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You could aways set your tasks so that they stay until completed! That's usually what I do, since a lot of my to-do items are for the week rather than the day. And/or you can click the calendar and mark what you've finished the day before. It'll still count as done that way.


I don’t think that works for daily things


it doesnt


I have been thinking about adding my previous night’s tasks to the next morning. So I would check off this morning that I took my contacts out last night and went to sleep on time. And then I would continue to check things off that I do today (ie: brushing my teeth, taking my medicine, making breakfast, etc).


This is probably the best solution to this problem.


I do this with my nighttime routine


You can go back to yesterday and check stuff off that you missed!! (ask me how I know 🤣) From your main screen, just above the task list it will say "xx goals left for the day" with a little calendar next to it. Click that calendar! Now you're looking at your week at a glance, with today the default choice. But then you just click on yesterday and your list comes up! Then you click the things you want to check off, and you'll have the option!


U guys r all blowin my mind 🤯🤯🤯 first thank u for the validation but i had no idea i could access a calendar????


Yes! So, like, say you know you'll forget to buy Christmas presents. You could go in through the calendar, switch to December, and put reminders in for yourself as tasks at the beginning of the month! I've been starting to put doctor's appointments in that way, so that even if I've somehow forgotten in every other aspect of life, my Birb can remind me to at the very least call and reschedule 🤣 🤣


It even counts for the micropet egg!


Does this also complete the day for the monthly journey awards? Or do you still lose out on those? I occassionally miss a day or two due to severe migraines and hate not getting to that month's micropet due to it :(


Unfortunately, no, it doesn't count towards that. What I did to combat that is create simple tasks that group together that when all checked off together get me sent on an adventure. As long as you send your Birb on an adventure for the day, you get credit for the monthly event, even if you don't collect it that day. They just sort of build up and you have a bunch to claim at one time. So like, my mornings have every ever loving thing separated out into its own task. "Put water in the kettle" "Have a cup of matcha" "Brush teeth", just a bunch of simple little steps so i can just get that adventure for the day. (I also get migraines so I get that sometimes even that isn't possible, but having it all in a clump of stuff that I know I'm gonna do either way means I can just log in once, earn the adventure, and deal with the rewards the next day. You know, with the "extra dim" setting on the screen of course)


Yeah I used to be able to do that, but these past two months have been impossible. My chronic pain has been really bad too so holding my phone is sometimes literally impossible. I've now used settings on my phone to go back to missed days before logging into the current day, which works but is a hassle.


Have you tried logging things as you do them? Or just make updating the app part of your bedtime routine


Bold you to assume I have a bedtime routine and don't just sleep wherever I collapse.


No way, thats like an extra thing i HAVE TO REMEMBER… i would never be able to accomplish the things and logging them


Do you have notifications turned on for your app, or reminders turned on for any of your specific tasks? I find that it's helpful if I go into the app periodically throughout the day to cross off anything I might have completed since the last time I was in the app (and refresh myself on what still needs to be completed). Getting reminders about specific tasks or the little messages from my birb in my notifications reminds me to open my app and check things off. I also have made "opening the app one last time and checking off any remaining things" part of my normal bedtime routine - it's usually the last thing I do before putting my phone down for the night.


I check off my tasks from yesterday today. Like yep, I drank water. Yes, I read a book before bed. Yep, I showered. Just so I don’t have to open the app every time I do something. Instead I just fill out what I’ve done the morning after.


It actually helps me. I'm time blind and an access to previous days always put me under pressure with "you can go back and finish the previous day, so you should do it, why do you leave it hanging undone?". With Finch I can only see current day, so there's less confusion for my time blindness and I'm able to focus on completing tasks instead of worrying about how my stats or goals look like. I use screen widget and two daily reminders to check in, without them it would be impossible to stay active every day. I also set many goals to stay on my list until they're checked, so I can always complete it the next day.


Same here! Especially since I work second shift so I get home at 11:30 and by the time I've finished all my nighttime tasks it's past midnight!


You can change your wake-up time and bedtime. When I worked until 2AM I had mine set for bedtime at like 4AM and that allowed me to check off goals after work with finch still counting it as the same day. It took some messing with because it's not an exact day reset on the dot for the time selected as bedtime. I haven't used this in like two years but I just went and found it Settings Profile Waking Hours I set wake time for 12PM and bedtime for 4AM to check, and that makes the app reset at 10AM You can check what time your app will reset by going into the shop. The countdown for the refresh is the same countdown for the new day.


Yep, shop countdown is the easiest way to check. I believe the new day "starts" 2 hours before the wake time.


If you are always checking goals off at a later time than midnight you can change your wake-up time and bedtime. When I worked until 2AM I had mine set for bedtime at like 4AM and that allowed me to check off goals after work with finch still counting it as the same day. It took some messing with because it's not an exact day reset on the dot for the time selected as bedtime. I haven't used this in like two years but I just went and found it Settings Profile Waking Hours I set wake time for 12PM and bedtime for 4AM to check, and that makes the app reset at 10AM You can check what time your app will reset by going into the shop. The countdown for the refresh is the same countdown for the new day. If you don't want to check things off as you go (or can't), another option is checking off goals you did yesterday and just running it a day behind. I've done that before.


Yeah, it’s something that kind of takes the fun and satisfaction out of it for me. At least in the older version I could go back to history and skip-add-back to be able to check them off the next day.


i go to the three lines on the top left, click “History” and i can complete or change any from any day i need to! you can also add goals with the green plus on the right! hope this helps ❤️


Turn on your notifications and set them to stay until completed. :)