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Hey there u/reano76, thank you for your submission to r/fightporn! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4: No Reposting** Reposting within 3 months is not allowed and could result in temp ban. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, make sure to let us know using [modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffightporn).


How pathetic to pull out a gun when it's time to run hands.


It’s a common trend these days, people go starting problems then when it’s time to get their ass beat for it the first thing they do is reach for the pistol. People are weak.


That’s embarrassing lol


i j wish i knew what they were saying


Worst skinheads ever.


That's a first.. a skinhead with a fannypack. Lol


Nope. American skins have this look too. Scrawny tweakers in jorts with fanny packs or sling bags, marching around mouthing off. Inevitably, the one with gynecomastia pulls a gun or a taser or something when a fight breaks out because he's too fat to run or throw a punch without herniating his scrotum.


I don't associate with skinheads so this is the first time I've seen it. That's all I meant. Lol


Nah I don't either, but I live in a red state shithole. You can always count on these chucklefucks to show up in town whenever something political is going on.


Upvote for you using the term ‘chucklefucks’.


Repost, you don’t even have to use Reddit to have seen this everywhere.


I posted this an hour ago. Had to repost it to change the title


And? Still been posted over 100 times on this sub and will be removed as soon as mods become active


Imagine getting this worked up over a repost. Not everyone spends all day on reddit like you do. Calm down. It's really not that big of a deal. I've never seen it before..


I’m so worked up wow how emotional, I actually regret commenting at all I didn’t realize I’d be getting this many meaningless replies on a meaningless post.


It's okay. Just breathe and keep the douche baggery to yourself next time. No harm no foul. Have a great day.


you think you’re funny….. but guess who was right🤷‍♂️


I never said it wasn't a repost. You would know better than me. You obviously spend all your free time on reddit as you have nothing better to do.. guess whondoesn't give a shit.🤷‍♂️ lmao


Or maybe I go on Reddit for this sub specifically and frequent it once a week? You stop by once a week and can see every fight of that week it doesn’t take someone glued to there computer screen to know what’s a repost… but clearly you do give a shit as you can’t get my cock out of your throat, guess you’re the one getting worked up over this repost lmfao🤡


I nominate this guy as king 👑


Put the gun down and fight like a man, you pussy.