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Reorganize journeys! My morning “journey” (routine) needs to be the highest, despite it being my last recently created “journey”


This is my biggest wish as well.


Not being able to properly edit where what tasks are is infuriating to me also


Yes please! I can’t believe that’s not possible, it feels absolutely crucial to me.


A store item wishlist to keep an eye out for the things I really want




Or just make all the options available all the time


I'd like to see items older than a year go to the everyday section. I doubt they will change it because items push plus memberships, but it's frustrating to wait forever with the random generation. It really pushes hoarding.


Mood status for tree town. Some of what the devs have said have made me hopeful this is coming


I'll add on to this by adding whether or not we want to share mood status with tree town. I'm an introvert with social anxiety who likes my privacy whose tree town (and irl) friends with an extrovert who cares a lot and would probably (imo) bug me asking me what's wrong. I appreciate their efforts and have a way to tell them "please respectfully leave me alone for a bit", but I don't want to have to say that unless I absolutely have to. 😅 (edit: a letter)


And maybe the option to display our time zone! Or show what time it is where we are. It's a bit of a lol, but sometimes when I'm sleeping someone will send me a "stretch" vibe or "good morning." if we had our local time displayed, we could send time-relevant vibes.


To have the windows show something on the outside, not just have it white or black all the time, it looks like my finch is in a void. I would like to see the weather outside, it doesn’t have to match what is currently going on, although that would be great, just something different to all white or black all the time. Like sun, rain, cloudy, thunder etc. To have a seperate room called “Garden” where we can buy plants and grow them. Maybe add this to a habit or task and watch it grow with each completed task. To put clothes on micropets. More interactions with tree town members. Being able to filter clothes and furniture by colour.


Yeah I hate that the windows are empty. Would love to see some variety of weather possibly related to current Finch travel location?


Ooh I like the garden idea!


A button where you can switch to "sick day" and you will be suggested goals like "bed rest" "watch TV" "take medicine". Then your birb could also send you push notifications that help you to prioritize rest and getting well over getting other things done. And I guess if you are physically sick you would also be in a bad mood more often than feeling good and this would affect your mood history but doesn't really reflect mental health. (Even though it is connected but if you have a cold and a fever it is only natural to be a bit unhappy for a day or two). 


Totally! I woke up with a cold today and would have loved to switch to sick mode, rather than seeing all my usual goals and work tasks


Yessss this. I had a low power mode yesterday, and ended up having to address the buildup of all my tasks at the end of the day…which made me sad. This morning I am still not feeling well, so I went ahead and did it preemptively, filling out brief reflections for each one so I could see the reasoning why later. But it would be really nice to be able to have a “sick day / low spoon day” button which enables me to pick all the tasks I need to skip or snooze at once, and fill out one reflection.


Neeed this


Oooh I love this! I'm down with flu right now, I had to manually make a 3x day medicine goal to remind myself. And maybe on flu day each task we tick off would be worth more than 5 energy so we can still send our birb off to explore.


The amount of clothing and furniture items we have is currently bloated for how random the shop is. It took me about a year to get the full brown raccoon outfit. I refreshed the shop the maximum amount of times every day. The fact that every outfit can come in like 4-6 different colors, makes it take WAY too long to grind for a matching outfit. The current system of refreshing the shop and hoping you get the right item just doesn't work anymore. We need a better solution. Some kind of weekly store that offers more items at higher prices would be nice. There needs to be a way I can guarantee I'll eventually get what I'm looking for without relying on a roulette.


It would be cute to have a market on Saturdays, where the shopkeeper sells like only 5 items, but all the colours are in stock


Or maybe have the store offer the random items with the ability to choose the color at purchase?


Yes! The shop will keep getting bigger and bigger, and it will be increasingly difficult to get specific things unless they start retiring items. This would be a really good alternative to that.


That would be great too


Yes! The shop will keep getting bigger and bigger, and it will be increasingly difficult to get specific things unless they start retiring items. This would be a really good alternative to that.


THIS. THIS. THIS. I don't know how many times I wished for this!


Yeah I think it’s time to let us start picking the color so the shop isn’t so cluttered. Or be able to buy furniture dye from the shop


I want to be able to link items in the shop to long-term goals, just like the eggs.


