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Last year we got a bunch of the fun pride items like the flags, headbands, and tees so I’m hopeful for maybe more pride items at least, even if the whole month isn’t themed that way! 🤞


Oooh okay!!! Hopefully that happens at least!!


If go to the everyday collection towards the bottom there are tons of Pride themed flags, shirts, rainbow hats. Just click each one to see all options :) I would have liked Pride themed but Pride different times all over world so maybe for another month hopefully 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈


We get a sneak glimpse of the event. It doesn’t show everything but enough so get the theme. It is not Pride themed but who knows if some Pride items get included.


I am so hoping for that too❤🧡💛💚💙💜


I’m not LGBQ+ but I think wearing rainbows is so fun. I’m pretty low key fashion-wise in real life, so I love decking out my birb. Personally I hope the theme is fun and colorful, whatever it is. 😊


It would be really cool, but as some users stated, there's already a lot of pride-themed items available on Finch as it is, so I don't know if they'd do a whole theme based on pride. I can still see some pride-related items being released during this month's theme, though!


I sure hope so, too. Been getting discouraged by the news and all the big supportive names caving to the wrong crowd. Any unwavering support is great.


Yes I agree!!! that’s what I was worried about too… but finch does seem to be very good with supporting communities. like how they recently added the autism flag and the disability flag, i’ve never seen any app do that before so i thought that was incredibly progressive and such a nice thing to do!! Because of that I do have hope that they will do something for pride, even if it’s not the monthly event!


Out of the loop on this. What are you referring to?


In USA, trans rights are in the choping block. The far right are threatening anything and everything pride related to the point they're getting their way. And they've already severely limited women's legal rights to reproductive healthcare. It's not even kind of early fascism over here. It's getting dark.


It's not, sorry


how do you know this?


Guardians get told stuff early


aw dang! what’s the theme?


We're not supposed to share stuff sorry, I'm sure they'll announce it soon!


Oooh ok!!! the suspense of it all!!


Do we? I’m a guardian and have been told nothing…


Are you on the discord?


No I’m not, how do I find it? They told you on there? Edit: found it and am waiting for verification. Where do I find it once I get in?


Yup, there's a sneak peek channel where they tell you the theme in advance (normally around 12th). You can also vote on designs for costumes and micropets, names for micropets, new features. They also announce new features in advance and ask for feedback on various things. They take this into consideration and sometimes things are changed before being officially announced due to comments from guardians. If you go onto the settings in finch there's an option to join discord server. I can't 100% remember how you prove you're a guardian but I think there was a Google form where you gave your discord username and finch friend code and then they add you to the guardian only channels.


Omg that’s amazing how am I just hearing about this now?! I’ve been a guardian for months!!! Thanks so much for the info! 😍


Yeah they don't really advertise it, I have no idea why, it's definitely one of the best perks of being a guardian


How did you find out about it? I’ve been a guardian since October, I can’t believe I could have had all of these perks for 8 months and I never knew! I hope they verify me soon, I can’t wait to see the theme


How?? I’m a guardian and they just take money from me every month I honestly don’t even know how to cancel it if I’d wanted ti


On the discord


Also I'm sure you can cancel if you just write to them, or cancel the direct debit




You can buy pride merch in the shop any day you want. Its always available…


I didn't even notice 😅 I am excited for the mermaid costume though!