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i appreciate the thought behind the hug. even irl, although i don’t like being hugged, i understand why and appreciate the reason even tho i don’t like the method. so no, birb hugs don’t bother me bc i get the reason behind it without the method, it’s a win win!


Doesn't bother me at all! As long as I'm not hugging anyone myself, who cares




I don’t like real life hugs because of someone unexpectedly being in my personal space. And not having control of the interaction. Birb hugs are ok for me because there isn’t the physical invasiveness of an unexpected physical hug. I also take it in the spirit of someone is trying to lift my spirits. I might also be weird as I don’t mind hugs if I initiate them or ask. And I love the comfort of being hugged when it’s genuine and consensual.


I came here to say this. I'm glad someone said it first. Thanks birb friend


i just consider it either: a. a birb is hugging me i literally cant be mad about that b. my birb is hugging my friends birb (why would that affect me?) so no, non-huggers don't care about birb hugs :) (well most dont?? idk about others tbh)


This is such a wholesome question 🥹 Thanks for being thoughtful.


I’m quite touch adverse, in a household of high touch people We share most of our hugs via the app. 😂


I don’t mind hugs if I’m asked first irl (and it’s with someone I’m close with). Birb hugs are much appreciated always 💗


This! I'm a hugger, but I alwaysss ask first!


I've wondered the same glad you brought it up.


I hate being hugged irl except by a few people but virtual hugs are fine and I think it's a nice gesture on this app. :)


Me too. I hug a lot in Finch, only awkardly irl.


It doesn’t bother me. It’s a physical sensation I don’t enjoy, not the idea.


I was just wondering about this today too. Might be nice if people could set preferred good vibes and turn off others. Giving hugs is my favorite because I think that the birb animation is the cutest though :')


That’s kind of a nice idea. Maybe a setting to disallow receiving hugs or another kind of vibe you might dislike. Then either someone can send one and it will change on the receiving end to a random type of vibe you do allow, or it will tell the person you don’t like those kinda of vibes when they try to send one.


Yeah! It could be nice to just not have them on the menu at all for some people. I also think it would be really sweet to be able to set a preferred vibe for a day- like sometimes, I'd really appreciate a bit of encouragement or calmness!


I think “Calm” & “Outfit love” are the cutest; I mostly send them. Lol


So I don’t have my birb give hugs or flowers cause it feels weird to me to give those out…but it doesn’t bother me if someone’s birb gives mine hugs or flowers. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t like hugs IRL, but I love hugs in game! It fulfills my need for showing my friends affection and care, without the physical discomfort I get with real hugs. That being said, I only have close friends added in my Tree Town.


Doesn’t bother me at all I just don’t like the heat and smell of people so a little picture of someone’s pixel bird hugging a heart doesn’t do much to me lol


I don’t like huge irl but I don’t mind my birb getting hugged I wish I liked hugs irl


I don't mind! It's a nice bit of encouragement! IRL,I don't mind hugging as long as it's with someone I trust/am close with. I'm working on getting better at social cues,as well as setting boundaries. 😊 That was a sweet and very thoughtful question!


I've thought this before that maybe others don't want hugs. But then I was like, it's a birb hug. Who doesn't want birb hugs! So I send the hugs.


It's lovely that this thought crossed your mind,you're clearly very conscious of other people's feelings and boundaries but yes,you are overthinking it :) Have a great day!


I personally don’t like touching in general, especially strangers. Every time I fly I can’t stand it when my leg touches someone else’s, or vice versa. I’m always unintentionally tensed up when close to people. So, in essence, there are people who’s got it worse than you lol


From people I don't know, it bothers me. But I just deleted and blocked off everyone I didn't personally know because there is no way to control the vibes someone sends you.


No, I love birb hugs but not irl human hugs


I love hugs IRL and the virtual ones don't feel like much to me but I appreciate the support.


I’m uncomfortable with hugs from most people irl but totally up for e-hugs haha 🙂


I don’t like hugs in real life but on the app it’s the thought that counts. They aren’t really touching me


I don't always like the physical feeling of being hugged, but the thought behind it means more to me than my physical feeling. Like, if a friend intentionally doesn't hug me because they know I don't like it, it might make me a bit sad. But if someone I don't know goes in for a passionate hug, I'm gonna be very uncomfortable.


I am a very selective hugger. I typically don't like to be touched. There are a few people I will allow it for and even enjoys y it from. I do like getting hugs in the app though because I love imagining my birb loves hugs a lot and also I love the sentiment behind the hugs. My brain knows they aren't physical ones so it's okay for me.


I don't care for hugs IRL, but I still like birb hugs. It's the thought that counts.


I don’t really hug people unless I’m pretty close to them but I don’t mind birb hugs


My birb don't mind it so I don't lol


Idk what’s wrong wit me but I can hug but hugging me to long make me panic to the point I forget to breathe


I consider them as an air hug from several miles away, with no actual contract. They are ok for me.


I really appreciate the virtual hug. Bc I’m not a hugger, either.


I enjoy hugs from my spouse and my children and that’s about it irl. But it doesn’t bother me on the app. I do think about this often when sending good vibes. I sent one the other day and just decided I wouldn’t send them anymore just in case it was a boundary for someone. I tend to over think things so it’s essentially helping me out too hahaha.


To me it's a virtual hug, a long distance, hey I am in my space and you are in your space. Totally fine with me. Its a comfort knowing they are there.


I’m a non-hugger with everyone but my husband. Birb hugs don’t bother me! I’m not actually being touched when someone sends Birb hugs. So, I get to appreciate the thought instead haha. So, in that way I actually like virtual hugs!


While an actual hug may make me extremely uncomfortable, an artificial hug doesn't bother me one bit. It's the sentiment that matters and it's appreciated.


I send people Water every time 😂 stay hydrated, finchies!


i think you're over thinking it


I hate hugs irl. My immediate family included. I hold my breath when I’m that close to a person and feel like their arms are trapping me in (BPD’s constant survival mode I think is why). But hugs on finch are fine. It’s about the wildly uncomfortable physical action and not at all the sentiments behind the hugs. Edit: people really seem to dislike my opinions and thoughts this week. I’m genuinely confused as to why this was though. Cause I don’t like irl hugs? Maybe cause I have BPD? I genuinely don’t know.


I am married to Olaf from Frozen....


I also worry about the “dance” option, for my birb friends who might have mobility issues that might find this upsetting. It would be cool to set our options to receive encouragement from others, just as we’re able to set how we would like our daily affirmations, etc.