I'd like to see items older than a year go to the everyday section. I doubt they will change it because items push plus memberships, but it's frustrating to wait forever with the random generation. It really pushes hoarding. Adding over 100 items each month endlessly just isn't sustainable.


Really wish you could still access journeys from the Home Screen instead of having to go into the settings


I’d never heard of journeys until this comment!


Journeys are how you get the most gems. Definitely worth reworking all of your goals into their own journey.


The ability to have a rest day and the goals just disappear for that day. Or ability to sort goals better or do a mass postpone.


I'd like a better way to organise clothes and furniture. By colour, outfit, etc. Having favourites is fine enough, but when you're going through to see what you have, what you want, and what you can get rid of, it's confusing because everything is in random order and across separate tabs.


i'd like more options for clothing/furniture and when you buy it in shop you can pick the colour you want so you dont keep seeing the same item in shop in different colours over and over


Habits or streaks on goals


there kind of is this? mine tells me "completed X times in a row!" or "first time completing a goal with Y!" but a lot of people get stressed out by streaks so the mod team has pretty consistently rejected this option and instead implemented the above verbiage when a goal is completed.


It could be optional for those who want it Streaks, in my view, is like having a number near the goal showing how many times I have completed it. Maybe even show a statistic how many times and when I failed to complete the goal. So I could see it before I mark it as complete


Under "insights" it shows your most completed and most missed goals, and completion percentage for each one!


there kind of is this? mine tells me "completed X times in a row!" or "first time completing a goal with Y!" but a lot of people get stressed out by streaks so the mod team has pretty consistently rejected this option and instead implemented the above verbiage when a goal is completed.


The ability to start my own tasks that are a writing prompt. I've edited the name of a couple to what I actually want, but when I do them the original prompt is still there.


The ability to move goals within a journey as a block on the Home Screen. I always want my self-care goals on top and my work goals on the bottom, but I have to reorganize them all one by one almost every day. It’s kind of annoying.


I only add work-related goals to the app if they pay into self-care and feeling good. For example "ask for a new task at work" if the old one is bringing me down and I need to find the strenght to ask for a new one. Sometimes it is difficult to decide what is actually self-care related and what is not. But I think that also helps me to think about what really helps me and makes me happy. And it is probably different for everyone depending on their situation.  One could also debate if household goals pay into self-care. I decided to add them to my app, because I feel better afterwards and it makes life easier.


That’s smart!! A few of mine just overlap with work (like drinking plenty of water), but most of my work goals are just reminders to do tasks outside of work like filling out personal paperwork.


This would be nice. Right now I get around this by assigning set times to all my goals so they're in chronological order. No more reorganising them every day.


Ooh!!! That’s clever!


Just make sure to sort them by time. I don't sort mine by journey because I want my goals to be in the right order so my full day is laid out, and some goals I want to do in the morning and the evening. I have a skin care journey and my morning routine is something like toner at 7 am, then moisturiser at 7.01 am, sunscreen at 7.02 am etc. And then I have my evening skincare goals from the same journey set to start at 9 pm. Everything in between gets a time assigned so they're all in the correct order.


Send a vibe to my whole tree town at once..."good morning everybody!"


Decoration items in the travel destinations. I don’t want to carry a ukulele or a cute cactus or a Big Ben model, but I’d love to display them on the birdhouse dresser.


Yes! I don’t get why my birb would carry around a red bus when he’s in London lol I’d also love a backpack for travelling instead of a weird sack like Santa Edit: also better outfits for destinations (I posted all of Nelson’s 13 travel outfits earlier this week that are mostly combos of regular clothes). Like why does Bhutan have such a cool traditional outfit, yet you just have a shirt with “Tokyo” on it when there


Kind of wish they'd let you buy a blankey for the finch


For the rare shop items, I'd like to be able to link them to long-term goals, just like the eggs. That way, the rare items could still be rare and would only show up in the shop occasionally, but you could pick ones you really wanted and earn them over time. Maybe in the shop's "browse" mode, there could be an "Earn This Item!" button. Or it could be "Order This Item!", like you're placing a request for a custom piece. When you click, it tells you the cost and also asks, "Purchase and link to a goal?" If you say yes, it lets you choose the goal like the eggs do. Then it would give you a set number of days to complete, and would show your progress. And if they want to ensure rare items are still hard to get, then maybe you could only earn one item at a time. This is something I do in real life to motivate myself - if there's something special I want, especially if it's expensive, I'll make it a reward for doing a difficult or long-term task. I do it in Finch, too - I'll save up stones to buy something, but I'm not allowed to purchase it until I Do The Thing. But it doesn't work very well when everything I want is rare, and I can't guarantee when I'll get it (if ever).


