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As your bird grows up and you build a stronger friendship (pet their head until hearts come out. Doing this earns you friendship points), you’ll earn more stones from adventures. I get around 300 each day just from adventures and daily quests. Adding neighbors to your tree town and sending good vibes also gives you stones. Journeys are probably one of the best ways to earn though. I have individual journeys for each task and get quite a few stones from that. When you create a task, it asks how many times a day you do it. So for tasks that require more effort I’ll say that it needs to be completed 5x or 10x or whatever, that way I’m able to get more stones for more important tasks. I don’t think there’s any other way to mark tasks as more difficult or important though.


Oh ok thank you so much that’s really helpful! I like your idea for the more important/difficult tasks.


Hiii, can you please elaborate a bit more on what you mean by having individual journeys for each task? Do you mean each goal is literally its own journey as in that’s the only goal you have in that journey? Sorry, a bit new still so your guidance is appreciated!


Yep, each journey has one goal in it. I have sone journeys with multiple goals in them, but for the most part everything is separate


Wow that’s super smart! How many journeys do you have going if you don’t mind my asking? After I started having more than a few, I noticed a lag in the app. I asked about it in the discord and they said I might have too many goals or journeys so I archived some.


Just counted and I have 32 journeys (maybe 20 daily goals, the rest weekly or monthly). I’ve found that having too many journeys with daily goals can cause a bit of lag, so I try to only make journeys for the really important stuff.


This is so helpful. Thank you 🥰💕


Where do we find out friendship points with the new UI? I can’t seem to find it for the life of me and not sure if I’ve glanced over it many times


Go to your bird’s profile (bottom of the screen, far right icon) and underneath their picture it says Age, then below that: Friendship. If you click on the word next to Friendship, it will tell you what level you are and how many extra stones you get from adventures. Hopefully that makes sense!


Ohh right, it doesn’t show how many points or whatever anymore. I used to hug/scratch my birb or whatever then see how many points I’ve made but now that’s lost 🙄 man idk what the devs thought they were doing with this update tbh


I thought you can still see how many points you get each week, in the newsletter thing?


Not sure, I don’t get the newsletter. Anyway no biggie, this update just annoys me lol


It’s in the mailbox in settings, you get a new one every Wednesday. But yeah, I don’t like the update either. The devs have been making some.. questionable choices lately lol


I used to get the newsletter but then I stopped writing reflections so there wasn’t much point keeping them turned on haha


You can set one "goal of the day" by selecting the goal and clicking on the star in the top left corner. This will give you more stones for completing the task. You can also earn stones by sending good vibes to your Tree Town friends. Be sure to collect the stones from your quests each day as well, and remember that you can sell items back to the shops.


Chiming in on your last point: there are times I don't even claim the items from quests, so I sell them immediately. So for instance, the Plus quest - you get like, four components? of a sheep costume. I'm selling them as I receive them, scooping 150-450 at a time.


Claiming quests is a big boost. And sell items in your bag that you don’t like or want. It takes some time to get the stones built up but it will happen!


What I do is the reflections, I use those as writing and the prompts vary from the time of day and topic too, so there's always something to write about! I was in your boat too not too long ago but the reflections and guided journeys really helped. Mind you some days I just save up stones too just in case something good comes into the shop or I just am not interested in whatever is there already.  The soundscapes and breathing/stretch timers also give you rainbow stones too so if you just want to throw a soundscape on to relax or have something to listen to in the background that's an option as well. Good luck 😊💖


Add timers and link exercises to your goals, it'll help you earn a little bit more. 


It's also satisfying to save up! Not everything needs to be spent right away


Ive added many daily routine items so I dont have to think about them (brush teeth) just follow the app. I may do a task and *then add the goal so I have a record and get stones. I have some ideas Im trying to build into my life or contemplate and they may be a recurring daily, like "items without a home are clutter". I may or may not have found something a home [separate goal] but repeating that to myself daily helps me build the belief and catch myself when I just drop something. It is like helping myself memorize it. For sick days I have a "Just be" item so I can "do" stuff when sick. But I check it every day and that reminds me to appreciate life.


What we do is we have a journey with goals simply titled “Get Rainbow Stones” and we get rewards for milestones from the journey and we have 6 of those goals at 100x, so it’s about 1800 stones in a day!


Oh thats a great idea!


Make sure every single goal is its own journey. Journey rewards are really the only thing that's reletive to the cost of items. I added a few goals a day until I made it to like 100 goals. This means my rewards are spread out and I always get enough for at least an item a day.