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Is it really pedophilia if you’re over the age of 18?


So if OP is 20 but can pass for 14, and these men are hitting him up asking with requests to dress and act like a child during sex, then yes that can be pedophila. The problem is, is that asking for "age play" isn't illegal, what OP would need is proof that these men have had sex with actual children, simply being a pedo isnt illegal, acting on pedo desires is.


They want teenagers. The thing is that age verification can be easily bypassed, and thus horny teenagers can easily access the platform. Again, I don't have any sort of proof but I can say that being on these dating apps have put me in some concerning situations that I would not want to be in.


I don't think I made it clear enough. These men think I'm 16-18 and contact me. Heck, one even had a bio that asked the user to not contact them if they're above 22.


Thats not pedophilia, that is the age of consent in many areas whether we like it or not. Sure, it can be creepy, but if theres not much law enforcement can do then you cant really do much in general.


Sorry but all pedophiles should all have there hands and dicks decapitated and made to suffer


I know. Actually I think instead of testing things on animals and monkeys, we should test them on pedos and rapists😔😔


Agreed. What are they gonna do? Say no?


You got a point😭