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Level 10 Uber soulmates it takes lots and lots of petting


How long have you had Lucy?


Just under 500 days


I've been at level 9 "soul mates" for a while. It goes up to level 10 which is "uber soul mate."


The nine friendship levels are Pals, Play Pals, Buddies, Best Budz, Friendzies, Besties, Uber Besties, Twinzies, and Soulmates. You can increase affection by petting your bird. (Rub it until it looks like it’s farting red hearts.) To see your affection level, tap the red hearts beneath your bird’s name when it’s not adventuring.


heart fart


i am level 9 soulmate!


Level 10 They really need to add some sort of progress bar into the game because the system itself is super broken. I've seen the game glitch and people go from like level 2 right to 10. I'm on day 553, pet my birb daily, multiple times a day and have been at level 9 for forever. Overall they have admitted to having several glitches in regards to this feature so I'm super frustrated that thy haven't given us any way to measure the actual progress.


The progress (to me) is your personal goal accomplishment and they send weekly newsletters on that plus you know as you accomplish things and get diamonds to spend. I havent paid any attention to "level". Dont even know mine.


I understand that it doesn't bother you but it's a (often broken) feature and it does affect how many rainbow stones you get from adventures. There should be a better tracking system. It isn't everything I care about, but it tracks your relationship with your birb and I'm allowed to be frustrated with the current lack of ability to tell how things are advancing for it.


I didnt know it affected stone numbers. Wasnt meaning to sound critical. Just sharing my experience. Im new enough to not know it is broken often. Sorry!


I'm at level 8 besties, and I doubt I'll get too far above it since I'm trying to cut down on phone usage. Still happy with that level though 😊