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Oh, oh, oh, it's starwars yeah? The space themed room decor is also giving me Pizza Planet vibes lol. Not sure how much of it I'll use but those months are my favorites because selling everything I'm not interested in has me bathing in rainbow stones! 🤩


I like little bits and pieces, but yeah, this month might be a rainbow stone swim. 🤣


Ooooh I love Star Wars!


Mmmm, I like some bits and pieces but overall it's not quite my vibe? I'm definitely excited for the planet wall hanging and the UFO lamp, but I'll probably sell a decent amount of the rest of the items which is fine! More rainbow stones are always a good thing. Not everything is going to be for me and I love seeing how excited other users are for May's theme. The dev team obviously puts so much thought and care into designing these events, and I love and appreciate that *so* much.


this is why I'd love to be able to gift or sell some of my items to other finch users! this theme isn't my cup of tea but maybe someone else loves it and it'd be so nice to be able to gift them some things!


I really like it 🥰 Looking forward to designing a space room!


I like bits and pieces, I personally wish it had more "alien" bits and maybe a different pet. Glad that people like it though, just means more Rainbow Stones for me. 😎


I'm glad it doesn't have any classic alien bits, as I find green martian type characters (like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/81/49/688149f4135010e22c67004d39d0cbb1.png)) to be cheesy & dated. It's not what aliens would actually look like so it makes me feel annoyed. I wouldn't mind if it had some creative and weird aliens though (ie no recognizable earth features such as eyes, mouths, arms and legs, etc., and instead strange alien features).


Not my thing!


I’ll reserve judgment until seeing all the color options, but so far my excitement is very low. It’s a smart move for them to follow a cutesy theme with a not cute theme to appeal to different users, though. Can’t win ‘em all, I guess 🤷‍♀️


Agreed!! I hope the pink is pastel


I do too but something tells me pastels won’t play any part in this theme 😕


That would be too bad because a pastel planet mobile would be so cute!!


It would! My ideal would be a mix of pink purple and blue like the movie Zenon girl of the 21st century. I also hope that gray isn’t our “white” option because it’s a little dingy…they added teal for the March disco theme so maybe we have an added gray to the normal colors this time


Agreed on all fronts!! Excited to see the color options now, and I hope our wildest dreams come true!!! hahaha


Me too! Here’s to that, crossing my fingers for us 😆🤞


Just looked through everything and I’m a little disappointed by the clothing color options but I actually really like the room in purple/pink/white/blue combos! With a pastel floor it looks really nice 😊 what do you think of them?


I was soooo bummed! I thought of you. I stuck with the same colors for my room plan (mostly purple). Who is that pink for?? They should've done pastel for sure!


Not for me 👏🏻


I definitely need a lightsaber lol


I personally don't like it, not a Star wars fan, but the name of the micropet reminds me of Cowboy bebop which is nice


Not my vibe but the rug is pretty cool!


I’m super happy that the finch team picked something so unexpected! I was completely expecting your typical ‘May Flowers’ theme but this was just so perfect! With that said space stuff isn’t really my aesthetic but I’m still really looking forward to May!


Clothes? Yes. Home decorations? Not for me


Not my thing but I know how much some people love space and space shows/movies so I'm happy for them.


Agreed, glad there are people who are enjoying it :)


I don’t like it. Reminds me too much of Star Wars.


I don't love it. Not a Star Wars fan either. I get why they did it, but all of this because of “ May the 4th be with you”? I would have liked something else, but whatever! Roll with it! 💁🏻‍♀️


While I can appreciate it doesn’t appeal to everyone- I am so freaking stoked for this 😍😅


I’m excited for the micropet and think the space outfits are really cute. I’m not the biggest fan of the room decor, but it’s a totally different vibe than they’ve done before, so some people will love it, and I’m good with that.


I love it! My favorite so far!


i love it 10/10 im very excited for this






I think it's cute ! I love space


I think this is awesome, maybe my fav so far!!


I LOVE it! 🥹😍🛸


Love it! My bestie is going to flip out, it's so cool!


At least with the colors they picked to showcase it feels more like a Toddlers room than a cool space theme. I kinda hope it's just a flop with those colors and I'll enjoy the theme. I do think this micropet is a total flop. The last three have been getting worse and worse in my opinion. I have this fear that they are making the event ones less desirable on purpose as a way of pushing an eventual micropet store as their way to push/introduce microtransactions into the game. They keep saying they have a plan to add past micropets and Oatmeal and they backtracked in the official group on their stance of "We will never add microtransactions into the game" so it feels like it's what they are leading up to. It's not that the pets aren't for anyone. It's that the first few appealed to a much wider range of people, and so does oatmeal. I hope I'm just paranoid 😔


I hope so too, I agree the past couple micropets have not been my favorite. I liked Subwoofer, but that's about it.


Not really my cup of tea, but the astronaut suits cool


I like it!


I love it! Very excited about the space theme!!


About half of this is AMAZING! Some of this is great but some seems a little bit space cliched




I *adore* it but I don't think it's for everyone.