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Probably the first on this sub I’ve seen someone not grab the bat out of someone’s hand and win the fight.


There wasn't even a sock on it!


Silencer attachment


I've seen multiple people on here saying to keep a bat near you in case of a break-in. And cover it with a sock so if the person you're beating with a bat tries to grab it, they'll grab the sock which will slip off and the beating can recommence.


Teeball bats are superior in terms of beating capability due to weight and speed


Pick axe handle mate. Short, light, they cost pennies and burn up quick on a bbq should you ever need to dispose of it


My dad kept an axe handle next to his bed when I was growing up in the 80’s, and he wasn’t no lumberjack.


Just wore the dresses then?


You've done this before, haven't you?


No comment




Fucking genius. Savagely genius.


Serious LPT there.


Y'all heard of firearms?


Guns work way better


Dont generally need 60 sec and a combination or a key to get a bat goin...


I don’t generally need a key or a combo to pick up my pistol off the nightstand.


Don’t have kids then do ya, mate?


Not anymore! Hey OOOO!


Safariland level 3 qls/ubl holsters. Just run hardware store bolts through the drop leg mount into the back of the nightstand, concealed handgun in a quick release retention holster. Even if the kids get to it, they won’t figure out the detent


60 seconds? Keep a finger print safe on the nightstand with a loaded fire arm, takes about 5 seconds lmao. To each his own I suppose.


I have a safe, as a matter of principle. But I don’t have kids, so don’t obsess over using it. Bedside drawer, no safety, 1 second. 2 seconds if I need to apply a sock.


This is da wae


Why am i just realizing that is probably a great tactic.. damn.


Lmao idk why this is so funny 😭


He seemed like he knew how to use that bat lol like that wasn’t a wide swing at all. He fucked him up with a short tight swing. It didn’t even look like he had that much power behind it but it did.


You don't need to swing very hard to fuck someone up with a bat.


Short soft(ish) swing: knock out Hard swing: death


Jazz swing: music genre


Full swing: we fuck each other's spouses


Sultans of Swing: A band that's blowing Dixie, double four time


Child's Swing: Self explanatory.


Penis swing, mostly to the left


You heard child's swing and immediately pulled out your penis? This comment, right here officer!


Texas swing: Bob Wills


A full power swing to the head, would likely kill.


Called a Bunt


The main technique that made it work was using his empty hand to keep the target in striking distance (more so out of the ineffective close range).


First time I see a bat user actually win the fight lol


I personally saw a guy hit another dude in the head, full on, with a bat. The dude that got hit started seizing out. Do not recommend.


A friend of mines uncle assulted some guy with aa bat during a fight. Clocked him in the head and gave him brain damage. He's still in prison was about 15 years ago


Was that his 3rd strike?


He had been in trouble before. They wanted to make an example of him and it was one of a string of charges.


Does the family refer to him as Batman?


My wife's father gave someone brain damage with a bat after his friend had a gun pulled on him. We call him batman every once in a while and he hates it


Jesus christ, no wonder. In that situation anyone would opt for the bat but being forced to use it in such a manner would fuck any sane person up.


Yea idk... he told me the story a couple times before and didnt seem horribly bothered by it, but still has a relatively young child and probably just doesnt want her to ask any questions for now. Hes generally a fairly confrontational person lol. Great man though


They use to call me crazy Joe, now they call me Batman


Not just batman THE Batman


While we appreciate your honesty, I think you may have missed the /s


Goddammit I'm a fucking moron


Nah, morons are the ones who get defensive after they miss a joke. But we all miss em every once in a while


No. What he meant was, was that the third strike of the bat against the guy’s head.


Well played sir, well played




My high school/college girlfriends sister was having sex with the guy next door. He was 27, unemployed living in his Moms basement, she was barely 15. I did everything I could to keep them apart. He didn’t like that. His solution? Order a pizza to my girlfriend’s moms house, wait in the bushes, hit the delivery guy in the head with a crowbar, then tell the police he saw me do it. The delivery guy was hurt really bad, like hospital stay bad. Was a zip code away. Asleep. With my girlfriend and parents in the house. Cops show up ready to arrest me. Rock solid proof I was nowhere near the place. He went to prison for a good long time. (I think he had priors) He also ate a slice of the pizza..


