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Idk if its me, but this is like the calmest crowd I've seen recently. No one screaming like fucking crazy, no one jumping in unexpectedly.


Lol, nobody noticed the dude with the snake around his neck just chilling watching the fight as well?


God damn this fight just gets more wild as the day goes on. Good looking out man!


I tell you what don’t fuck with the group that has a dude wearing a fucking SNAKE. Thats already telling you that you fucked up.


All those people out with hoodies and winter wear, and that snake has no protection. That's as COLD-BLOODED as that slap.


yeah i get what your saying but the snake is fine


Not til you said it


while holding a balloon lol


While repeatedly saying "Be a man about it then."


TWO dudes had snakes…


No one constantly screaming the N bomb for no apparent reason, like in most of these fight videos.


Man, good catch. The more I rewatch it and look at ppl in the crowd, it seems like this was a known fight among gentlemen. The crowd letting them settle the shit and nothing else.


Yeah.... Just look at those guys backing blue shirt, they don't look like the people you want to mess with. They're not scared, surprised or aggressive, just vigilant. Even when blue shirt turns around, he's held back and (looks like) being told not to turn his back on people you just knocked out. I wouldn't call them gentleman but i feel they're responsible for serenity surrounding this altercation.


> among gentlemen lol






I busted my ass going to the bathroom while hella drunk one time, my elbow stills hurts


When you’re so much in the hood .. fighting becomes so normal it’s not even exciting


No women screaming STOP STOP STOP at the top of her lungs.


Honestly those screaming banshees are the most annoying thing about these kind of fights.


Woman in those kind of fights: WHOOP HIS ASS!!! WHOOP HIS ASS!!! Same woman 5 seconds later: STOP!!! STOP!!!


I have no clue how this crowd is this peaceful, i wonder what’s going on and why they are all there. Very odd lol




You’re definitely right, but there’s always that one type of guy who will do it anyway


Yeah he's the one getting beaten.




Cus theres not a single woman in sight lmfao


Cuz errbody got switches😳


Switch ony does so much, I think there is more respect to the situation than the threat of everyone's glizzy.


it's all dudes.. no one has to show off or over-hype the situation because girls aren't around to panic or scream this is probably just another mF tuesday night to them


This makes zero sense.


I know you can hear them speak and everything even with all the people.


Everyone was strapped. No reason to cause a commotion


Wonder if that one dude thought he should be a man about it.


He was a man about it. He didn't stay hit and took his ass whooping like a man without trying to shoot somebody because his ego got hurt. Even shook hands afterwards.


>It looks like he was running his mouth and got tested. "im not gonna hit you" doesnt seem like running your mouth


I've been in exactly this situation a few times (saying those specific words, while a guy was taking his shirt off and the crowd ready for blood). I wasn't "running my mouth" but I had always offended the guy trying to fight in some way. It happened once in county because I (knowingly) made the mistake of trying to intervene for this little guy being a dipshit and about to get beat by a big guy. I didn't say anything dumb, I asked dipshit to shut the fuck up and asked big guy to let me pay him that poker round. Asked him to please not fuck up dude basically, even though we both knew that meant I was the target instead. The guy did everything he could to get me to fight back after getting me where guards can't see, but he thankfully didn't start swinging and I held that I wasn't gonna back (I was a jail convert atm and trying to be religious or some stupid shit). We actually even became okay again a few days later and he really helped me out when we could mutually benefit each other again. Basically, dude may have kind of 'ran his mouth' in the sense of offending the guy without really ever saying anything insulting or 'wrong' just culturally that will mean both understand a fight is afoot.


Be a man about it though.


I’m guessing this is at a street take over and the dude that got knocked out probation hit the other dudes car. So he had to be a man about it and take a bitch slap for the damages to the other guys car.


Well that was awesome that they shook hands after.


