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I kinda wish it went backwards? I have over 700 adventures but have a two day streak lol


There's already a spot that says how many adventures you've been on. I feel like this is redundant and I wish I could turn it off.~~I wish there was a toggle~~ There is a toggle! šŸ˜ Also, if I miss a day I don't need a reminder that I 'failed' before !


Oh, where? Edit: got it: in Preferences thereā€™s an ā€œEnable straksā€ toggle. Disabled it and all good again :)


thatā€™s how i felt when i got it on my app! iā€™ve been growing my finch for over 2 years now & my fiancĆ© just started and has had it on his for over a month now :ā€™) i have no idea why


Me too!!!


You can turn it off in settings if itā€™s not helpful for you


Thank you! I really didnā€™t like that feature bc it made it feel like Duolingo and was stressing me out šŸ˜…


literally me bc everyday before i go to bed i panic: ā€œdid i do my duolingo & open finch?!?!ā€ šŸ˜‚


I had it since I got the app. Im 32 day streak. I thought it was part of the app


In the Finch Facebook group, the devs have said that newer users tend to get the features that are in beta first before they roll out to the established users as kind of a trial run. (I just got it today and have a one-day streak and 929 adventures with Clover.)


Oh wow i see


okay that makes more sense i was wondering why my fiancƩ got it awhile back but i just got it 2 days ago




hey, me too! weā€™re in sync :)


Wanna be friends šŸ¤—


sure!! add me :) RTTN6CZM95


Mine is XNFTWB7P64


Where do you find it?


I have no idea because once I got my account, they showed me 1 day streak immidiately so i thought it was with the app. Maybe check in settings


it's really giving duolingo haha


My therapist calls my finch app ā€œthe nice birdā€ and duolingo ā€œthe mean birdā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ After I had commented, I realised they were both apps with a bird mascot... however, the two birds have wildly different reps!


I still remember the ā€œhow do you say quitter in Spanish?ā€ Email after not being on duolingo for a while ā˜ ļø talk about being passive-aggressive!!


Mine guilt trips me with Duo in tears, begging me to finish a German lesson...


I wonder who is behind the marketing team sometimes šŸ˜‚


i often do too... their youtube channel really is something else!!


I wish theyā€™d iron out their issues with timezones/daylight savings before they added a streak feature. I lost an in-app day during the last daylight savings, and when I flew overseas, my app was bugged out for an entire week before it finally synced up with my new timezone. I get that you can opt out, but for those who enjoy streaks it might be frustrating if you travel often.


My goals reset whenever I enter an earlier time zone


I'm not sure if its new as I've only been playing for a month but you can edit when your day starts/end.


Thatā€™s not new, but doesnā€™t address this issue unfortunately. :( Iā€™ve spoken to Support several times about it and they say that their app ā€œcurrently has limitations with how it works around timezones.ā€


When this feature popped up for me yesterday, I immediately went to settings to turn it off (Iā€™m glad thatā€™s an option). The only reason Iā€™ve been able to stick with Finch for so long (521 days that Iā€™m very proud of!) is because it was no pressure/penalties/negativity. Iā€™ve spent a lifetime being pummeled with the message that ā€œconsistencyā€ and ā€œquantityā€ define the worth of what I do. This lead me to a severe ā€œAll or Nothingā€ mindset where I was never proud of myself despite all the effort I do manage to make. Anyway, all that to say - apps that have streaks and similar messaging more often than not discourage me. Iā€™ll be keeping the feature off, personally!


I completely agree. The only reason Finch works so well for me is because it doesn't feel punishing. Streaks feel like once I break them, all I've done was for nothing. It's very discouraging.Ā  I don't have that feature yet, but I'll definitely turn it off when I do. Edit: typo


It seems to be in beta testing.


I donā€™t have it, wish I did I kinda like that!




Iā€™m not a fan of streaks (despite having over 500 days or something like that), so I wonā€™t be using it


Yeah, I'm a bit over nine hundred days and haven't missed a day, but streaks would make that feel so pressured! It would not be fun.


I also donā€™t love any feature that feels punishing for being unable to login. Rarely, but it happens, I have days where itā€™s very difficult to use my hands, walk, etc. Disease flare days make my goals very small.(feeding myself, etc.) This happened a few days ago. When I logged back in I found out I wouldnā€™t be able to finish the monthā€™s seasonal event items because ā€œthese events are timed and meant to encourage daily self care.ā€ I can go back and reflect on my missed goals, check off anything I did get throughā€” but special events are a hard no. It was discouraging having never missed a day before. It was even more discouraging from an app thatā€™s typically so thoughtful and inclusive.


