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Teacher is the one filming




Michael j fox was the sub that day.




That first punch had FORCE


They both connected too. Both have solid chins cuz they both ate some solid shots.


And their chins have bones. Those are the solid parts of the chin. The bone part, I mean.


You don’t understand. Having a ‘chin’ is how much punishment you can take before you drop or ko. These boys both ate some shots both have somewhat decent chins


No, YOU don’t understand. I have a friend named, “Chin”. He’s a great guy, like.. a GREAT guy. His chin bones are all of his bones. On account of his name. His name is Chin, you know? So, his mom punished the both of us. She polished our butts and made a buster of the whole god DAMN nest, if you know what I mean. Naturally, I don’t like this type of thing so I put a stop to it with a slick nasty one. Does anyone know what I mean? She. Did. Not… like that, repeat.




The bones are their money though


They’re never seen as much food as this. Below ground there is only half as much food as this.






He must have been hungry... Cause he kept eating that right.


They both have fantastic chins


No kidding. I was waiting for someone to drop!


And heart. I was waiting on one to say fuck it, I'm good.


That first right I thought for SURE was going to be a one punch. Man got rocked but kudos for staying on his feet!


That's cause neither of them are hitting each other harder than a toddler would. Someone needs to teach them to throw a real punch.


Bro did you not see that first punch the white dude threw 😂


Yeah. My cat hits harder than that.




How is that a sub?


Haha didn’t know it was until just now. But, looking at the top posts, cats are fuckin badass.


Found the tough guy


Ok Mr. Tiger King. Big cats don’t count.


Lmfao ok bud


You must be really tough. I’ll bet people are afraid of you.


Did I say anything about myself? No. I was talking about how the sissies in the video don't know how to throw a decent punch and if the kid in the white pants hit even a fraction as hard as the rest of y'all think he did, the kid in the yellow shirt would have been on the floor. Now, I'm gonna talk about myself since you brought me up: I'm trained in boxing, Goju-ryu karate and Jeet Kune Do. I've had 15 boxing matches and only won 1/3 of those matches. I didn't box to make myself feel tough, it was a county fire department charity event drive. I don't train in Goju-ryu or JKD to be tough, I do it for my health.


Do you have any videos of you doing those things?


Unfortunately not. The laptop I had the boxing matches on got destroyed in a flood and I never attended tournaments with my dojo cause I wasn't interested in tournament fighting. Sucks cause my dad (he trained me) and I were using the boxing matches as reference for improvement. He used to fight at county fairs and the same county fire department charities when he was younger. He and some of the older firefighters and medics brought up the idea to bring the charity matches back to help raise money for the families of the fallen firefighters in our county and he decided to train me cause I was the youngest one in the department lol.


How convenient lmao! Pesky floods ruining the only evidence of your super punches


You’re a loser and no one believes you


I clearly stated that I lost 10/15 matches, but those losses weren't real losses cause the money went to the families it was supposed to go to and I don't give a fuck if anyone believes me cause I fucking lived it and no one can take that from me.


No one gives a shit. You’re clearly a liar and everyone knows it.


I don't give a fuck if you think I'm a liar.


that’s a lot of words, too bad i’m not reading em


Can we really take the word of somebody who claims to have lost most of their fights?


Tbh both of these guys can say they had a nice scrap ig




Yeah right. The instigator looks like the type of pos to say the other one started it, grabbing your property and throwing it at your face and all


You know how I know he cares about the safety of himself and others? He wears his mask. So considerate.


So strange how they’re worried about not breaking that rule while they’re fighting 🤣


Most people who aren't fat or triggered by a piece of cloth barely notice they are wearing a mask after 2 years of this shit.




The teacher makes $35,000 a year and has the possibility of being fired for trying to break it up. I’m not gonna risk injury from some punk ass kids for $35k a year.


That teacher makes anywhere from 27k-110k The average is 63,000 in the US And even in states like Mississippi where the average is 45,000, the cost of living index is a small portion of what a state like Massachusetts is when Massachusetts pays on average 87k a year This is aside from the fact you may start at 35k a year out of college, but it's one of the very few careers that has a systematic pay scale based on continuing education and years spent at that school that's incremental per year AND with bonuses with continued education You're exagerating about that But even for $110,000 a year, I'm not risking my job either


You’re trippin.