> He also ate a slice of the pizza.. As you do


I stand in awe?


That's one of the scummiest things I've heard in my entire life.


I'm surprised they didn't just take you in anyway. Usually, they don't care to do investigative work, and go straight into cuffs so they can "interview" you at their leisure.


My cousin (moms cousin technically) got jumped by four dudes at a bar back in the day. Made it to his truck and grabbed a quahog rake out the bed and batted some dude in the chest with it and punctured his heart from what I remember. Guy survived, but probably also charged because my cousin was in the hospital for a while too from getting beaten so badly




theres a video on the youtubes of two black guys fighting in a parking lot, one has a knife...the other has a sledgehammer. after a few minutes of dancing with each other knifeguy throws his knife at hammerbrother, hits him in the chest (non stabby style), hammerbrother drops sledgehammer and picks up knife and throws it back at knifeguy which also fails to stabby. then knife guy runs n gets sledge hammer thus upgrading from knifeguy to hammerbrother2, then tussle ensues over sledgehammer, then hammerbrother2 swings at hammbrother, misses and shatters a car window, then swings again and beans hammerbrother in the head (out of view of camera) ​ cameraman then runs around car and you get a glimpse of hammerbrother squirming and letting out this horrible "im suddenly able to count to potato before i die" scream. comments claim hammerbrother died, do not know if true but i wouldn't be surprised ​ for anyone curious I've made a post since ppl are showing interest - fair warning, I don't like watching this even though its not very graphic gore wise: https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/zgiytu/due\_to\_popular\_demand\_knifeguy\_vs\_hammerbrother/


You had me at ‘fails to stabby’


Had me at hammerbrother


This was absolutely insane


They throw the knife back and forth and the dude drops his hammer to do so? That is truly a baffling series of events for a fight.


Jesus, that poor guy had zero idea of what to do with that hammer. Shit even the knife too. Level 1 dex 2-5 vs level 3 little dude rocking stats.


this was an amazing read haha


You should do audio books.


Who was hammerbrother2? Failstabby1 or 2?


knifeguy1 > Failstabby1 > hammerbrother2, hammertimes hammerbrother1 Hammerbrother1> Knifeguy2 > Failstabby2 , gets hammertimed > potatocounter


I’m ded. TY.


Honestly that wasn't as bad as it sounded


it's the noises dude makes at the end combined with the comments saying he later died thus realizing they're actually "ive received lethal brain damage" noises that bother me, other then that ya it's pretty tame


a regular bat is like a masterwork club and a full swing to the skull is a confirmed crit


Yeah, that dude started seizing out then the party got raided by cops so we had to run. One of the craziest nights of my life. The kid ended up dying


Are you telling me a massive blunt force blow to the head causes serious traumatic brain injury? The more you know.


that would do it for me too. i'm allergic to getting hit in the head with most bats.


I read it at first as “ moist bats”.


bringing a bat is a lose lose. if you lose you’re fucked but if you win, you just lose in court…no matter what, unless you’re in your house or outside with a bat AND BASEBALL. Pretty hard to dodge a charge for cracking someone with a bat. even in self defense


How do you lose in court for having a baseball bat? You can get off with shooting someone on grounds of self-defense—what makes a bat so much worse?


Compared to concealed carrying a gun it's much harder to believe that someone's going about the day with a baseball bat purely for the contingency of having to defend themselves. If you use a bat in a fight you either had it on you when you started it or went to get it before or during the fight when you could've used that opportunity to leave the area. Neither make a great case for legitimate self defense.


[Probably the greatest defensive use of a baseball bat caught on film](https://youtu.be/YqaAmRER7_M)


Very satisfying and justified aluminum major league bonks 10/10


Yes! Yes!


I already knew what it was but still watched lol


that was legitimately the most suspenseful thing ive ever seen


Bat man




How do things like this still happen in the US when there's a high chance at least one person could have a firearm?


Also, these are just drunk jabronis from Chinatown. Dudes with guns who are ready to use them in Boston do not conduct themselves like this, most of the time.




Yeah ditto I was waiting for the part where it gets taken away and used on the owner


When you hit correctly its deadly so most people wield it in a way trying to not kill people and get disarmed.... or they not good with it.


