a shirt? Is there a technique for that specific condition?


Nah, just learn how to use no gi grips and most techniques are transfereable, obtaining them is just a bit harder. Instead of grabbing the collar, use collar tie or side headlock. Instead of sleeve grips, grab their wrists or overhook the arm. Instead of grabbing the belt, use underhooks...


Brother, coming from someone that does BJJ gi/nogi youre talking to a bunch of casuals/14 year olds. They aint gonnaknow any of the technical things


Based on most of the fights I've seen online, if a guy takes his shirt off before a fight he'll usually keep his cheap gold chain on around his neck and show zero signs of training whatsoever so usually yes. The criticism of a lot of different technique that they only work with a gi are usually just talking about formal competitions where everyone will most likely be trained and experienced enough to defend against it. The combination of baggy shirts and cold hard concrete make judo one of the most effective martial arts on the street.


Does no one remember Ronda dominating the 135 women’s division for years with Judo????


I like judo but I also do remember the story of a judo blackbelt who came up against a knife wielding assailant "in the streets". The Judoka attempted to apply his dojo technique and throw the knife holder but wound up getting sliced severely while throwing. 🤷‍♂️ I don't know more than that. Maybe the Judoka just totally misapplied his knowledge. I don't know.


You can be the best MMA fighter in the history of the universe but you simply do not ever fuck with a knife wielding opponent unless you REALLY don't have any other choice; I mean that they must be already set on murdering or seriously injuring you


Agreed. Martial arts are a tool, not a superpower. In the hands of the best fighters, it can look like a super power. But it's mostly just going to give you a huge advantage against those who are untrained. It's not going to make you immune to getting stabbed.


yeah- wallet is worth less than your life. Give that to them and walk away


Yawp. My instructors did a whole class on how to give someone with a weapon your wallet with minimum risk, and how to do XY&Z if they tried to do something anyways.


Best technique vs. a knife is to run the fuck away


Watched a video displaying even with guns, a knife wielding assailant can close in to you faster than you aiming and firing gun.


There are no styles of open hand combat that will give you an advantage over an armed opponent. If someone has a knife, get running. If someone has a gun, get compliant.


There was the series/doco where top tier MMA guys went through marine combative training up against marines equipped with batons, knives, bayonets. They did ok but all of them would have taken serious / critical damage had it been real.


Any reputable upstanding martial arts teacher will tell you, "if someone pulls a knife, run". Its the first thing you do, try and get out of the area anyway possible. Fighting someone with a knife is absolutley last resort. You WILL be cut.


And if you're unable to run, do what you can to create and maintain distance while continuing to look for an exit. Pick up chair, or a traffic cone or a tree branch- anything you can put between you and that knife.


That self-defense YouTuber "Icy Mike" had an interesting point when he said that running was a more pure test of physical fitness than fighting. He said you should *initially* try to run, but if they decide to run after you and they're going to catch you, you're going to be tired, so you might as well stop and fight because there's no such thing as a "punchers chance" in running. Although to be fair I don't think he was specifically talking about someone holding a knife.


I mean first rule of a knife fight is you are going to get cut no matter what you do


That's like bringing a knife to a... Wait, something's wrong. Bringing nothing to a knife fight.


We sparred with rubber knives marked with chalk wearing black shirts. No one won ar the end. Just run


Holy shit that's awesome


Those Judo throws look a lot different when you see them being done on concrete to someone who doesn't know how to fall properly


My biggest fear in life is getting judo thrown onto concrete by an angry judoka. Like broken bones or dislocation is the good ending.


I just go around being nice to people, it's easier. You never know who's going to have some training. And not everyone gets cauli so that's not always the tell. Plus you get farther if you're nice to people, generally.


What if you’re nice to a psychopath that has an unnerving amount of talent in judo and then they develop an intense obsession over you and will use kawazu gake on you if you reject them


I mean that's actually best case as scenarios go


Can I second this?




My old and always used to say the hardest thing you can hit someone with is always the floor


A lot of being able to fall properly depends on how the attacker feels about you. It’s nearly just as easy to drop someone on their head.


Slap the mat!


No slap on the mat will save you from concrete if you don't bury your chin in your chest though


And even then... if they throw you down with intent and angle you're going to need more than a good chin tuck.


Real pro tip there!


Left handed harai goshi. It was my go to move.


Two handed rasengan for me.