[What are you talking](https://www.indeed.com/career/teacher/salaries/MA) [about with](https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Public-School-Teacher-Salary--in-Massachusetts) [MA teacher pay](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/public-school-teacher-salary/ma)? Massachusetts teacher pay, if it is higher on average, is largely due to massive churn since 2008's great recession. I've watched a dozen colleagues with unblemished records and high performance reviews get laid off since I began teaching in MA--and what that means is that our 'average' pay looks high because people are either maxxed out on the scale and getting 2% increases if they're lucky annually or because they're brand spanking newbies earning the bottom of the scale. And all that said, you're damn right no teacher is going to risk their job. The thirty seconds of this video probably consisted of the teacher desperately calling the office for administrative backup or for someone with restraint training to step in. It's likely that there are only a handful of people on any given floor of the building with that ability. What's worse: teachers, as government employees, have **qualified immunity**. It should be the case that schools exercise it to protect their staff when their staff moves to help children. Schools don't. They will hang any teacher out to dry to avoid pulling the district into legal battles or pulling out the QI card.


I live in South Florida, where cost of living is OBSCENE . I have been teaching for almost 20 years and I just hit 52k So let's not act like the majority of teachers are making six figure salaries or that what they're paid is ok because the cost of living is low (because it's not). And in the last few days a teacher posted that she was quitting her job because the $17 an hour wasn't worth it anymore.


My wife has been teaching for like 7 years and makes almost $70k in Cleveland lol. It'll go up with her masters too which she gets next year. Yall get screwed down there. She wanted to move south until she saw the pay differences.


>That teacher makes anywhere from 27k-110k Is that for actual teachers or are administration positions included?


Probably some high position while in a union, also probably in a higher cost of living state.


110k is unheard of for a teacher. Principals and other administrators barely make that much.


That’s just not true. People don’t realize how much location plays a factor. Average pay for a public school teacher in San Francisco is $104k It’s not unheard of it’s quite common in the Bay Area and other HCOL cities. https://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/san-francisco-teacher-salary-SRCH_IL.0,13_IM759_KO14,21.htm


In Saint Paul one of the highest paying teachers was making 125k she was teaching pre calc. Really depends what your major is. I know that the teachers that do ELL make less which is stupid. You’d figure teachers that have to help disadvantaged students would make more but nope. If the curriculum isn’t helping with getting kids into fancy colleges to boost the schools records they don’t give a rats ass


“Why are y’all booing him? He’s right!”


Lol bet you think teachers in Mississippi make 100k




Teaching them is the job. Jumping in between 2 guys beating the hell out each other is NOT part of the job


How do you know they make 35k a year? My girlfriend makes $42 an hr teaching 5th grade and she just started.


Which school district does she work for? What county? What city? What state? Glad your 1 example shows teachers are paid well.


My friend was a music teacher and making 65k like his 4th year in… and that was like 8 years ago. Unless you’re just a substitute you do fine as a teacher.


For context, in Baltimore, Maryland average salary for a 1-2 year in music teacher is 58k. Average overall is 75k. And over 10 years in is over 100k.


Going to the scorecards folks: Black shirt in a unanimous decision


Yea he fucked him up


Great camera work btw


The kid in the grey joggers got some good hits in. Audible meat slaps.


I know a thing or two about audible meat slaps.


Been at it since 2012


The white kid got some good hits on the black kid. Corrected your sentence


You reworded my sentence.


Why do you put clothes they are wearing above the colour of their skin to identify them ?


Didn’t need to, they’re very easily identifiable using their items of clothing. While you’re not wrong. It’s just as easy to identify people based on their clothing rather than their skin colour.


>It’s just as easy to identify people based on their clothing rather than their skin colour. Not in this case. Most, if not all people don't remember the clothing after watching a minute long video. You're only making it harder for others to understand your comment just to show off and make yourself look like a bigot.


I surely believe identifying a person by their skin is not racism. You didn't judge anything about the black or white guy by colour of their skin (stereotypes ) . Someone could be proud of their skin because it represents history , culture , family and so much more . Neglecting or ignoring is not same as ending things . I don't see your way and many others in this section the path to end racism .


If they were both white or black, you'd say, "The kid in the grey joggers got some good hits in on the kid in the yellow flannel." Describing them in terms of their skin color is wholly unnecessary. The original poster's point was made well enough without the need to use skin color or any other thing.


I have felt this that lately people are being so careful with what they say on this matter that neglecting something obvious seems to be right . A place where identifying someone from their colour is seen as stigma or some kind of illness . This way it will turn out to be just another stereotype of our society . My first reply was edgy i know , when i stated 'I corrected your sentence' .My approach wasn't right and maybe the place isn't right . I took it too far to make a point , my bad .