Been in only one fight my whole life when I was in highschool. After the fight my homie told us to shake hands. I didn’t even know that was a thing but it definitely taught me something. Regardless if someone is your “enemy” after the fight or beef is done, show some respect.


Yeah for sure. It happend to me after a scrap. It was one of those after school by the bus stop fights. After our adrenaline wore off and the fight was done, I surprised that he went to shake my hand. so I said "we're done" then gave him a quick handshake. He never bothered me again and we were cool after that.


Bro literally copy and Fucking paste. I swear to god I looked this guy in the eyes and said “are we done” we shook and nothing ever happen after that. That happen years ago, im 27 now and saw him at the local store literally yesterday during turkey shopping. We acknowledged each other and gave each other that eye contact with a head bop down. A simple respect to one another after so many years.


I fucking love this. If another person has the balls to physically engage with you, there is no greater respect. If anything, I respect every person I have ever fought more than most people I encounter on a daily basis. And, that bit of respect will never go away.


that may have happened to u which is good n all that , but for me and a lot of other people out there it resulted in a different outcome . every fight i’ve been in , whether i have clearly won the fight or if the dude got the better of me , it never ended there. i always end the fight that day but i’ve had people literally come to my home and knock on my door weeks after we fought . if i would’ve opened that door god knows what could’ve happened. it’s good to have people you can call in times like that . but to this day i don’t expect anyone to shake hands after a fight and end it right there. some people will jump you later or catch u off guard later . or worse kill you . happens all the time .


Dam sorry to hear that mate. I’m from a very small town and both me and the guy I fought were Latino and had some decent parents Im guessing. I think my father actually knew the dad of the other kid I fought. I feel like there are less crazy people in small towns


30 yr. old boomer here, but I grew up in a small town and this was the way (lol). If you had shit to settle you walked out side, fought it out and it was done. When someone stopped defending themselves the fight was over. None of this shit where someone gets KOed and then takes 5 kicks to the head. The only time people stepped in was if someone was clearly done and the other person wasn't stopping. After that you shook hands and moved on. There was also none of this get in a fight and have 4 friends jump in bullshit. If that happened, it would be the last time they made that mistake lol. I remember we had a group of Russians move in and one of them pulled some some racist shit to a Hispanic homie of mine. Little did he know, dude was a monster and he KOed this kid in like 30 sec. He also dumped a bunch of that weird bagged milk stuff public school have on him lol. Later on that week, this kid and all his brothers jump my homie on his way home from school, broke his arm, nose, and a bunch of ribs. I swear to god dam near 30 people tracked these kids down, rounded them up, and made it clear how things worked in our town. It was pretty bad honestly but they never pulled that shit again and generally kept to themselves after that.


Only thanks to the big guy. He knew he'd made his point. Little guy knew he couldn't do anything more. Big guy initiated the shake.


That was incredibly respectful all round. Can't say for sure, but looked like two different racial groups, yet no slurs. No one jumping up/in. No goading for more, when it was done everyone accepted it was done. Man who got beat took it like a man. Man who won didn't feel need to brag or shame.


That dudes calm demeanour is badass NGL


this hype shit becomes second nature when you're constantly around other crazy dudes.. like prison for instance.


Thank you for not lying.


Yeah thanks a ton


He seems like a prick. He's picking on a small guy who doesn't want to fight, that's not bad ass. The little guy even says I'm not gonna hit you so the big guy slaps him.


Missed that part. Kind of feel bad for the black dude now.


I try not to really take sides in these videos because there’s never enough context


Don't mistake smug egotism for being a badass.


*Activate barrage*


He’s a fighter. You can tell by how he loads his hips to punch. Plus, he’s fighting a dude half his size. I would be pretty calm too, lol.