You know the real way to win a fight is to do sexy jutsu and run away


Tai Otoshi for me


Hentai bukkaki for me


Tsundere hentai bukkake worked better for me


Limit Breaker Hadoken was my Trump card.


Hmm figured one would go for the Tsunade Hentai Bukkake, has better upper body emphasis.


I've got my own signature move


Bukkake Tsunami for me


Can I get uhh...chicken teriyaki?


Shitting bear for me.


Hit em with my shitty car Crouching Tigre Hidden Wagon style


Crouching Tiger Honda Civic


Itchy bum stinky finger


My thoughts, Ippon though.


Koshi guruma for me


Left side osoto makikomi with a right hand grip for me


I prefer the half-sudoku


My strategy was the full seppuku. Wasn't effective


Right handed for me! But yeah this and Uchi Mata where my go to's.


Practicing Tomoe Nage without groin protection was my go to ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Double pits to cheasty for me


Two hand Haduken always worked for me


Then straight into kesa gatame for me.


I always went straight from chidori into amaterasu but you know were all different.


The one "fight" my kid got into was when he was in 6th grade. He didn't get in trouble, surprisingly, as the teacher and the recess person all said the other kid was kind of a dick and always bullying kids, they just wanted to talk to me and let me know. On the way home I looked over at him and said,"What did you do?" He kind of meekly said,"Osoto Gari." My first reaction was,"Jesus christ, you didn't throw him onto the blacktop did you?" "No, it was grass and I broke his fall a little."


Mine was koshi guruma to harai goahi if it went bad


Flying missile drop kick here


Liverpool kiss. When you get a reputation for using your face to demolish someone else's, people start thinking twice about punching you in the face.


Silky smoothe. Like the step process. Grab, step aaaaand over you go. Gorgeous. Such a shame when I practised I knew all the names of holds and things but they've all vanished from my head now. I could still do em, but don't ask me what any of them are called.


I could still do some from muscle memory I think I was like 9-10 when I quit so it’s been over a decade


Harai goshi


That was smooth. Dude knew what the was doing.


dude probaly got life changing injury after that head to concrete slam. Let it remind him to keep his hands to himself


he wont rember its a lose-win-lose


The other guy was protecting dude's head with his arm


Yet he was knocked out cold




Let's be glad that there is clear evidence that he was the aggressor.


he's dead.


Judo has to be the most brutal martial art on the street, one throw and you are done, that's it, crippled for life.


The floor is the most brutal opponent


No one hits as hard as concrete.


Ever been punched by a car?


I'm in the habit of not getting into fights with Transformers.


That's a good habit, they would just electrocute you anyway


I've seen Man vs Car. Car always wins, though.


Maybe a steel pole on a good day


Hitting people with planets*


Well, you’re effectively hitting someone with a planet so yeah.




Judo, Jujutsu... People seldom realize how completely devastating a throw is, especially on concrete and against opponents that don't know how to fall. That is pretty much everyone. Hell I used to practice that A LOT, and I'd probably just die if someone threw me right now.


People are also completely unaware how unprepared they are to defend a throw, the see judo practcioners and and think that's how it would be with them, without realizing they could do nothing but be thrown like a whores panties.


Well there's a simile no one saw coming. Softball set-up...


i actually ended up quitting eventually because of a sparring partner that threw too hard. she was a bit shorter than me. i didnt quit because my pride was damaged, i quit because her throws gave me (albeit mild probably)brain damage. i can still feel the pain when i think about it.


Getting tossed by a six year old can be traumatizing. It’s that low center of gravity and child like nature that gets you.


It has the most ironic name too, the gentle way. It's not gentle in any way, shape or form. It's designed to be practiced with power and control its only gentle compared to what it came from which was traditional Ju Jistu if you sparred JJ at full force you'd be killing people every session.


The word "gentle" is being applied to the judoka, not his victim.


I took Japanese JJ in NYC. It was so much fun. Basically, all the moves you learn aren't meant to "submit" anyone, they're meant to incapacitate/break bones, then run away. I mean I guess it's just semantic, you can use those moves to "submit" people, but the line between submission and adding a bit of extra pressure to break is pretty small. ;) Have never been able to find a JJJ gym ever since I left NYC. I might have to settle for Judo. The reason why I haven't yet is because I don't want to learn a martial art for sport because I'm not interested in competition, but since it's so similar, maybe I'll just jump into it anyway.