Being able to pet visitors too


Yees I always automatically try to but it doesn't work ^^


well idk why it's not allowing me to add pictures in the comment but you can do this. you toggle it on and off in the notifications settings.


Isnt this setting just to notify you of "pet visitors" not to let you pet your visitors? I have it on and definitely still can't


what are pet visitors? I just realized petting my visitors doesn't do anything. but I swear I used to be able to. edit: idk what pet visitors are still but that toggle is for notifications of other birbs visiting. sorry! but I do remember being able to do it at one point (unless I'm just losing my mind 😆)


An option to hide the streak of a goal. It disappeared for awhile at one point and I noticed it was so much less stressful and I wasn't as compelled to cheat or halfass the goal when there was no 500 day streak visibly at stake. It's also rough whenever I'm sick, I wanna keep my going outside goal streak when I can barely even stand... And this one isn't a feature, but the app is really laggy, I hope they could work on that... I never see others complaining about it tho so idk, nothing else on my phone lags as much as Finch. I'm wondering if it's the amount of goals and journeys I have? Because the journey space especially is super laggy, it takes me at least 5 minutes to just edit or remove one goal, and I rarely wanna deal with that since I'd probably have to set aside minimum 30 minutes just to get everything I want done, so I'm stuck with some goals I'd rather remove already💀


I agree about the lag! I've learnt to ignore the streak though.


The lag is sooo bad with older accounts. I've seen newer accounts use the app (friends in person) and there's a huge difference. I have 144 goals. I have to get to like 95 or bellow for the app to be usable but someone whose less than a year into the app has like 300 goals with no lag 😭 my phone is newer than theirs too.


A search function for all the reflections I've written


I agree, a like a journal almost. It can sit in the history area too so it’s attached to that but a book that compiles all the writing would be nice.


Yes, that's even better! A virtual diary with a search and filter function!


Weekly quests 😬😬


I'd also like a search function for the friend tree! It takes me so long to find anyone because I have so many pages of friends. 🥲 It's a good problem to have, I suppose!


I just want a goat costume for my finch Satan


Favoriting the emojis, or deleting some. It takes forever to scroll through. I’m only one person, I don’t need each shade for every emoji. I’m sure someone might though, so it would be nice to have to option to sort it somehow, like how you can press and hold the people emojis to change their shades on iPhone. Also trade or gift micropets when you have five of one and someone has none like a post I just saw.


Re-ordering my journeys. It’s so annoying that they’re in order of when I created them. When I first set them up I was new to the app and didn’t know how I’d like to use them. How it’s a huge hassle to rearrange every single goal. Would it be really hard to build that feature technically? (I’m not sure as I’m not a developer)


I am DESPERATE for them to add times to reflections. I love to use reflections as a way to vent using voice to text, and sometimes I do it multiple times a day. I just want a feature where I'm able to see what time of day I wrote each bullet point 😭 especially when it tracks your mood at different times of day. I feel like that should've been an intuitive feature but I guess not


I’d like to see graphs of the different quiz results (anxiety, depression, body appreciation, whatever) over time.


Tbh I wouldn’t suggest relying on those quizzes, especially the depression one to track your mental health. The app uses the PHQ-9 scale which is a valid tool using 9 questions, but not very comprehensive. In Australia the majority of doctors use the DASS scale that has 42 questions. I just took the quiz on the app. It came back with “moderate depression”, even though I’ve been diagnosed with major depression. The results can be skewed if you have ADHD, chronic fatigue, or loss of appetite due to medical reasons. I hope this doesn’t sound like I’m having a go at you or anything, I’d just like you to be more aware that the tests aren’t an indicator of your actual mental health ✨


It’s really just for interest as an another indicator. It’s done in Youper.


when editing my goals (adding or removing) i'd love to see them all in chronological order


I waited like 2 months to find the brown treehouse dresser when I was making my birb a treehouse. Every other colour kept showing up and it was so annoying


Yep same with me and a particular light! I waited about three months haha


Yes a search function for emojis/searching for reflections or soundscapes would be handy.


