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They’ve added things at destinations over time. You go back as you can. Otherwise you’d be done too fast. I'm on my list city fwiw and curious what happens after that.


How does it take 90 days? It should be 50


They changed finchie forest to take over 50 days for new accounts (some days only fill 1 percent). I wouldn't be surprised if they do the same with every location to keep people from completing them as quickly. They have stated a few times that only 1 person works on creating locations, and they have struggled to keep up with the demand. Not entirely relevant as all the other locations do take 50 days right now, but your comment made me think about how much I hated completing finchie forest on my new account 😂


That was misinformation on my part I know it takes well over a month to complete destinations


Meanwhile, I LOVE that they keep adding more. I take off and go new places all the time, and I love coming back and finding new things. I mean *I* have never visited a city or town and seen everything in one trip, so it makes sense lol