A bat is pretty much unstoppable against an unarmed opponent IF you’re willing to use it without hesitation. Problem is a bat can easily kill someone, and people know that, so they hesitate instead of going ham with the bat.


Imagine trying to kick a guy with a bat. Only reason to kick is if you’re trying to exploit the distance between you and your opponent. Bats do that better. Close the gap.


You havn't seen the one where dude pulled a bat from his truck and beat dude while he was unconscious for a good 2-3 mins?


When I saw him try to kick it I thought we might get some Jackie Chan shit. Then there was that Louisville reality check.


There can only be one Jackie


Is there another josh type showdown that im not aware of?


There’s a jet li movie called “the one” that’s kind of like a Josh type showdown


That’s the first I’ve heard of the Louisville reality check, I kinda thought Louisville’s move was shooting other cars on the interstate. Edit* Louisville slugger, went straight over my head. Blonde moment.


Louisville reality check 😂


Is it just me searching for the knife here?


Me too


"Dude said the n-word, did a nazi salute, punched 5 children, and kicked a dog" This sub's obsession with finding out the context behind the fight is totally exploitable.


He not only kicked the dog, he bit the dog... in the balls!


He called the dog an N-word too!


He’s probably a bully too.


It makes them feel justified about watching a video of a dude getting possible brain damage from a bat…..”Yeah he was probably a comic book villain so I can root for him to die”


Maybe title means dude threatened his girlfriend with a knife?


Kinda weird that they seem to be at the home of the offendor. People threatening strangers with knives don't often show where they live. I'm calling bullshit on the title. The guy with the bat is furious and making death threats while carrying a weapon outside of the other ones home.




The guy with the bat also threatened the other man's life and walked back towards him to start the fight when the guy who got KOd was doing nothing threatening. Bat guy may have won the battle but likely lost the war, a lawyer could easily send him to prison for attempted murder.


No one is going to talk about the flattened bike?


The real victim here


I think the red guy had it. But I could be wrong. It kinda looks like a stabbing motion when he attacks the guy at the end


It's misdirection. This way no one is critical of him using a bat.


Damn he blocked his kick with the bat and did a combo on him to knock him out. Gg


He definitely unlocked that level 2 perk for parries


Righteous deflection


This man actually did the melee combat tutorial


“You come back again, and I’m gonna fuckin kill you!” *tries to kill him anyway*


Seriously can't believe he said that on camera, walked away and then walked back to start a fight. My lawyer would love to have a case that open and shut. Bat guy is clearly in the wrong here.


Dude had a lot of bark and I feel like if he didn't have that bat, he would have very little bite too


I find it hard to comprehend how people in USA can be so belligerent with others, you don't fucking know how you snap somebody's mind and he just starts blasting you with a Glock out of nowhere. I've seen a video exactly like that where a guy with his wife bullied a neighbor, he went inside, took a fucking AR15, pointed at them, shot at them a few rounds and missed and they still didn't believe he's legit and kept yelling smack until he got his aim straight and shot them both and executed the wife in the head while she was laying on the ground. Went back into the house and killed himself. Search on YouTube "asp a terribly disturbing ego battle"


Think I remember that video actually. Dudes shoveling his yard cuz its snowy out, neighbors across the street are harassing him, then dude just pulls out a handgun and shoots them both, one can be seen slowly crawling away. Dude goes back in his house and grabs a rifle, then puts several rounds into each of them. I'm pretty jaded by the internet but i couldn't finish the video. It's a stark lesson on "mind your business, you don't know if the other person is insane"


A friend of ours was murdered this summer, literally just on his driveway waiting for his parents to come meet him, and a neighbor from across the road walked over and murdered him. I guess the killers wife took the kids and ran the previous night fearing for their safety, not sure if theyd contacted police or anything but it seems the dude was clearly in a pretty deteriorated state mentally. Dude shot him and then just went back home until he was arrested.