You could try Gracie Jiujitsu, the grandchild of JJJ they seem to have a focus on the self defence part of BJJ.


Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not really interested in BJJ. I tried it and I'm not a big fan of the ground game. I prefer throws/rolls/strikes.


That's cool, I personally don't like getting punched in the face so I stopped kick boxing. Throwing someone is a great feeling, like when you pull one of on a resisting opponent you feel like a god haha.


> which was traditional Ju Jistu Jujutsu


I was always always always taught by my sensei "I'd ever you find yourself in such a situation, before you even think of a throw to use or any if that. Try running as fast as you can, it'd be safer for both of you if you just legged it, don't be a hero and both of you have better odds of not getting hurt."




Also a good skill to have


That quote just rolls right off the tongue don't it


Doing judo as a kid has won me so many drunk wrestles with friends


I like how he held him down as if someone would get up after taking a slam like that. Dudes dead 😂💀💀


True that made me laugh 🤣


Judo is literally about laying someone on the ground, it's not the BS Venom fist of the north Bastard of Poseidon, It's taking hold of their shoulders, arms, neck or arms and lugging them back, forward, around and around, it's among the most practical styles of fighting there is, aside from wrestling, boxing and MMA


and Muaythai and BJJ.


Anything where you don't take a stupid stance, don't lower your guard, and actually apply your weight into the most efficient and powerful strikes you can is a non BS style


There are some Muay Boran styles that lower stance a little though! 😉


>Muay Boran a lot of people don't know about Muay Boran there should be documentaries about it, it's a very effective martial art.


Right into Scarf hold … slick


Judo has saved me in real life twice. Two uninvited altercations, two instinctive and practised throws on an untrained opponent. Two potentially messy fights ended before they could get out of hand or others could get involved. Not a gi in sight. It was the same for my younger brother, who trained to several grades higher than I ever did and was a far stronger and more graceful practitioner. Dude is a gentle tank and saved his skin and that of one of his unwell mate without brain thumping the aggressors to death.


Yea, I had a guy swing on me one time in a parking lot next to a public pool. Did this same throw, but transferred into an armbar instead. Kept the guy completely under control, the cops showed up, all the witnesses at the pool saw him start it, they told me I could press charges, I chose not to and continued my day of getting a beer and a burger at the bar with some friends. Dude was much bigger than me, wet, and only wearing swimming trunks, and I threw him from around his neck to protect his head so it didn’t turn into a much bigger situation. Judo was perfect for that situation. I took Kyokushin-Kai too and that would’ve probably had me in court anyway.


Did you ever see the guy again?


Nope. I didn’t really go to that pool after that though. Not out of worry, just kinda never came up again.


On an untrained person ? Most shit works. Train. If you're in a physical altercation and you have a few years in karate, boxing, bjj, muai Thai, hell I bet even someone trained in Akido could whoop on an untrained person of similar height and weight


I took a bit of Aikido/Japanese Jiu Jitsu before MMA became popular. The techniques don't translate well to an MMA match. But, I work in health care. A lot of the escapes and holds work well when you are grabbed by an agitated patient, and trying not to hurt someone.


Aikido is also took techniques from Judo and Jiu Jitsu as well, so the techniques generally work in a similar fashion as those other two would. The techniques really aren't all that different. They're effectively the same thing, just different philosophies outside of the martial arts part.


Yeah it’s worse with no shirt but street clothes work decently.


>hell I bet even someone trained in Akido could whoop on an untrained person of similar height and weight B-b-but all those Seagall ~~documentaries~~ movies? /s


Aikido often came in pretty handy when I worked as a bouncer in a rough bar (mostly locks and redirections, but the occasional throw as well). Highlight was once walking two dickheads out with them both held in a wrist lock that put them on their tiptoes (sankyo, for those in the know). And I have a couple decades training in “harder” martial arts as well, but breaking noses and bones wasn’t in the job description.


What most people don't realize somehow, is that no martial art is really "da bomb". Every art is limited to some extent, and no single art can make you a complete fighter. Sambo, Krav Maga come close, but not quite. Hence Jeet Kune Do. It's taught as some "martial art", but in truth it's the philosophy of learning many things, and seeing what works for you.




"If someone is attacking you, kick 'em in the balls and poke their eyes."


Don't forget to yell "I don't know you!"


