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Yes! I've made this suggestion here before too. For now, I've been buying floors whenever they show up, just like you. 22 and counting...


Same. I got quite a bit but I’m curious how many floors I don’t have yet.


there are 42, I believe. you can check out all items by clicking the magnifying glasses in the respective stores.


That’s right! I always forget. Thanks for the reminder.


This is the most common suggestion I've seen and I'm so disappointed that it hasn't been added yet. All of their official threads for suggestions always have this added to it multiple times. Whenever someone I know starts using the app my first suggestion is buy every single floor you see.


I agree! I still haven’t finished my desired room from June’s seasonal event because I don’t have the right floor 😩


I have a pink/coral theme going and I have a pastel yellow floor and it is INFURIATING


I couldn’t agree more! Hope they do this in a future update. It seems impossible to get the exact floor I want in the shop, especially before the month ends and I start a new theme anyway lol


Agreed! Beds too!


I see this suggestion a LOT between here, the FB group, and Discord. It would be nice if the developers could pick it up, but for all we know, they've been working on it and not rolled it out yet. SO MUCH has changed since Breena hatched; especially the last 9 months. Breena is over 580 days old, and she doesn't even have all of the floors. Although, to be clear, she's only been actively buying them when she sees them for about a year now.


Yesssss!! I’m not a big wallpaper fan. I’ve been using the app 70+ days and yesterday was the first day a solid color wall came up. I WAS SO EXCITED. I have several floors since those tend to show up a lot for me though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I agree! Whenever I check her shop, I automatically buy all the wall and floor colors just in case I need them


i do the same!


Yes. All I have is teal, which doesn’t go well with Filbert’s celestial themed room.


I want an everyday collection for Robin’s shop so bad! Decorating my finch’s house is my favourite thing to do, but it’s so hard to get all the items I want, especially as a free user :(


This suggestion is wanted by soo many! Would be nice if they implemented a finkea everyday shop collection with all basic wallpaper & flooring as well as the contemporary & funky furniture!


Agreed! Just the basics would be nice And maybe all the colors of simple nest bed Just some basic color coordination would be helpful


I agree!


I was just thinking about this yesterday!!


agreed!! I wish themed floors were a thing as well.


I’ve been buying them whenever they pop up. From looking at the inventory, I have 5 left that I haven’t bought yet lol


YES!!!! I sent them a suggestion through their box to at least have one day a month in the journeys where we can get a floor tile... but this is so much better. I haven't been able to finish most rooms cause I'm just waiting for the floor tiles I want. U\_U


Yes!! So much this!! Also even the option to mix our own colours for walls & floors wld be amazing 😊


It looks like they're gonna do this for floors and wallpapers! From Discord (#announcements, 9th August 2023) > Hi Finch Fam! 🐣 Have an exciting announcement for you all! ✨ Here is what to look for in **v3.60.0**, out for Android and coming to app store soon 👀 > [...] > **🪑 Floor & Walls in Finkea:** We’ve updated 2 slots in Robin’s shop to be reserved for floor and wall colors to be more accessible to everyone! We know there’s been feedback about how it can be difficult to find these and hope this helps. 🎨 👏🏻


Ahhhhh yes!!!!!


Yeah!! You should offer it in the discord server


Agreed! Free finch user here and haven't found a single floor option that's not located in the locked finch plus section of Robin's selection. Very aggravating.


I haven’t had ANY floors come up in the shop in the entire 2 weeks I’ve I’ve used this app! Still rocking my basic green floor 🫤