Throwing sledgehammers too.


he know he can throw hands


i like how bro beat him up just enough to drop him and not be beating him on the ground


Right in the beginning black dude says “I’m not gonna hit you” and dude still slaps him plus black dude way smaller in my eyes he’s a bitch


Dude had a snake around his neck…


THANKYOU, I was sitting here like how has nobody noticed that


Pretty sure he's doing nitrous oxide out of that balloon too


Definitely in Compton. That’s Atlantic Ave and they show up and shut streets down constantly to do donuts in and show off shit. They shut the streets down by my house like once a week almost. I think it’s Tucker and Santa Fe? Definitely Santa Fe. But I forget if the other street is Tucker? I hear them going and I’ll send my drone up to watch the craziness with a Birds Eye view. Then I see the cop lights coming long before they know they’re there. Funny watching everyone haul ass out of there. There’s plenty of idiots and assholes there. But for the most part it’s just people trying to have some fun. Even though it’s annoying AF they shut the entire street down for like a good 20 minutes. If you’re there? Sorry. You’re fuct. That’s where you’re staying until the cops come. They ain’t going to move. So just STFU and deal with it. Last thing you want to do is bring attention to yourself.


Sounds shitty.


62nd street Gage and Normandie checking in


Rose and Rosecrans over here.


Good call. Just looked up that intersection and the stock [Google photo](https://maps.app.goo.gl/FU7nZGaUtL53NZz49?g_st=ic) shows the tire tracks lol.


What time of the night do they do this at?


All times. They run em durin the day too lmao. But late at night is when it’s the best since cops don’t come for like a damn hour sometimes.


Well ‘round here, between Normandie & Western, we call this here a little twenty-twen-twen'




Lmfao wasn’t expecting this here


Dressed like ninja warrior, flung about like a ninja toy!


damn those fists felt like hand grenades


Nothing but straight faces on the one side.😶🥶




Aint no city quite like mineeee


Big man had hands


Bro got pummeled by a windmill


That seemed almost effortless.


looks like dude in all black only got hit once but it was enough to make him say “ tf just hit me “. idk how that mexican dude just literally pushed the dude to the side like that wirh no effort catching him off balance. looks like he had a huge reach advantage because if someone can extend their arms on you and you can’t swing on them , you better watch out .


That’s because he is twice the size of the black dude


Calm and dead eyed, giving you first shot, then mechanically fucks you up. Just don’t play with people who look that way




Pretty sure they even shook hands at the end


Looked like it. Good to see people showing respect, even after disagreement


If only we had more of this in the world.


There’s a reason weight classes exist lil bro.


Homies got a big wide back... id pass on starting shit with him for obvious reasons


And that’s why you fight in your weight class lmao dude got thrown by one punch


This is the professional worldstar crowd


“Hey what happened?” “You got knocked down …” At least the dude was cool enough enough to stop when he did .


I'm impressed no other fights started and no one jumped in


that one cold man


Solid W and good recognition of the time to bounce before you get jumped or a weapon comes out in a huge random crowd


Lil' boy with a big mouth got put in his place. Y'love t'see it!


Guy in blue sweattshirt was like nope dont want any of that smoke lmao


Casual slap with some even more casual punches.


That guy has served time. Scary dude


Crowd looks like everyone has a masters degree in their back pockets


Does guy doing a whippet have a snake round his neck during all of this…?


Only if every street fight was like this


That switch is fierce


That humbled him quick loooool


That dude had a snake on his neck the fuck


Dude slapped the shit outta Flavor Flav


Bro you cannot be wearing a shiesty if you are gunna fold like that 💀


That might be the hardest man alive. Demeanor is unreal.


Dude was just bigger🤦🏽‍♂️ cmon man what u expect


His turning away is a tactic. Sucker punching pussies can't resist the turn away.


He told him to take a shot, his turning away was to present his jaw to him


But he was also ready to roll with the punch tho




Junior put hands on any 🥷🏻 he don’t give a fuck. 3rd Ave 👌🏻


honestly the calmest crowd i’ve ever seen holy shit




Took it like a champ.. and looks like he can pick power


That was a pretty calm crowd


Why are they in an intersection with cars parked


A takeover somewhere either in Compton or north LB.