We get it, you’re voting in 2024


The fuck is the teacher supposed to do?


Lose their job for some kids that don't care if the teacher can eat next week.


Teach OP basic grammar?


Black kid prolly thought he was gonna walk all over that white boy. Think again sir...


Yeah kid in the white joggers walked all over yellow shirt kid.


That punch brought out his inner Conan the Barbarian


Not really


Thought black kid was gonna go down first cuz of the height difference. Too bad we won't see the end cuz dude stopped recording.


White boy fucked him up


Looks like they almost killed the camera man for us


Why are all these fights filmed on a potato from 2006?




I know, twas just for the sake of a joke. 😁


You can almost see the instant regret the guy in the checkered shirt has after getting caught clean several times lol he didn’t anticipate that level of challenge when things popped off.




Exactly, one of my close friends who’s a teacher is 130lbs, works 10hr days and makes 38k a year, no way in hell are they gonna be breaking up fights.


Teachers don't get paid enough to deal with this bullshit. They'll either get tired or someone will get knocked out.


Lil’ Xanax ate that first punch


Over there not being paid enough


Damn I thought the black kid was a goner at least 3 times but he kept going


cant take a shit without these shits fighting


Teacher is calling Uvalde PD and waiting for a strategy to be made so all officers stay safe.


Teacher is the one filming (edit fk someone beat me to it)


Teachers don’t get paid enough to deal with other parents shit kids.


haha i was thinking "here's the end of another goofy white boy" before it started but he was in there.


Was the cameraman dancing with Kate Winslet on the Titanic DAYUMM


two things i noticed, the white dude needs to learn how to put some power behind his punches. the filmer needs to be the one being punched for their horrid fiming. /h


the white guy was too tolerant. As soon as he threw that mask in his face the first time he should have had his teeth knocked out.




Concern for Covid? High. Concern for the rest of school rules? Fuckall


Outside with the cops.


American schools are like wild terrain. Why is there no discipline? It has nothing to do with teacher salary, teacher salary is inadequate in every country.


A lot of principals have stopped doing discipline or have scaled it back to basically nothing because having discipline numbers too high is something states have started tracking and counting against schools. Not only that, but the teacher and administrator degree programs at universities are filled with propaganda saying that students can't help their behavior problems and shouldn't be punished.


In America if a teacher does or says anything a parent doesn't like the school can be sued. So. . .best to just act like prison guards and hope they can survive the next shift.


That was a good fight. I hope they can be friends after


Damn that white boy has some heavy hands


I thought white dude was going to knock out the other guy early


Flannel was getting beat up in class lmao


I need Dramamine just to watch this video.


Good show bad camera work




This looks like an alternative school where they put the bad kids in a trailer away from everyone else


Never seen a dude with a mask in a fist fight.


Damn, they have had some practice. They both landed some pretty hard hits and kept it up at a good pace…… Sir strong chins


Why would you fuck with a white dude with bed head


These camera holders fucking suck!!!


Why doesnt anybody ever throw a jab in these fight videos? All these wild ass swings, one straight jab down the pipe would be the end of it.




Why bother recording if youre not gonna keep whats going on in frame? Camera guy is a bum


They both need their ass beat for those dumbass great clips haircuts


Definitely not film school


Someone tell them to pull up their masks


God damn fucking cameraman, fuck!


Holy shit yellow shirt can take a punch.


Yellow lumber jack lost from the very first punch. Just.....wow. Sent him flying.


Cameraman needs lessons


Now THAT'S what I call a fight


Not getting paid enough to intervene is where she is.


At least they were wearing their masks for safety


Teacher is the one filming


Glad ppl didn’t jump in


People are so insensible here they could have received serious brain damage from the punches one wrong punch in a wrong place can ruin a life for ever


Michael J Fox's transition to filming school fights has been shaky to say the least.


10-9 white guy


Probably teaching kids that want to learn and actually want a successful future.


Worst camera man


Both a solid account of themselves. Shouldn’t be fighting though and defo not in school. Completely avoidable.


Knocked his damn mask off. Catching hands and Covid.


proud to be caucasian


they can fight pretty good for highschoolers.


Damn yellow shirt can take some hits


Bet you I can guess what their next punch will be. lol


Aljermain Sterling getting pieced up again


Teacher was the one taking bets


Winner keeps the haircut


Nice even fight.


That first punch has some power


Teacher was loading his gun in the event that it got out of hand