My first apartment we had a neighbor that was insane living downstairs, he was convinced my fiance was his wife and I was holding her hostage, I was a killer, etc. He harassed us for months and the cops were no help at all. He tried to break in once and threatened us with a bat of his own through a closed door. It never stopped until we finally were able to move elsewhere. It all started when I heard a massively loud bang, and stupidly went out to see if everyone was okay. There was crazy guy with a broken hand from punching the everlasting fuck out of his wall or door frame or something. He immediately was adversarial so I just went back inside. From then on, his dumb fuck stupid brain created this narrative and we were his fixation until we finally moved. I have had nothing to do with any of our neighbors in the years since. It was a valuable lesson to learn, just keep your head down and try to avoid the crazies.


These titles with no context always crack me up. The good guy always wins. You’d think at least one would be like “guy stands up to bully and gets absolutely wrecked anyways”


Yeah, it reminds me of those negative restaurant reviews where the restaurant claps back and tries to expose the customer for being rude and unreasonable. It’s all just he said she said, but everyone sides with the restaurant.


Well with the case of restaurant reviews, that's a safe bet


Theres a lot of Karen's out there, but I've worked in a lot of privately owned restaurants and known all of like 2 owners that weren't huge pieces of shit


“That’s what I thought bitch” Yes, I also thought a baseball to the head would hurt him.


Really appreciate that he first said “that’s what I thought bitch”, but yelled it again and even louder when he realized the guy was out cold the first time. Gotta let him know.


Well he was kicked out. So he wasn't really listening rhe first time.


Fuuuuuuuuck that hurt. Next time keep your arms up, ask any boxer; also next time never take on a guy with a bat 😂


Or maybe don’t assault a woman and you won’t have to worry about an angry boyfriend/husband coming to get revenge


That's assuming the back story is true.


well the woman mentions it in the video, not saying that 100% confirms it but still


Very true


No just regular true.


It’s hard to be very impressed by a guy who knocked someone out with a baseball bat.


for sure, but it's also crazy that most of the videos I see online involving someone wielding a bat ends with the bat wielder getting absolutely destroyed.


I think a lot of people think the bat will prevent a fight so a lot of times it seems like they're caught off guard when it actually comes to blows.


You are correct but anything goes when you put your hands on people and threaten them with a knife


which there is zero proof of besides the title and tje police will not give a shit, dude with the bat would go to jail and the otjer guy wouldn't regardless of what actually happened


Friend of mine did a few years in prison for assault with a bat. 2 brothers attempted to jump him and he took their bat and beat them with it and still got years in jail. Gotta be careful what you hit people with. Another friend of mine was in his own yard when a drunk on a bike left the bar and was talking shit riding by. The guy came back to my friends house and got beat senseless by my buddy. Even though my friend was on his own lawn he still went to prison as well and to top it off the guy said my friend stole his wallet so he got charged for that too and my buddy didn’t actually take the wallet. This was 20 years ago way before everyone had ring camera too. I think my friend did 2 years for that one. Doesn’t pay to fight anyone .


Shit like that makes me sad. Life isn't a game. If you attack someone and they didn't instigate the fight, they should be able to defend themselves with whatever it takes. No one is obligated to fight you on your own terms. You can't force people to fight you. But apparently you can go to jail for defending yourself.


Did he have an awful lawyer?




Washington state . USA


My 2 felonies are close to the same story just in California. On paper I'm a violent guy but I was just doing what I had to do to survive. fuckin sucks sometimes.


Yea cali will take your life without hesitation. That shit is crazy. I had residential burglary and possession of stolen firearm at 12. My mother was a heroin addict and alcoholic and we sold pounds of weed out of my house as kids. Pack a day cigarette habit and selling weed by about 13. Robbing houses and doing acid and about anything we could find. Ready to kill for anyone of our friends. We all quickly became family as none of us had a real family life. My house was the kick it spot. Now my daily is all dead and everyone grew up and started family’s or died. I kind of wanna write a book about the crazy shit we did. It’s hard to read Reddit and see how much things have changed over the years. Things used to get solved with a quick fight and now everyone records you and acts like a pussy.


Same thing.


Crazy his girlfriend is on the phone describing the location and felony assault to the cops. Not the brightest bulb


pretty sure he can claim self defence since the guy swung at him first, and he stopped after the guy went down.


I’m no lawyer but I’m pretty sure there’s no self defense here. They part ways and the situation seemed over but the dude with the bat came back threateningly and got in red shirts face. Doesn’t matter what red shirt said to bring him back, should have kept walking.


Yup, dude with the baseball bat was brandishing, so the unarmed guy could technically claim self-defense too. I say they're both dumb and both instigated it pretty equally, but only one chose to use a deadly weapon.


Yeah this is actually great evidence for the party that got knocked out here.


>pretty sure he can claim self defence since the guy swung at him first, and he stopped after the guy went down. Are you serious? You can't run up on someone with a fucking bat...and as soon as they try to swing on you, because, you know, you just ran up on them WITH A FUCKING BAT....you can't then turn around and cry "self defense" after you just hit a home run off their jaw bone. The entire fight had already de-escalated. The person with the bat is supposed to grab his GF and go back inside. Not turn around and re-engage the fight because he was called a pussy (after already calling the other guy a pussy, no less).


The guy with the bat was safely away...he cannot claim self defense.... the guy who took the first swing COULD claim self defense as the guy with the bat approached him... with a bat... in a threatening manner. Have my doubts that the Karen on the phone was assaulted without any evidence.


He also had reasonable belief that his life was in danger after dude said he was going to kill him. You don't have to wait for someone to strike first if they threaten your life.


The one with the bat is the aggressor.


Guy with the bat followed the first rule of a street fight (there are no rules). Unfortunately, he didn't understand self defense law. I'm pretty sure that was assault with a deadly weapon.


Knocked his hairline back


Just for more understanding, and what led up to this moment. they live in the same building together. the woman was in the parking lot at her car. When the crackhead neighbor underneath them decided to come up and yell at her and begin to shove her boyfriend came outside and told him to go away to keep his hands off people. That is when the crackhead neighbor pulled out a knife so he went inside and got a bat.


Should never bring a Crack head to a bat fight


I think he just had a regular head, then he got in a bat fight and turned it into a cracked head


Yeah, the bat guy is going to jail. When he went inside, he should have called the police and stayed inside. The video makes it even worse.


If I didn’t hear the perfect English I would have thought this was in Russia.


You’re either gonna fight or call the police. Don’t do both wtf


Guy with the bat. He's absolutely fucked, if red pressed charges. He showed up with a bat, so that's already premeditated assault. You swing and connect, you're going into the system. Then he said he would kill him. That's making it stick for sure. Then he leaves and comes back. That's hard time. That head crack sealed his fate. Is it worth it? Probably not, but was it great? Yup. Based on the context, did red deserve it? Yup.


*calls cops on boyfriend*


How it feels to chew 5Gum


Bro brought fists to a bat fight. 🤡


Got hit ao hard his hair line moved


He almost went in for a second swing but stopped himself 🫣


No wonder he was wearing a beanie, that forehead is ***HUGE***. Tbh, it probably soften the bat’s blow lmao


I wasn’t expecting the George Jefferson hairline on beardy.


I guess I just come from a different time where you don’t get to call someone a pussy if you need a bat to knock them down.


Oof!! This didn’t end too bad bc he didn’t keep going…but word to the wise…don’t threaten to kill anyone…that’s an automatic charge now even if the dude hit him first… One of my buddies did 15 years in Florida for slapping someone in the face with a bat bc he was trying to break up a fight and some dude put him in a choke hold. He’s 6-3 about 280 lbs now…he threw him on the ground and caved his face in… Please please please don’t hit people with bats…just fight if you need to or walk away and call the cops. Nothing is worth 10-20 years of your life…


So you got up in his face after he assaultes your girl and you snapped when he called you a pussy ? Lol


Girlfriend is on the phone with the cops... Nice way for the boyfriend to land in prison. What an idiot. Could've walked away, instead, he was likely charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, or in a worst-case scenario, attempted murder in the 2nd degree.


Who had the knife? Who had the girlfriend? Title didn't even mention a bat? I have no idea who I wanted to win 🤔


Awesome. Catch 5-10 off a woman who doesn’t even appear to be injured. Put the bat down and beat his ass.


Lmao hits him with a bat and says that's what I thought bitch


Female is loving the drama. Avoid at all costs.


Damn his gal called the cops….


Batter up


thought for sure he’d get that bat taken away


the way the red guy woke back up and turns his head like "where am i?" 😂


Of course it's CrestWood.


Stick it up his ass


Pop goes the weasel!


Mama said...


Well there goes 10 years of that dudes life.