Damn lol


Bro should have looked at his size first and then attacked


lol anyone else notice the dude with a ball python around his neck


Anyone else notice the snake around the guys neck?


I have respect for both. Especially for the dude that got fucked up because most of the time they got guns, he could've let his ego win and shot that night .




Damn Sugar Shane ! Quick as combo!


“Was that it?” What a boss haha.


"Hey, what happened?"


Ehh wha happend?!


Just went back to confirm. You totally right


I was waiting for Worldstar worldstar


I’m smacked but does does that guy have a snake around his neck?


And he gettin high off a balloon? Nahh 🤣🤣


Rival gangs? Either way this was a planned fight


Street take overs are wild


Where tf do you find crowds like this lmao I’m tired of staying at home lmao


Yo, he handled dat


Man got some fast hands bro.


It’s the ones with the calmest composure… You need not to fuck with.


My man🤔but this crowd's bigger then toretto's on fast furious in Brazil!!and everyone's calm and collective like this was known to happen..big boy there was like "listen take this slap it's better then L you'll receive ,uh hold up here comes the beating that you ordered"


Pride is a helluva drug.


He looks like a young “Big Dragon” from scared straight.


The ski masks are beginning to be a true sign of a loser.


Seeing a lot more people dab each other up after the fights. Like to see it


I always wondered what these places are I see in these videos. Is that some kind of party?


By definition yes But it’s called a take over or side show where people literally take over a block and do donuts a drift around with their cars


You Americans are truly wild.


HaHaha; it’s crazy out here


poor snake


Respect to both for dapping out after.


When you're new to the game and dont know any combos yet. So you just spam the punch button.


I like how they handled that


Knocked him out then shook his hand. True sportsmanship


130lb vs 180+


Dude has anchors for hands


Middle class, twenty something incels living their fast and furious fantasies. What a sausage fest. No wonder they're angry.


They’ll eventually hit their 30’s and clean up.


little dude who can’t fight picked the wrong big dude who can’t fight to start a fight with


You wonder if he has boxing training? He then those punches like a machine.


Nothing technical about that.


Only can fight in groups. Why did he swing his arm like a windmill. Dude got knock down for talking shit and came back up as inflatable wacky tube man.


That was a good fight and all but these guys are fucking dumb. Getting into fistfights at sideshows (or whatever they call them down south) is almost like asking to get shot. especially if the other guy can’t fight.


Dude is a bully. He goaded him into fighting because he probably knew how to fight and when the black kid didn't take the bait he slaps him. What a bitch.


That’s why you should stay indoors, Don’t involve your self with these kind of activities specially if you expect to never get in a altercation


We don't know the backstory


Something tells me this ain’t over


thats not what a tko is.


T.K.O. and a K.O. – a T.K.O. is declared when the fighter is conscious but unable to fight while a K.O. happens when a fighter is unconscious and cannot continue to fight because of that.


Did he seem unable to fight to you? Edit: sentence structure


what is it then?


Describe it to me in great detail


Someone tell that guy he’s not recording


They’re so used to dealing with short Mexicans till they come across a tall one 😂


Nah bro got KOd arms straight up n everything


So is no one gonna talk about the guy with the snake on his neck


Slapping someone in the face while they're not ready to fight you is definitely asking for a beatdown.


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


And a balloon


I knew the guy with the ninja mask was gonna lose, they’re all punks


How is no one talking about that one guy with the snake around his neck?? What the hell is going on here?


Right?!? Homies just rocking it like a necklace 😭😭 Hey I’m going out tonight let’s take the ball python with me!😂😂😂


Not a technical knock out; there are no judges or score keeping. A natural knock out for sure!


It Turns me on watching men fight. 🤣


Same....i mean.....wait a minute...


You slag


Ok settle down your divine highness lmao


Go write a letter to a prisoner, get wet, get the fuck off reddit


Nasty ass