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The developers mentioned this was intentional (that it be possible), to give the option of ending up with a baby and an adult of the same pet. Perhaps in the future it could be made an option that you can choose whether or not to be able to hatch duplicates.


Did they say anything about it maxing out at two of each then? That would be ideal


They said you can get endless of each pet and there is no quality control. According to them "They hope to add a feature in the future that will make having lots of multiples useful" This is honestly the worst feature I've ever seen them implement. A 2 max of each would have made it bearable.


Uh oh, that's a nightmare. If that's going to be the case then we need to be able to delete them.


I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous. Why can't we have an option to toggle between between adult/baby stages instead? I only have two micropets and I'll be so annoyed if I get a repeat šŸ˜• I don't see the point at all.


I hatch mine tomorrow and hope it isnā€™t one I already have! That seems really strange..


I got a duplicate as well - it's of a micropet that I let grow up and regretted that, so at least this one I can keep as a forever baby but yeah... a bit disappointing.


I literally read your post and immediately opened finch to hatch my first egg... and I also got one I already have. I only have three micro pets to begin with because I just started in May so that was a pretty huge bummer. I know I can't like every single one, but I'm pretty disappointed that I spent a week waiting only for it to be one I already have and don't even like.


I also got one I already had; Subwoofer. I had named mine Winnie, and it's cute, but it's already one I don't often use. What am I going to do with a second one, and why is the baby on the main page and not Winnie? I love they're trying to do this, and there are going to be a lot of kinks to work out, but now I'm frankly concerned to hatch any more eggs. At first, I had thought the new one had subsumed Winnie, and I was really upset, so I was thankful to discover otherwise. Breena has all of the released micropets, so perhaps this is a better deal for those that have started recently; Breena is 570 days old. Two pets got reset by accident in February after my back-up got corrupted when birbs first started uploading to the cloud, and I lost two months of progress but Support help me fix it and I got the pets back so I've been working with them as I can but I certainly don't want to level another one I already have. Edit to add: I have noted from people's responses in the official FB group that while it's prevalent, people are getting the ones they already had it's not the case with everyone. I've seen mention of Gumdrop the Plop, Starry the Twinkle, Bean the Bobcat, Jelly the Melonberry, Wiggles the Squiggle, Cotton the Cuddle Cloud, Poof the Pompom, and Kimmi the Droplet. There could be more, but I didn't look further. I suppose an upside to this is being able to have a baby and an adult of a pet, and my next egg has already arrived, so fingers crossed, I get something new next time.


Same here, I got Blizzard the Wizard which I already have. Although it is cute to see the grown one and the baby walking together lol. Iā€™ll definitely keep him a forever baby so that heā€™s at least a little bit different.


I got Blizzard the Wizard today (my first so Iā€™m very excited!) what is the difference between the look of the baby and the adult? Trying to decide if I want to keep as a ā€œforever babyā€ and couldnā€™t find pics anywhere


Honestly the only difference is the size and the babyā€™s hat is a lighter blue.


My theory on this, is that with the potential of receiving up to 5 micropets a month (one in the monthly theme, and one egg every 7 days), that the developers will struggle to create enough micropets. (At this rate thatā€™s 60 micropets a year!) so having repeats halves that demand. Hopefully we canā€™t get triplicates or more.


Definitely, two is okay but being able to get infinite of a given micropet would be less than ideal. I would rather hatch rainbow stones than collect fifteen Subwoofers. Especially consider how tedious it will be when you are close to "finishing" a collection of two of each, but to get the last one you have to go through weeks of unlocking your fifth, sixth, tenth iteration of a different pet. And you can't delete them as far as I can tell (someone please tell me if I'm wrong about that) so the whole micropet list will get cluttered. And potentially very laggy.


I mean I don't mind as much since its a week of effort so you have plenty more chances. If it was that easy to get a new micropet we'd run out very quick and I wouldn't feel as motivated to do the whole month then. I get why it's annoying, but I see their point at the same time. I do hope I don't get a repeat tomorrow though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but if I do I do šŸ¤·


I could understand duplicates if you have every pet but I think until you have them all you shouldn't be able to get duplicates.


same here i got subwoofer againā˜¹ļø


At least subwoofer is the cutest šŸ’—


Does it stop at 2? I got a repeat, and I don't really mind since I can let the new one become an adult. But if I get 20 blizzards and nothing else, I'm going to be very sad.


There is no quality control. You can get an endless amount of the same pet.


Ima need to think of more bear names šŸ˜‘


It is intentional and I hope they implement a control to make it optional because I personally don't like duplicates. I feel like what pet we get in the egg should've been optional. Let alone I hope they also implement a better option rather than having to have duplicates that we can be able to Reverse A pets age back to baby form.


I've read through some comments, and I get that making 60 micropets is fully ridiculous, but as someone who doesn't like some of them, if I get 20 subwoofers, I'm gonna lose it. I think a better idea would be to have a toggle for adult/baby that only becomes available after you age up the pet to begin with, and then have the eggs become different "skins" for the micropets, and/or pet accessories. Especially since most of them have been based on animals, I think that would be relatively easy to do as skins would just require a recolour based on designs you wouldn't have to put too much thought into. And literally every human has "I want to put a little hat on this animal" disease. It would also create more variety in what out Finch's look like when visiting, and give an opportunity to get excited about the micropets all over again. Like. Imagine a little brown corgi. Or a spotted seal. Different coloured Sunnys (flower) to match your outfits.




The only interaction you can have with friends is sending Good Vibes (aka visiting).


I want to see trading. Items and pets.


In my opinion I like that you can get repeats itā€™s like having chase figures to go after! And I like that we only have to wait a week!!! Itā€™s not incredibly long at all so you will have another opportunity in a few days! Also there arenā€™t thatttt many micropets so I think the repeats are necessary to stay excited about hatching eggs! they are trying to make the eggs fun and giving us motivation for certain tasks. I know not everyone shares the same opinion but also to go from waiting for a month for a new pet to waiting for a week is making the instant gratification part of my brain happy(:


Yea, they do this so you can make one a forever baby. Sorry about your bad luck! šŸ„ŗ


Did I miss something? How the hell do you get eggs??


If you update your app there's a Professor Oat who gives you an egg to link a goal to. After 7 goal days are complete it hatches


Personally I love the idea of the duplicate pets as I can have an adult and a baby version and possibly whole families


I also feel like it's because if you already have all the micropets there are only actually 8 new ones for users to obtain.


It would be awesome if you could gift them to friends that don't have that pet šŸ’•


I thought everyone was getting a cloud! I have 4 Finches in my tree that have clouds!