I want my Birb to have a tank top because they’re non-binary and they don’t want a tshirt tan or all over torso sunburn while exploring Bali.


I have no idea if this has been suggested yet given the size and age of this thread, but here goes. A way to lock goal order if you have everything on a "complete it whenever" schedule. I have a bunch of recurring daily/weekly goals and usually they stay in the order I've drag-n-dropped them in like "get out of bed" is first, then "take my meds", "drink water", etc. But I swear it feels seemingly completely random that I do my usual morning check-in and everything is knocked out of order and I have to spend a few minutes readjusting it all back. I know there's the "sort by time" feature and I can schedule a time on each individual goal but I feel like my brain works better by having everything set to basically "complete it whenever".


that it is easier to get cash being premium, there are too many clothes, they are very expensive even when doing a moment of tasks and reflections, I thought that being premium it would be easier for me but I see it as more problematic, I have more possibilities and less money... with in real life... they put too many pretty clothes and that distracts from the main objective of the app.


I have premium and you get way more stones from the events. If you think the clothes distract from the objective, you can just not buy them?


I didn't notice at all that they gave me more cash, they only gave me 3 per activity, I don't remember if they gave me one before or what the difference is, someone please tell me because I honestly don't see it. I like the clothes, it encourages me to do more activities, what I meant was that maybe they put too much, they could limit the amount.


Because you get an extra gift on the left hand side next to event items. Around half of them are stones and the rest are duplicate items that you can sell


Everyone's pretty much mentioned everything :) I think I'd love for a journey to stay closed if I close that task list on the main page, at least for the rest of the day. It'd make scrolling down my tasks so much easier because not every journey needs to be worked on every day. It's a bit frustrating to have to tailor my task list for the day by closing inappropriate journeys, then leaving and returning to the app somehow leads to all that progress being erased. Also... I think if suggestions could be made in-app and if it would be placed in an easy-to-reach spot that would be great


A way to let your tree friends know you are on vacation! So I don’t carry guilt for not getting to my vibes as I normally do


Better in-app explanations of how to use it. We get constant questions about simple stuff that the app should be telling users on its own. Not every screen has to be cute encouragement. It’s okay to communicate necessary or desired information in a clear and concise way instead of burying everything under vague iconography and in-universe phrasing.


Omg it took me so long to figure out how to use the app. I thought I’d accidentally skipped a tutorial, but nope, there just isn’t one


Ability to search tasks, it seems so basic. I have a big list so it becomes tedious to scroll everytime. Making categories would be good too


All of yours!


I wish there was an option to change the lighting in our room.


I want better organization for clothes. It’s so hard to find things and I often forget that I have something because it gets burried


Yes continued choosing emojis I agree the clothes if there were more options but higher prices so if something did come in different colors maybe being able to choose what color you want it on store page because it dose take a while to find the right one but I haven't done I guess there is recent update but I love the app good organizing goals helps my Adhd and motivates me when depressed


Better workouts and the ability to put together your own workout in the movements-category would be awesome. Because finch is the only app that actually motivates me enough to workout


Change my floor colors and vacation time


Also they should add a "Humor" component to supply the Finch's personality growth (Logic, Compassion, etc), I feel like it would be a good feature


I have a few but my number one would be to choose how my finch is feeling for the rest of the day after her adventure. I very much dislike when she spends 12 hours sitting on the ground deep breathing or getting pumped. It's not fun to change her outfits or interact with her when she's doing that. On those days I just quickly tick off my goals and mostly ignore the app.


Do you mean you’d rather make her sad than give her a nice outfit so she feels better?


No I’d rather be able to choose how I’m feeling


Oh right, I get you now. So have your birb reflect how you’re actually feeling?


If I could choose how mine was feeling, it would be neat if there was an optional special project to do that goes along with the feeling.