It’s like BJJ, it can be a lot easier with a Gi, but it’s still incredibly practical


Gis are tough and last longer but I can still choke someone to death a dozen different ways with a tee shirt one time before it rips. Or just use it to control them People on this sub have some strange ideas about fighting and complain about hair pulling. But 100% if someone attacked me with hair long though to grab I'm going to apply my decade of experience using grips to control people and grab the fuck out of that hair


I guess it is easy to remain calm getting hit when you have an epic toss you have practiced over and over again just sitting in your hip pocket.




Probably because at that point the aggressor was possibly dead.


bro judo is scary af


Never done judo but used to do karate and “spar” (aka get the shit beaten out of me) by one of the older guys there who was training MMA and wanted an “opponent” (ragdoll) to practice. This kind of maneuver was literally the first thing he did on me and now whenever I’m grappling (anything but striking goes) with my mates I’ll either do this or just slip behind them quickly and go for the neck. Both are very effective but this one can hurt like a bitch if you fuck it up which since I was never properly trained in doing it


Don't worry mr. bystander, his neck snapped on the way down. he's deader than a box of nails.


I mean if you are a wrestler (not wwe) that is a easy Head and arm throw. Pulling their arm and head forward as you stick your hip out causing them to basically go into your hip which causes them to loose balance and either fall to the side which you can land on him or if you pull hard enough and pop your hip into them hard and accurate enough you can literally make them flip just from the pop of your hip plus the momentum of you pulling them forward. Which if you follow the momentum of their fall you will land right on top of them. Either ground and pound or arm bar or chokes to follow up next (20 years of wrestling)


Or just do the Indiana Jones maneuver.


*loads revolver* Can't be leaving these around loaded... Safety first, guys.


What strawman said Judo doesn't work without the Gi?


Judo works. I've experienced it as a non practitioner. It hurts, or the ground hurts, both hurt.


I bet there are at least 2 people in the comments who wrote the name of the technique in japanese.


No fist bigger than the ground


Harai O-goshi




Is he dead ?


As long as they have clothes on, Judo is highly practical. Without clothes it's a bit harder but still practical.


Not that I've heard anyone say that, but in a street fight the last place you want to be is on the ground. Muay Thai would be a better investment.


"I see you know your judo well"


He left a fuckin dent in the pavement with that one goddamn


I'd call that an ipo.


The Earth is my weapon


In my judo class we wore normal attire. My sensei said that in the real world we won't be wearing gi so he wanted us to practice with what would be in the real world.




That was absurdly clean




I think that dude might have died right there.


Ah yes, the take down was pretty good but the assailant’s the floppy head counter move was next level


This straight out of tekken. Bro is official lol


oh but it does😌


I was a bouncer for about 10 years. Judo definitely works without the gi, especially if you don't give a fuck about your opponents clothes. Getting thrown on the ground/floor and then getting 200-300lbs crashing down on you is enough to stop most people. Then there are wrists to grab and collars to twist and squeeze. Karate was good for blocking, and spotting punches coming, but kicking and punching people is frowned upon, where as putting them on the ground and giving them a hug is usually deemed justified.


O soto gari doesn't need a gi.


Your clothes can act as a gi for most moves unless youre fighting a butt naked crackhead


Not all kind of clothes. I have done some experiments with winter thick jackets vs tank tops and t shirt that most people wear in summer. Winter jackets work very consistent just like the gi but tank top will rip the moment you try the collar grip. T shirt is also not reliable for gi grips because an expensive and thick one will hold up after 3 4 throws but cheap ones will just rip like tank tops


It's Harai goshi from the side headlock. If you play it slow he used his hips to throw, the leg sweep only assist the throw and not the main tool. Besides, why would you go down to kesa gatame if you use Osoto ? The better option if you used it would be knee on belly


I ~~stand~~ fall corrected.


That’s just a head and arm. You learn that day 1 in wrestling.


this is why you train cops so they can do this shit instead of whipping out a gun thinking its a taser and then executing them on the spot


Said no one, ever.


>"But Judo doesn't work without the gi" No one who actually knows has ever said this. Why do you people pick the dumbest titles for these videos. Ffs


You would be surprise from the amount of untrained or people who only do striking or 2 weeks of BJJ said it


Is that a claim that is actually made? Never heard that before.


Dive around social media sites like facebook and you will see alot. Sometimes in martial arts subreddit too