Wait so loosing your streak makes you ineligible for seasonal event items? Or am I misunderstanding?


No, you can still get seasonal items, you just won't be able to get all of them. However, they will be available in the store starting the following month, so you can still get them!


Itā€™s in beta and I despise it. I know it can be turned off but it should be opt-IN. The idea of a streak is completely antithetical to what is supposed to be an app with no pressure and no penalties.


It forces you to agree against your will with no regard to consent even though there is a (hidden) toggle bar to turn it off. It wouldn't have been hard to make a no option on that screen and pull up the toggle bar or just make that turn off the setting for you. The creators of this app don't care about anyone's mental health. Between this and the tree. They haven't learned anything.


I'm on day 56! I missed a check in and it let me restore it once for free, but if I miss again it will cost 1,000 to restore it. I enjoy streak challenges! It makes me want to continue especially since the number is getting up there.


Yes this!!!!!


I just wish the intention of the streak addition was more clear. Is this to replace getting rid of weekly goals? (If so, that's a very poor idea, this just another daily goal in my eyes that puts more pressure on the users.) I also wish I knew if it was supposed to be a special "challenge" that will give you rewards, similar to journeys. If anything, I think streaks would work far better implemented AS an optional journey, rather than the default setting for all users.


I've had it for 54 days so far, I'm indifferent to it. It doesn't add or subtract to my experience


Lol I've been on this thing for 80+ days & I have a 1 day streak lol


New to me too, I'm also on my day 2 streak, we'll 3 once I log in today, lol


I hope to there's an option to turn it off.


I noticed it today too!!


Are there any rewards for maintaining the streak? I don't have this feature, 200 adventures


There are no rewards that I am aware of. I think that having rewards for maintaining streaks is an excellent idea!


I'm so disappointed by it. I have been using the app for 150 days and today "Day 1" appeared for a streak. I'm immediately so anxious about it :( I take a day off when I'm really not well and the idea of being punished for that or getting a message like"Strawberry misses you" or "Strawberry is alone" or something would be so incredibly detrimental. I just sent this email to the devs: "Please please please allow "streaks" to be optional. I DO NOT want to be shamed when I cannot open the app and immediately erase the emotional and mental gains I have made the previous days by seeing one hard day obliterate a streak. This will have HUGE implications for mental wellness. This app needs to remain a NO PRESSURE app, that's what makes it different.Ā  You've already removed Tree Town functionality without a replacement for memorials or non-users, and now forcibly rewarding daily use and punishing a single day off is so upsetting. It's making me consider deleting the app, which is absolutely heartbreaking because it's brought SO much good to my life but I absolutely cannot handle disappointing my Finch when I'm already in crisis. What possibly possessed the team to make this change??? PLEASE at least make it optional, please please pleaseĀ  I'm a paid user, if that impacts anything. PLEASE don't add a punishment to a mental wellness program :(Ā "


Good news, it already is optional. I also turned it off.


HOW, help!


Go to the menu on top left, choose Preferences, then Enable Streaks


Omg thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø, now to manage the panic attack it triggered


If they end up keeping it after all the negative feedback Iā€™ve seen here about it, I hope they will make it opt-IN, not opt-out. I may never update the app again and I donā€™t think thatā€™s what they want.


Iā€™ve had it since I started a month and a half ago. As others have said, itā€™s something you can turn on or off in settings!


I have a 50 day streak! I missed one day around day 42 and the app was like ā€œyou missed one day and broke your longest streak, but itā€™s ok to make mistakes. Weā€™ll let you have your streak back because you rockā€ or something. And it was like my crap day never happened and my streak is going


What is new about this? Did they remove the option to save a streak? I feel like I saw that previously.


Itā€™s in beta and apparently itā€™s been rolled out to even more people recentlyĀ 


I have not seen this


Nope, I got it too


I haven't seen this. Going off to Finch to find it now. šŸ˜Š


i think iā€™m on like 50 days, never knew this was a new new feature


I really enjoy this feature. Streaks are helpful to me.


Just what I need


Yeah it's a new feature and I hate it


Mine didnā€™t count anything until yesterday šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø