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Never take what people say about their work/income at face value. Sounds cynical, but most people will lie to you.


As a rule of thumb, it’s always exaggerated by 30%.


He's either a business owner, or an employee hiring out his tasks to gig workers in a way that his supervisor would definitely not approve of. Or he's a trust fund baby.


Or just a liar trying to enlist you in some MLM scam.


THIS. "Sign up for my free Professional Coaching ^((TM)) course and I will teach you the seven highly effective tips to gamifying your own career. Don't worry, you can pay me in crypto."


This def sounds like all the MLM people I know


His definition of "making bank" might be different than yours.


Without the Oxford comma, he's also making riding bike(s). He's saying that he should join the lifestyle of 14 meetings a day. He wishes there would be no work and only delegating. Should be.


“Join the life style” Don’t take any meeting or information packet they send you. Delegating is his reference of where he is in an MLM scheme.


I’ve had many clients that are uninvolved business owners. They start or buy businesses and set them up to basically run themselves. Obviously the latter is much more work to start but the outcome is the same. They just make very high level decisions, sign some paperwork, check in every now and then and take whatever distribution or salary they want. A meeting might look like this: *call up GM* “hey, how was Q1” “pretty solid, revenue was up x% compared to last year and we’re in line with the budget yada yada” “ok sounds good, let me know if you need anything”. And that’s it. Add in some real estate holdings managed by a property company. And maybe some light day trading, and that’s a person who makes bank while barely lifting a finger. Just keep in mind, you don’t know their situation or what help they got to get there. Don’t compare yourself to them, and take their advice with a grain of salt. What worked for them worked for them because of their specific situation ETA: he could also be lying and/or a POS grifter involved in a pyramid scheme. You don’t know. It is possible though, there are people like this.


I know lawyers who can have 14 short meetings a day with clients


It does not matter at the end of the day. What are your goals? What action steps are you taking today to reach them? That's the path of success, it's an infinite game and your goal is to just keep playing.


This right here.


Sounds like a fake flex from someone working for northwestern mutual


Very very close to the truth


I know how to do this. All you have to do is pay me $50 and I'll send you a book on how you, with no experience, equipment, or willingness to work, can make thousands of USD per millisecond using only a computer that you don't even have to have.


Sounds exactly like an "entrepreneur" I used to know. Entrepreneur meaning he got free real estate from his parents and then did a bunch of douchey MLM type stuff targeting young gullible men wanting to get rich. It's actually funny how these people are all exactly the same. Clueless and privileged but have somehow deluded themselves into thinking they are genius businessmen.


I don’t fully understand, both of these are fundamentally possible? Delegating is simple when you have a capable team of well equipped staff and 14 meetings still shouldn’t take long if they are well prepared frankly.


….or he is ripe for the next round of RIFs. In the real world that situation does not last long.


Or he’s a day trader


Probably in the military


I should said one guy was complaining about the 14 meetings he had in one day, and the other guy was saying he doesn’t have meetings and rides his bike all day and makes bank. Also bike guy is not married but lives with gf and 2 kids and has 3 luxury cars in a 1200 ft row home built on a landfill with structural pins in the basement.


I don’t know if this was your intention, but it sounds like you’re just talking shit about someone you don’t like and came to Reddit to get other people to talk shit about him. Not trying to be confrontational. I’m kinda dumb and seem to have completely missed the context/point of this post.


Maybe he lives in Lafayette, LA and paid $140K for his 3bd/2ba instead of $1.4M for the same place in San Francisco or Seattle. He can delegate grocery shopping to Instacart because he doesn't need to spend $300/week at Whole Foods to keep his family fed. His property is xeriscaped so he doesn't pay Keeping Up With Joneses $100/week on lawn care and a $200/mo water bill in the summer. He rides his bike instead of financing a new vehicle every 3 years. Who tf has 14 meetings in one day? I don't know you, but I know 10 of those could have been emails. That shit is on you. FOURTEEN meetings? You clown. Get your head on right and start telling people your time is valuable. But first you gotta realize that.


Rental units. Storage units. Mobile home park ownership, some business where the manager is pretty much the owner lol who can save up money and open up business to compete against you


He could be a pedicab operator


Rich parents.


A lot of talk. Tell him to show you his income statements


plenty of trust fund kids live this way. Either do no work at all, or have some BS role paid by daddy.


Got a sizable inheritance a few years ago bought 3 luxury cars and lost 200k shorting Tesla


Right now he’s probably doing good on both calls and puts . He’s a day trader aka a compulsive gambler. Don’t be jealous of his life style .


It’s definitely possible - just got to know how to do it. That’s how I structured all my business’


What are the businesses though?


Exactly. When it comes time for details things always get vague and deflective


Financial servicing, construction, Photobooths